blob: cfb4cf7bfd7f6ae7883eb5af063cc226974fc469 [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/env python
# Copyright 2017 Google Inc.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
"""Runs all Franky test cases for a given channel.
import sys
import argparse
import collections
import datetime
import glob
import itertools
import os
import shutil
import subprocess
import unittest
import actions
from actions import action_error
from actions import factory
import app_info
from appium_util import appium_driver_util
from appium_util import input_formatter
from appium_util import timeout_util
import device_info
import driver_provider
import generate_report
import step as step_module
import test_data_reader
# App file extensions.
appium_driver_util.IOS: '.app',
appium_driver_util.ANDROID: '.apk',
# Chrome channels to run test cases against.
_CANARY = 'Canary'
_BETA = 'Beta'
# Test results formats.
_HTML = 'html'
_JSON = 'json'
_INSTRUMENTS_LOGS_PATH = '/Library/Caches/'
# Reset the appium server after a certain number of tests.
# This is to clear memory. See
# All data needed after running a test case. result_code is an integer 0 if
# the test passes and 1 if it fails. 'test_output' is a string of
# |step.description| for each step in the test case. 'stacktrace' is
# a string for a test failure stacktrace.
TestResult = collections.namedtuple(
'TestResult', ['result_code', 'test_case_description',
'test_output', 'stacktrace'])
# All data needed after running a test suite. 'test_results' is a list of
# tuples TestResult.
TestSuiteResult = collections.namedtuple(
'TestSuiteResult', ['success_counter', 'failure_counter', 'test_results'])
# Path for Accept and Continue button found on first screen of onboarding flow.
_ACCEPT_CONTINUE_PATH = 'Accept & Continue'
# Franky reports bucket names on Google Cloud Storage.
appium_driver_util.ANDROID: 'franky-reports/android',
appium_driver_util.IOS: 'franky-reports/ios',
class FrankyTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
"""Runs one test with steps provided in the initializer.
def __init__(self, test_description, steps, test_output,
driver_provider_instance, platform, verbose):
"""Inits FrankyTestCase.
test_description: A string representing the test method name.
steps: A list of Step objects.
test_output: An empty list, which will contain test output when the test
has finished running.
driver_provider_instance: An instance of DriverProvider class.
platform: A string representing the platform name.
verbose: A boolean to increase test output verbosity or not.
super(FrankyTestCase, self).__init__(test_description)
self._steps = steps
self._test_output = test_output
self._driver_provider_instance = driver_provider_instance
self._platform = platform
self._verbose = verbose
def setUp(self):
"""Clears app data and automatically launches the app before each test.
system_action = factory.CreateAction(
actions.system, self._driver_provider_instance.platform_name)
system_action().ResetApp(self._driver_provider_instance, None)
def testFrankySteps(self):
"""Maps test steps to their respective action type class for execution.
for step in self._steps:
description = '*** %s' % step.description
if self._verbose:
print description
# Pull the action module from |step|'s action type.
action_module = actions.ACTIONS[step.action_type]
# TODO( make this less magical.
action_class = getattr(action_module,
self._platform + step.action_type.title())
action_method = getattr(action_class, step.action)
action_method(action_class(), self._driver_provider_instance, step)
except (action_error.VerificationError, action_error.TapError,
action_error.NoElementFoundError, action_error.InstallAppError,
def _RecoverFromFailure(self):
"""Recovers from a test failure.
# Common reasons of a failed test is the absence of wifi or modal
# First Run panel.
action = factory.CreateAction(
actions.element, self._driver_provider_instance.platform_name)
is_onboarding_screen_present = action().IsElementBySeleniumLocatorPresent(
self._driver_provider_instance, by=step_module.ID,
if is_onboarding_screen_present:
onboarding_action = factory.CreateAction(
actions.onboarding, self._driver_provider_instance.platform_name)
onboarding_action().ByPassFirstRun(self._driver_provider_instance, None)
system_action = factory.CreateAction(
actions.system, self._driver_provider_instance.platform_name)
system_action().EnableWiFi(self._driver_provider_instance, None)
def _FormatTestOutput(output):
"""Formats test output to 80 characters per line.
output: A string representing the test output.
A string representing the formatted test output.
formatted_output = ''
for line in output.strip().split('\n'):
while line:
formatted_output = formatted_output + line[:80] + '\n'
line = line[80:]
return formatted_output
def _ClearInstrumentsLogs():
"""Clears generated instruments logs."""
if os.path.exists(_INSTRUMENTS_LOGS_PATH):
def _CreateTestSuite(steps, test_output, driver_provider_instance, platform,
"""Creates a Franky test suite.
Adds one test case in the suite, which is the only test method in the child
class. This test method is reused with different arguments each test run.
steps: A list of Step objects.
test_output: An empty list, which will contain test output when the test
has finished running.
driver_provider_instance: An instance of DriverProvider class.
platform: A string representing the platform name.
verbose: A boolean to increase test output verbosity or not.
A unittest.suite.TestSuite.
test_loader = unittest.TestLoader()
test_names = test_loader.getTestCaseNames(FrankyTestCase)
suite = unittest.TestSuite()
suite.addTest(FrankyTestCase(test_names[0], steps, test_output,
driver_provider_instance, platform, verbose))
return suite
def _RunTestSuite(test_suite, driver_provider_instance, no_retry, platform,
"""Runs test suite and analyzes test results.
test_suite: A list of TestCase objects.
driver_provider_instance: A instance of DriverProvider.
no_retry: A boolean to rerun a test or not after a failure.
platform: A string representing the platform name.
verbose: A boolean to increase test output verbosity or not.
A tuple of TestSuiteResult.
success_counter = 0
failure_counter = 0
test_counter = 0
test_results = []
for test_case in test_suite:
if verbose:
print '\n >>> Starting test with description %s' % test_case.description
test_output = ['\n']
suite = _CreateTestSuite(test_case.steps, test_output,
driver_provider_instance, platform, verbose)
result = unittest.TextTestRunner(verbosity=1).run(suite)
# Rerun a test if it fails the first time.
if not result.wasSuccessful() and not no_retry:
restart_message = '\n @@@ Rerunning test %s' % test_case.description
if verbose:
print restart_message
test_output.append('\n' + restart_message)
result = unittest.TextTestRunner(verbosity=1).run(suite)
# Analyze test result.
if result.wasSuccessful():
result_code = 0
success_counter += 1
formatted_stacktrace = ''
result_code = 1
failure_counter += 1
_, stacktrace = result.errors[-1]
formatted_stacktrace = _FormatTestOutput(stacktrace)
formatted_test_output = '\n\n' + _FormatTestOutput('\n'.join(test_output))
test_results.append(TestResult(result_code, test_case.description,
formatted_test_output, formatted_stacktrace))
test_counter = _ResetAppiumServer(test_counter, driver_provider_instance)
# Kill appium server when done with tests.
return TestSuiteResult(success_counter, failure_counter, test_results)
def _ResetAppiumServer(test_count, driver_provider_instance):
"""Resets the Appium Server periodically.
test_count: The number of tests since the last reset.
driver_provider_instance: An instance of DriverProvider.
The number of tests since the last reset.
test_count += 1
if test_count % _SERVER_RESET_COUNT == 0:
# No need to start a new server, next action will start one automatically.
test_count = 0
return test_count
def _CopyHTMLReportToCloudStorage(report_file_name, platform):
"""Copies HTML report to Google Cloud Storage.
report_file_name: A string for the HTML report file name.
platform: A string representing the platform name.
# Network bandwidth and space in Google Cloud Storage are saved while copying
# html file with the -z option. The file is compressed before it is uploaded,
# but the actual file is left uncompressed on the local disk.
gsutil_command = ('gsutil cp -z html -a public-read %s gs://%s' %
(report_file_name, _FRANKY_BUCKET_NAMES[platform]))
def main():
arg_parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
description='Runs Franky test cases on a Chrome Channel.')
arg_parser.add_argument('channel', choices=[_CANARY, _BETA],
help='The Chrome channel to run test cases against.')
arg_parser.add_argument('platform', choices=[appium_driver_util.IOS,
help='The platform to run tests against.')
'-t', '--test-suite', action='append',
help='Test suite file(s) to run; can be a glob. Multiple arguments '
'add up. Default are all files matching "*<channel>*.csv" in CWD.'
'File type is determined by extension: .csv is CSV, .txt is text proto.')
'-s', '--appium-dir-path',
default=os.path.join(os.path.expanduser('~'), 'appium'),
help='The full path to appium server directory. A special value NONE '
'will keep it unset. The default location is %(default)s.')
default='node .',
help='The command to invoke appium server. A special value of NONE '
'disables Appium invocation and relies on an already running server. '
'Default: "%(default)s".')
arg_parser.add_argument('-a', '--app-path',
help='The full path to the .app bundle to be tested. '
'The default location is the current directory.')
arg_parser.add_argument('--use-prebuilt-wda', action='store_true',
help='Do not rebuild the WebDriverAgent app.')
arg_parser.add_argument('--xcconfig', metavar='FILE',
help='XCode config for xcodebuild launching WDA.')
arg_parser.add_argument('-r', '--report-format', choices=[_HTML, _JSON],
default=_HTML, help='Generate a json or html report '
'out of the test results.')
arg_parser.add_argument('-n', '--no-retry', action='store_true',
default=False, help='Do not rerun a test.'
'If not set, a test will rerun after it fails.')
arg_parser.add_argument('-v', '--verbose', action='store_true',
default=False, help='Increase test output verbosity.')
arg_parser.add_argument('-c', '--copy-to-cloud-storage', action='store_true',
default=False, help='Copy generated HTML reports to '
'Google Cloud Storage.')
arg_parser.add_argument('-d', '--host-address', action='store_true',
default='', help='Default Host for Appium '
args = arg_parser.parse_args()
appium_dir_path = args.appium_dir_path
platform = args.platform
if appium_dir_path == 'NONE':
appium_dir_path = None
if args.appium_command == 'NONE':
args.appium_command = None
args.appium_command = args.appium_command.split(' ')
app_path = args.app_path
if not app_path:
app_path = os.path.abspath( + _APP_EXTENTION[platform])
if platform == appium_driver_util.IOS:
current_app_info = app_info.GetIOSAppInformation(app_path)
current_device_info = device_info.GetIOSDeviceInformation()
elif platform == appium_driver_util.ANDROID:
current_app_info = app_info.GetAndroidAppInformation(app_path)
current_device_info = device_info.GetAndroidDeviceInformation()
driver_provider_instance = driver_provider.DriverProvider(
platform,, app_path, appium_dir_path, current_device_info,
current_app_info, args.host_address, args.use_prebuilt_wda,
args.xcconfig, args.appium_command)
device_major_version = input_formatter.GetDeviceMajorVersion(
test_files = args.test_suite
if not test_files:
test_files = ['*%s*.csv' %]
test_files = list(itertools.chain(*(glob.glob(f) for f in test_files)))
test_suites = test_data_reader.ReadTestSuites(test_files)
test_suites = test_data_reader.FilterTestSuites(
test_suites, current_device_info.device_class, device_major_version)
test_suites = test_data_reader.EnumerateTestSuites(test_suites)
verbose = args.verbose
for test_suite_name, test_suite in sorted(test_suites.iteritems()):
if verbose:
print '\n*** Running Test Suite with name %s ***\n' % test_suite_name
start_time =
test_suite_result = _RunTestSuite(test_suite, driver_provider_instance,
args.no_retry, platform, verbose)
report_data = {'start_time': start_time,
'description': test_suite_name,
'app_info': current_app_info,
'device_info': current_device_info,
'test_suite_result': test_suite_result
report_format = args.report_format
report_file_name = generate_report.GenerateReport(report_format,
if report_format == _HTML and args.copy_to_cloud_storage:
_CopyHTMLReportToCloudStorage(report_file_name, platform)
if __name__ == '__main__':