blob: d1df4145e9ef2fbce0fc0700165de773f181f1c5 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// This file was generated by:
// tools/json_schema_compiler/
// NOTE: The format of types has changed. 'FooType' is now
// 'chrome.passwordsPrivate.FooType'.
// Please run the closure compiler before committing changes.
// See
/** @fileoverview Externs generated from namespace: passwordsPrivate */
/** @const */
chrome.passwordsPrivate = {};
* @enum {string}
chrome.passwordsPrivate.PlaintextReason = {
* @enum {string}
chrome.passwordsPrivate.ExportProgressStatus = {
* @enum {string}
chrome.passwordsPrivate.CompromiseType = {
* @enum {string}
chrome.passwordsPrivate.PasswordCheckState = {
* @typedef {{
* origin: string,
* shown: string,
* link: string
* }}
* @typedef {{
* urls: !chrome.passwordsPrivate.UrlCollection,
* username: string,
* federationText: (string|undefined),
* id: number,
* frontendId: number,
* fromAccountStore: boolean
* }}
* @typedef {{
* urls: !chrome.passwordsPrivate.UrlCollection,
* id: number,
* frontendId: number,
* fromAccountStore: boolean
* }}
* @typedef {{
* status: !chrome.passwordsPrivate.ExportProgressStatus,
* folderName: (string|undefined)
* }}
* @typedef {{
* compromiseTime: number,
* elapsedTimeSinceCompromise: string,
* compromiseType: !chrome.passwordsPrivate.CompromiseType
* }}
* @typedef {{
* id: number,
* formattedOrigin: string,
* detailedOrigin: string,
* isAndroidCredential: boolean,
* changePasswordUrl: (string|undefined),
* signonRealm: string,
* username: string,
* password: (string|undefined),
* compromisedInfo: (!chrome.passwordsPrivate.CompromisedInfo|undefined)
* }}
* @typedef {{
* state: !chrome.passwordsPrivate.PasswordCheckState,
* alreadyProcessed: (number|undefined),
* remainingInQueue: (number|undefined),
* elapsedTimeSinceLastCheck: (string|undefined)
* }}
* Function that logs that the Passwords page was accessed from the Chrome
* Settings WebUI.
chrome.passwordsPrivate.recordPasswordsPageAccessInSettings = function() {};
* Changes the saved password corresponding to |ids|. Since the password can be
* stored in Google Account and on device, in this case we want to change the
* password for accountId and deviceId. Invokes |callback| or raises an error
* depending on whether the operation succeeded.
* @param {!Array<number>} ids The ids for the password entry being updated.
* @param {string} new_username The new username.
* @param {string} new_password The new password.
* @param {function(): void=} callback The callback that gets invoked in the
* end.
chrome.passwordsPrivate.changeSavedPassword = function(
ids, new_username, new_password, callback) {};
* Removes the saved password corresponding to |id|. If no saved password for
* this pair exists, this function is a no-op.
* @param {number} id The id for the password entry being removed.
chrome.passwordsPrivate.removeSavedPassword = function(id) {};
* Removes the saved password corresponding to |ids|. If no saved password
* exists for a certain id, that id is ignored. Undoing this operation via
* undoRemoveSavedPasswordOrException will restore all the removed passwords in
* the batch.
* @param {!Array<number>} ids
chrome.passwordsPrivate.removeSavedPasswords = function(ids) {};
* Removes the saved password exception corresponding to |id|. If no exception
* with this id exists, this function is a no-op.
* @param {number} id The id for the exception url entry being removed.
chrome.passwordsPrivate.removePasswordException = function(id) {};
* Removes the saved password exceptions corresponding to |ids|. If no exception
* exists for a certain id, that id is ignored. Undoing this operation via
* undoRemoveSavedPasswordOrException will restore all the removed exceptions in
* the batch.
* @param {!Array<number>} ids
chrome.passwordsPrivate.removePasswordExceptions = function(ids) {};
* Undoes the last removal of saved password(s) or exception(s).
chrome.passwordsPrivate.undoRemoveSavedPasswordOrException = function() {};
* Returns the plaintext password corresponding to |id|. Note that on some
* operating systems, this call may result in an OS-level reauthentication. Once
* the password has been fetched, it will be returned via |callback|.
* @param {number} id The id for the password entry being being retrieved.
* @param {!chrome.passwordsPrivate.PlaintextReason} reason The reason why the
* plaintext password is requested.
* @param {function(string): void} callback The callback that gets invoked with
* the retrieved password.
chrome.passwordsPrivate.requestPlaintextPassword = function(
id, reason, callback) {};
* Returns the list of saved passwords.
* @param {function(!Array<!chrome.passwordsPrivate.PasswordUiEntry>): void}
* callback Called with the list of saved passwords.
chrome.passwordsPrivate.getSavedPasswordList = function(callback) {};
* Returns the list of password exceptions.
* @param {function(!Array<!chrome.passwordsPrivate.ExceptionEntry>): void}
* callback Called with the list of password exceptions.
chrome.passwordsPrivate.getPasswordExceptionList = function(callback) {};
* Moves a password currently stored on the device to being stored in the
* signed-in, non-syncing Google Account. The result is a no-op if any of these
* is true: |id| is invalid; |id| corresponds to a password already stored in
* the account; or the user is not using the account-scoped password storage.
* @param {number} id The id for the password entry being moved.
chrome.passwordsPrivate.movePasswordToAccount = function(id) {};
* Triggers the Password Manager password import functionality.
chrome.passwordsPrivate.importPasswords = function() {};
* Triggers the Password Manager password export functionality. Completion Will
* be signaled by the onPasswordsFileExportProgress event. |callback| will be
* called when the request is started or rejected. If rejected
* $(ref:runtime.lastError) will be set to <code>'in-progress'</code> or
* <code>'reauth-failed'</code>.
* @param {function(): void} callback
chrome.passwordsPrivate.exportPasswords = function(callback) {};
* Requests the export progress status. This is the same as the last value seen
* on the onPasswordsFileExportProgress event. This function is useful for
* checking if an export has already been initiated from an older tab, where we
* might have missed the original event.
* @param {function(!chrome.passwordsPrivate.ExportProgressStatus): void}
* callback
chrome.passwordsPrivate.requestExportProgressStatus = function(callback) {};
* Stops exporting passwords and cleans up any passwords, which were already
* written to the filesystem.
chrome.passwordsPrivate.cancelExportPasswords = function() {};
* Requests the account-storage opt-in state of the current user.
* @param {function(boolean): void} callback
chrome.passwordsPrivate.isOptedInForAccountStorage = function(callback) {};
* Triggers the opt-in or opt-out flow for the account storage.
* @param {boolean} optIn
chrome.passwordsPrivate.optInForAccountStorage = function(optIn) {};
* Requests the latest compromised credentials.
* @param {function(!Array<!chrome.passwordsPrivate.InsecureCredential>): void}
* callback
chrome.passwordsPrivate.getCompromisedCredentials = function(callback) {};
* Requests the latest weak credentials.
* @param {function(!Array<!chrome.passwordsPrivate.InsecureCredential>): void}
* callback
chrome.passwordsPrivate.getWeakCredentials = function(callback) {};
* Requests the plaintext password for |credential|. |callback| gets invoked
* with the same |credential|, whose |password| field will be set.
* @param {!chrome.passwordsPrivate.InsecureCredential} credential The insecure
* credential whose password is being retrieved.
* @param {!chrome.passwordsPrivate.PlaintextReason} reason The reason why the
* plaintext password is requested.
* @param {function(!chrome.passwordsPrivate.InsecureCredential): void} callback
* The callback that gets invoked with the result.
chrome.passwordsPrivate.getPlaintextInsecurePassword = function(
credential, reason, callback) {};
* Requests to change the password of |credential| to |new_password|. Invokes
* |callback| or raises an error depending on whether the operation succeeded.
* @param {!chrome.passwordsPrivate.InsecureCredential} credential The
* credential whose password should be changed.
* @param {string} new_password The new password.
* @param {function(): void=} callback The callback that gets invoked in the
* end.
chrome.passwordsPrivate.changeInsecureCredential = function(
credential, new_password, callback) {};
* Requests to remove |credential| from the password store. Invokes |callback|
* on completion.
* @param {!chrome.passwordsPrivate.InsecureCredential} credential
* @param {function(): void=} callback
chrome.passwordsPrivate.removeInsecureCredential = function(
credential, callback) {};
* Starts a check for insecure passwords. Invokes |callback| on completion.
* @param {function(): void=} callback
chrome.passwordsPrivate.startPasswordCheck = function(callback) {};
* Stops checking for insecure passwords. Invokes |callback| on completion.
* @param {function(): void=} callback
chrome.passwordsPrivate.stopPasswordCheck = function(callback) {};
* Returns the current status of the check via |callback|.
* @param {function(!chrome.passwordsPrivate.PasswordCheckStatus): void}
* callback
chrome.passwordsPrivate.getPasswordCheckStatus = function(callback) {};
* Fired when the saved passwords list has changed, meaning that an entry has
* been added or removed.
* @type {!ChromeEvent}
* Fired when the password exceptions list has changed, meaning that an entry
* has been added or removed.
* @type {!ChromeEvent}
* Fired when the status of the export has changed.
* @type {!ChromeEvent}
* Fired when the opt-in state for the account-scoped storage has changed.
* @type {!ChromeEvent}
* Fired when the compromised credentials changed.
* @type {!ChromeEvent}
* Fired when the weak credentials changed.
* @type {!ChromeEvent}
* Fired when the status of the password check changes.
* @type {!ChromeEvent}