blob: f09fbf23c7b131c43c52ee60bd00721a811579a1 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#import "ios/chrome/browser/ui/commands/browsing_data_commands.h"
@class OpenNewTabCommand;
@class ShowSigninCommand;
@class StartVoiceSearchCommand;
@class UIViewController;
// This protocol groups commands that are part of ApplicationCommands, but
// may also be forwarded directly to a settings navigation controller.
@protocol ApplicationSettingsCommands
// Shows the accounts settings UI, presenting from |baseViewController|.
- (void)showAccountsSettingsFromViewController:
// TODO( : Do not pass baseViewController through dispatcher.
// Shows the sync settings UI, presenting from |baseViewController|.
- (void)showSyncSettingsFromViewController:
// TODO( : Do not pass baseViewController through dispatcher.
// Shows the sync encryption passphrase UI, presenting from
// |baseViewController|.
- (void)showSyncPassphraseSettingsFromViewController:
// Shows the list of saved passwords in the settings.
- (void)showSavedPasswordsSettingsFromViewController:
// Protocol for commands that will generally be handled by the application,
// rather than a specific tab; in practice this means the MainController
// instance.
// This protocol includes all of the methods in ApplicationSettingsCommands; an
// object that implements the methods in this protocol should be able to forward
// ApplicationSettingsCommands to the settings view controller if necessary.
@protocol ApplicationCommands<NSObject,
// Dismisses all modal dialogs.
- (void)dismissModalDialogs;
// TODO( : Do not pass baseViewController through dispatcher.
// Shows the Settings UI, presenting from |baseViewController|.
- (void)showSettingsFromViewController:(UIViewController*)baseViewController;
// Starts a voice search on the current BVC.
- (void)startVoiceSearch;
// Shows the History UI.
- (void)showHistory;
// Closes the History UI and opens a URL.
- (void)closeSettingsUIAndOpenURL:(OpenNewTabCommand*)command;
// Closes the History UI.
- (void)closeSettingsUI;
// Shows the TabSwitcher UI.
- (void)displayTabSwitcher;
// Shows the Clear Browsing Data Settings UI (part of Settings).
- (void)showClearBrowsingDataSettingsFromViewController:
// TODO( : Do not pass baseViewController through dispatcher.
// Shows the Autofill Settings UI, presenting from |baseViewController|.
- (void)showAutofillSettingsFromViewController:
// Shows the Report an Issue UI, presenting from |baseViewController|.
- (void)showReportAnIssueFromViewController:
// Opens the |command| URL in a new tab.
- (void)openURLInNewTab:(OpenNewTabCommand*)command;
// TODO( : Do not pass baseViewController through dispatcher.
// Shows the signin UI, presenting from |baseViewController|.
- (void)showSignin:(ShowSigninCommand*)command
// TODO( : Do not pass baseViewController through dispatcher.
// Shows the Add Account UI, presenting from |baseViewController|.
- (void)showAddAccountFromViewController:(UIViewController*)baseViewController;
// Sets whether the UI is displaying incognito content.
- (void)setIncognitoContentVisible:(BOOL)incognitoContentVisible;