blob: b448535ba0cf3b50b614c842ee8fac48de918912 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#import "ios/chrome/browser/main/browser_list_factory.h"
#include <memory>
#include "components/keyed_service/ios/browser_state_dependency_manager.h"
#include "ios/chrome/browser/browser_state/browser_state_otr_helper.h"
#include "ios/chrome/browser/browser_state/chrome_browser_state.h"
#import "ios/chrome/browser/main/browser_list_impl.h"
#if !defined(__has_feature) || !__has_feature(objc_arc)
#error "This file requires ARC support."
// static
BrowserList* BrowserListFactory::GetForBrowserState(
ChromeBrowserState* browser_state) {
return static_cast<BrowserList*>(
GetInstance()->GetServiceForBrowserState(browser_state, true));
// static
BrowserListFactory* BrowserListFactory::GetInstance() {
static base::NoDestructor<BrowserListFactory> instance;
return instance.get();
: BrowserStateKeyedServiceFactory(
BrowserStateDependencyManager::GetInstance()) {}
std::unique_ptr<KeyedService> BrowserListFactory::BuildServiceInstanceFor(
web::BrowserState* context) const {
return std::make_unique<BrowserListImpl>();
web::BrowserState* BrowserListFactory::GetBrowserStateToUse(
web::BrowserState* context) const {
// Incognito browser states use same service as regular browser states.
return GetBrowserStateRedirectedInIncognito(context);
void BrowserListFactory::BrowserStateShutdown(web::BrowserState* context) {
ChromeBrowserState* browser_state =
// Because there's a single service instance of the BrowserList for both
// regular and OTR browser states, |BrowserStateShutdown| will be called when
// OTR browser states are destroyed. Since this happens each time the last
// incognito tab is closed, avoid a shutdown of the browser list when an OTR
// browser state shuts down. Removing this early return will cause all browser
// list observers to stop working the first time the last incognito tab is
// closed.
if (browser_state->IsOffTheRecord()) {