blob: fc997d1774d777efe7905998cfd4c23976f238f4 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#include "base/compiler_specific.h"
#include "base/time/time.h"
#include "third_party/metrics_proto/user_demographics.pb.h"
namespace syncher {
// Constant for timeout while waiting for asynchronous sync and UKM operations.
const NSTimeInterval kSyncUKMOperationsTimeout = 10.0;
} // namespace syncher
// MetricsAppInterface contains the app-side implementation for helpers. These
// helpers are compiled into the app binary and can be called from either app or
// test code.
@interface MetricsAppInterface : NSObject
// Enable/Disable the metrics in the app for test.
// |overrideMetricsAndCrashReportingForTesting| must be called before setting
// the value.
// |stopOverridingMetricsAndCrashReportingForTesting| must be called at the end
// of the test for cleanup.
// |setMetricsAndCrashReportingForTesting:| can be called to enable/disable
// metrics. It returns whether metrics were previously enabled.
+ (void)overrideMetricsAndCrashReportingForTesting;
+ (void)stopOverridingMetricsAndCrashReportingForTesting;
+ (BOOL)setMetricsAndCrashReportingForTesting:(BOOL)enabled;
// Returns whether UKM recording is |enabled|.
+ (BOOL)checkUKMRecordingEnabled:(BOOL)enabled;
// Returns YES if the ReportUserNoisedUserBirthYearAndGender feature is enabled.
+ (BOOL)isReportUserNoisedUserBirthYearAndGenderEnabled WARN_UNUSED_RESULT;
// Returns the current UKM client ID.
+ (uint64_t)UKMClientID;
// Checks whether a sourceID is registered for UKM.
+ (BOOL)UKMHasDummySource:(int64_t)sourceID;
// Adds a new sourceID for UKM.
+ (void)UKMRecordDummySource:(int64_t)sourceID;
// Updates the network time to approximately |now|.
+ (void)updateNetworkTime:(base::Time)now;
// Gets the maximum eligible birth year for reporting demographics based on
// |now|.
+ (int)maximumEligibleBirthYearForTime:(base::Time)now;
// If data are available, creates a UKM Report and stores it in the
// UKM service's UnsentLogStore.
+ (void)buildAndStoreUKMLog;
// Returns YES if the UKM service has logs to send.
+ (BOOL)hasUnsentUKMLogs;
// Returns YES if the UKM service's report has the expected year and gender.
// The year is the un-noised birth year, and the gender corresponds to the
// options in UserDemographicsProto::Gender.
+ (BOOL)UKMReportHasBirthYear:(int)year
// Returns YES if the UKM service's report has user demographics.
+ (BOOL)UKMReportHasUserDemographics;
// If data are available, creates an UMA log and stores it in the
// MetricsLogStore.
+ (void)buildAndStoreUMALog;
// Returns YES if the metrics service has logs to send.
+ (BOOL)hasUnsentUMALogs;
// Returns YES if the UMA log has the expected year and gender. The year is the
// un-noised birth year, and the gender corresponds to the proto enum
// UserDemographicsProto::Gender.
+ (BOOL)UMALogHasBirthYear:(int)year
// Returns YES if the UMA log has user demographics.
+ (BOOL)UMALogHasUserDemographics;
// Creates a chrome_test_util::HistogramTester that will record every histogram
// sent during test.
+ (NSError*)setupHistogramTester WARN_UNUSED_RESULT;
// Releases the chrome_test_util::HistogramTester.
+ (NSError*)releaseHistogramTester WARN_UNUSED_RESULT;
// We don't know the values of the samples, but we know how many there are.
// This measures the diff from the snapshot taken when this object was
// constructed.
+ (NSError*)expectTotalCount:(int)count
forHistogram:(NSString*)histogram WARN_UNUSED_RESULT;
// We know the exact number of samples in a bucket, but other buckets may
// have samples as well. Measures the diff from the snapshot taken when this
// object was constructed.
+ (NSError*)expectCount:(int)count
forHistogram:(NSString*)histogram WARN_UNUSED_RESULT;
// We know the exact number of samples in a bucket, and that no other bucket
// should have samples. Measures the diff from the snapshot taken when this
// object was constructed.
+ (NSError*)expectUniqueSampleWithCount:(int)count
forHistogram:(NSString*)histogram WARN_UNUSED_RESULT;
// Checks the sum of all samples recorder for |histogram|.
+ (NSError*)expectSum:(NSInteger)sum
forHistogram:(NSString*)histogram WARN_UNUSED_RESULT;