blob: 7449098654ddcb682eb94fcd2a5729133dbb7a0e [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2023 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "media/muxers/muxer_timestamp_adapter.h"
#include <utility>
#include "base/logging.h"
#include "base/metrics/histogram_functions.h"
#include "base/trace_event/trace_event.h"
#include "media/muxers/muxer.h"
namespace media {
MuxerTimestampAdapter::MuxerTimestampAdapter(std::unique_ptr<Muxer> muxer,
bool has_video,
bool has_audio)
: has_video_(has_video), has_audio_(has_audio), muxer_(std::move(muxer)) {}
MuxerTimestampAdapter::~MuxerTimestampAdapter() {
bool MuxerTimestampAdapter::OnEncodedVideo(
const Muxer::VideoParameters& params,
std::string encoded_data,
std::string encoded_alpha,
std::optional<media::VideoEncoder::CodecDescription> codec_description,
base::TimeTicks timestamp,
bool is_key_frame) {
TRACE_EVENT2("media", __func__, "timestamp", timestamp - base::TimeTicks(),
"is_key_frame", is_key_frame);
DVLOG(2) << __func__ << " - " << encoded_data.size() << "B ts " << timestamp;
has_seen_video_ = true;
if (encoded_data.size() == 0u) {
DLOG(WARNING) << __func__ << ": zero size encoded frame, skipping";
// Some encoders give sporadic zero-size data, see
return true;
// TODO(ajose): Support multiple tracks:
if (has_audio_ && !has_seen_audio_) {
DVLOG(1) << __func__ << ": delaying until audio track ready.";
if (is_key_frame) { // Upon Key frame reception, empty the encoded queue.
// Compensate for time in pause spent before the first frame.
auto timestamp_minus_paused = timestamp - total_time_in_pause_;
{params, std::move(codec_description), std::move(encoded_data),
std::move(encoded_alpha), is_key_frame},
return PartiallyFlushQueues();
bool MuxerTimestampAdapter::OnEncodedAudio(
const AudioParameters& params,
std::string encoded_data,
std::optional<media::AudioEncoder::CodecDescription> codec_description,
base::TimeTicks timestamp) {
TRACE_EVENT1("media", __func__, "timestamp", timestamp - base::TimeTicks());
DVLOG(2) << __func__ << " - " << encoded_data.size() << "B ts " << timestamp;
has_seen_audio_ = true;
// Compensate for time in pause spent before the first frame.
auto timestamp_minus_paused = timestamp - total_time_in_pause_;
{params, std::move(codec_description), encoded_data, std::string(),
return PartiallyFlushQueues();
void MuxerTimestampAdapter::SetLiveAndEnabled(bool track_live_and_enabled,
bool is_video) {
bool& written_track_live_and_enabled =
is_video ? video_track_live_and_enabled_ : audio_track_live_and_enabled_;
if (written_track_live_and_enabled != track_live_and_enabled) {
DVLOG(1) << __func__ << (is_video ? " video " : " audio ")
<< "track live-and-enabled changed to " << track_live_and_enabled;
written_track_live_and_enabled = track_live_and_enabled;
void MuxerTimestampAdapter::Pause() {
DVLOG(1) << __func__;
if (!elapsed_time_in_pause_) {
void MuxerTimestampAdapter::Resume() {
DVLOG(1) << __func__;
if (elapsed_time_in_pause_) {
total_time_in_pause_ += elapsed_time_in_pause_->Elapsed();
bool MuxerTimestampAdapter::Flush() {
return muxer_->Flush();
void MuxerTimestampAdapter::FlushQueues() {
while ((!video_frames_.empty() || !audio_frames_.empty()) &&
FlushNextFrame()) {
bool MuxerTimestampAdapter::PartiallyFlushQueues() {
bool result = true;
// We strictly sort by timestamp unless a track is not live-and-enabled. In
// that case we relax this and allow drainage of the live-and-enabled leg.
while ((!has_video_ || !video_frames_.empty() ||
!video_track_live_and_enabled_) &&
(!has_audio_ || !audio_frames_.empty() ||
!audio_track_live_and_enabled_) &&
result) {
if (video_frames_.empty() && audio_frames_.empty()) {
return true;
result = FlushNextFrame();
return result;
bool MuxerTimestampAdapter::FlushNextFrame() {
DCHECK(!video_frames_.empty() || !audio_frames_.empty());
bool take_video = !video_frames_.empty() &&
(audio_frames_.empty() ||
video_frames_.front().timestamp_minus_paused <=
auto& queue = take_video ? video_frames_ : audio_frames_;
EncodedFrame frame = std::move(queue.front());
// Update the first timestamp if necessary so we can write relative timestamps
// into the muxer.
if (first_timestamp_.is_null()) {
first_timestamp_ = frame.timestamp_minus_paused;
// The logic tracking live-and-enabled that temporarily relaxes the strict
// timestamp sorting allows for draining a track's queue completely in the
// presence of the other track being muted. When the muted track becomes
// live-and-enabled again the sorting recommences. However, tracks get encoded
// data before live-and-enabled transitions to true. This can lead to us
// emitting non-monotonic timestamps to the muxer, which results in an error
// return. Fix this by enforcing monotonicity by rewriting timestamps.
// TODO( consider auto-marking a track live-and-enabled
// when media appears and remove this catch-all.
base::TimeDelta relative_timestamp =
frame.timestamp_minus_paused - first_timestamp_;
DLOG_IF(WARNING, relative_timestamp < last_timestamp_written_)
<< "Enforced a monotonically increasing timestamp. Last written "
<< last_timestamp_written_ << " new " << relative_timestamp;
relative_timestamp = std::max(relative_timestamp, last_timestamp_written_);
last_timestamp_written_ = relative_timestamp;
TRACE_EVENT2("media", __func__, "is_video", take_video, "recorded_timestamp",
return muxer_->PutFrame(std::move(frame.frame), relative_timestamp);
base::TimeTicks MuxerTimestampAdapter::UpdateLastTimestampAndGetNext(
std::optional<base::TimeTicks>& last_timestamp,
base::TimeTicks timestamp) {
if (!last_timestamp.has_value()) {
last_timestamp = timestamp;
return timestamp;
DVLOG(3) << __func__ << " ts " << timestamp << " last " << *last_timestamp;
// In theory, time increases monotonically. In practice, it does not.
// See http://crbug/618407.
// TODO( consider not re-using the last timestamp for
// MP4.
DLOG_IF(WARNING, timestamp < last_timestamp)
<< "Encountered a non-monotonically increasing timestamp. Was: "
<< *last_timestamp << ", timestamp: " << timestamp;
last_timestamp = std::max(*last_timestamp, timestamp);
return *last_timestamp;
MuxerTimestampAdapter::EncodedFrame::EncodedFrame() = default;
MuxerTimestampAdapter::EncodedFrame::EncodedFrame(EncodedFrame&&) = default;
Muxer::EncodedFrame frame,
base::TimeTicks timestamp_minus_paused)
: frame(std::move(frame)), timestamp_minus_paused(timestamp_minus_paused) {}
MuxerTimestampAdapter::EncodedFrame::~EncodedFrame() = default;
} // namespace media