blob: b12d667cc9228641c8f93cc58fb631905319b734 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "base/callback.h"
#include "base/strings/string16.h"
#include "base/strings/string_piece.h"
#include "base/task_scheduler/task_scheduler.h"
#include "ios/web/public/user_agent.h"
#include "ui/base/layout.h"
#include "url/url_util.h"
namespace base {
class RefCountedMemory;
class GURL;
@class UIWebView;
@class NSString;
namespace net {
class SSLInfo;
namespace web {
class BrowserState;
class BrowserURLRewriter;
class WebClient;
class WebMainParts;
class WebState;
// Setter and getter for the client. The client should be set early, before any
// web code is called.
void SetWebClient(WebClient* client);
WebClient* GetWebClient();
// Interface that the embedder of the web layer implements.
class WebClient {
virtual ~WebClient();
// Allows the embedder to set a custom WebMainParts implementation for the
// browser startup code.
virtual std::unique_ptr<WebMainParts> CreateWebMainParts();
// Gives the embedder a chance to perform tasks before a web view is created.
virtual void PreWebViewCreation() const {}
// Gives the embedder a chance to register its own standard and saveable url
// schemes early on in the startup sequence.
virtual void AddAdditionalSchemes(
std::vector<url::SchemeWithType>* additional_standard_schemes) const {}
// Returns the languages used in the Accept-Languages HTTP header.
// Used to decide URL formating.
virtual std::string GetAcceptLangs(BrowserState* state) const;
// Returns the embedding application locale string.
virtual std::string GetApplicationLocale() const;
// Returns true if URL has application specific schema. Embedder must return
// true for every custom app specific schema it supports. For example Chromium
// browser would return true for "chrome://about" URL.
virtual bool IsAppSpecificURL(const GURL& url) const;
// Returns text to be displayed for an unsupported plugin.
virtual base::string16 GetPluginNotSupportedText() const;
// Returns a string describing the embedder product name and version, of the
// form "productname/version". Used as part of the user agent string.
virtual std::string GetProduct() const;
// Returns the user agent string for the specified type.
virtual std::string GetUserAgent(UserAgentType type) const;
// Returns a string resource given its id.
virtual base::string16 GetLocalizedString(int message_id) const;
// Returns the contents of a resource in a StringPiece given the resource id.
virtual base::StringPiece GetDataResource(int resource_id,
ui::ScaleFactor scale_factor) const;
// Returns the raw bytes of a scale independent data resource.
virtual base::RefCountedMemory* GetDataResourceBytes(int resource_id) const;
// Returns a list of additional WebUI schemes, if any. These additional
// schemes act as aliases to the about: scheme. The additional schemes may or
// may not serve specific WebUI pages depending on the particular
// URLDataSourceIOS and its override of
// URLDataSourceIOS::ShouldServiceRequest. For all schemes returned here,
// view-source is allowed.
virtual void GetAdditionalWebUISchemes(
std::vector<std::string>* additional_schemes) {}
// Gives the embedder a chance to add url rewriters to the BrowserURLRewriter
// singleton.
virtual void PostBrowserURLRewriterCreation(BrowserURLRewriter* rewriter) {}
// Gives the embedder a chance to provide the JavaScript to be injected into
// the web view as early as possible. Result must not be nil.
// TODO( Change the return value to NSArray<NSString*> to
// improve performance.
virtual NSString* GetEarlyPageScript(BrowserState* browser_state) const;
// Informs the embedder that a certificate error has occurred. If
// |overridable| is true, the user can ignore the error and continue. The
// embedder can call the |callback| asynchronously (an argument of true means
// that |cert_error| should be ignored and web// should load the page).
virtual void AllowCertificateError(
WebState* web_state,
int cert_error,
const net::SSLInfo& ssl_info,
const GURL& request_url,
bool overridable,
const base::Callback<void(bool)>& callback);
// Provides parameters for initializing the global task scheduler. Default
// params are used if this returns nullptr.
virtual std::unique_ptr<base::TaskScheduler::InitParams>
// Allows upper layers to inject experimental flags to the web layer.
// TODO( Clean up this flag after experiment. If need for a
// second flag arises before clean up, consider generalizing to an experiment
// flags struct instead of adding a bool method for each experiment.
virtual bool IsSlimNavigationManagerEnabled() const;
} // namespace web