Migrate WTF::Vector::remove() to ::erase()

As discussed on platform-architecture-dev [0], there is interest in
normalizing the methods of WTF classes to better align with std classes.

There are no functional changes.

[0] https://groups.google.com/a/chromium.org/d/topic/platform-architecture-dev/I7jnz4p1h84/discussion


Review-Url: https://codereview.chromium.org/2776203002
Cr-Original-Commit-Position: refs/heads/master@{#460215}
Cr-Mirrored-From: https://chromium.googlesource.com/chromium/src
Cr-Mirrored-Commit: 3e2545eea28039a76b9c056c84fddac3cbc9d7d8
1 file changed
tree: 27dec9e16263b5e93a5e74caf0e4b4bdcbd23b1f
  1. allocator/
  2. debug/
  3. dtoa/
  4. testing/
  5. text/
  6. typed_arrays/
  7. .gitignore
  8. AddressSanitizer.h
  9. Alignment.h
  10. Allocator.h
  11. Allocator.md
  12. ASCIICType.h
  13. ASCIICTypeTest.cpp
  14. Assertions.h
  15. AssertionsTest.cpp
  16. Atomics.h
  17. AutoReset.h
  18. BitVector.h
  19. BitwiseOperations.h
  20. BloomFilter.h
  21. BUILD.gn
  22. build_config.h
  23. ByteOrder.h
  24. ByteSwap.h
  25. CheckedNumeric.h
  26. Compiler.h
  27. ConditionalDestructor.h
  28. ContainerAnnotations.h
  29. CONTRIBUTORS.pthreads-win32
  30. CPU.h
  31. CryptographicallyRandomNumber.h
  32. CurrentTime.h
  33. DataLog.h
  34. DateMath.cpp
  35. DateMath.h
  36. DEPS
  37. Deque.h
  38. DequeTest.cpp
  39. DoublyLinkedList.h
  40. dtoa.h
  41. dtoa_test.cpp
  42. DynamicAnnotations.h
  43. FilePrintStream.cpp
  44. FilePrintStream.h
  45. Forward.h
  46. Functional.h
  47. FunctionalTest.cpp
  48. GetPtr.h
  49. HashCountedSet.h
  50. HashFunctions.h
  51. HashIterators.h
  52. HashMap.h
  53. HashMapTest.cpp
  54. HashSet.h
  55. HashSetTest.cpp
  56. HashTable.h
  57. HashTableDeletedValueType.h
  58. HashTraits.h
  59. HexNumber.h
  60. InstanceCounter.cpp
  61. InstanceCounter.h
  62. LeakAnnotations.h
  63. LinkedHashSet.h
  64. ListHashSet.h
  65. ListHashSetTest.cpp
  66. Locker.h
  67. MathExtras.h
  68. MathExtrasTest.cpp
  69. Noncopyable.h
  70. NonCopyingSort.h
  71. NotFound.h
  72. Optional.h
  73. OptionalTest.cpp
  74. OWNERS
  75. PassRefPtr.h
  76. PassRefPtrTest.cpp
  77. PrintStream.cpp
  78. PrintStream.h
  79. PtrUtil.h
  80. README.md
  81. RefCounted.h
  82. RefPtr.h
  83. RefPtrTest.cpp
  84. RefVector.h
  85. RetainPtr.h
  86. SaturatedArithmetic.h
  87. ScopedLogger.md
  88. SizeAssertions.h
  89. SizeLimits.cpp
  90. SpinLock.h
  91. StackUtil.cpp
  92. StackUtil.h
  93. StaticConstructors.h
  94. StdLibExtras.h
  95. StringExtras.h
  96. StringExtrasTest.cpp
  97. StringHasher.h
  98. StringHasherTest.cpp
  99. TerminatedArray.h
  100. TerminatedArrayBuilder.h
  101. Threading.h
  102. ThreadingPrimitives.h
  103. ThreadingPthreads.cpp
  104. ThreadingWin.cpp
  105. ThreadRestrictionVerifier.h
  106. ThreadSafeRefCounted.h
  107. ThreadSpecific.h
  108. ThreadSpecificWin.cpp
  109. Time.h
  110. TimeTest.cpp
  111. TreeNode.h
  112. TreeNodeTest.cpp
  113. TriState.h
  114. TypeTraits.h
  115. TypeTraitsTest.cpp
  116. UniquePtrTransitionGuide.md
  117. Vector.h
  118. VectorTest.cpp
  119. VectorTraits.h
  120. WeakPtr.h
  121. WTF.cpp
  122. WTF.h
  123. WTFExport.h
  124. WTFThreadData.cpp
  125. WTFThreadData.h

WTF -- Web Template Framework

The contents in this directory are being moved to platform/wtf. See platform/wtf/README.md for details.