blob: 8c055b263b3fc24b2c6019ef285eaf8bf3de3c1c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <memory>
#include "net/base/host_port_pair.h"
#include "net/third_party/quiche/src/quic/core/quic_connection.h"
namespace net {
// Default QUIC supported versions used in absence of any external
// configuration.
inline NET_EXPORT_PRIVATE quic::ParsedQuicVersionVector
DefaultSupportedQuicVersions() {
// The ordering of this list does not matter for Chrome because it respects
// the ordering received from the server via Alt-Svc. However, cronet offers
// an addQuicHint() API which uses the first version from this list until
// it receives Alt-Svc from the server. We therefore list Q050 first here
// because there are some cronet applications which communicate with servers
// that speak Q050 but not Draft29.
// TODO(dschinazi) Move Draft29 first once those servers support it.
return quic::ParsedQuicVersionVector{quic::ParsedQuicVersion::Q050(),
// Obsolete QUIC supported versions are versions that are supported by the
// QUIC shared code but that Chrome refuses to use because modern clients
// should only use versions at least as recent as the oldest default version.
inline NET_EXPORT_PRIVATE quic::ParsedQuicVersionVector ObsoleteQuicVersions() {
return quic::ParsedQuicVersionVector{quic::ParsedQuicVersion::Q043(),
// When a connection is idle for 30 seconds it will be closed.
constexpr base::TimeDelta kIdleConnectionTimeout =
// Sessions can migrate if they have been idle for less than this period.
constexpr base::TimeDelta kDefaultIdleSessionMigrationPeriod =
// The default maximum time allowed to have no retransmittable packets on the
// wire (after sending the first retransmittable packet) if
// |migrate_session_early_v2_| is true. PING frames will be sent as needed to
// enforce this.
constexpr base::TimeDelta kDefaultRetransmittableOnWireTimeout =
// The default maximum time QUIC session could be on non-default network before
// migrate back to default network.
constexpr base::TimeDelta kMaxTimeOnNonDefaultNetwork =
// The default maximum number of migrations to non default network on write
// error per network.
const int64_t kMaxMigrationsToNonDefaultNetworkOnWriteError = 5;
// The default maximum number of migrations to non default network on path
// degrading per network.
const int64_t kMaxMigrationsToNonDefaultNetworkOnPathDegrading = 5;
// QUIC's socket receive buffer size.
// We should adaptively set this buffer size, but for now, we'll use a size
// that seems large enough to receive data at line rate for most connections,
// and does not consume "too much" memory.
const int32_t kQuicSocketReceiveBufferSize = 1024 * 1024; // 1MB
// Structure containing simple configuration options and experiments for QUIC.
struct NET_EXPORT QuicParams {
QuicParams(const QuicParams& other);
// QUIC runtime configuration options.
// Versions of QUIC which may be used.
quic::ParsedQuicVersionVector supported_versions =
// User agent description to send in the QUIC handshake.
std::string user_agent_id;
// Limit on the size of QUIC packets.
size_t max_packet_length = quic::kDefaultMaxPacketSize;
// Maximum number of server configs that are to be stored in
// HttpServerProperties, instead of the disk cache.
size_t max_server_configs_stored_in_properties = 0u;
// QUIC will be used for all connections in this set.
std::set<HostPortPair> origins_to_force_quic_on;
// Set of QUIC tags to send in the handshake's connection options.
quic::QuicTagVector connection_options;
// Set of QUIC tags to send in the handshake's connection options that only
// affect the client.
quic::QuicTagVector client_connection_options;
// Enables experimental optimization for receiving data in UDPSocket.
bool enable_socket_recv_optimization = false;
// Active QUIC experiments
// Retry requests which fail with QUIC_PROTOCOL_ERROR, and mark QUIC
// broken if the retry succeeds.
bool retry_without_alt_svc_on_quic_errors = true;
// If true, all QUIC sessions are closed when any local IP address changes.
bool close_sessions_on_ip_change = false;
// If true, all QUIC sessions are marked as goaway when any local IP address
// changes.
bool goaway_sessions_on_ip_change = false;
// Specifies QUIC idle connection state lifetime.
base::TimeDelta idle_connection_timeout = kIdleConnectionTimeout;
// Specifies the reduced ping timeout subsequent connections should use when
// a connection was timed out with open streams.
base::TimeDelta reduced_ping_timeout =
// Maximum time that a session can have no retransmittable packets on the
// wire. Set to zero if not specified and no retransmittable PING will be
// sent to peer when the wire has no retransmittable packets.
base::TimeDelta retransmittable_on_wire_timeout;
// Maximum time the session can be alive before crypto handshake is
// finished.
base::TimeDelta max_time_before_crypto_handshake =
// Maximum idle time before the crypto handshake has completed.
base::TimeDelta max_idle_time_before_crypto_handshake =
// If true, connection migration v2 will be used to migrate existing
// sessions to network when the platform indicates that the default network
// is changing.
bool migrate_sessions_on_network_change_v2 = false;
// If true, connection migration v2 may be used to migrate active QUIC
// sessions to alternative network if current network connectivity is poor.
bool migrate_sessions_early_v2 = false;
// If true, a new connection may be kicked off on an alternate network when
// a connection fails on the default network before handshake is confirmed.
bool retry_on_alternate_network_before_handshake = false;
// If true, an idle session will be migrated within the idle migration
// period.
bool migrate_idle_sessions = false;
// If true, sessions with open streams will attempt to migrate to a different
// port when the current path is poor.
bool allow_port_migration = false;
// A session can be migrated if its idle time is within this period.
base::TimeDelta idle_session_migration_period =
// Maximum time the session could be on the non-default network before
// migrates back to default network. Defaults to
// kMaxTimeOnNonDefaultNetwork.
base::TimeDelta max_time_on_non_default_network = kMaxTimeOnNonDefaultNetwork;
// Maximum number of migrations to the non-default network on write error
// per network for each session.
int max_migrations_to_non_default_network_on_write_error =
// Maximum number of migrations to the non-default network on path
// degrading per network for each session.
int max_migrations_to_non_default_network_on_path_degrading =
// If true, allows migration of QUIC connections to a server-specified
// alternate server address.
bool allow_server_migration = false;
// If true, allows QUIC to use alternative services with a different
// hostname from the origin.
bool allow_remote_alt_svc = true;
// If true, the quic stream factory may race connection from stale dns
// result with the original dns resolution
bool race_stale_dns_on_connection = false;
// If true, the quic session may mark itself as GOAWAY on path degrading.
bool go_away_on_path_degrading = false;
// If true, bidirectional streams over QUIC will be disabled.
bool disable_bidirectional_streams = false;
// If true, estimate the initial RTT for QUIC connections based on network.
bool estimate_initial_rtt = false;
// If true, client headers will include HTTP/2 stream dependency info
// derived from the request priority.
bool headers_include_h2_stream_dependency = false;
// The initial rtt that will be used in crypto handshake if no cached
// smoothed rtt is present.
base::TimeDelta initial_rtt_for_handshake;
// If true, QUIC with TLS will not try 0-RTT connection.
bool disable_tls_zero_rtt = true;
// If true, gQUIC requests will always require confirmation.
bool disable_gquic_zero_rtt = false;
// Network Service Type of the socket for iOS. Default is NET_SERVICE_TYPE_BE
// (best effort).
int ios_network_service_type = 0;
// QuicContext contains QUIC-related variables that are shared across all of the
// QUIC connections, both HTTP and non-HTTP ones.
class NET_EXPORT_PRIVATE QuicContext {
QuicContext(std::unique_ptr<quic::QuicConnectionHelperInterface> helper);
quic::QuicConnectionHelperInterface* helper() { return helper_.get(); }
const quic::QuicClock* clock() { return helper_->GetClock(); }
quic::QuicRandom* random_generator() { return helper_->GetRandomGenerator(); }
QuicParams* params() { return &params_; }
quic::ParsedQuicVersion GetDefaultVersion() {
return params_.supported_versions[0];
const quic::ParsedQuicVersionVector& supported_versions() {
return params_.supported_versions;
void SetHelperForTesting(
std::unique_ptr<quic::QuicConnectionHelperInterface> helper) {
helper_ = std::move(helper);
std::unique_ptr<quic::QuicConnectionHelperInterface> helper_;
QuicParams params_;
// Initializes QuicConfig based on the specified parameters.
quic::QuicConfig InitializeQuicConfig(const QuicParams& params);
} // namespace net