blob: 8ab9575a4a3f03ddc95bdca41dffabf0989a00f3 [file] [log] [blame]
Copyright 2021 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
found in the LICENSE file.
This file is used to generate a comprehensive list of CrossDevice histograms
along with a detailed description for each histogram.
For best practices on writing histogram descriptions, see
Please send CLs to rather than to specific
individuals. These CLs will be automatically reassigned to a reviewer within
about 5 minutes. This approach helps the metrics team to load-balance incoming
reviews. Googlers can read more about this at go/gwsq-gerrit.
<histogram name="AndroidSms.EffectivePWAInstallationSuccess"
enum="BooleanSuccess" expires_after="2022-02-02">
Records effective final success/failure when trying to install Android
Messages for Web PWA. This is recorded once when any one of the installation
attempts succeed or when all attempts fails, irrespective of number of
<histogram name="AndroidSms.FcmMessageDispatchFailure"
enum="AndroidSmsFcmMessageType" expires_after="2022-02-02">
Records message types for which all retry attempts failed when dispatching
to Android Messages for Web Service-Worker. This is recorded when using FCM
web push for background notificaitons.
<histogram name="AndroidSms.FcmMessageDispatchRetry"
enum="AndroidSmsFcmMessageType" expires_after="2022-02-02">
Records message types for which a retry was attempted when dispatching to
Android Messages for Web Service-Worker. This is recorded when using FCM web
push for background notificaitons.
<histogram name="AndroidSms.FcmMessageDispatchSuccess"
enum="AndroidSmsFcmMessageType" expires_after="2022-02-02">
Records message types for which dispatching to Android Messages for Web
Service-Worker succeeded. This is recorded when using FCM web push for
background notificaitons.
<histogram name="AndroidSms.MultiDeviceFeatureState"
enum="MultiDevice_FeatureState" expires_after="2022-02-02">
Indicates the feature state of the Messages feature. This metric is emitted
to at the creation of the user session (when the user logs in), and when
feature state updates occur.
<histogram name="AndroidSms.NumAttemptsForSuccessfulInstallation"
units="attempts" expires_after="2022-02-02">
Records the number of installations attempted for Android Messages for Web
PWA before succeeding.
<histogram name="AndroidSms.PWAInstallationResult"
enum="WebAppInstallResultCode" expires_after="2022-02-02">
Records installation result code for every installation attempt for Android
Messages for Web PWA initiated through Multidevice setup or settings. This
metric also includes installation result for every failed retry.
<histogram name="AndroidSms.PWAUninstallationResult" enum="BooleanSuccess"
Records success/failure for when Android Messages for Web PWA is
uninstalled. The PWA is uninstalled when the messages URL changes, resulting
in the PWA being uninstalled at the old URL and reinstalled at the new URL.
<histogram name="AndroidSms.ServiceWorkerLifetime" units="ms"
Tracks the duration of time for which the Android Messages for Web Service-
Worker is handling background connection.
<histogram name="AndroidSms.ServiceWorkerMessageDispatchStatus"
enum="BooleanSuccess" expires_after="2022-02-02">
Tracks dispatch success/failure status of the start streaming message sent
to the Android Messages for Web Service-Worker.
<histogram name="CryptAuth.ClientAppMetadata.IsManufacturerEmpty"
enum="BooleanEmpty" expires_after="2021-10-06">
Indicates whether or not the device manufacturer name returned in the
hardware info is empty. Recored during the construction of a
ClientAppMetadata proto.
<histogram name="CryptAuth.ClientAppMetadata.IsModelEmpty" enum="BooleanEmpty"
Indicates whether or not the device model name returned in the hardware info
is empty. Recored during the construction of a ClientAppMetadata proto.
<histogram name="CryptAuth.ClientAppMetadataInstanceIdTokenFetch.Result"
enum="InstanceIDResult" expires_after="2021-10-06">
Indicates the result of fetching an InstanceId token during the construction
of a ClientAppMetadata proto messages.
<histogram name="CryptAuth.ClientAppMetadataInstanceIdTokenFetch.Retries"
units="retries" expires_after="2021-10-06">
Counts the number of times the InstanceId token fetch got retried because it
did not match with the expected InstanceId. Logged during the construction
of a ClientAppMetadata proto message.
<histogram name="CryptAuth.DeviceSync.Result" enum="BooleanSuccess"
<summary>Indicates success of performing a DeviceSync.</summary>
enum="CryptAuthAsyncTaskResult" expires_after="2021-10-06">
Records the result of the async ClientAppMetadata retrieval performed during
initialization of the DeviceSync service. Recorded when the async callback
is invoked or when the call times out.
units="ms" expires_after="2021-10-06">
Records the execution time of the async ClientAppMetadata retrieval
performed during initialization of the DeviceSync service. Recorded when the
async callback is invoked or when the call times out.
<histogram name="CryptAuth.DeviceSyncService.GcmRegistration.ExecutionTime"
units="ms" expires_after="2021-10-06">
Records the execution time of GCM registration performed during
initialization of the DeviceSync service. Recorded when the async callback
is invoked.
<histogram name="CryptAuth.DeviceSyncService.GcmRegistration.Success"
enum="BooleanSuccess" expires_after="2021-10-06">
Records the result of GCM registration performed during initialization of
the DeviceSync service. Recorded when the async callback is invoked.
<histogram name="CryptAuth.DeviceSyncService.Initialization.ExecutionTime"
units="ms" expires_after="2021-10-06">
Records the execution time of the DeviceSync service initialization.
Recorded each time the DeviceSync service starts up, after initialization
<histogram name="CryptAuth.DeviceSyncSoftwareFeaturesResult"
enum="BooleanSuccess" expires_after="2021-10-06">
Indicates that there was no issue retrieving supported and enabled software
features, or that there were enabled features which were not in the
supported feature set. See the histogram
&quot;CryptAuth.DeviceSyncSoftwareFeaturesResult.Failures&quot; for a
breakdown of failures by feature type.
<histogram name="CryptAuth.DeviceSyncSoftwareFeaturesResult.Failures"
enum="CryptAuthSoftwareFeature" expires_after="2021-10-06">
Breaks down by feature type
&quot;CryptAuth.DeviceSyncSoftwareFeaturesResult&quot;'s count of enabled
features which were not in the supported feature set.
enum="CryptAuthApiCallResult" expires_after="2021-10-06">
Records the result of the async GetDevicesActivityStatus API call to
CryptAuth during multi-device setup. Recorded when the async callback is
invoked or when the call times out.
units="ms" expires_after="2021-10-06">
Records the execution time of the async GetDevicesActivityStatus API call
during multi-device setup. Recorded when the async callback is invoked or
when the call times out.
enum="CryptAuthApiCallResult" expires_after="2021-10-06">
Records the result of the async BatchNotifyGroupDevices API call to
CryptAuth. Recorded when the async callback is invoked or when the call
times out.
units="ms" expires_after="2021-10-06">
Records the execution time of the async BatchNotifyGroupDevices API call to
CryptAuth. Recorded when the async callback is invoked or when the call
times out.
enum="CryptAuthAsyncTaskResult" expires_after="2021-10-06">
Records the result of the async device metadata decryption during the
CryptAuth v2 DeviceSync flow. Records a success if the operation did not
timeout; a separate metric,
CryptAuth.DeviceSyncV2.DeviceSyncer.MetadataDecryptionSuccess, tracks
individual encryption failures.Recorded when the async callback is invoked
or when the call times out.
enum="CryptAuthAsyncTaskResult" expires_after="2021-10-06">
Records the result of the async group private key decryption during the
CryptAuth v2 DeviceSync flow. Recorded when the async callback is invoked or
when the call times out.
units="ms" expires_after="2021-10-06">
Records the execution time of the async device metadata decryption during
the CryptAuth v2 DeviceSync flow. Recorded when the async callback is
invoked or when the call times out.
units="ms" expires_after="2021-10-06">
Records the execution time of the async group private key decryption during
the CryptAuth v2 DeviceSync flow. Recorded when the async callback is
invoked or when the call times out.
enum="BooleanConsistent" expires_after="2021-10-06">
Records whether or not the group private key sent by CryptAuth matches the
existing group private key when they are expected to agree. Emitted during a
CryptAuth v2 DeviceSync if the group private key is not being rotated.
enum="BooleanConsistent" expires_after="2021-10-06">
Records whether or not the local device metadata agrees with that sent by
CryptAuth in the SyncMetadata response. Emitted during the CryptAuth v2
DeviceSync flow, after device metadata is decrypted.
<histogram name="CryptAuth.DeviceSyncV2.DeviceSyncer.MetadataDecryptionSuccess"
enum="BooleanSuccess" expires_after="2021-10-06">
Records whether or not device metadata sent by CryptAuth in the SyncMetadata
response was able to be decrypted. Emitted during the CryptAuth v2
DeviceSync flow for each device metadata packet.
<histogram name="CryptAuth.DeviceSyncV2.DeviceSyncer.MetadataParsingSuccess"
enum="BooleanSuccess" expires_after="2021-10-06">
Records whether or not device metadata sent by CryptAuth in the SyncMetadata
response was able to be parsed from a decrypted serialized byte string into
a proto. Emitted during the CryptAuth v2 DeviceSync flow for each device
metadata packet.
enum="CryptAuthApiCallResult" expires_after="2021-10-06">
Records the result of the async BatchGetFeatureStatuses API call during the
CryptAuth v2 DeviceSync flow. Recorded when the async callback is invoked or
when the call times out.
enum="BooleanExpected" expires_after="2021-10-06">
Records whether or not the expected number of devices were sent in the
BatchGetFeatureStatuses response. Emitted when a BatchGetFeatureStatuses
response is received from the CryptAuth server.
units="ms" expires_after="2021-10-06">
Records the execution time of the async BatchGetFeatureStatuses API call
during the CryptAuth v2 DeviceSync flow. Recorded when the async callback is
invoked or when the call times out.
enum="BooleanDuplicate" expires_after="2021-10-06">
Records whether or not a device ID in the BatchGetFeatureStatuses response
has been seen already in the same response. Emitted for each device in the
BatchGetFeatureStatuses response. Emitted when a BatchGetFeatureStatuses
response is received from the CryptAuth server.
<histogram name="CryptAuth.DeviceSyncV2.FeatureStatusGetter.IsKnownFeatureType"
enum="BooleanKnown" expires_after="2021-10-06">
Records whether or not the feature type strings returned in the
BatchGetFeatureStatuses response are known feature types. Emitted for each
feature type for each device in the BatchGetFeatureStatuses response.
Emitted when a BatchGetFeatureStatuses response is received from the
CryptAuth server.
enum="Boolean" expires_after="2021-10-06">
Records whether or not a feature is marked as enabled even though it is
listed as unsupported. This should never happen. Emitted for all feature
types, for each device in the BatchGetFeatureStatuses response. Emitted when
a BatchGetFeatureStatuses response is received from the CryptAuth server.
enum="BooleanRequested" expires_after="2021-10-06">
Records whether or not a device in the BatchGetFeatureStatuses response was
included in the BatchGetFeatureStatuses request. Emitted for each device in
the BatchGetFeatureStatuses response.
enum="CryptAuthApiCallResult" expires_after="2021-10-06">
Records the result of the async BatchSetFeatureStatuses API call to
CryptAuth. Recorded when the async callback is invoked or when the call
times out.
units="ms" expires_after="2021-10-06">
Records the execution time of the async BatchSetFeatureStatuses API call to
CryptAuth. Recorded when the async callback is invoked or when the call
times out.
enum="CryptAuthApiCallResult" expires_after="2021-10-06">
Records the result of the async ShareGroupPrivateKey API call during the
CryptAuth v2 DeviceSync flow. Recorded when the async callback is invoked or
when the call times out.
enum="CryptAuthAsyncTaskResult" expires_after="2021-10-06">
Records the result of the async group private key encryption during the
CryptAuth v2 DeviceSync flow. Records a success if the operation did not
timeout; a separate metric,
CryptAuth.DeviceSyncV2.GroupPrivateKeySharer.EncryptionSuccess, tracks
individual encryption failures. Recorded when the async callback is invoked
or when the call times out.
enum="BooleanSuccess" expires_after="2021-10-06">
Records whether or not the group private key was able to be encrypted using
a device's encrypting key. Recorded during the ShareGroupPrivateKey phase of
the CryptAuth v2 DeviceSync flow. Recorded for each device with whom we
intend to share the group private key.
units="ms" expires_after="2021-10-06">
Records the execution time of the async group private key encryption during
the CryptAuth v2 DeviceSync flow. Recorded when the async callback is
invoked or when the call times out.
units="ms" expires_after="2021-10-06">
Records the execution time of the async ShareGroupPrivateKey API call during
the CryptAuth v2 DeviceSync flow. Recorded when the async callback is
invoked or when the call times out.
enum="Boolean" expires_after="2021-10-06">
Records whether or not a device's key used to encrypt the group private key
is empty. If the key is empty, the group private key cannot be encrypted and
shared with the device. Recorded during the ShareGroupPrivateKey phase of
the CryptAuth v2 DeviceSync flow. Recorded for each device with whom we
intend to share the group private key.
<histogram name="CryptAuth.DeviceSyncV2.InvocationReason"
enum="CryptAuthV2InvocationReason" expires_after="2021-10-06">
The clients' reasons for making CryptAuth v2 DeviceSync requests. Recorded
when a DeviceSync is requested.
enum="CryptAuthApiCallResult" expires_after="2021-10-06">
Records the result of the first async SyncMetadata API call during the
CryptAuth v2 DeviceSync flow. Recorded when the async callback is invoked or
when the call times out.
enum="CryptAuthApiCallResult" expires_after="2021-10-06">
Records the result of the second async SyncMetadata API call during the
CryptAuth v2 DeviceSync flow. Recorded when the async callback is invoked or
when the call times out.
enum="CryptAuthAsyncTaskResult" expires_after="2021-10-06">
Records the result of the async group key creation during the CryptAuth v2
DeviceSync flow. Recorded when the async callback is invoked or when the
call times out.
enum="CryptAuthAsyncTaskResult" expires_after="2021-10-06">
Records the result of the async local device metadata encryption during the
CryptAuth v2 DeviceSync flow. Recorded when the async callback is invoked or
when the call times out.
units="ms" expires_after="2021-10-06">
Records the execution time of the first async SyncMetadata API call during
the CryptAuth v2 DeviceSync flow. Recorded when the async callback is
invoked or when the call times out.
units="ms" expires_after="2021-10-06">
Records the execution time of the async group key creation during the
CryptAuth v2 DeviceSync flow. Recorded when the async callback is invoked or
when the call times out.
units="ms" expires_after="2021-10-06">
Records the execution time of the async local device metadata encryption
during the CryptAuth v2 DeviceSync flow. Recorded when the async callback is
invoked or when the call times out.
units="ms" expires_after="2021-10-06">
Records the execution time of the second async SyncMetadata API call during
the CryptAuth v2 DeviceSync flow. Recorded when the async callback is
invoked or when the call times out.
enum="Boolean" expires_after="2021-10-06">
Records whether or not the device metadata packets sent by CryptAuth have
all of the necessary fields populated. Emitted for each device metadata
packet during the SyncMetadata phase of the CryptAuth v2 DeviceSync flow.
<histogram name="CryptAuth.DeviceSyncV2.MetadataSyncer.IsDuplicateDeviceId"
enum="Boolean" expires_after="2021-10-06">
Records whether or not the device ID from a device metadata packet sent by
CryptAuth in the SyncMetadata response has the same ID as a packet from the
same response. Emitted for each device metadata packet during the
SyncMetadata phase of the CryptAuth v2 DeviceSync flow.
<histogram name="CryptAuth.DeviceSyncV2.RemoteDeviceProvider.NumV1Devices"
units="count" expires_after="2021-10-06">
Records the number of devices returned by a v1 DeviceSync. Only recorded
when v1 and v2 DeviceSync are running in parallel. Only recorded if a v1 and
v2 DeviceSync has ever previously occurred. Emitted when v1 and v2 devices
are merged together, which occurs after either a v1 or v2 DeviceSync.
<histogram name="CryptAuth.DeviceSyncV2.RemoteDeviceProvider.NumV2Devices"
units="count" expires_after="2021-10-06">
Records the number of devices returned by a v2 DeviceSync. Only recorded
when v1 and v2 DeviceSync are running in parallel. Only recorded if a v1 and
v2 DeviceSync has ever previously occurred. Emitted when v1 and v2 devices
are merged together, which occurs after either a v1 or v2 DeviceSync.
units="%" expires_after="2021-10-06">
Records the percentage of devices returned by a v2 DeviceSync that replace
their v1 counterparts. This will only occur if the v2 device has a decrypted
public key that matches a v1 device. Only recorded when v1 and v2 DeviceSync
are running in parallel. Only recorded if a v1 and v2 DeviceSync has ever
previously occurred. Emitted when v1 and v2 devices are merged together,
which occurs after either a v1 or v2 DeviceSync.
units="%" expires_after="2021-10-06">
Records the percentage of devices returned by a v2 DeviceSync that have a
decrypted user public key. Only recorded when v1 and v2 DeviceSync are
running in parallel. Only recorded if a v1 and v2 DeviceSync has ever
previously occurred. Emitted when v1 and v2 devices are merged together,
which occurs after either a v1 or v2 DeviceSync.
units="%" expires_after="2021-10-06">
Records the ratio of the number of devices returned by a v2 DeviceSync to
the number returned by a v1 DeviceSync. Devices returned by a v2 DeviceSync
should be a subset of the devices returned by a v1 DeviceSync, barring any
race conditions. This ratio should be greater than or equal to
PercentageOfV1DevicesReplacedByV2Devices because a v2 device can only
replace its v1 counterpart if it has a decrypted public key. Only recorded
when v1 and v2 DeviceSync are running in parallel. Only recorded if a v1 and
v2 DeviceSync has ever previously occurred. Emitted when v1 and v2 devices
are merged together, which occurs after either a v1 or v2 DeviceSync.
<histogram name="CryptAuth.DeviceSyncV2.Result.DidDeviceRegistryChange"
enum="BooleanChanged" expires_after="2021-10-06">
Indicates whether or not any device data in the device registry changed as a
result of the CryptAuth v2 DeviceSync attempt. Recorded when a DeviceSync
attempt finishes.
<histogram name="CryptAuth.DeviceSyncV2.Result.ResultCode"
enum="CryptAuthV2DeviceSyncResultCode" expires_after="2021-10-06">
The CryptAuth v2 DeviceSync attempt results broken down by result code.
Recorded when a DeviceSync attempt finishes.
<histogram name="CryptAuth.DeviceSyncV2.Result.ResultType"
enum="CryptAuthV2DeviceSyncResultType" expires_after="2021-10-06">
Indicates whether the CryptAuth v2 DeviceSync attempt succeeded, failed, or
finished with non-fatal errors. Recorded when a DeviceSync attempt finishes.
<histogram name="CryptAuth.Enrollment.Result" enum="BooleanSuccess"
The top-level result of the CryptAuth device enrollment process.
<histogram name="CryptAuth.EnrollmentV2.ApiCallResult.EnrollKeys"
enum="CryptAuthApiCallResult" expires_after="2021-10-06">
Records the result of the async EnrollKeys API call to CryptAuth during the
CryptAuth v2 Enrollment flow. Recorded when the async callback is invoked or
when the call times out.
<histogram name="CryptAuth.EnrollmentV2.ApiCallResult.SyncKeys"
enum="CryptAuthApiCallResult" expires_after="2021-10-06">
Records the result of the async SyncKeys API call to CryptAuth during the
CryptAuth v2 Enrollment flow. Recorded when the async callback is invoked or
when the call times out.
<histogram name="CryptAuth.EnrollmentV2.AsyncTaskResult.KeyCreation"
enum="CryptAuthAsyncTaskResult" expires_after="2021-10-06">
Records the result of the async key creation call during the CryptAuth v2
Enrollment flow. Recorded when the async callback is invoked or when the
call times out.
<histogram name="CryptAuth.EnrollmentV2.ExecutionTime.EnrollKeys" units="ms"
Records the execution time of the async EnrollKeys API call to CryptAuth
during the CryptAuth v2 Enrollment flow. Recorded when the async callback is
invoked or when the call times out.
<histogram name="CryptAuth.EnrollmentV2.ExecutionTime.KeyCreation" units="ms"
Records the execution time of the async key creation call during the
CryptAuth v2 Enrollment flow. Recorded when the async callback is invoked or
when the call times out.
<histogram name="CryptAuth.EnrollmentV2.ExecutionTime.SyncKeys" units="ms"
Records the execution time of the async SyncKeys API call to CryptAuth
during the CryptAuth v2 Enrollment flow. Recorded when the async callback is
invoked or when the call times out.
<histogram name="CryptAuth.EnrollmentV2.InvocationReason"
enum="CryptAuthV2InvocationReason" expires_after="2021-10-06">
The clients' reasons for making CryptAuth v2 Enrollment requests. Recorded
when an enrollment is requested.
<histogram name="CryptAuth.EnrollmentV2.Result.ResultCode"
enum="CryptAuthV2EnrollmentResult" expires_after="2021-10-06">
The CryptAuth v2 Enrollment attempt results broken down by result code.
Recorded when an enrollment attempt finishes.
<histogram name="CryptAuth.EnrollmentV2.Result.Success" enum="BooleanSuccess"
The success or failure of CryptAuth v2 Enrollment requests. Recorded when an
enrollment attempt finishes.
<histogram name="CryptAuth.EnrollmentV2.UserKeyPairState"
enum="CryptAuthV2EnrollmentUserKeyPairState" expires_after="2021-10-06">
The state--at system start time--of persisted user key pairs, generated
during CryptAuth v1 and/or v2 Enrollment: whether they exist and if they
agree. Recorded on CryptAuth v2 Enrollment manager construction.
<histogram name="CryptAuth.Gcm.Message.FeatureType" enum="CryptAuthFeatureType"
Records the multi-device feature type sent in a GCM message from CryptAuth
v2. Emitted when a GCM message with a feature type key/value pair is
received from CryptAuth.
<histogram name="CryptAuth.Gcm.Message.IsDeviceSyncGroupNameValid"
enum="Boolean" expires_after="2021-10-06">
Records whether or not the DeviceSync group name sent in a GCM message from
CryptAuth is valid. Currently the only valid group name is
&quot;DeviceSync:BetterTogether&quot;. Emitted when a GCM message with a
DeviceSync group name key/value pair is received from CryptAuth.
<histogram name="CryptAuth.Gcm.Message.IsKnownFeatureType" enum="Boolean"
Records whether or not the multi-device feature type sent in a GCM message
from CryptAuth v2 is recognized by the Chrome OS client. Emitted when a GCM
message with a feature type key/value pair is received from CryptAuth.
enum="Boolean" expires_after="2021-10-06">
Records whether or not the CryptAuth TargetService was specified in a GCM
message by both the CryptAuth v1 registration tickle type key/value pair as
well as the CryptAuth v2 target service key/value pair. Both key/value pairs
should not exist in same GCM message. Emitted when a GCM message is received
from CryptAuth.
enum="CryptAuthTargetService" expires_after="2021-10-06">
The CryptAuth TargetService--Enrollment or DeviceSync--indicated by the
registration tickle type key/value pair of an incoming GCM message. The
registration tickle type is used in GCM messages sent by CryptAuth v1.
Emitted when a GCM message from CryptAuth is received.
<histogram name="CryptAuth.Gcm.Message.TargetService.FromTargetServiceValue"
enum="CryptAuthTargetService" expires_after="2021-10-06">
The CryptAuth TargetService--Enrollment or DeviceSync--indicated by the
target service key/value pair of an incoming GCM message. This key/value
pair is used in GCM messages sent by CryptAuth v2. Emitted when a GCM
message from CryptAuth is received.
<histogram name="CryptAuth.Gcm.Registration.AttemptTimeWithRetries" units="ms"
The time it takes the GCM driver to return the result of a GCM registration
request made by the CryptAuth GCM manager. CryptAuth registration with GCM
is only performed once, if successful, for a given user on a device as the
first step in CryptAuth v1 or v2 Enrollment. Recorded when the CryptAuth GCM
manager is notified by the GCM driver that the registration attempt
finished, successfully or not. The GCM driver might quietly retry failures
before notifying the CryptAuth GCM manager. The time recorded here
encompasses the possible retry attempts and delays from the GCM driver.
<histogram name="CryptAuth.Gcm.Registration.Result" enum="GCMClientResult"
The result code from a GCM registration request made by the CryptAuth GCM
manager. CryptAuth registration with GCM is only performed once, if
successful, for a given user on a device as the first step in CryptAuth v1
or v2 Enrollment. Recorded when the CryptAuth GCM manager is notified by the
GCM driver that the registration attempt finished, successfully or not. The
GCM driver might quietly retry failures before notifying the CryptAuth GCM
manager. This metric will not include results codes that were quietly
retried by the GCM driver.
<histogram name="CryptAuth.InstanceId.DidInstanceIdChange"
enum="BooleanChanged" expires_after="2021-10-06">
Indicates whether or not the Instance ID used by the CryptAuth client
differs from the previously retrieved ID. Recorded while fetching client app
metadata if a previous ID has been set.
<histogram name="CryptAuth.InstanceId.DidInstanceIdTokenChange"
enum="BooleanChanged" expires_after="2021-10-06">
Indicates whether or not the Instance ID token used by the CryptAuth client
differs from the previously retrieved token. Recorded while fetching client
app metadata if a previous token has been set.
<histogram name="EasyUnlock.AuthEvent.DidUserManuallyUnlockPhone"
enum="EasyUnlockDidUserManuallyUnlockPhone" expires_after="2022-02-02">
Upon a successful Smart Lock unlock or signin, records whether the user's
phone was locked during any point while the lock screen was up. This can be
used to get a sense for whether users are using Smart Lock for Chromebook
without something like Smart Lock for Android to keep their phones unlocked.
<histogram name="EasyUnlock.AuthEvent.SignIn" enum="EasyUnlockAuthEvent"
Measures the use of Smart Lock on the sign-in screen: records whether a
Smart Lock login succeeded or failed; or if a password fallback was used,
the reason why. Recorded upon a login attempt for users who have the Smart
Lock feature enabled.
<histogram name="EasyUnlock.AuthEvent.SignIn.Duration" units="ms"
Measures the time elapsed between the user focusing their user pod and
signing in using Smart Lock.
<histogram name="EasyUnlock.AuthEvent.Unlock" enum="EasyUnlockAuthEvent"
Measures the use of Smart Lock on the lock screen: records whether a Smart
Lock unlock attempt succeeded or failed; or if a password fallback was used,
the reason why. Recorded upon an unlock attempt for users who have the Smart
Lock feature enabled.
<histogram name="EasyUnlock.AuthEvent.Unlock.Duration" units="ms"
Measures the time elapsed between the lock screen being shown and the user
unlocking the device using Smart Lock. The lock screen is typically shown
when the user opens their Chromebook's lid (or otherwise wakes the
computer), but can also be shown when the user manually locks the device.
<histogram name="EasyUnlock.AuthProximity.RemoteDeviceModelHash"
enum="EasyUnlockDeviceModelHash" expires_after="2022-02-02">
The hash of the phone model used to successfully sign in or unlock using
Smart Lock.
This hash is calculated by taking the first 4 bytes of the MD5 hash of the
device model.
<histogram name="EasyUnlock.AuthProximity.RollingRssi" units="dBm"
Measures the exponentially weighted rolling average of the received signal
strength indicator (RSSI) of the phone when the user successfully unlocks or
signs in using Smart Lock.
The exponentially weighted averaging formula is:
rollingRssi = (1 - weight) * rollingRssi + weight * currentRssi;
RSSI readings are inherently noisy, so this averaging gives a smoothed RSSI
value to work with as a heuristic for proximity.
If no RSSI was read, then a sentinel value of 127 will be recorded.
<histogram name="EasyUnlock.RemoteLockScreenState"
enum="EasyUnlockRemoteLockScreenState" expires_after="2022-02-02">
Whether a lock screen and a trust agent are enabled on the remote device
(Android phone) for Easy Unlock. Recorded once per status update message
from the remote device. A status update message is expected to be sent once
when the secure channel between the local and the remote device is
established, and also each time the user-presence status changes on the
remote side.
<histogram name="EasyUnlock.StartupTimeFromSuspend" units="ms"
The time it takes after resuming from a suspended state (ie. opening the
Chromebook lid) to when a remote device is connected and a request is made.
Note that it is possible for the remote device not to be present when
resuming from suspend, and the device may be connected at a later time.
Therefore, large values for this metric may not be too meaningful due to
meddling users.
<histogram name="InstantTethering.BluetoothAdvertisementRegistrationResult"
Provides a breakdown of how many times each possible Bluetooth advertisement
registration result occurs.
The bucket &quot;Unknown result&quot; indicates that the Bluetooth platform
returned an unknown error code; if it has any counts, the client code should
be changed to account for the new error code.
<histogram name="InstantTethering.BluetoothAdvertisementUnregistrationResult"
Provides a breakdown of how many times each possible Bluetooth advertisement
unregistration result occurs.
The bucket &quot;Unknown result&quot; indicates that the Bluetooth platform
returned an unknown error code; if it has any counts, the client code should
be changed to account for the new error code.
<histogram name="InstantTethering.BluetoothDiscoverySessionStarted"
enum="BooleanSuccess" expires_after="2022-02-02">
Provides the success rate of starting a Bluetooth discovery session.
<histogram name="InstantTethering.BluetoothDiscoverySessionStopped"
enum="BooleanSuccess" expires_after="2022-02-02">
Provides the success rate of stopping a Bluetooth discovery session.
<histogram name="InstantTethering.ConnectionToHostResult.Failure"
Provides a top-level breakdown of the times a connection to a host has
An &quot;unknown error&quot; is caused by the host returning an
&quot;unknown error&quot; response code. Tethering timing out and client
connection error are both broken down further in
InstantTethering.ConnectionToHostResult.Failure.TetheringTimeout and
Breaks down the reasons why the client failed to connect to the hotspot, and
the number of times they occurred.
Note that a client connection can be canceled by a user either via pressing
the Disconnect button or beginning a connection attempt to another host. The
&quot;internal error&quot; case is a general bucket that captures client
errors we don't expect to be significant failure causes.
This histogram breaks down the &quot;client connection error&quot; count of
Captures the number of times of whether or not first-time setup was required
when tethering timed out.
Starting tethering on the host works like so: if first-time setup is
required on the host, a first-time setup UI is shown on the host; once the
user interacts with it, the provisioning app is called. If first-time setup
is not required, then the provisioning app is directly called. To be clear:
the provisioning app is always run.
There are two possible ways for tethering to time out: either the
provisioning app flaked (crashed or hung, and never called back to Instant
Tethering), or the user never interacted with the first-time setup UI flow
(assuming first-time setup was required).
Because it's very unlikely for the provisioning app to flake, we can read
the &quot;was first-time setup&quot; count as almost always indicative of
the user not interacting with the first-time setup UI. We expect the
&quot;was not first-time setup&quot; count to be low (because, as mentioned,
it's very unlikely for the provisioning app to flake).
This histogram breaks down the &quot;tethering timed out&quot; count of
Provides a breakdown of the times a connection to a host was either
unsuccessful due to provisioning failure (the carrier disallows tethering)
or &quot;other&quot; (this is captured under
This metric captures the rough percentage of connections which are
unsuccessful due to provisioning failure. It is separate from
InstantTethering.ConnectionToHostResult.SuccessRate.Background and the
metrics related to it because provisioning failure is neither truly a
success nor an error.
Captures the count of successful and failed connection attempts.
This metric counts the top-level user action from beginning to connect, all
the way through success or failure of the connection (excluding any
programmatic retries within the connection attempt).
This metric provides an immediate understanding of the Instant Tethering
connection success rate. The counts of failure are broken down in
<histogram name="InstantTethering.FeatureState"
enum="InstantTethering_FeatureState" expires_after="2022-02-02">
Breaks down the state of Instant Tethering during user sessions. All states,
except for 'Enabled', indicate that the feature was not active. This
histogram is emitted to each time a condition affecting Instant Tethering's
state, e.g. the user enabling or disabling the feature, or Bluetooth
becoming enabled or disabled.
Note: The &quot;Screen locked&quot; bucket is obsolete, and should not have
any reports.
<histogram name="InstantTethering.HostScanBatchDuration" units="ms"
The duration of a batch of host scans. A batch is defined as a series of one
or host scans separated by no more than one minute.
For example, if a scan occurs then stops and does not start back up again,
the metric logged would be the amount of time taken for that scan. However,
if a scan finishes and a new scan starts up again less than a minute after
the previous scan finished, the metric logged would be the time difference
between the start of the first scan and the finish of the second scan.
<histogram name="InstantTethering.HostScanResult"
enum="InstantTethering_HostScanResult" expires_after="2021-09-12">
Provides a breakdown of the results of each host scan. This metric is
recorded after each host scan.
Comparing the number of times no hosts were found against the other buckets
can help determine how often a host scan is useful.
The sum of the buckets capturing that a notification was shown can be used
as a baseline of comparison against
InstantTethering.ConnectionToHostResult.ProvisioningFailureRate to roughly
measure engagement with the notification.
<histogram name="InstantTethering.HotspotUsageDuration" units="ms"
The duration of time between the start and end of a Tether connection.
Timing starts when the device connects to the Wi-Fi hotspot and ends when
the device becomes disconnected from the Wi-Fi hotspot.
<histogram name="InstantTethering.KeepAliveTickle.Result" enum="BooleanSuccess"
Captures the count of successful and failed attempts to send a
'KeepAliveTickle' message to the phone.
<histogram name="InstantTethering.MultiDeviceFeatureState"
enum="MultiDevice_FeatureState" expires_after="2022-02-02">
Indicates the feature state of the Instant Tethering feature. This metric is
emitted to at the creation of the user session (when the user logs in), and
when feature state updates occur.
<histogram name="InstantTethering.NotificationInteractionType"
Counts the number of interactions a user has with each of the Instant
Tethering notifications.
<histogram name="InstantTethering.Performance.ConnectTetheringResponseDuration"
units="ms" expires_after="2022-02-02">
The duration of time between when a client authenticates with a host, and
receives a ConnectTetheringResponse.
<histogram name="InstantTethering.Performance.ConnectToHostDuration.Background"
units="ms" expires_after="2022-02-02">
The duration of time it takes for the client to connect to the host, from
the moment the user taps 'Connect', until the client connects to the host's
hotspot. This does not include timeouts.
<histogram name="InstantTethering.Performance.ConnectToHotspotDuration"
units="ms" expires_after="2022-02-02">
The duration of time it takes for the client to connect to the provided
hotspot after receiving a ConnectTetheringResponse. This does not include
units="ms" expires_after="2022-02-02">
The duration of time it takes for the client to send off a
<histogram name="InstantTethering.Performance.KeepAliveTickleResponseDuration"
units="ms" expires_after="2022-02-02">
The duration of time between when a client authenticates with a host, and
receives a KeepAliveTickleResponse.
units="ms" expires_after="2022-02-02">
The duration of time between when a client authenticates with a host, and
receives a TetherAvailabilityResponse.
<histogram name="InstantTethering.SessionCompletionReason"
enum="InstantTethering_SessionCompletionReason" expires_after="2022-02-02">
Provides a breakdown of how each Tether session ended. A session begins when
a device is first connected to a host's hotspot, and ends when the device is
no longer connected to the hotspot. This metric is recorded at the end of
each session.
<histogram name="InstantTethering.UserPreference.OnStartup"
enum="BooleanEnabled" expires_after="2022-02-02">
Provides the count of the number of users who have the Instant Tethering
toggle enabled vs. disabled on startup. This metric is logged each time a
user logs into a Chromebook.
<histogram name="InstantTethering.UserPreference.OnToggle"
enum="BooleanEnabled" expires_after="2022-02-02">
Provides the count of the number of times users have enabled or disabled the
user preference for Mobile data. This metric is logged each time the value
is toggled.
<histogram name="MultiDevice.BetterTogetherSuite.MultiDeviceFeatureState"
enum="MultiDevice_FeatureState" expires_after="2021-10-10">
Indicates the feature state of the Better Together Suite feature. This
metric is emitted to at the creation of the user session (when the user logs
in), and when feature state updates occur.
<histogram name="MultiDevice.DeviceSyncService.FindEligibleDevices.Result"
enum="BooleanSuccess" expires_after="2021-10-10">
<summary>Result of trying to find eligible devices.</summary>
Breaks down the percentages of reasons when failure occurs on
<histogram name="MultiDevice.DeviceSyncService.ForceEnrollmentNow.Result"
<summary>Result for when ForceEnrollmentNow is called.</summary>
<histogram name="MultiDevice.DeviceSyncService.ForceSyncNow.Result"
<summary>Result for when ForceSyncNow is called.</summary>
enum="MultiDevice_DeviceSyncService_Features" expires_after="2021-10-10">
Breaks down which features failed when attempted to disable.
enum="MultiDevice_DeviceSyncService_Features" expires_after="2021-08-09">
<summary>Breaks down which features failed when attempted to enable.</summary>
<histogram name="MultiDevice.DeviceSyncService.SetSoftwareFeatureState.Result"
enum="BooleanSuccess" expires_after="2021-09-12">
<summary>Result of enabling and disabling features for devices.</summary>
Breaks down the percentages of reasons when failure occurs on
<histogram name="MultiDevice.ForgetHostConfirmed"
Compares when the Forget Host Button is pressed and when setup completes.
<histogram name="MultiDevice.PostOOBESetupFlow.PageShown"
enum="MultiDevice_PostOOBESetupFlow_Page" expires_after="2021-10-10">
Provides a count of how many times each page of the MultiDevice setup flow
was reached. This allows analysis of user dropoff between subsequent pages.
The formula &quot;Success page&quot; / &quot;Start page&quot; provides the
overall &quot;success rate&quot; of the MultiDevice setup flow, at a quick
The sum of each bucket's count is not meaningful.
enum="BooleanSuccess" expires_after="2021-10-10">
A histogram measuring the success rate of authenticating a BLE channel once
a GATT connection has been established. This metric measures the effective
rate; i.e., a failure followed by a successful retry is counted as a
units="ms" expires_after="2021-08-22">
A time histogram measuring the time from the moment a GATT connection is
made to the remote device, to the moment that an authenticated channel is
established with the remote device.
In this context, &quot;background&quot; refers to the BLE advertising scheme
under which the remote device is persistently advertising &quot;in the
background&quot; at low power.
units="ms" expires_after="2021-10-10">
A time histogram measuring the time from the moment a background
advertisement is received, to the moment that a GATT connection is made to
the remote device.
In this context, &quot;background&quot; refers to the BLE advertising scheme
under which the remote device is persistently advertising &quot;in the
background&quot; at low power.
units="ms" expires_after="2021-10-10">
A time histogram measuring the time it takes to create a secure connection
to a remote device, from the moment a SecureChannelService client asks for a
new connection (start scanning), to the moment that an authenticated channel
is established with the remote device.
In this context, &quot;background&quot; refers to the BLE advertising scheme
under which the remote device is persistently advertising &quot;in the
background&quot; at low power.
units="ms" expires_after="2021-10-10">
A time histogram measuring the time it from the moment SecureChannelService
starts scanning for a background advertisement, to the moment that it
establishes a GATT connection to the remote device.
In this context, &quot;background&quot; refers to the BLE advertising scheme
under which the remote device is persistently advertising &quot;in the
background&quot; at low power.
units="ms" expires_after="2021-10-10">
A time histogram measuring the time it from the moment SecureChannelService
starts scanning for a background advertisement, to the moment that it
receives an advertisement from the expected remote device.
In this context, &quot;background&quot; refers to the BLE advertising scheme
under which the remote device is persistently advertising &quot;in the
background&quot; at low power.
enum="BooleanSuccess" expires_after="2021-10-17">
A histogram measuring the success rate of authenticating a BLE channel once
an advertisement has been received. This metric measures the effective rate;
i.e., a failure followed by a successful retry is counted as a success.
enum="BooleanSuccess" expires_after="2021-10-10">
A histogram measuring the success rate of creating a GATT connection once an
advertisement has been received. This metric measures the effective rate;
i.e., a failure followed by a successful retry is counted as a success.
<histogram name="MultiDevice.SecureChannel.Nearby.ConnectionMedium"
enum="SecureChannelNearbyConnectionMedium" expires_after="2021-11-30">
Measures the connection medium used by Nearby Connections requested by
SecureChannel. These connections are always initiated using Bluetooth, then
can upgrade to WebRTC if both the Chrome OS device and the phone are online.
One value is emitted when a connection is initially established, and another
value is emitted when a bandwidth upgrade occurs.
<histogram name="MultiDevice.SecureChannel.Nearby.ConnectionResult"
Emitted the result of attempting to establish a connection when the Nearby
Connections library finishes trying to connect. This measures the success
rate of establishing a connection via the Nearby Connections library.
<histogram name="MultiDevice.SecureChannel.Nearby.DisconnectionReason"
enum="MultiDeviceNearbyDisconnectionReason" expires_after="2022-01-01">
Tracks reasons why a Nearby Connection established via SecureChannel ends up
disconnecting. Includes a &quot;Disconnection requested by client&quot;
value emitted during intentional disconnections as well as several error
enum values.
Emitted when a connection fails to become established, or emitted after it
is already established when it becomes disconnected.
<histogram name="MultiDevice.SecureChannel.Nearby.EffectiveConnectionResult"
enum="BooleanSuccess" expires_after="2021-11-30">
Measures the effective success rate for Nearby Connections attempts via
SecureChannel. In this context, &quot;effective&quot; means that (1) a
failure followed by a successful retry is counted as a success, and (2)
repeated failures (e.g., due to users stuck in an unrecoverable state due to
Bluetooth issues) are only counted as a single failure.
Emitted upon each successful connection and one minute after a failed
connection with no subsequent successful retries.
<histogram name="MultiDevice.SecureChannel.Nearby.MessageAction"
enum="MultiDeviceNearbyMessageAction" expires_after="2021-11-30">
Measures the completion of SecureChannel messages transfers via the Nearby
Connections library. Emitted when the Nearby Connections library either
sends or receives a message.
<histogram name="MultiDevice.SecureChannel.Nearby.OperationResult.{Function}"
enum="NearbyConnectionsStatus" expires_after="2022-01-01">
Records the result of invoking Nearby Connection's {Function} API function
within SecureChannel.
Emitted when the API call returns.
<token key="Function">
<variant name="AcceptConnection"/>
<variant name="DisconnectFromEndpoint"/>
<variant name="InjectEndpoint"/>
<variant name="RequestConnection"/>
<variant name="SendPayload"/>
<variant name="StartDiscovery"/>
<variant name="StopDiscovery"/>
<histogram name="MultiDevice.SecureChannel.Nearby.SendMessageResult"
enum="BooleanSuccess" expires_after="2021-11-30">
Measures the success rate of sending a SecureChannel message via the Nearby
Connections library. Emitted when the Nearby Connections library sends a
<histogram name="MultiDevice.SecureChannel.Nearby.WebRtcUpgradeDuration"
units="ms" expires_after="2021-11-30">
Measures the amount of time taken between when a connection is accepted over
Bluetooth and when the connection upgrades bandwidth to WebRTC. Emitted
after this upgrade occurs.
Note that this histogram is not emitted if an upgrade to WebRTC never occurs
<histogram name="MultiDevice.Setup.HasDuplicateEligibleHostDeviceNames"
enum="BooleanDuplicate" expires_after="2021-08-22">
Records whether or not the list of eligible host phones has duplicate
devices names. This list is shown to users during multi-device setup, and
duplicate device names can cause confusion. Metric emitted when the user
starts multi-device setup.
<histogram name="MultiDevice.Setup.HostStatus"
enum="MultiDevice_Setup_HostStatus" expires_after="2021-10-10">
Breaks down percentages of host statuses. This metric is emitted to at the
creation of the user session (when the user logs in), and when host status
updates occur.
<histogram name="MultiDevice.Setup.HostVerifier.DoesHostHaveCryptoData"
enum="Boolean" expires_after="2021-10-10">
Records if a multi-device host device has all of the crypto data necessary
for secure communication via Bluetooth. This will be false if v2 DeviceSync
data is not yet decrypted, for instance. Emitted when checking if a host is
verified. This occurs only if there is an existing host, and the check
occurs during start-up, when the host changes, or when new devices are
synced from CryptAuth.
<histogram name="MultiDevice.VerifyButtonClicked"
Compares when the Verify Host Button is pressed to when setup completes.
<histogram name="MultiDeviceSetup.OOBE.UserChoice"
enum="MultiDeviceSetupOOBEUserChoice" expires_after="2021-10-17">
Breaks down the percentage of users who either accepted or declined
MultiDevice OOBE setup.
<histogram name="MultiDeviceSetup_NotificationClicked"
enum="MultiDeviceSetupNotification" expires_after="2021-10-10">
Counts the number of each MultiDevice setup notification clicked by a user.
This metric should be compared with MultiDeviceSetup_NotificationShown.
<histogram name="MultiDeviceSetup_NotificationDismissed"
enum="MultiDeviceSetupNotification" expires_after="2021-10-10">
Counts the number of each MultiDevice setup notification dismissed by a
user. This metric should be compared with
<histogram name="MultiDeviceSetup_NotificationShown"
enum="MultiDeviceSetupNotification" expires_after="2022-10-10">
Counts the number of each MultiDevice setup notification shown to a user.
<histogram name="ProximityAuth.BleWeaveConnectionResult"
enum="ProximityAuth_BleWeaveConnectionResult" expires_after="2021-10-17">
Provides a breakdown of how often each BLE Weave connection result occurs.
Emitted to when a Weave connection attempt finishes.
<histogram name="ProximityAuth.BluetoothGattConnectionResult"
Provides a breakdown of how many times each possible Bluetooth GATT
connection result occurs. Emitted to when a GATT connection attempt
The bucket &quot;Unknown result&quot; indicates that the Bluetooth platform
returned an unknown error code; if it has any counts, the client code should
be changed to account for the new error code.
<histogram name="ProximityAuth.BluetoothGattNotifySessionResult"
Provides a breakdown of how many times each possible Bluetooth GATT
&quot;notify session&quot; attempt result occurs. Emitted to when a
&quot;notify session&quot; attempt attempt finishes.
The bucket &quot;Unknown result&quot; indicates that the Bluetooth platform
returned an unknown error code; if it has any counts, the client code should
be changed to account for the new error code.
<histogram name="ProximityAuth.BluetoothGattWriteCharacteristicResult"
Provides a breakdown of how many times each possible Bluetooth GATT
&quot;write characteristic&quot; attempt result occurs. Emitted to when a
&quot;write characteristic&quot; attempt attempt finishes.
<histogram name="SmartLock.AuthMethodChoice.SignIn"
enum="SmartLockAuthMethodChoice" expires_after="2022-02-01">
<summary>Records the user's sign in method choice.</summary>
<histogram name="SmartLock.AuthMethodChoice.SignIn.PasswordState"
enum="SmartLockAuthEventPasswordState" expires_after="2022-02-01">
The state Smart Lock was in when the user chose to use their password to
sign into their device.
<histogram name="SmartLock.AuthMethodChoice.Unlock"
enum="SmartLockAuthMethodChoice" expires_after="2022-02-01">
<summary>Records the user's unlock method choice.</summary>
<histogram name="SmartLock.AuthMethodChoice.Unlock.PasswordState"
enum="SmartLockAuthEventPasswordState" expires_after="2022-02-01">
An enumerated histogram that breaks down what state Smart Lock was in when
the user chose to use their password to unlock their device.
<histogram name="SmartLock.AuthResult" enum="BooleanSuccess"
Count of successful and failed attempts to unlock or sign in the Chromebook,
after the user selects their profile photo.
<histogram name="SmartLock.AuthResult.SignIn" enum="BooleanSuccess"
Count of successful and failed attempts to sign in the Chromebook, after the
user selects their profile photo.
<histogram name="SmartLock.AuthResult.SignIn.Failure"
enum="SmartLockAuthResultFailureReason" expires_after="2022-02-01">
Shows why a sign in attempt failed during the authentication phase. Breaks
down the failure bucket of SmartLock.AuthResult.SignIn.
<histogram name="SmartLock.AuthResult.SignIn.Failure.UserControllerAuth"
enum="LoginFailureReason" expires_after="2022-02-01">
An enumerated histogram that breaks down why the UserController could not
decrypt the account.
<histogram name="SmartLock.AuthResult.Unlock" enum="BooleanSuccess"
Count of successful and failed attempts to unlock the Chromebook, after the
user selects their profile photo.
<histogram name="SmartLock.AuthResult.Unlock.Failure"
enum="SmartLockAuthResultFailureReason" expires_after="2022-02-01">
Shows why an unlock attempt failed during the authentication phase. Breaks
down the failure bucket of SmartLock.AuthResult.Unlock.
<histogram name="SmartLock.EligibleDevicesCount" units="devices"
A count of the number of eligible SmartLock devices which can be used to
unlock the user's Chromebook. Logged each time the list of eligible devices
is updated. TODO(jhawkins): Log this again once we send this data from
eligible phones.
<histogram name="SmartLock.EnabledDevicesCount" units="devices"
A count of the number of SmartLock devices which the user has enabled to
unlock the user's Chromebook, i.e., the device connected to in the SmartLock
setup flow. Logged each time the list of eligible devices is updated.
<histogram name="SmartLock.EnabledState" enum="SmartLockEnabledState"
The state of the SmartLock feature for the current user, set at login. The
value is 'enabled' if the user has successfully enabled SmartLock via setup,
disabled if the user has explicitly disabled the feature after it has been
enabled, and unset if the feature is passively disabled, i.e., has never
been enabled by the user.
<histogram name="SmartLock.FindAndConnectToHostResult.SignIn"
enum="SmartLockFindAndConnectToHostResult" expires_after="2022-02-02">
The resolution of Smart Lock trying to find the host device during the
initial scan window at the signin screen.
<histogram name="SmartLock.FindAndConnectToHostResult.Unlock"
enum="SmartLockFindAndConnectToHostResult" expires_after="2022-02-02">
The resolution of Smart Lock trying to find the host device during the
initial scan window at the lock screen.
<histogram name="SmartLock.GetRemoteStatus.SignIn" enum="BooleanSuccess"
Count of successful and failed attempts to get the 'remote status' of the
host device, i.e., determine if the Chromebook can be signed into.
<histogram name="SmartLock.GetRemoteStatus.SignIn.Failure"
Shows why a sign in attempt failed during the connection phase. Breaks down
the failure bucket of SmartLock.ConnectionResult.
<histogram name="SmartLock.GetRemoteStatus.Unlock" enum="BooleanSuccess"
Count of successful and failed attempts to get the 'remote status' of the
host device, i.e., determine if the Chromebook can be unlocked.
<histogram name="SmartLock.GetRemoteStatus.Unlock.Failure"
Shows why an unlock attempt failed during the connection phase. Breaks down
the failure bucket of SmartLock.ConnectionResult.
<histogram name="SmartLock.MultiDeviceFeatureState"
enum="MultiDevice_FeatureState" expires_after="2022-02-02">
Indicates the feature state of the SmartLock feature. This metric is emitted
to at the creation of the user session (when the user logs in), and when
feature state updates occur.
units="ms" expires_after="2022-02-02">
<!-- Name completed by histogram_suffixes name="SmartLockStatusTypes" -->
The duration of time between when Smart Lock successfully establishes a
secure channel connection to the host device, and receives the initial
remote status from it -- this informs if the device can be unlocked on the
first remote status (i.e., if the Smart Lock icon is yellow or green).
Suffixed by the type of remote status which was the first to be received.
View the base histogram to see results for all remote status types
aggregated together, and suffixed histograms for the results of just that
particular remote status type.
See SmartLock.GetRemoteStatus.Unlock for the success rate of fetching the
remote status from the host.
units="ms" expires_after="2022-02-02">
<!-- Name completed by histogram_suffixes name="SmartLockStatusTypes" -->
The duration of time between when the user locks their screen or wakes their
device (either opening a clamshell device or waking up a tablet), and when
the user is first provided a visible indication of Smart Lock's status (the
Smart Lock icon presents as either yellow or green, with a tooltip
explaining the status).
Suffixed by the type of status which the user is first presented with. View
the base histogram to see results for all status types aggregated together,
and suffixed histograms for the results of just that particular remote
status type.
See SmartLock.GetRemoteStatus.Unlock for the success rate of fetching the
remote status from the host.
units="ms" expires_after="2022-02-02">
<!-- Name completed by histogram_suffixes name="SmartLockStatusTypes" -->
The duration of time between when Smart Lock begins to try to find the host
device, and receives the initial remote status from it -- this informs if
the device can be unlocked on the first remote status (i.e., if the Smart
Lock icon is yellow or green).
Suffixed by the type of remote status which was the first to be received.
View the base histogram to see results for all remote status types
aggregated together, and suffixed histograms for the results of just that
particular remote status type.
for breakdowns of this metric.
See SmartLock.GetRemoteStatus.Unlock for the success rate of fetching the
remote status from the host.
<histogram name="SmartLock.ToggleFeature" enum="BooleanEnabled"
The number of times the user actively enabled or disabled the SmartLock
feature via Settings.
<histogram name="SmartLock.ToggleFeature.Disable.Result" enum="BooleanSuccess"
<summary>The result of the operation to disable SmartLock.</summary>
<histogram name="WifiSync.MultiDeviceFeatureState"
enum="MultiDevice_FeatureState" expires_after="2022-03-01">
Indicates the feature state of the Wifi Sync V2 feature. This metric is
emitted to at the creation of the user session (when the user logs in), and
when feature state updates occur.