blob: a058121d158aa2f3bef0fa8e7074b6c57653481c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// Test for template specializations.
// In template specializations template parameters (e.g. |T| or |T2| in
// MyTemplate below) get substituted with an actual class (e.g. |SomeClass| or
// |int|). In an *implicit* specialization, these substitutions are "overlaid"
// / "overimposed" on top of the template definition and this can lead to
// generating conflicting replacements - for example the same |t_ptr_field|
// definition can get replaced with:
// 1. T* t_ptr_field -> raw_ptr<T> t_ptr_field // expected
// 2. T* t_ptr_field -> raw_ptr<SomeClass> t_ptr_field // undesired
// To avoid generating conflicting replacements, the rewriter excludes implicit
// template specializations via |implicit_field_decl_matcher|.
// Note that rewrites in *explicit* template specializations are still
// desirable. For example, see the |T2* t2_ptr_field| in |MyTemplate<int, T2>|
// partial template specialization.
#include "base/memory/raw_ptr.h"
class SomeClass;
class SomeClass2;
template <typename T, typename T2>
class MyTemplate {
// Expected rewrite: raw_ptr<T> t_ptr_field;
raw_ptr<T> t_ptr_field;
// Expected rewrite: raw_ptr<SomeClass> some_class_ptr_field;
raw_ptr<SomeClass> some_class_ptr_field;
// No rewrite expected.
int int_field;
// Partial *explicit* specialization.
template <typename T2>
class MyTemplate<int, T2> {
// Expected rewrite: raw_ptr<T2> t2_ptr_field;
raw_ptr<T2> t2_ptr_field;
// Expected rewrite: raw_ptr<SomeClass> some_class_ptr_field;
raw_ptr<SomeClass> some_class_ptr_field;
// Expected rewrite: raw_ptr<int> int_ptr_field;
raw_ptr<int> int_ptr_field;
// No rewrite expected.
int int_field;
// Full *explicit* specialization.
template <>
class MyTemplate<int, SomeClass2> {
// Expected rewrite: raw_ptr<int> int_ptr_field;
raw_ptr<int> int_ptr_field;
// Expected rewrite: raw_ptr<SomeClass2> some_class2_ptr_field;
raw_ptr<SomeClass2> some_class2_ptr_field;
// No rewrite expected.
int int_field;
// The class definitions below trigger an implicit template specialization of
// MyTemplate.
class TemplateDerived : public MyTemplate<SomeClass, int> {};
class TemplateDerived2 : public MyTemplate<SomeClass2, int> {};
// Test where excluding SubstTemplateTypeParmType pointees is not sufficient,
// because the pointee is not |T|, but |TemplateSelfPointerTest<T>| like in
// the fields below.
// This test forces using
// classTemplateSpecializationDecl(isImplicitSpecialization())
// in the definition of |implicit_field_decl_matcher|.
// Note that no |hasAncestor| matcher is necessary - compare with
// nested_iterator_test below.
namespace self_pointer_test {
template <typename T>
class TemplateSelfPointerTest {
// Early versions of the rewriter used to rewrite the type below to three
// conflicting replacements:
// 1. raw_ptr<TemplateSelfPointerTest<bool>>
// 2. raw_ptr<TemplateSelfPointerTest<SomeClass2>>
// 3. raw_ptr<TemplateSelfPointerTest<T>>
// Something similar would have happened in //base/scoped_generic.h (in the
// nested Receiver class):
// ScopedGeneric* scoped_generic_;
// Expected rewrite: raw_ptr<TemplateSelfPointerTest<T>>
raw_ptr<TemplateSelfPointerTest<T>> ptr_field_;
// Similar test to the above. Something similar would have happened in
// //base/id_map.h (in the nested Iterator class):
// IDMap<V, K>* map_;
// Expected rewrite: raw_ptr<TemplateSelfPointerTest<T>>
raw_ptr<TemplateSelfPointerTest<T>> ptr_field2_;
void foo() {
// Variable declarations below trigger an implicit template specialization of
// TemplateSelfPointerTest.
TemplateSelfPointerTest<bool> foo;
TemplateSelfPointerTest<SomeClass2> bar;
} // namespace self_pointer_test
// Test against overlapping replacement that occurred in Chromium in places
// like:
// - //components/url_pattern_index/string_splitter.h
// |const StringSplitter* splitter_| in nested Iterator class
// - //base/callback_list.h
// |CallbackListBase<CallbackType>* list_| in nested Iterator class
// - //mojo/public/cpp/bindings/receiver_set.h
// |ReceiverSetBase* const receiver_set_| in nested Entry class
// This test forces using
// hasAncestor(classTemplateSpecializationDecl(isImplicitSpecialization()))
// in the definition of |implicit_field_decl_matcher|.
namespace nested_iterator_test {
template <typename T>
class StringSplitter {
class Iterator {
Iterator(const StringSplitter& splitter) : splitter_(&splitter) {}
// Danger of an overlapping replacement (when substituting
// |StringSplitter<T>| for |StringSplitter<int>| in an implicit template
// specialization triggered by the |foo2| function below.
// Expected rewrite: raw_ptr<const StringSplitter<T>> splitter_
raw_ptr<const StringSplitter<T>> splitter_;
Iterator begin() const { return Iterator(*this); }
void foo2() {
StringSplitter<int> splitter;
auto iterator = splitter.begin();
} // namespace nested_iterator_test
// Example based on base/trace_event/memory_usage_estimator.h where a function
// template |EstimateMemoryUsage| had a nested struct |SharedPointer| definition
// with a pointer field |value| that was leading to conflicting replacements.
namespace template_function {
template <typename T>
void foo(T* arg) {
struct NestedStruct {
// Expected rewrite: raw_ptr<T> ptr_field;
raw_ptr<T> ptr_field;
// Expected rewrite: raw_ptr<MyTemplate<T, T>> ptr_field2;
raw_ptr<MyTemplate<T, T>> ptr_field2;
} var;
var.ptr_field = nullptr;
void bar() {
// Triggering implicit specializations of foo that in the past led the
// rewriter to generate conflicting replacements.
int i = 123;
SomeClass* p = nullptr;
} // namespace template_function