blob: 8b019f70d8baff26e5aecc108443dfe9a13474e0 [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
from __future__ import print_function
import json
import os
import re
import sys
import subprocess
import shutil
_RSP_RE = re.compile(r' (@(.+?\.rsp)) ')
_CMD_LINE_RE = re.compile(
_debugging = False
def _IsTargettingWindows(target_os):
if target_os is not None:
# Available choices are based on: gn help target_os
assert target_os in [
return target_os == 'win'
return sys.platform == 'win32'
def _ProcessCommand(command, target_os):
"""Removes gomacc(.exe). On Windows inserts --driver-mode=cl as the first arg.
Note that we deliberately don't use shlex.split here, because it doesn't work
predictably for Windows commands (specifically, it doesn't parse args the same
way that Clang does on Windows).
Instead, we just use a regex, with the simplifying assumption that the path to
clang-cl.exe contains no spaces.
# If the driver mode is not already set then define it. Driver mode is
# automatically included in the compile db by clang starting with release
# 9.0.0.
driver_mode = ''
# Only specify for Windows. Other platforms do fine without it.
if _IsTargettingWindows(target_os) and '--driver-mode' not in command:
driver_mode = '--driver-mode=cl'
match =
if match:
match_dict = match.groupdict()
command = ' '.join([match_dict['clang'], driver_mode, match_dict['args']])
elif _debugging:
print('Compile command didn\'t match expected regex!')
print('Command:', command)
print('Regex:', _CMD_LINE_RE.pattern)
# Remove some blocklisted arguments. These are VisualStudio specific arguments
# not recognized or used by clangd. They only suppress or activate graphical
# output anyway.
blocklisted_arguments = ['/nologo', '/showIncludes']
command_parts = filter(lambda arg: arg not in blocklisted_arguments,
return " ".join(command_parts)
def _ProcessEntry(entry, target_os):
"""Transforms one entry in a Windows compile db to be clang-tool friendly."""
entry['command'] = _ProcessCommand(entry['command'], target_os)
# Expand the contents of the response file, if any.
match =['command'])
if match:
rsp_path = os.path.join(entry['directory'],
rsp_contents = open(rsp_path).read()
entry['command'] = ''.join([
entry['command'][:match.start(1)], rsp_contents,
except IOError:
if _debugging:
print('Couldn\'t read response file for %s' % entry['file'])
return entry
def ProcessCompileDatabaseIfNeeded(compile_db, target_os=None):
"""Make the compile db generated by ninja on Windows more clang-tool friendly.
compile_db: The compile database parsed as a Python dictionary.
A postprocessed compile db that clang tooling can use.
compile_db = [_ProcessEntry(e, target_os) for e in compile_db]
if not _IsTargettingWindows(target_os):
return compile_db
if _debugging:
print('Read in %d entries from the compile db' % len(compile_db))
original_length = len(compile_db)
# Filter out NaCl stuff. The clang tooling chokes on them.
# TODO(dcheng): This doesn't appear to do anything anymore, remove?
compile_db = [
e for e in compile_db if '' not in e['command']
and '' not in e['command']
if _debugging:
print('Filtered out %d entries...' % (original_length - len(compile_db)))
# TODO(dcheng): Also filter out multiple commands for the same file. Not sure
# how that happens, but apparently it's an issue on Windows.
return compile_db
def GetNinjaPath():
ninja_executable = 'ninja.exe' if sys.platform == 'win32' else 'ninja'
return os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)), '..', '..',
'..', '..', 'third_party', 'depot_tools',
# FIXME: This really should be a build target, rather than generated at runtime.
def GenerateWithNinja(path, targets=[]):
"""Generates a compile database using ninja.
path: The build directory to generate a compile database for.
targets: Additional targets to pass to ninja.
List of the contents of the compile database.
# TODO(dcheng): Ensure that clang is enabled somehow.
# First, generate the compile database.
ninja_path = GetNinjaPath()
if not os.path.exists(ninja_path):
ninja_path = shutil.which("ninja")
json_compile_db = subprocess.check_output(
[ninja_path, '-C', path] + targets +
['-t', 'compdb', 'cc', 'cxx', 'objc', 'objcxx'])
return json.loads(json_compile_db)
def Read(path):
"""Reads a compile database into memory.
path: Directory that contains the compile database.
with open(os.path.join(path, 'compile_commands.json'), 'rb') as db:
return json.load(db)