blob: 4863d6429c44f7cd6c306e41edb24aa9d1278295 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
class Iterable {
using const_iterator = int* const*;
const_iterator begin() { return nullptr; }
const_iterator end() { return nullptr; }
using AliasWithPtr = int*;
AliasWithPtr return_alias_with_ptr() {
return nullptr;
AliasWithPtr* return_ptr_to_alias_with_ptr() {
return nullptr;
typedef int* TypedefWithPtr;
TypedefWithPtr return_typedef_with_ptr() {
return nullptr;
class Foo {
void foo() {}
void f();
int main() {
int integer;
Foo foo;
auto int_copy = integer;
const auto const_int_copy = integer;
const auto& const_int_ref = integer;
auto raw_int_ptr = &integer;
const auto const_raw_int_ptr = &integer;
const auto& const_raw_int_ptr_ref = &integer;
auto* raw_int_ptr_valid = &integer;
const auto* const_raw_int_ptr_valid = &integer;
auto raw_foo_ptr = &foo;
const auto const_raw_foo_ptr = &foo;
const auto& const_raw_foo_ptr_ref = &foo;
auto* raw_foo_ptr_valid = &foo;
const auto* const_raw_foo_ptr_valid = &foo;
int* int_ptr;
auto double_ptr_auto = &int_ptr;
auto* double_ptr_auto_ptr = &int_ptr;
auto** double_ptr_auto_double_ptr = &int_ptr;
auto function_ptr = &f;
auto method_ptr = &Foo::foo;
int* const* const volatile** const* pointer_awesomeness;
auto auto_awesome = pointer_awesomeness;
auto& int_ptr_ref = int_ptr;
const auto& const_int_ptr_ref = int_ptr;
auto&& int_ptr_rref = static_cast<int*&&>(int_ptr);
const auto&& const_int_ptr_rref = static_cast<int*&&>(int_ptr);
static auto static_ptr = new int;
Iterable iterable;
for (auto& it : iterable) {
// The alias itself contains a pointer, which is an implementation detail, so
// `auto` is allowed.
auto alias = return_alias_with_ptr();
// A pointer to an alias (of a pointer) still requires `auto*`. This will
// succeed.
auto* good_ptr_to_alias = return_ptr_to_alias_with_ptr();
// This will fail.
auto bad_ptr_to_alias = return_ptr_to_alias_with_ptr();
// `typedef` and `using` type aliases both work the same.
auto tdef = return_typedef_with_ptr();
// This is a valid usecase of deducing a type to be a raw pointer and should
// not trigger a warning / error.
auto lambda = [foo_ptr = &foo] { return *foo_ptr; };
template <class T>
struct WithDependentType {
void func() {
// The deduced type here is not known and `isNull()` will be true when
// parsing the template (but not instantiations).
auto x = T::foo();
void use_template() {
struct S {
static int* foo() { return nullptr; };
// The dependent type is instantiated, but no errors are produced.
template <class T>
concept Concept = true;
void use_concept() {
int x = 0;
// No warning, because this is a constrained auto. Being a pointer or not is
// an implementation detail of the matching type.
Concept auto c = &x;
template <class T>
T auto_function_return_alias_with_ptr() {
return return_alias_with_ptr();
void template_function() {
// The auto is a type alias that was provided as a template parameter. Simple
// repro of things like std::find().
auto auto_alias = auto_function_return_alias_with_ptr<AliasWithPtr>();
template <class T>
using AliasOfT = T;
template <class T>
AliasOfT<T> auto_function_return_elaborated_alias_with_ptr() {
return return_alias_with_ptr();
void alias_template_specialization_function() {
// The auto is a type alias that was provided as a template parameter, but
// returned as another alias (an "ElaboratedType" in this case).
auto auto_alias =
struct auto_type_level_three {
template <class T>
inline auto foo() const {
return T();
constexpr auto auto_type_level_two = auto_type_level_three{};
template <typename T>
constexpr auto auto_type_level_one() {
void nested_auto_function() {
// This test function returns a type that has `AutoType` nested multiple
// times. Something like:
// AutoType 0x157941d90 'int *' sugar
// `-AutoType 0x157941d90 'int *' sugar
// `-AutoType 0x157940b30 'int *' sugar
// `-SubstTemplateTypeParmType 0x157940a20 'int *' sugar
// `-PointerType 0x15790b7c0 'int *'
auto x = auto_type_level_one<AliasWithPtr>();