blob: 33738d80f1200c60ac8673b8649b81bb886b4052 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "media/base/media_shmem_export.h"
namespace base {
class TimeDelta;
namespace media {
class MEDIA_SHMEM_EXPORT AudioLatency {
// Categories of expected latencies for input/output audio. Do not change
// existing values, they are used for UMA histogram reporting.
enum class Type {
// Specific latency in milliseconds.
kExactMS = 0,
// Lowest possible latency which does not cause glitches.
kInteractive = 1,
// Latency optimized for real time communication.
kRtc = 2,
// Latency optimized for continuous playback and power saving.
kPlayback = 3,
// Default value when the type is unknown.
kUnknown = 4,
kMaxValue = kUnknown,
// Indicates if the OS does not require resampling for playback.
static bool IsResamplingPassthroughSupported(Type type);
// |preferred_buffer_size| should be set to 0 if a client has no preference.
static int GetHighLatencyBufferSize(int sample_rate,
int preferred_buffer_size);
// |hardware_buffer_size| should be set to 0 if unknown/invalid/not preferred.
static int GetRtcBufferSize(int sample_rate, int hardware_buffer_size);
static int GetInteractiveBufferSize(int hardware_buffer_size);
// Return the closest buffer size for this platform that will result in a
// latency not less than `duration` for the given `sample_rate`.
// Requirements:
// - `hardware_buffer_size > 0` and `max_allowed_buffer_size > 0`.
// - If `min_hardware_buffer_size` and `max_hardware_buffer_size` are > 0 then
// the following must be true: `min_hardware_buffer_size <=
// hardware_buffer_size <= max_hardware_buffer_size`
// - `hardware_buffer_size <= max_allowed_buffer_size`
// The returned buffer size is guaranteed to be between
// `min_hardware_buffer_size` and `max_allowed_buffer_size`.
// `max_hardware_buffer_size` is used to help determine a buffer size that
// won't cause the caller and the hardware to run at unsynchronized buffer
// sizes (e.g. hardware running at 4096 and caller running at 4224).
// `hardware_buffer_size` is the platform's preferred buffer size.
// TODO( Ensure that all callers validate conditions listed
// above.
// It is valid for both the min and max to be zero in which case only
// `hardware_buffer_size` and multiples of it will be used.
static int GetExactBufferSize(base::TimeDelta duration,
int sample_rate,
int hardware_buffer_size,
int min_hardware_buffer_size,
int max_hardware_buffer_size,
int max_allowed_buffer_size);
static const char* ToString(Type type);
} // namespace media