blob: 12c2b91432a8265fe73011ca0e8d3b7e55886f6a [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "base/ios/ios_util.h"
#include "base/macros.h"
#import "ios/chrome/browser/metrics/metrics_app_interface.h"
#import "ios/chrome/browser/ui/authentication/signin_earl_grey.h"
#import "ios/chrome/browser/ui/authentication/signin_earl_grey_ui.h"
#import "ios/chrome/test/earl_grey/chrome_actions.h"
#import "ios/chrome/test/earl_grey/chrome_earl_grey.h"
#import "ios/chrome/test/earl_grey/chrome_earl_grey_ui.h"
#import "ios/chrome/test/earl_grey/chrome_matchers.h"
#import "ios/chrome/test/earl_grey/chrome_test_case.h"
#import "ios/public/provider/chrome/browser/signin/fake_chrome_identity.h"
#import "ios/testing/earl_grey/earl_grey_test.h"
#if !defined(__has_feature) || !__has_feature(objc_arc)
#error "This file requires ARC support."
using chrome_test_util::GoogleServicesSettingsButton;
using chrome_test_util::SettingsDoneButton;
@interface UKMTestCase : ChromeTestCase
@implementation UKMTestCase
+ (void)setUpForTestCase {
[super setUpForTestCase];
[self setUpHelper];
+ (void)setUpHelper {
if (![ChromeEarlGrey isUKMEnabled]) {
// ukm::kUkmFeature feature is not enabled. You need to pass
// --enable-features=Ukm command line argument in order to run this test.
- (void)setUp {
[super setUp];
[ChromeEarlGrey waitForSyncInitialized:NO
GREYAssert([MetricsAppInterface checkUKMRecordingEnabled:NO],
@"Failed to assert that UKM was not enabled.");
// Sign in to Chrome and turn sync on.
// Note: URL-keyed anonymized data collection is turned on as part of the
// flow to Sign in to Chrome and Turn sync on. This matches the main user
// flow that enables UKM.
[SigninEarlGreyUI signinWithFakeIdentity:[SigninEarlGrey fakeIdentity1]];
[ChromeEarlGrey waitForSyncInitialized:YES
// Grant metrics consent and update MetricsServicesManager.
[MetricsAppInterface overrideMetricsAndCrashReportingForTesting];
GREYAssert(![MetricsAppInterface setMetricsAndCrashReportingForTesting:YES],
@"Unpaired set/reset of user consent.");
GREYAssert([MetricsAppInterface checkUKMRecordingEnabled:YES],
@"Failed to assert that UKM was enabled.");
- (void)tearDown {
[ChromeEarlGrey waitForSyncInitialized:YES
GREYAssert([MetricsAppInterface checkUKMRecordingEnabled:YES],
@"Failed to assert that UKM was enabled.");
// Revoke metrics consent and update MetricsServicesManager.
GREYAssert([MetricsAppInterface setMetricsAndCrashReportingForTesting:NO],
@"Unpaired set/reset of user consent.");
[MetricsAppInterface stopOverridingMetricsAndCrashReportingForTesting];
GREYAssert([MetricsAppInterface checkUKMRecordingEnabled:NO],
@"Failed to assert that UKM was not enabled.");
// Sign out of Chrome and Turn off sync.
// Note: URL-keyed anonymized data collection is turned off as part of the
// flow to Sign out of Chrome and Turn sync off. This matches the main user
// flow that disables UKM.
[SigninEarlGrey signOut];
[ChromeEarlGrey waitForSyncInitialized:NO
[ChromeEarlGrey clearSyncServerData];
[super tearDown];
#pragma mark - Helpers
// Waits for a new incognito tab to be opened.
- (void)openNewIncognitoTab {
const NSUInteger incognitoTabCount = [ChromeEarlGrey incognitoTabCount];
[ChromeEarlGrey openNewIncognitoTab];
[ChromeEarlGrey waitForIncognitoTabCount:(incognitoTabCount + 1)];
GREYAssert([ChromeEarlGrey isIncognitoMode],
@"Failed to switch to incognito mode.");
// Waits for the current incognito tab to be closed.
- (void)closeCurrentIncognitoTab {
const NSUInteger incognitoTabCount = [ChromeEarlGrey incognitoTabCount];
[ChromeEarlGrey closeCurrentTab];
[ChromeEarlGrey waitForIncognitoTabCount:(incognitoTabCount - 1)];
// Waits for all incognito tabs to be closed.
- (void)closeAllIncognitoTabs {
[ChromeEarlGrey closeAllIncognitoTabs];
[ChromeEarlGrey waitForIncognitoTabCount:0];
// The user is dropped into the tab grid after closing the last incognito tab.
// Therefore this test must manually switch back to showing the normal tabs.
[[EarlGrey selectElementWithMatcher:chrome_test_util::TabGridDoneButton()]
GREYAssert(![ChromeEarlGrey isIncognitoMode],
@"Failed to switch to normal mode.");
// Waits for a new tab to be opened.
- (void)openNewRegularTab {
const NSUInteger tabCount = [ChromeEarlGrey mainTabCount];
[ChromeEarlGrey openNewTab];
[ChromeEarlGrey waitForMainTabCount:(tabCount + 1)];
#pragma mark - Tests
// The tests in this file should correspond to the tests in //chrome/browser/
// metrics/
// Make sure that UKM is disabled while an incognito tab is open.
// Corresponds to RegularPlusIncognitoCheck in //chrome/browser/metrics/
- (void)testRegularPlusIncognito {
// Note: Tests begin with an open regular tab. This tab is opened in setUp.
const uint64_t originalClientID = [MetricsAppInterface UKMClientID];
[self openNewIncognitoTab];
GREYAssert([MetricsAppInterface checkUKMRecordingEnabled:NO],
@"Failed to assert that UKM was not enabled.");
// Opening another regular tab mustn't enable UKM.
[self openNewRegularTab];
GREYAssert([MetricsAppInterface checkUKMRecordingEnabled:NO],
@"Failed to assert that UKM was not enabled.");
// Opening and closing an incognito tab mustn't enable UKM.
[self openNewIncognitoTab];
GREYAssert([MetricsAppInterface checkUKMRecordingEnabled:NO],
@"Failed to assert that UKM was not enabled.");
[self closeCurrentIncognitoTab];
GREYAssert([MetricsAppInterface checkUKMRecordingEnabled:NO],
@"Failed to assert that UKM was not enabled.");
// Open a new regular tab to switch from incognito mode to normal mode. Then,
// close this newly-opened regular tab plus the regular tab that was opened
// after the first incognito tab was opened.
// TODO( Due to continuous animations, it is not feasible
// (i) to use the tab switcher to switch between modes or (ii) to omit the
// below code block and simply call [ChromeEarlGrey closeAllIncognitoTabs];
// from incognito mode.
[self openNewRegularTab];
[ChromeEarlGrey closeCurrentTab];
[ChromeEarlGrey closeCurrentTab];
GREYAssert([MetricsAppInterface checkUKMRecordingEnabled:NO],
@"Failed to assert that UKM was not enabled.");
// At this point, there is one open regular tab and one open incognito tab.
[ChromeEarlGrey closeAllIncognitoTabs];
// All incognito tabs have been closed, so UKM should be enabled.
GREYAssert([MetricsAppInterface checkUKMRecordingEnabled:YES],
@"Failed to assert that UKM was enabled.");
// Client ID should not have been reset.
GREYAssertEqual(originalClientID, [MetricsAppInterface UKMClientID],
@"Client ID was reset.");
// Make sure opening a real tab after Incognito doesn't enable UKM.
// Corresponds to IncognitoPlusRegularCheck in //chrome/browser/metrics/
- (void)testIncognitoPlusRegular {
// Note: Tests begin with an open regular tab. This tab is opened in setUp.
const uint64_t originalClientID = [MetricsAppInterface UKMClientID];
// TODO( Due to continuous animations, it is not feasible
// to close the regular tab that is already open. The functions closeAllTabs,
// closeCurrentTab, and closeAllTabsInCurrentMode close the tab and then hang.
// As a workaround, we open an incognito tab and then close the regular tab to
// get to a state in which a single incognito tab is open.
[self openNewIncognitoTab];
[ChromeEarlGrey closeAllNormalTabs];
GREYAssert([MetricsAppInterface checkUKMRecordingEnabled:NO],
@"Failed to assert that UKM was not enabled.");
// Opening another regular tab mustn't enable UKM.
[self openNewRegularTab];
GREYAssert([MetricsAppInterface checkUKMRecordingEnabled:NO],
@"Failed to assert that UKM was not enabled.");
[ChromeEarlGrey closeAllIncognitoTabs];
GREYAssert([MetricsAppInterface checkUKMRecordingEnabled:YES],
@"Failed to assert that UKM was enabled.");
// Client ID should not have been reset.
GREYAssertEqual(originalClientID, [MetricsAppInterface UKMClientID],
@"Client ID was reset.");
// testRegularPlusGuest is unnecessary since there can't be multiple profiles.
// testOpenNonSync is unnecessary since there can't be multiple profiles.
// Make sure that UKM is disabled when metrics consent is revoked.
// Corresponds to MetricsConsentCheck in //chrome/browser/metrics/
- (void)testMetricsConsent {
const uint64_t originalClientID = [MetricsAppInterface UKMClientID];
[MetricsAppInterface setMetricsAndCrashReportingForTesting:NO];
GREYAssert([MetricsAppInterface checkUKMRecordingEnabled:NO],
@"Failed to assert that UKM was not enabled.");
[MetricsAppInterface setMetricsAndCrashReportingForTesting:YES];
GREYAssert([MetricsAppInterface checkUKMRecordingEnabled:YES],
@"Failed to assert that UKM was enabled.");
// Client ID should have been reset.
GREYAssertNotEqual(originalClientID, [MetricsAppInterface UKMClientID],
@"Client ID was not reset.");
// The tests corresponding to AddSyncedUserBirthYearAndGenderToProtoData in
// //chrome/browser/metrics/ are in
// Make sure that providing metrics consent doesn't enable UKM w/o sync.
// Corresponds to ConsentAddedButNoSyncCheck in //chrome/browser/metrics/
- (void)testConsentAddedButNoSync {
[SigninEarlGrey signOut];
[MetricsAppInterface setMetricsAndCrashReportingForTesting:NO];
GREYAssert([MetricsAppInterface checkUKMRecordingEnabled:NO],
@"Failed to assert that UKM was not enabled.");
[MetricsAppInterface setMetricsAndCrashReportingForTesting:YES];
GREYAssert([MetricsAppInterface checkUKMRecordingEnabled:NO],
@"Failed to assert that UKM was not enabled.");
[SigninEarlGreyUI signinWithFakeIdentity:[SigninEarlGrey fakeIdentity1]];
GREYAssert([MetricsAppInterface checkUKMRecordingEnabled:YES],
@"Failed to assert that UKM was enabled.");
// Make sure that UKM is disabled when sync is disabled.
// Corresponds to ConsentAddedButNoSyncCheck in //chrome/browser/metrics/
- (void)testSingleDisableSync {
const uint64_t originalClientID = [MetricsAppInterface UKMClientID];
[ChromeEarlGreyUI openSettingsMenu];
// Open Sync and Google services settings
[ChromeEarlGreyUI tapSettingsMenuButton:GoogleServicesSettingsButton()];
// Toggle "Make searches and browsing better" switch off.
usingSearchAction:grey_scrollInDirection(kGREYDirectionDown, 200)
GREYAssert([MetricsAppInterface checkUKMRecordingEnabled:NO],
@"Failed to assert that UKM was not enabled.");
// Toggle "Make searches and browsing better" switch on.
@"betterSearchAndBrowsingItem_switch", NO)]
GREYAssert([MetricsAppInterface checkUKMRecordingEnabled:YES],
@"Failed to assert that UKM was enabled.");
// Client ID should have been reset.
GREYAssertNotEqual(originalClientID, [MetricsAppInterface UKMClientID],
@"Client ID was not reset.");
[[EarlGrey selectElementWithMatcher:SettingsDoneButton()]
// Make sure that UKM is disabled when sync is not enabled.
// Corresponds to SingleSyncSignoutCheck in //chrome/browser/metrics/
- (void)testSingleSyncSignout {
const uint64_t clientID1 = [MetricsAppInterface UKMClientID];
[SigninEarlGrey signOut];
GREYAssert([MetricsAppInterface checkUKMRecordingEnabled:NO],
@"Failed to assert that UKM was not enabled.");
// Client ID should have been reset by signout.
GREYAssertNotEqual(clientID1, [MetricsAppInterface UKMClientID],
@"Client ID was not reset.");
const uint64_t clientID2 = [MetricsAppInterface UKMClientID];
[SigninEarlGreyUI signinWithFakeIdentity:[SigninEarlGrey fakeIdentity1]];
GREYAssert([MetricsAppInterface checkUKMRecordingEnabled:YES],
@"Failed to assert that UKM was enabled.");
// Client ID should not have been reset.
GREYAssertEqual(clientID2, [MetricsAppInterface UKMClientID],
@"Client ID was reset.");
// testMultiSyncSignout is unnecessary since there can't be multiple profiles.
// testMetricsReporting is unnecessary since iOS doesn't use sampling.
// Tests that pending data is deleted when the user deletes their history.
// Corresponds to HistoryDeleteCheck in //chrome/browser/metrics/
- (void)testHistoryDelete {
const uint64_t originalClientID = [MetricsAppInterface UKMClientID];
const uint64_t kDummySourceId = 0x54321;
[MetricsAppInterface UKMRecordDummySource:kDummySourceId];
GREYAssert([MetricsAppInterface UKMHasDummySource:kDummySourceId],
@"Dummy source failed to record.");
[ChromeEarlGrey clearBrowsingHistory];
GREYAssertEqual([ChromeEarlGrey browsingHistoryEntryCount], 0,
@"History was unexpectedly non-empty");
// Other sources may have already been recorded since the data was cleared,
// but the dummy source should be gone.
GREYAssert(![MetricsAppInterface UKMHasDummySource:kDummySourceId],
@"Dummy source was not purged.");
GREYAssertEqual(originalClientID, [MetricsAppInterface UKMClientID],
@"Client ID was reset.");
GREYAssert([MetricsAppInterface checkUKMRecordingEnabled:YES],
@"Failed to assert that UKM was enabled.");