blob: a388901afb6aead408d07ad7fca8d65fe42b2844 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#ifndef ScriptWrappableVisitor_h
#define ScriptWrappableVisitor_h
#include "platform/PlatformExport.h"
#include "platform/heap/HeapPage.h"
#include "platform/heap/ThreadingTraits.h"
#include "platform/heap/VisitorImpl.h"
#include "platform/wtf/Deque.h"
#include "platform/wtf/Vector.h"
#include "v8/include/v8.h"
namespace blink {
template <typename T>
class DOMWrapperMap;
class HeapObjectHeader;
class ScriptWrappable;
class ScriptWrappableVisitor;
template <typename T>
class Supplement;
class TraceWrapperBase;
class TraceWrapperBaseForSupplement;
template <typename T>
class TraceWrapperV8Reference;
using HeapObjectHeaderCallback = HeapObjectHeader* (*)(const void*);
using MissedWriteBarrierCallback = void (*)();
using TraceWrappersCallback = void (*)(const ScriptWrappableVisitor*,
const void* self);
template <> \
inline void TraceTrait<ClassName>::TraceMarkedWrapper( \
const ScriptWrappableVisitor* visitor, const void* t) { \
const ClassName* traceable = ToWrapperTracingType(t); \
DCHECK(GetHeapObjectHeader(traceable)->IsWrapperHeaderMarked()); \
traceable->TraceWrappers(visitor); \
// WrapperDescriptor contains enough information to visit a
// ScriptWrappable without knowing its type statically.
// It is passed to ScriptWrappableVisitor::Visit method.
struct WrapperDescriptor {
const void* traceable;
TraceWrappersCallback trace_wrappers_callback;
HeapObjectHeaderCallback heap_object_header_callback;
MissedWriteBarrierCallback missed_write_barrier_callback;
// TODO(ulan): rename it to MarkingDequeItem and make it a private
// nested class of ScriptWrappableMarkingVisitor.
class WrapperMarkingData {
WrapperMarkingData(const WrapperDescriptor& wrapper_descriptor)
: trace_wrappers_callback_(wrapper_descriptor.trace_wrappers_callback),
raw_object_pointer_(wrapper_descriptor.traceable) {
// Traces wrappers if the underlying object has not yet been invalidated.
inline void TraceWrappers(ScriptWrappableVisitor* visitor) const {
if (raw_object_pointer_) {
trace_wrappers_callback_(visitor, raw_object_pointer_);
inline const void* RawObjectPointer() { return raw_object_pointer_; }
// Returns true if the object is currently marked in Oilpan and false
// otherwise.
inline bool ShouldBeInvalidated() {
return raw_object_pointer_ && !GetHeapObjectHeader()->IsMarked();
// Invalidates the current wrapper marking data, i.e., calling TraceWrappers
// will result in a noop.
inline void Invalidate() { raw_object_pointer_ = nullptr; }
inline const HeapObjectHeader* GetHeapObjectHeader() {
return heap_object_header_callback_(raw_object_pointer_);
TraceWrappersCallback trace_wrappers_callback_;
HeapObjectHeaderCallback heap_object_header_callback_;
const void* raw_object_pointer_;
// ScriptWrappableVisitor is used to trace through Blink's heap to find all
// reachable wrappers. V8 calls this visitor during its garbage collection,
// see v8::EmbedderHeapTracer.
class PLATFORM_EXPORT ScriptWrappableVisitor : public v8::EmbedderHeapTracer {
static ScriptWrappableVisitor* CurrentVisitor(v8::Isolate*);
bool WrapperTracingInProgress() const { return tracing_in_progress_; }
// Replace all dead objects in the marking deque with nullptr after Oilpan
// garbage collection.
static void InvalidateDeadObjectsInMarkingDeque(v8::Isolate*);
// Immediately clean up all wrappers.
static void PerformCleanup(v8::Isolate*);
// Conservative Dijkstra barrier.
// On assignment 'x.a = y' during incremental marking the Dijkstra barrier
// suggests checking the color of 'x' and only mark 'y' if 'x' is marked.
// Since checking 'x' is expensive in the current setting, as it requires
// either a back pointer or expensive lookup logic due to large objects and
// multiple inheritance, just assume that 'x' is black. We assume here that
// since an object 'x' is referenced for a write, it will generally also be
// alive in the current GC cycle.
template <typename T>
static void WriteBarrier(const T* dst_object) {
if (!dst_object)
const ThreadState* thread_state =
// Bail out if tracing is not in progress.
if (!thread_state->WrapperTracingInProgress())
// If the wrapper is already marked we can bail out here.
if (TraceTrait<T>::GetHeapObjectHeader(dst_object)->IsWrapperHeaderMarked())
static void WriteBarrier(v8::Isolate*,
const TraceWrapperV8Reference<v8::Value>&);
static void WriteBarrier(v8::Isolate*,
ScriptWrappable* key);
ScriptWrappableVisitor(v8::Isolate* isolate) : isolate_(isolate){};
~ScriptWrappableVisitor() override;
// Trace all wrappers of |t|.
// If you cannot use TraceWrapperMember & the corresponding TraceWrappers()
// for some reason (e.g., unions using raw pointers), see
// |TraceWrappersWithManualWriteBarrier()| below.
// TODO(ulan): extract TraceWrappers* methods to a general visitor interface.
template <typename T>
void TraceWrappers(const TraceWrapperMember<T>& traceable) const {
// Enable partial tracing of objects. This is used when tracing interior
// objects without their own header.
template <typename T>
void TraceWrappers(const T& traceable) const {
static_assert(sizeof(T), "T must be fully defined");
// Only called from automatically generated bindings code.
template <typename T>
void TraceWrappersFromGeneratedCode(const T* traceable) const {
// Require all users of manual write barriers to make this explicit in their
// |TraceWrappers| definition. Be sure to add
// |ScriptWrappableVisitor::WriteBarrier(new_value)| after all assignments to
// the field. Otherwise, the objects may be collected prematurely.
template <typename T>
void TraceWrappersWithManualWriteBarrier(const T* traceable) const {
template <typename V8Type>
void TraceWrappers(const TraceWrapperV8Reference<V8Type>& v8reference) const {
Visit(v8reference.template Cast<v8::Value>());
// Trace a wrapper in a non-main world.
void TraceWrappers(DOMWrapperMap<ScriptWrappable>*,
const ScriptWrappable* key) const;
virtual void DispatchTraceWrappers(const TraceWrapperBase*) const;
template <typename T>
void DispatchTraceWrappers(const Supplement<T>* traceable) const {
const TraceWrapperBaseForSupplement* base = traceable;
// Catch all handlers needed because of mixins except for Supplement<T>.
void DispatchTraceWrappers(const void*) const { CHECK(false); }
// v8::EmbedderHeapTracer interface.
void TracePrologue() override;
void RegisterV8References(const std::vector<std::pair<void*, void*>>&
internal_fields_of_potential_wrappers) override;
void RegisterV8Reference(const std::pair<void*, void*>& internal_fields);
bool AdvanceTracing(double deadline_in_ms,
v8::EmbedderHeapTracer::AdvanceTracingActions) override;
void TraceEpilogue() override;
void AbortTracing() override;
void EnterFinalPause() override;
size_t NumberOfWrappersToTrace() override;
// The visitor interface. Derived visitors should override this
// function to visit V8 references and ScriptWrappables.
// TODO(ulan): extract Visit methods to a general visitor interface.
virtual void Visit(const TraceWrapperV8Reference<v8::Value>&) const;
virtual void Visit(const WrapperDescriptor&) const;
virtual void Visit(DOMWrapperMap<ScriptWrappable>*,
const ScriptWrappable* key) const;
v8::Isolate* isolate() const { return isolate_; }
template <typename T>
static NOINLINE void MissedWriteBarrier() {
// Helper method to invoke the virtual Visit method with wrapper descriptor.
template <typename T>
void Visit(const T* traceable) const {
static_assert(sizeof(T), "T must be fully defined");
if (!traceable)
WrapperDescriptor wrapper_descriptor = {
traceable, TraceTrait<T>::TraceMarkedWrapper,
void MarkWrapperHeader(HeapObjectHeader*) const;
// Supplement-specific implementation of DispatchTraceWrappers. The suffix of
// "ForSupplement" is necessary not to make this member function a candidate
// of overload resolutions.
void DispatchTraceWrappersForSupplement(
const TraceWrapperBaseForSupplement*) const;
// Schedule an idle task to perform a lazy (incremental) clean up of
// wrappers.
void ScheduleIdleLazyCleanup();
void PerformLazyCleanup(double deadline_seconds);
void InvalidateDeadObjectsInMarkingDeque();
// Immediately cleans up all wrappers if necessary.
void PerformCleanup();
WTF::Deque<WrapperMarkingData>* MarkingDeque() const {
return &marking_deque_;
WTF::Vector<HeapObjectHeader*>* HeadersToUnmark() const {
return &headers_to_unmark_;
// Returns true if wrapper tracing is currently in progress, i.e.,
// TracePrologue has been called, and TraceEpilogue has not yet been called.
bool tracing_in_progress_ = false;
// Is AdvanceTracing currently running? If not, we know that all calls of
// pushToMarkingDeque are from V8 or new wrapper associations. And this
// information is used by the verifier feature.
bool advancing_tracing_ = false;
// Indicates whether an idle task for a lazy cleanup has already been
// scheduled. The flag is used to avoid scheduling multiple idle tasks for
// cleaning up.
bool idle_cleanup_task_scheduled_ = false;
// Indicates whether cleanup should currently happen. The flag is used to
// avoid cleaning up in the next GC cycle.
bool should_cleanup_ = false;
// Collection of objects we need to trace from. We assume it is safe to hold
// on to the raw pointers because:
// - oilpan object cannot move
// - oilpan gc will call invalidateDeadObjectsInMarkingDeque to delete all
// obsolete objects
mutable WTF::Deque<WrapperMarkingData> marking_deque_;
// Collection of objects we started tracing from. We assume it is safe to
// hold on to the raw pointers because:
// - oilpan object cannot move
// - oilpan gc will call invalidateDeadObjectsInMarkingDeque to delete
// all obsolete objects
// These objects are used when TraceWrappablesVerifier feature is enabled to
// verify that all objects reachable in the atomic pause were marked
// incrementally. If not, there is one or multiple write barriers missing.
mutable WTF::Deque<WrapperMarkingData> verifier_deque_;
// Collection of headers we need to unmark after the tracing finished. We
// assume it is safe to hold on to the headers because:
// - oilpan objects cannot move
// - objects this headers belong to are invalidated by the oilpan GC in
// invalidateDeadObjectsInMarkingDeque.
mutable WTF::Vector<HeapObjectHeader*> headers_to_unmark_;
v8::Isolate* isolate_;
FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(ScriptWrappableVisitorTest, MixinTracing);
} // namespace blink
#endif // ScriptWrappableVisitor_h