blob: c7dd16db1c4f1e4a93059670e647f7d86ed134db [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2023 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include "base/containers/circular_deque.h"
#include "base/time/time.h"
#include "base/timer/elapsed_timer.h"
#include "media/base/audio_parameters.h"
#include "media/base/media_export.h"
#include "media/muxers/muxer.h"
namespace media {
// Adapter for muxers that emits incoming samples in monotonically increasing
// timestamp order, and covers MediaRecorder pause/resume behavior as well as
// tracks ending and enabledness.
// This class is thread-compatible.
class MEDIA_EXPORT MuxerTimestampAdapter {
MuxerTimestampAdapter(std::unique_ptr<Muxer> muxer,
bool has_video,
bool has_audio);
MuxerTimestampAdapter(const MuxerTimestampAdapter&) = delete;
MuxerTimestampAdapter& operator=(const MuxerTimestampAdapter&) = delete;
// Functions to add video and audio frames with ``.
// `encoded_alpha` represents the encode output of alpha channel when
// available, can be empty otherwise.
// Returns true if the data is accepted by the muxer, false otherwise.
bool OnEncodedVideo(
const Muxer::VideoParameters& params,
std::string encoded_data,
std::string encoded_alpha,
std::optional<media::VideoEncoder::CodecDescription> codec_description,
base::TimeTicks timestamp,
bool is_key_frame);
bool OnEncodedAudio(
const AudioParameters& params,
std::string encoded_data,
std::optional<media::AudioEncoder::CodecDescription> codec_description,
base::TimeTicks timestamp);
// Call to handle mute and tracks getting disabled. If the track is not live
// and enabled, input data will be ignored and black frames or silence will
// be output instead.
void SetLiveAndEnabled(bool track_live_and_enabled, bool is_video);
// Calling `Pause()` will cause the muxer to modify the timestamps of inputs,
// setting them to the last received value before the pause. This effectively
// removes the input data from the presentation, while still preserving it.
// Once `Resume()` is called, new inputs will have muxer timestamps starting
// from the time that `Pause()` was called.
void Pause();
void Resume();
// Drains and writes out all buffered frames and finalizes the output.
// Returns true on success, false otherwise.
bool Flush();
Muxer* GetMuxerForTesting() const { return muxer_.get(); }
friend class MuxerTimestampAdapterTestBase;
// Structure for keeping encoded frames in internal queues.
struct EncodedFrame {
EncodedFrame(Muxer::EncodedFrame frame,
base::TimeTicks timestamp_minus_paused);
Muxer::EncodedFrame frame;
// Timestamp of frame minus the total time in pause at the time.
base::TimeTicks timestamp_minus_paused;
// Adds all currently buffered frames to the muxer in timestamp order,
// until the queues are depleted.
void FlushQueues();
// Flushes out frames to the muxer while ensuring monotonically increasing
// timestamps.
// Note that frames may still be around in the queues after this call. The
// method stops flushing when timestamp monotonicity can't be guaranteed
// anymore.
bool PartiallyFlushQueues();
// Flushes out the next frame in timestamp order from the queues. Returns true
// on success and false on muxer failure.
// Note: it's assumed that at least one video or audio frame is queued.
bool FlushNextFrame();
// Ensures a monotonically increasing timestamp sequence, despite
// incoming non-monotonically increasing timestamps.
base::TimeTicks UpdateLastTimestampAndGetNext(
std::optional<base::TimeTicks>& last_timestamp,
base::TimeTicks incoming_timestamp);
// TODO(ajose): Change these when support is added for multiple tracks.
const bool has_video_;
const bool has_audio_;
bool has_seen_video_ = false;
bool has_seen_audio_ = false;
std::unique_ptr<Muxer> muxer_;
std::optional<base::TimeTicks> last_video_timestamp_;
std::optional<base::TimeTicks> last_audio_timestamp_;
// The timestamp of the lowest timestamp audio or video sample, compensated
// for the total time in pause at the time.
base::TimeTicks first_timestamp_;
// Variables to measure and accumulate, respectively, the time in pause state.
std::optional<base::ElapsedTimer> elapsed_time_in_pause_;
base::TimeDelta total_time_in_pause_;
// Variables to track live and enabled state of audio and video.
bool video_track_live_and_enabled_ = true;
bool audio_track_live_and_enabled_ = true;
// Maximum interval between data output callbacks (given frames arriving)
base::TimeDelta max_data_output_interval_;
// Last timestamp written into the muxer.
base::TimeDelta last_timestamp_written_;
// The following two queues hold frames to ensure that monotonically
// increasing timestamps are stored in the resulting file without modifying
// the timestamps.
base::circular_deque<EncodedFrame> audio_frames_;
// If muxing audio and video, this queue holds frames until the first audio
// frame appears.
base::circular_deque<EncodedFrame> video_frames_;
} // namespace media