blob: 6bf1fe38a399b4fe7d2686d47d5351fd26ac7fef [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2023 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <list>
#include <string>
#include "base/functional/callback.h"
#include "base/time/time.h"
#include "media/base/audio_glitch_info.h"
#include "media/base/audio_latency.h"
#include "media/base/audio_parameters.h"
#include "media/base/media_export.h"
namespace media {
// Uploads audio UMA stats at the AudioOutputDevice/AudioInputDevice level.
// Uploads Short stats on destruction, for streams shorter than 1000 callbacks.
// For streams of at least 1000 callbacks it uploads Interval stats every 1000
// callbacks and drops any unuploaded stats on destruction.
class MEDIA_EXPORT AudioDeviceStatsReporter {
enum class Type { kInput, kOutput };
AudioDeviceStatsReporter(const AudioParameters& params, Type type);
AudioDeviceStatsReporter(const AudioDeviceStatsReporter&) = delete;
AudioDeviceStatsReporter& operator=(const AudioDeviceStatsReporter&) = delete;
virtual ~AudioDeviceStatsReporter();
// In the case when type is kOutput, this be called by AudioOutputDevice
// every time it pulls more data using
// AudioRendererSink::RenderCallback::Render(). In the case of kInput, it
// should be called by AudioInputDevice every time it pushes data using
// AudioCapturerSource::CaptureCallback::Capture(). Uploads Interval stats
// every 1000 callbacks.
void ReportCallback(base::TimeDelta delay,
const media::AudioGlitchInfo& glitch_info);
// Indicates what period samples are aggregated over. kShort means entire
// streams of less than 1000 callbacks, kIntervals means exactly 1000
// callbacks.
enum class SamplingPeriod { kShort, kIntervals };
struct Stats {
int callback_count = 0;
int glitch_count = 0;
base::TimeDelta glitch_duration;
base::TimeDelta smallest_delay = base::TimeDelta::Max();
base::TimeDelta largest_delay = base::TimeDelta::Min();
// Logs data aggregated over intervals.
using AggregateLogCallback =
base::RepeatingCallback<void(int value, SamplingPeriod sampling_period)>;
// Logs data on every callback.
using RealtimeLogCallback = base::RepeatingCallback<void(int value)>;
static AggregateLogCallback CreateAggregateCallback(
const std::string& stat_name,
media::AudioLatency::LatencyType latency,
int max_value,
size_t bucket_count,
Type type);
static RealtimeLogCallback CreateRealtimeCallback(
const std::string& stat_name,
media::AudioLatency::LatencyType latency,
int max_value,
size_t bucket_count,
Type type);
void UploadStats(const Stats& stats, SamplingPeriod sampling_period);
Stats stats_;
// The duration that a single callback covers.
const base::TimeDelta callback_duration_;
// Callback functions for writing to the histograms.
const RealtimeLogCallback delay_log_callback_;
const AggregateLogCallback delay_difference_log_callback_;
const AggregateLogCallback glitch_count_log_callback_;
const AggregateLogCallback glitch_duration_log_callback_;
// Whether the stream is shorter than 1000 callbacks.
bool stream_is_short_ = true;
// Whether or not we have received and discarded the data from the first
// callback. For input, this is always true, as the first callback should not
// be discarded.
bool discarded_first_callback_;
} // namespace media