blob: e934a264f0ca681821f26ad5cbaf64485f3e9950 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <memory>
#include <vector>
class BrowserPolicyConnectorIOS;
namespace policy {
class ConfigurationPolicyProvider;
class PolicyService;
class SchemaRegistry;
} // namespace policy
// BrowserStatePolicyConnector creates and manages the per-BrowserState policy
// components and their integration with PrefService.
// BrowserStatePolicyConnector isn't a keyed service because the pref service,
// which isn't a keyed service, has a hard dependency on the policy
// infrastructure. In order to outlive the pref service, the policy connector
// must live outside the keyed services.
class BrowserStatePolicyConnector {
BrowserStatePolicyConnector(const BrowserStatePolicyConnector&) = delete;
BrowserStatePolicyConnector& operator=(const BrowserStatePolicyConnector&) =
// Initializes this connector.
void Init(policy::SchemaRegistry* schema_registry,
BrowserPolicyConnectorIOS* browser_policy_connector);
// Shuts this connector down in preparation for destruction.
void Shutdown();
// Returns the PolicyService managed by this connector. This is never
// nullptr.
policy::PolicyService* GetPolicyService() const {
return policy_service_.get();
// Returns the SchemaRegistry associated with this connector.
policy::SchemaRegistry* GetSchemaRegistry() const { return schema_registry_; }
friend class BrowserStatePolicyConnectorMock;
// |policy_providers_| contains a list of the policy providers available for
// the PolicyService of this connector, in decreasing order of priority.
// Note: All the providers appended to this vector must eventually become
// initialized for every policy domain, otherwise some subsystems will never
// use the policies exposed by the PolicyService!
// The default ConfigurationPolicyProvider::IsInitializationComplete()
// result is true, so take care if a provider overrides that.
std::vector<policy::ConfigurationPolicyProvider*> policy_providers_;
// The PolicyService that manages policy for this connector's BrowserState.
std::unique_ptr<policy::PolicyService> policy_service_;
// The SchemaRegistry associated with this connector's BrowserState.
policy::SchemaRegistry* schema_registry_;