blob: 8e348301f2038aaf4f246a2a0ef9aadce077c2bc [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <stdint.h> // for uintptr_t
#include <string>
#include <tuple> // for std::tie
#include <utility> // for std::swap
#include "base/memory/raw_ptr.h"
class SomeClass {};
class DerivedClass : public SomeClass {};
struct MyStruct {
raw_ptr<SomeClass> ptr;
raw_ptr<SomeClass> ptr2;
raw_ptr<const SomeClass> const_ptr;
int (*func_ptr_field)();
raw_ptr<const char> const_char_ptr;
namespace auto_tests {
MyStruct* GetMyStruct() {
return nullptr;
SomeClass* GetSomeClass() {
return nullptr;
SomeClass* ConvertSomeClassToSomeClass(SomeClass* some_class) {
return some_class;
void foo() {
MyStruct my_struct;
// After the rewrite |my_struct.ptr_field| is no longer a pointer,
// so |auto*| won't work. We fix this up, by appending |.get()|.
// Expected rewrite: auto* ptr_var = my_struct.ptr.get();
auto* ptr_var = my_struct.ptr.get();
// Tests for other kinds of initialization.
// Expected rewrite: |.get()| should be appended in both cases below.
auto* init_test1(my_struct.ptr.get());
auto* init_test2{my_struct.ptr.get()};
// Test for handling of the |const| qualifier.
// Expected rewrite: const auto* ptr_var = my_struct.ptr.get();
const auto* const_ptr_var = my_struct.ptr.get();
// More complicated initialization expression, but the |ptr_field| struct
// member dereference is still the top/last expression here.
// Expected rewrite: ...->ptr.get()
auto* complicated_var = GetMyStruct()->ptr.get();
// The test below covers:
// 1. Two variables with single |auto|,
// 2. Tricky placement of |*| (next to the variable name).
// Expected rewrite: ...ptr.get()... (twice in the 2nd example).
auto *ptr_var1 = my_struct.ptr.get(), *ptr_var2 = GetSomeClass();
auto *ptr_var3 = my_struct.ptr.get(), *ptr_var4 = my_struct.ptr.get();
auto *ptr_var5 = GetSomeClass(), *ptr_var6 = my_struct.ptr.get();
// Test for the case where
// 1. The resulting type is the same as in the |ptr_var| and |complicated_var|
// examples
// 2. Deep in the initialization expression there is a member dereference
// of |ptr_field|
// but
// 3. The final/top-level initialization expression doesn't dereference
// |ptr_field|.
// No rewrite expected.
auto* not_affected_field_var = ConvertSomeClassToSomeClass(my_struct.ptr);
// Test for pointer |auto| assigned from non-raw_ptr-elligible field.
// No rewrite expected.
auto* func_ptr_var = my_struct.func_ptr_field;
// Test for non-pointer |auto| assigned from raw_ptr-elligible field.
// No rewrite expected.
auto non_pointer_auto_var = my_struct.ptr;
// Test for non-auto pointer.
// No rewrite expected.
SomeClass* non_auto_ptr_var = my_struct.ptr;
} // namespace auto_tests
namespace printf_tests {
int ConvertSomeClassToInt(SomeClass* some_class) {
return 123;
void MyPrintf(const char* fmt, ...) {}
void foo() {
MyStruct s;
// Expected rewrite: MyPrintf("%p", s.ptr.get());
MyPrintf("%p", s.ptr.get());
// Test - all arguments are rewritten.
// Expected rewrite: MyPrintf("%p, %p", s.ptr.get(), s.ptr2.get());
MyPrintf("%p, %p", s.ptr.get(), s.ptr2.get());
// Test - only |s.ptr|-style arguments are rewritten.
// Expected rewrite: MyPrintf("%d, %p", 123, s.ptr.get());
MyPrintf("%d, %p", 123, s.ptr.get());
// Test - |s.ptr| is deeply nested.
// No rewrite expected.
MyPrintf("%d", ConvertSomeClassToInt(s.ptr));
} // namespace printf_tests
namespace cast_tests {
void foo() {
MyStruct my_struct;
// To get |const_cast<...>(...)| to compile after the rewrite we
// need to rewrite the casted expression.
// Expected rewrite: const_cast<SomeClass*>(my_struct.const_ptr.get());
SomeClass* v = const_cast<SomeClass*>(my_struct.const_ptr.get());
// Expected rewrite: const_cast<const SomeClass*>(my_struct.ptr.get());
const SomeClass* v2 = const_cast<const SomeClass*>(my_struct.ptr.get());
// To get |reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(...)| to compile after the rewrite we
// need to rewrite the casted expression.
// Expected rewrite: reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(my_struct.ptr.get());
uintptr_t u = reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(my_struct.ptr.get());
// There is no need to append |.get()| inside static_cast - unlike the
// const_cast and reinterpret_cast examples above, static_cast will compile
// just fine.
DerivedClass* d = static_cast<DerivedClass*>(my_struct.ptr);
void* void_var = static_cast<void*>(my_struct.ptr);
} // namespace cast_tests
namespace ternary_operator_tests {
void foo(int x) {
MyStruct my_struct;
SomeClass* other_ptr = nullptr;
// To avoid the following error type:
// conditional expression is ambiguous; 'const raw_ptr<SomeClass>'
// can be converted to 'SomeClass *' and vice versa
// we need to append |.get()| to |my_struct.ptr| below.
// Expected rewrite: ... my_struct.ptr.get() ...
SomeClass* v = (x > 123) ? my_struct.ptr.get() : other_ptr;
// Rewrite in the other position.
// Expected rewrite: ... my_struct.ptr.get() ...
SomeClass* v2 = (x > 456) ? other_ptr : my_struct.ptr.get();
// No rewrite is needed for the first, conditional argument.
// No rewrite expected.
int v3 = my_struct.ptr ? 123 : 456;
// Test for 1st and 2nd arg. Only 2nd arg should be rewritten.
SomeClass* v4 = my_struct.ptr ? my_struct.ptr.get() : other_ptr;
} // namespace ternary_operator_tests
namespace string_comparison_operator_tests {
void foo(int x) {
MyStruct my_struct;
std::string other_str = "other";
// To avoid the following error type:
// error: invalid operands to binary expression ... basic_string ... and ...
// raw_ptr ...
// we need to append |.get()| to |my_struct.const_char_ptr| below.
// Expected rewrite: ... my_struct.const_char_ptr.get() ...
bool v1 = my_struct.const_char_ptr.get() == other_str;
bool v2 = other_str == my_struct.const_char_ptr.get();
bool v3 = my_struct.const_char_ptr.get() > other_str;
bool v4 = other_str > my_struct.const_char_ptr.get();
bool v5 = my_struct.const_char_ptr.get() >= other_str;
bool v6 = other_str >= my_struct.const_char_ptr.get();
bool v7 = my_struct.const_char_ptr.get() < other_str;
bool v8 = other_str < my_struct.const_char_ptr.get();
bool v9 = my_struct.const_char_ptr.get() <= other_str;
bool v10 = other_str <= my_struct.const_char_ptr.get();
std::string v11 = my_struct.const_char_ptr.get() + other_str;
std::string v12 = other_str + my_struct.const_char_ptr.get();
} // namespace string_comparison_operator_tests
namespace templated_functions {
template <typename T>
void AffectedFunction(T* t) {}
template <typename T>
void TemplatedFunction_NonTemplatedParam(SomeClass* arg, T t) {}
template <typename T>
class MyTemplate {
template <typename U>
MyTemplate(U* u) {}
void AffectedMethod(T* t) {}
// We also want to append |.get()| for |T| parameters (i.e. not just for |T*|
// parameters).
// One motivating example is the following pattern from
// //components/variations/service/ where the type of the
// 2 arguments needs to be kept consistent:
// const uint32_t* end = ptr_field_ + num_resources_;
// const uint32_t* element = std::lower_bound(ptr_field_, end, hash);
template <typename T>
void AffectedNonPointerFunction(T t) {}
// base::Unretained has a template specialization that accepts `const
// raw_ptr<T>&` as an argument (since Therefore
// we expect that `.get()` is *not* used when calling base::Unretained.
// Originally, ActivityLogDatabasePolicy::ScheduleAndForget was used as a
// motivating example - passes a raw_ptr to base::Unretained.
template <typename T>
void Unretained(T* t) {}
// AffectedFunctionWithDeepT mimics ConvertPPResourceArrayToObjects from
// //ppapi/cpp/array_output.h
template <typename T>
void AffectedFunctionWithDeepT(MyTemplate<T>* blah) {}
// StructWithPointerToTemplate is used to test AffectedFunctionWithDeepT.
// StructWithPointerToTemplate mimics ResourceArrayOutputAdapter<T>
// (and its |output_| field that will be converted to a raw_ptr)
// from //ppapi/cpp/array_output.h
template <typename T>
struct StructWithPointerToTemplate {
raw_ptr<MyTemplate<T>> ptr_to_template;
void foo() {
MyStruct my_struct;
// Expected rewrite - appending: .get()
// Expected rewrite - appending: .get()
MyTemplate<SomeClass> mt(my_struct.ptr.get());
// Expected rewrite - appending: .get()
// No rewrite expected.
TemplatedFunction_NonTemplatedParam(my_struct.ptr, 123);
// Expected rewrite - appending: .get()
// Expected rewrite - appending: .get()
StructWithPointerToTemplate<SomeClass> swptt;
// No rewrite expected - T& parameter.
std::swap(my_struct.ptr, my_struct.ptr2);
std::tie(my_struct.ptr, my_struct.ptr2) = std::make_pair(nullptr, nullptr);
// No rewrite expected - functions named "Unretained" are excluded (they have
// been manually modified to also provide a template specialization that
// accepts `const raw_ptr<T>&` as an argument).
} // namespace templated_functions
namespace implicit_constructors {
// Based on //base/strings/string_piece_forward.h:
template <typename CharT>
class BasicStringPiece;
typedef BasicStringPiece<char> StringPiece;
// Based on //base/strings/string_piece.h:
template <typename CharT>
class BasicStringPiece {
constexpr BasicStringPiece(const char* str) {}
// Test case:
void FunctionTakingBasicStringPiece(StringPiece arg) {}
void FunctionTakingBasicStringPieceRef(const StringPiece& arg) {}
class ClassWithImplicitConstructor {
ClassWithImplicitConstructor(SomeClass* blah) {}
void FunctionTakingArgWithImplicitConstructor(
ClassWithImplicitConstructor arg) {}
void foo() {
MyStruct my_struct;
// Expected rewrite - appending: .get(). This avoids the following error:
// error: no matching function for call to 'FunctionTakingBasicStringPiece'
// note: candidate function not viable: no known conversion from
// 'base::raw_ptr<const char>' to 'templated_functions::StringPiece' (aka
// 'BasicStringPiece<char>') for 1st argument
// No rewrite expected.
// Expected rewrite - appending: .get(). This is the same scenario as with
// StringPiece above (except that no templates are present here).
} // namespace implicit_constructors
namespace affected_implicit_template_specialization {
template <typename T, typename T2>
struct MyTemplate {
raw_ptr<T> t_ptr;
raw_ptr<T2> t2_ptr;
struct NestedStruct {
raw_ptr<SomeClass> nested_ptr_field;
raw_ptr<T> nested_t_ptr_field;
NestedStruct nested_struct_field;
template <typename T3>
struct MyTemplate<SomeClass, T3> {
raw_ptr<SomeClass> some_ptr;
raw_ptr<T3> t3_ptr;
// The example that forces explicit |isAnonymousStructOrUnion| checks in
// the implementation of GetExplicitDecl. The example is based on
// buildtools/third_party/libc++/trunk/include/string.
template <typename T>
struct MyStringTemplate {
struct NestedStruct {
union {
long l;
short s;
raw_ptr<T> t_ptr;
raw_ptr<int> i_ptr;
}; // Unnamed / anonymous union *field*.
struct {
long l2;
short s2;
raw_ptr<T> t_ptr2;
raw_ptr<int> i_ptr2;
}; // Unnamed / anonymous struct *field*.
NestedStruct s;
void MyPrintf(const char* fmt, ...) {}
void foo() {
// |s.t_ptr| comes from implicit template specialization (which needs to be
// skipped for rewriting, but should be included for appending |.get()|).
// Expected rewrite: MyPrintf("%p", s.t_ptr.get());
MyTemplate<int, int> s;
MyPrintf("%p", s.t_ptr.get());
// |s.some_ptr| and |s.t2_ptr| come from implicit template specialization or a
// partial template specialization.
// Expected rewrite: MyPrintf("%p", s.some_ptr.get(), s.t3_ptr.get());
MyTemplate<SomeClass, int> s2;
MyPrintf("%p %p", s2.some_ptr.get(), s2.t3_ptr.get());
// Nested structs require extra care when trying to look up the non-implicit
// field definition. Expected rewrite: adding |.get()| suffix.
MyPrintf("%p", s.nested_struct_field.nested_ptr_field.get());
MyPrintf("%p", s.nested_struct_field.nested_t_ptr_field.get());
// Lines below are added mainly to Force implicit specialization of
// MyStringTemplate (to force explicit |isAnonymousStructOrUnion| checks in
// the rewriter). Still, the expected rewrite is: appending |.get()| to the
// printf arg.
MyStringTemplate<void> mst;
MyPrintf("%p %p", mst.s.t_ptr.get(), mst.s.t_ptr2.get());
} // namespace affected_implicit_template_specialization
// The test scenario below is based on an example encountered in
// //cc/layers/
// auto* shared_quad_state = render_pass->quad_list.begin()->shared_quad_state
// In this example, the AST looks like this:
// `-DeclStmt
// `-VarDecl shared_quad_state 'const SharedQuadState *' cinit
// `-ExprWithCleanups 'const SharedQuadState *'
// `-ImplicitCastExpr 'const SharedQuadState *' <LValueToRValue>
// `-MemberExpr 'const SharedQuadState *const' lvalue ->shared...state
// `-.....
// The rewriter needs to ignore the implicit ExprWithCleanups and
// ImplicitCastExpr nodes in order to find the MemberExpr. If this is
// implemented incorrectly, then the rewriter won't append |.get()| to fix the
// |auto*| initialization.
namespace more_implicit_ast_nodes_trouble {
template <class BaseElementType>
struct ListContainer {
struct ConstIterator {
const BaseElementType* operator->() const { return nullptr; }
ConstIterator begin() const { return ConstIterator(); }
class SharedQuadState;
struct DrawQuad {
raw_ptr<const SharedQuadState> shared_quad_state;
struct RenderPass {
using QuadList = ListContainer<DrawQuad>;
QuadList quad_list;
void foo() {
RenderPass* render_pass = nullptr;
auto* shared_quad_state =
} // namespace more_implicit_ast_nodes_trouble