blob: 2789e81ce42e9b3dde258293e94136ff657cd56c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
namespace media {
namespace remoting {
// Events and conditions that can trigger remoting to start.
// NOTE: Never re-number or re-use numbers for different triggers. These are
// used in UMA histograms, and must remain backwards-compatible for all time.
// However, *do* change START_TRIGGER_MAX to one after the greatest value when
// adding new ones. Also, don't forget to update histograms.xml!
enum StartTrigger {
// Local presentation changes.
ENTERED_FULLSCREEN = 1, // The media element became the fullscreen element.
BECAME_DOMINANT_CONTENT = 2, // Element now occupies most of the viewport.
ENABLED_BY_PAGE = 3, // The page re-allowed remote playback.
// User actions, such as connecting to a receiver or pressing play.
SINK_AVAILABLE = 4, // A receiver (sink) became available.
PLAY_COMMAND = 5, // The media element was issued a play command.
REQUESTED_BY_BROWSER = 10, // The browser requested to start Media Remoting
// without fullscreen-in-tab.
// Met requirements for playback of the media.
SUPPORTED_AUDIO_CODEC = 6, // Stream began using a supported audio codec.
SUPPORTED_VIDEO_CODEC = 7, // Stream began using a supported video codec.
SUPPORTED_AUDIO_AND_VIDEO_CODECS = 8, // Both now using a supported codec.
CDM_READY = 9, // The CDM required for decrypting the content became ready.
PIXEL_RATE_READY = 11, // The pixel rate was calculated.
// Change this to the highest value.
// Events and conditions that can result in a start failure, or trigger remoting
// to stop.
// NOTE: Never re-number or re-use numbers for different triggers. These are
// used in UMA histograms, and must remain backwards-compatible for all time.
// ADDITIONAL NOTE: The values are intentionally out-of-order to maintain a
// logical grouping. When adding a new value, add one to STOP_TRIGGER_MAX, then
// update STOP_TRIGGER_MAX. Also, don't forget to update enums.xml!
enum StopTrigger {
// Normal shutdown triggers.
ROUTE_TERMINATED = 1, // The route to the sink was terminated (user action?).
MEDIA_ELEMENT_DESTROYED = 2, // The media element on the page was destroyed.
EXITED_FULLSCREEN = 3, // The media element is no longer fullscreened.
BECAME_AUXILIARY_CONTENT = 4, // Element no longer occupies the viewport.
DISABLED_BY_PAGE = 5, // The web page blocked remoting during a session.
// Content playback related errors forcing shutdown (or failing start).
START_RACE = 6, // Multiple remoting sessions attempted to start.
UNSUPPORTED_AUDIO_CODEC = 7, // Stream now using an unsupported audio codec.
UNSUPPORTED_VIDEO_CODEC = 8, // Stream now using an unsupported video codec.
UNSUPPORTED_AUDIO_AND_VIDEO_CODECS = 9, // Neither codec is supported.
DECRYPTION_ERROR = 10, // Could not decrypt content or CDM was destroyed.
RECEIVER_INITIALIZE_FAILED = 11, // The receiver reported a failed init.
RECEIVER_PIPELINE_ERROR = 12, // The media pipeline on the receiver error'ed.
// Environmental errors forcing shutdown.
FRAME_DROP_RATE_HIGH = 13, // The receiver was dropping too many frames.
PACING_TOO_SLOWLY = 14, // Play-out was too slow, indicating bottlenecks.
// Communications errors forcing shutdown.
PEERS_OUT_OF_SYNC = 15, // The local state disagrees with the remote.
RPC_INVALID = 16, // An RPC field value is missing or has bad data.
DATA_PIPE_CREATE_ERROR = 17, // Mojo data pipe creation failed (OOM?).
MOJO_DISCONNECTED = 18, // Mojo message pipe was disconnected; e.g, the
// browser shut down.
DATA_PIPE_WRITE_ERROR = 24, // Failure to write the mojo data pipe.
// Message/Data sending errors forcing shutdown.
MESSAGE_SEND_FAILED = 19, // Failed to send a RPC message to the sink.
DATA_SEND_FAILED = 20, // Failed to pull from pipe or send to the sink.
UNEXPECTED_FAILURE = 21, // Unexpected failure or inconsistent state.
SERVICE_GONE = 22, // Mirror service disconnected.
// User changing setting forcing shutdown.
USER_DISABLED = 23, // Media Remoting was disabled by user.
// Media element was frozen (e.g. page was navigated away).
// Change this to the highest value.
} // namespace remoting
} // namespace media