| Name: test_fonts |
| URL: https://pagure.io/lohit, http://www.nongnu.org/freebangfont/downloads.html#mukti, https://dejavu-fonts.github.io/Download.html |
| Version: unknown |
| License: SIL OPEN FONT LICENSE, GPL v2, Bitstream Vera Fonts Copyright |
| Security Critical: no |
| |
| Description: |
| A collection of fonts in the test_fonts directory distributed in a |
| cloud storage bucket in order to ease running layout test under multiple Linux |
| distributions. |
| |
| How to update or add fonts: |
| |
| 1. Download fonts from their source repositories, see "Font Origins" below, |
| build them if necessary. |
| 2. Copy the necessary files to ./test_fonts |
| 3. Verify that the licenses are correctly referenced in LICENSE (See the |
| section headers in the LICENSE file: When adding a new license, add a dashed |
| line, list the new font files that it applies to, and copy and paste the |
| additional license below.) |
| 4. Update the `//third_party/test_fonts/` BUILD.gn target to include all the |
| current fonts and their license files. |
| 5. Run the `upload_to_google_storage.py` (from depot_tools) script to upload |
| the files. You must do this in the //third_party/test_fonts directory. To |
| do this, execute: |
| $ upload_to_google_storage.py --archive -b chromium-fonts test_fonts |
| 6. Add all the font_bundle.tar.gz.sha1 file to the chromium src repository, by |
| executing the following command: |
| $ git add ./third_party/test_fonts/test_fonts.tar.gz.sha1 |
| 7. (optional) Update FONT_FILES in |
| third_party/blink/tools/blinkpy/web_tests/port/base.py . |
| |
| If you need access to the chromium-fonts bucket, contact Chrome infra.% For |
| details, please refer to |
| https://chromium.googlesource.com/infra/infra/+/master/doc/users/contacting_troopers.md |
| |
| Font Origins: |
| |
| Ahem.ttf https://web-platform-tests.org/writing-tests/ahem.html |
| Arimo-Bold.ttf https://github.com/google/fonts/tree/master/apache/arimo |
| Arimo-BoldItalic.ttf https://github.com/google/fonts/tree/master/apache/arimo |
| Arimo-Italic.ttf https://github.com/google/fonts/tree/master/apache/arimo |
| Arimo-Regular.ttf https://github.com/google/fonts/tree/master/apache/arimo |
| Cousine-Bold.ttf https://github.com/google/fonts/tree/master/apache/cousine |
| Cousine-BoldItalic.ttf https://github.com/google/fonts/tree/master/apache/cousine |
| Cousine-Italic.ttf https://github.com/google/fonts/tree/master/apache/cousine |
| Cousine-Regular.ttf https://github.com/google/fonts/tree/master/apache/cousine |
| DejaVuSans.ttf https://dejavu-fonts.github.io/Download.html |
| GardinerModBug.ttf See README_GardinerMod.txt |
| GardinerModCat.ttf See README_GardinerMod.txt |
| Garuda.ttf https://linux.thai.net/projects/fonts-tlwg |
| Gelasio-Bold.ttf https://fontlibrary.org/en/font/gelasio |
| Gelasio-BoldItalic.ttf https://fontlibrary.org/en/font/gelasio |
| Gelasio-Italic.ttf https://fontlibrary.org/en/font/gelasio |
| Gelasio-Regular.ttf https://fontlibrary.org/en/font/gelasio |
| Lohit-Devanagari.ttf https://pagure.io/lohit |
| Lohit-Gurmukhi.ttf https://pagure.io/lohit |
| Lohit-Tamil.ttf https://pagure.io/lohit |
| MuktiNarrow.ttf http://www.nongnu.org/freebangfont/downloads.html#mukti |
| NotoColorEmoji.ttf https://github.com/googlefonts/noto-emoji |
| NotoSansCJK-VF.otf.ttc https://github.com/googlefonts/noto-cjk/tree/main/Sans/Variable/OTC |
| NotoSansKhmer-Regular.ttf https://www.google.com/get/noto/#sans-khmr |
| NotoSansSymbols2-Regular.ttf https://github.com/googlefonts/noto-fonts/tree/master/hinted/NotoSansSymbols2 |
| NotoSansTibetan-Regular.ttf https://github.com/googlefonts/noto-fonts/tree/master/hinted/NotoSansTibetan |
| Tinos-Bold.ttf https://github.com/google/fonts/tree/master/apache/tinos |
| Tinos-BoldItalic.ttf https://github.com/google/fonts/tree/master/apache/tinos |
| Tinos-Italic.ttf https://github.com/google/fonts/tree/master/apache/tinos |
| Tinos-Regular.ttf https://github.com/google/fonts/tree/master/apache/tinos |