blob: a17929118fa1ed7d5bcb046392217e6371a201d9 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2017 The ChromiumOS Authors
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
"""Git utility."""
from __future__ import annotations
import bisect
import dataclasses
import logging
import os
import re
import shutil
import stat
import subprocess
import tempfile
import time
import typing
from bisect_kit import cache_util
from bisect_kit import errors
from bisect_kit import util
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
# Minimal acceptable length of git commit id.
# For chromium, hash collision rate over number of digits:
# - 6 digits: 4.85%
# - 7 digits: 0.32%
# - 8 digits: 0.01%
# As foolproof check, 7 digits should be enough.
@dataclasses.dataclass(order=True, eq=True, frozen=True)
class Commit:
"""A data class represents a git commit."""
timestamp: int = 0
rev: str = ''
subject: str = 'dummy subject'
def from_rev_line(rev_line: str) -> Commit:
# The input `rev_line` may not include the subject part, thus here we unpack
# `subject` as a list with an asterisk. The length of the `subject` list
# should be at most one.
ts_str, rev, *subject = rev_line.split(' ', 2)
return Commit(int(ts_str), rev, *subject)
def make_commit_list(commit_tuples) -> list[Commit]:
return [Commit(*tuple) for tuple in commit_tuples]
class CommitMeta:
"""A data class represents the metadata of a git commit."""
message: str | None = None
object: str | None = None
tree: str | None = None
type: str | None = None
parent: list[str] | None = None
author: str | None = None
committer: str | None = None
author_time: int | None = None
committer_time: int | None = None
UNKNOWN_SUMMARY: typing.ClassVar[str] = '(unknown)'
def from_git_commit_object(git_cat_file_output: str) -> CommitMeta:
meta_dict: dict[str, typing.Any] = {}
header, meta_dict['message'] = git_cat_file_output.split('\n\n', 1)
for line in header.splitlines():
if m := re.match(r'^(object|tree|type) (\w+)', line):
meta_dict[] =
if m := re.match(r'^parent (\w+)', line):
meta_dict['parent'] = line.split()[1:]
if m := re.match(r'^(author|committer) (.*) (\d+) (\S+)$', line):
meta_dict[] =
meta_dict['%s_time' %] = int(
return CommitMeta(**meta_dict)
def get_summary(meta) -> str:
if meta is None or meta.message is None:
return CommitMeta.UNKNOWN_SUMMARY
return meta.message.splitlines()[0]
@dataclasses.dataclass(eq=True, frozen=True)
class Reference:
"""A data class represents a git reference."""
commit_hash: str
reference_name: str
def from_ls_remote_line(line: str) -> Reference:
commit_hash, reference_name = line.split(maxsplit=1)
return Reference(commit_hash, reference_name)
@dataclasses.dataclass(order=True, eq=True, frozen=True)
class Period:
"""A data class represents an inclusive period of time."""
begin: int = 0
end: int = 0
def __contains__(self, other):
if isinstance(other, int):
return self.begin <= other <= self.end
if isinstance(other, Period):
return self.begin <= other.begin and other.end <= self.end
raise TypeError(
'The membership test only accepts a `Period` or an `int`'
class PatchGitConfig:
"""Generates temparory git config to avoid bare repository issue."""
# TODO(zjchang): remove the workaround when gclient supports
# safe.bareRepository = explict.
def __init__(self):
self.patched_system_config = None
def __enter__(self) -> dict:
"""Generates temparory git config.
A dict with GIT_CONFIG_SYSTEM if should apply new config.
new_env = os.environ.copy()
home_directory = os.path.expanduser('~')
origin_system_config = '/etc/gitconfig'
# This config is auto synced by gLinux.
origin_core_config = '/usr/share/git-core/config'
bare_repository = config(
except subprocess.CalledProcessError:
bare_repository = ''
if bare_repository.strip() != 'explicit':
return new_env
self.patched_system_config = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(
shutil.copy(origin_system_config, self.patched_system_config)
# patch system config
new_env['GIT_CONFIG_SYSTEM'] = self.patched_system_config
return new_env
def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, exc_tb):
if self.patched_system_config:
def is_git_rev(rev: str) -> bool:
"""Is a git hash-like version string.
It accepts shortened hash with at least 7 digits.
return False
return bool(re.match(r'^[0-9a-f]+$', rev))
def argtype_git_rev(rev: str) -> str:
"""Validates git hash."""
if not is_git_rev(rev):
msg = (
'should be git hash, at least %d digits' % GIT_MIN_COMMIT_ID_LENGTH
raise errors.ArgTypeError(msg, '1a2b3c4d5e')
return rev
def is_git_root(path: str) -> bool:
"""Is given path root of git repo."""
return os.path.exists(os.path.join(path, '.git'))
def is_git_bare_dir(path: str) -> bool:
"""Is inside .git folder or bare git checkout."""
if not os.path.isdir(path):
return False
return (
['rev-parse', '--is-bare-repository'],
== 'true\n'
except subprocess.CalledProcessError:
return False
def git(cmd: list[str], **kwargs):
with PatchGitConfig() as new_env:
if 'env' in kwargs:
new_env = kwargs['env'] | new_env
del kwargs['env']
cmd = ['git'] + cmd
util.check_call(*cmd, env=new_env, **kwargs)
def git_output(cmd: list[str], **kwargs):
cmd = ['git'] + cmd
if 'disable_patch_config' in kwargs:
val = kwargs['disable_patch_config']
del kwargs['disable_patch_config']
if val:
return util.check_output(*cmd, **kwargs)
with PatchGitConfig() as new_env:
if 'env' in kwargs:
new_env = kwargs['env'] | new_env
del kwargs['env']
return util.check_output(*cmd, env=new_env, **kwargs)
def clone(git_repo: str, repo_url: str, reference: str | None = None) -> None:
"""Clone a git repo.
git_repo: path of git repo.
repo_url: url of git repo.
reference: optional git reference.
if not os.path.exists(git_repo):
cmd = ['clone', repo_url, '.']
if reference:
cmd += ['--reference', reference]
git(cmd, cwd=git_repo)
def checkout_version(git_repo: str, rev: str) -> None:
"""git checkout.
git_repo: path of git repo.
rev: git commit revision to checkout.
git(['checkout', '-q', '-f', rev], cwd=git_repo)
def init(git_repo: str, initial_branch: str = 'main') -> None:
"""git init.
git_repo and its parent directories will be created if they don't exist.
git_repo: path of git repo.
initial_branch: the default branch after git init
if not os.path.exists(git_repo):
git(['init', '-q', '--initial-branch', initial_branch], cwd=git_repo)
def pull(git_repo: str) -> None:
git(['pull'], cwd=git_repo)
def commit_file(
git_repo: str,
path: str,
message: str,
content: str,
commit_time: str | None = None,
author_time: str | None = None,
) -> None:
"""Commit a file.
git_repo: path of git repo
path: file path, relative to git_repo
message: commit message
content: file content
commit_time: commit timestamp
author_time: author timestamp
if author_time is None:
author_time = commit_time
env = {}
if author_time:
env['GIT_AUTHOR_DATE'] = str(author_time)
if commit_time:
env['GIT_COMMITTER_DATE'] = str(commit_time)
full_path = os.path.join(git_repo, path)
dirname = os.path.dirname(full_path)
if not os.path.exists(dirname):
with open(full_path, 'w') as f:
git(['add', path], cwd=git_repo)
git(['commit', '-q', '-m', message, path], cwd=git_repo, env=env)
def config(git_repo: str, *args, **kwargs) -> str:
"""Wrapper of 'git config'.
git_repo: path of git repo.
args: parameters pass to 'git config'
return git_output(['config', *args], cwd=git_repo, **kwargs)
def fetch(git_repo: str, *args, retry_prune_if_conflict: bool = False) -> None:
"""Wrapper of 'git fetch' with retry support.
git_repo: path of git repo.
args: parameters pass to 'git fetch'
retry_prune_if_conflict: retry with --prune if git references conflict
tries = 0
while True:
tries += 1
stderr_lines: list[str] = []
['fetch', *args],
except subprocess.CalledProcessError:
if tries >= 5:
logger.error('git fetch failed too much times')
stderr = ''.join(stderr_lines)
# retry 5xx internal server error
if 'The requested URL returned error: 5' in stderr:
delay = min(60, 10 * 2**tries)
'git fetch failed, will retry %s seconds later', delay
# We have `retry_prune_if_conflict` instead of always pruning because as
# a bisector, we want to keep historical references as long as possible,
# even if they have been deleted on remote server. We prune references
# only if conflict is detected.
if (
'(unable to update local ref)' in stderr
and retry_prune_if_conflict
and '--prune' not in args
'git fetch failed due to conflicting references; try again with --prune'
args = '--prune', *args
def _adjust_timestamp_increasingly(
commits: list[Commit], show_warning: bool = False
) -> list[Commit]:
"""Adjust commit timestamps.
After adjust, the timestamps are increasing.
commits: A list of `Commit` objects.
The adjusted list of `Commit` objects.
result: list[Commit] = []
adjusted_count = 0
last_timestamp = -1
for commit in commits:
if commit.timestamp < last_timestamp:
adjusted_count += 1
last_timestamp = max(last_timestamp, commit.timestamp)
result.append(Commit(last_timestamp, commit.rev, commit.subject))
if show_warning and adjusted_count > 0:
logger.warning('Commit timestamps are not increasing')
logger.warning('%d timestamps adjusted', adjusted_count)
return result
class FastLookupFailed(Exception):
"""No data is cached for this query.
The caller should fallback to the original operation.
class FastLookupEntry:
"""Cached commits from one branch of given time period.
With this class, we can look up commit via commit hash and timestamp fast.
def __init__(self, git_repo: str, branch: str):
self.git_repo: str = git_repo
self.branch: str = branch
self.optimized_period: Period | None = None
self.cached: list[Commit] = []
self.commit_to_index: dict[str, int] = {}
def optimize(self, period: Period):
assert period.begin <= period.end
if self.optimized_period and period in self.optimized_period:
# already done
self.cached = get_revlist_by_period(self.git_repo, self.branch, period)
self.optimized_period = period
# Adjust timestamps, so we can do binary search by timestamp
self.cached = _adjust_timestamp_increasingly(self.cached)
self.commit_to_index = {
commit.rev: i for i, commit in enumerate(self.cached)
def get_rev_by_time(self, timestamp: int) -> str | None:
if not self.optimized_period:
raise FastLookupFailed
if timestamp not in self.optimized_period:
raise FastLookupFailed
# Note that, the return value might be different as "git rev-list" if the
# actual commit timestamps are not fully increasing.
idx = bisect.bisect_right(self.cached, Commit(timestamp))
if idx == 0 and timestamp < self.cached[0].timestamp:
return None
if idx == len(self.cached) or self.cached[idx].timestamp != timestamp:
idx -= 1
return self.cached[idx].rev
def is_containing_commit(self, rev: str) -> bool:
if rev in self.commit_to_index:
return True
raise FastLookupFailed
class FastLookup:
"""Collection of FastLookupEntry"""
def __init__(self):
self.entries: dict[str, dict[str, FastLookupEntry]] = {}
self.target_period: Period | None = None
def optimize(self, period: Period):
self.target_period = period
def disable(self):
self.target_period = None
self.entries = {}
def get_rev_by_time(
self, git_repo: str, timestamp: int, branch: str
) -> str | None:
if not self.target_period:
raise FastLookupFailed
if timestamp not in self.target_period:
raise FastLookupFailed
if git_repo not in self.entries:
self.entries[git_repo] = {}
if branch not in self.entries[git_repo]:
self.entries[git_repo][branch] = FastLookupEntry(git_repo, branch)
entry = self.entries[git_repo][branch]
return entry.get_rev_by_time(timestamp)
def is_containing_commit(self, git_repo: str, rev: str) -> bool:
# This function is optimized only after get_rev_by_time() is invoked.
if git_repo not in self.entries:
raise FastLookupFailed
for entry in self.entries[git_repo].values():
return entry.is_containing_commit(rev)
except FastLookupFailed:
raise FastLookupFailed
fast_lookup = FastLookup()
def is_containing_commit(git_repo: str, rev: str) -> bool:
"""Determines given commit exists.
git_repo: path of git repo.
rev: git commit revision in query.
True if rev is inside given git repo. If git_repo is not a git folder,
returns False as well.
return fast_lookup.is_containing_commit(git_repo, rev)
except FastLookupFailed:
return git_output(['cat-file', '-t', rev], cwd=git_repo) in [
except subprocess.CalledProcessError:
return False
except OSError:
return False
def is_ancestor_commit(git_repo: str, old: str, new: str) -> bool:
"""Determines `old` commit is ancestor of `new` commit.
git_repo: path of git repo.
old: the ancestor commit.
new: the descendant commit.
True only if `old` is the ancestor of `new`. One commit is not considered
as ancestor of itself.
return (
['rev-list', '--ancestry-path', '-1', '%s..%s' % (old, new)],
!= ''
except subprocess.CalledProcessError:
return False
def ls_remote(
git_repo: str,
repository: str | None = None,
refs: list[str] | None = None,
) -> list[Reference]:
"""List references in a remote repository.
git_repo: path of git repo.
repository: remote repository name to query.
refs: reference matching patterns.
if refs and not repository:
raise errors.InternalError(
'ls-remote: repository is not assigned while refs has value'
cmd = ['ls-remote']
if repository:
if refs:
cmd += refs
lines = git_output(cmd, cwd=git_repo).splitlines()
return [Reference.from_ls_remote_line(x) for x in lines]
def get_commit_metadata(git_repo: str, rev: str) -> CommitMeta:
"""Get metadata of given commit.
git_repo: path of git repo.
rev: git commit revision in query.
dict of metadata, including (if available):
tree: hash of git tree object
parent: list of parent commits; this field is unavailable for the very
first commit of git repo.
author: name and email of author
author_time: author timestamp (without timezone information)
committer: name and email of committer
committer_time: commit timestamp (without timezone information)
message: commit message text
data = git_output(['cat-file', '-p', rev], cwd=git_repo, log_stdout=False)
return CommitMeta.from_git_commit_object(data)
def get_batch_commit_metadata(
git_repo: str, revs: typing.Iterable[str]
) -> dict[str, CommitMeta | None]:
query = '\n'.join(revs)
logger.debug('get_batch_commit_metadata %r', query)
with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile('w+t') as f:
# The `util.check_output_in_bytes()` function doesn't support stdin, so use
# shell redirect instead.
# Call binary version because we need to count size in bytes later.
with PatchGitConfig() as new_env:
data = util.check_output_in_bytes(
'git cat-file --batch < ' +,
metas: dict[str, CommitMeta | None] = {}
while data:
first_line, data = data.split(b'\n', 1)
m = re.match(r'^(\w+) (\w+)(?: (\d+))?', first_line.decode('utf8'))
assert m, repr(first_line)
object_name, object_type =, 2)
if not
metas[object_name] = None
assert object_type in ['commit', 'tag'], (
'unsupported object type: %s' % object_type
object_size = int(
assert data[object_size] == ord(b'\n'), repr(data[object_size])
obj, data = data[:object_size], data[object_size + 1 :]
metas[object_name] = CommitMeta.from_git_commit_object(
return metas
def get_revlist(git_repo: str, old: str, new: str) -> list[str]:
"""Enumerates git commit between two revisions (inclusive).
git_repo: path of git repo.
old: git commit revision.
new: git commit revision.
list of git revisions. The list contains the input revisions, old and new.
assert old
assert new
cmd = [
'%s^..%s' % (old, new),
revlist = git_output(cmd, cwd=git_repo).splitlines()
return revlist
def get_commit_log(git_repo: str, rev: str) -> str:
"""Get git commit log.
git_repo: path of git repo.
rev: git commit revision.
commit log message
cmd = ['log', '-1', '--format=%B', rev]
msg = git_output(cmd, cwd=git_repo)
return msg
def get_commit_hash(git_repo: str, rev: str) -> str:
"""Get git commit hash.
git_repo: path of git repo.
rev: could be git tag, branch, or (shortened) commit hash
full git commit hash
ValueError: `rev` is not unique or doesn't exist
# Use '^{commit}' to restrict search only commits.
# Use '--' to avoid ambiguity, like matching rev against path name.
output = git_output(
['rev-parse', '%s^{commit}' % rev, '--'], cwd=git_repo
git_rev = output.rstrip('-\n')
except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e:
# Do not use 'git rev-parse --disambiguate' to determine uniqueness
# because it searches objects other than commits as well.
raise ValueError('%s is not unique or does not exist' % rev) from e
assert is_git_rev(git_rev)
return git_rev
def get_commit_time(git_repo: str, rev: str, path: str | None = None) -> int:
"""Get git commit timestamp.
git_repo: path of git repo
rev: git commit id, branch name, tag name, or other git object
path: path, relative to git_repo
timestamp (int)
cmd = ['log', '-1', '--format=%ct', rev]
if path:
cmd += ['--', path]
line = git_output(cmd, cwd=git_repo)
return int(line)
def is_symbolic_link(git_repo: str, rev: str, path: str) -> bool:
"""Check if a file is symbolic link.
git_repo: path of git repo
rev: git commit id
path: file path
True if the specified file is a symbolic link in repo.
ValueError if not found
# format: 120000 blob 8735a8c1dd96ede39a21d983d5c96792fd15c1a5 default.xml
# TODO(kcwu): handle escaped path with special characters
parts = git_output(
['ls-tree', rev, '--full-name', path], cwd=git_repo
if len(parts) >= 4 and parts[3] == path:
return stat.S_ISLNK(int(parts[0], 8))
raise ValueError(
'file %s is not found in repo:%s rev:%s' % (path, git_repo, rev)
def get_file_from_revision(git_repo: str, rev: str, path: str) -> str:
"""Get file content of given revision.
git_repo: path of git repo
rev: git commit id
path: file path
file content (str)
result = git_output(
['show', '%s:%s' % (rev, path)], cwd=git_repo, log_stdout=False
# It might be a symbolic link.
# In extreme case, it's possible that filenames contain special characters,
# like newlines. In practice, it should be safe to assume no such cases and
# reduce disk i/o.
if '\n' not in result and is_symbolic_link(git_repo, rev, path):
return get_file_from_revision(git_repo, rev, result)
return result
def list_dir_from_revision(git_repo: str, rev: str, path: str) -> list[str]:
"""Lists entries of directory of given revision.
git_repo: path of git repo
rev: git commit id
path: directory path, relative to git root
list of names
subprocess.CalledProcessError: if `path` doesn't exists in `rev`
return git_output(
['ls-tree', '--name-only', '%s:%s' % (rev, path)],
def get_rev_by_time(
git_repo: str, timestamp: int, branch: str | None, path: str | None = None
) -> str | None:
"""Query commit of given time.
git_repo: path of git repo.
timestamp: timestamp
branch: only query parent of the `branch`. If branch=None, it means 'HEAD'
(current branch, usually).
path: only query history of path, relative to git_repo
git commit hash. None if path didn't exist at the given time.
if not branch:
branch = 'HEAD'
if not path:
return fast_lookup.get_rev_by_time(git_repo, timestamp, branch)
except FastLookupFailed:
cmd = [
if path:
cmd += [path]
result = git_output(cmd, cwd=git_repo).strip()
return result or None
def get_revlist_by_period(
git_repo: str, branch: str, period: Period
) -> list[Commit]:
# Find the last commit before the begin of given period.
text = git_output(
str(period.begin - 1),
# Find commits in the period.
text += git_output(
return [Commit.from_rev_line(line) for line in text.splitlines()]
def reset_hard(git_repo: str) -> None:
"""Restore modified and deleted files.
This is simply wrapper of "git reset --hard".
git_repo: path of git repo.
git_output(['reset', '--hard'], cwd=git_repo)
def clean(
git_repo: str,
remove_ignored: bool = False,
remove_folder: bool = True,
is_dry_run: bool = False,
exclude_list: list[str] | None = None,
) -> None:
"""Clean up git repo directory.
git_repo: path of git repo.
remove_ignored: remove files ignore by `.gitignore`.
remove_folder: remove folders.
is_dry_run: dry run.
exclude_list: files and/or directories to ignore, relative to git_repo
args = []
if remove_ignored:
if remove_folder:
if is_dry_run:
if exclude_list is None:
exclude_list = []
for exclude_pattern in exclude_list:
git_output(['clean', *args], cwd=git_repo)
def list_untracked(
git_repo: str, exclude_list: list[str] | None = None
) -> list[str]:
"""List untracked files and directories.
git_repo: path of git repo.
exclude_list: files and/or directories to ignore, relative to git_repo
list of paths, relative to git_repo
exclude_flags = []
if exclude_list:
for exclude in exclude_list:
assert not os.path.isabs(exclude), 'should be relative'
exclude_flags += ['--exclude', '/' + re.escape(exclude)]
result = []
for path in git_output(
['ls-files', '--others', '--exclude-standard', *exclude_flags],
# Remove the trailing slash, which means directory.
path = path.rstrip('/')
return result
def remove_lock(git_repo: str) -> None:
"""Remove git lock files.
git_repo: path of git repo.
head_lock = os.path.join(git_repo, '.git', 'HEAD.lock')
index_lock = os.path.join(git_repo, '.git', 'index.lock')
for lock_path in [head_lock, index_lock]:
if os.path.exists(lock_path):
logger.warning('git lock file deleted: %s', lock_path)
def distclean(git_repo: str, exclude_list: list[str] | None = None) -> None:
"""Clean up git repo directory.
Restore modified and deleted files. Delete untracked files and lock files.
git_repo: path of git repo.
exclude_list: files and/or directories to ignore, relative to git_repo
clean(git_repo, exclude_list=exclude_list)
def get_history(
git_repo: str,
path: str | None = None,
branch: str | None = None,
after: int | None = None,
before: int | None = None,
grep: str | None = None,
padding_begin: bool = False,
padding_end: bool = False,
with_subject: bool = False,
all_branch: bool = False,
) -> list[Commit]:
"""Get commit history of given path.
`after` and `before` could be outside of lifetime of `path`. `padding` is
used to control what to return for such cases.
git_repo: path of git repo.
path: path to query, relative to git_repo
branch: branch name or ref name
after: limit history after given time (inclusive)
before: limit history before given time (inclusive)
grep: limit history that matches the specified regular expression
padding_begin: If True, pads returned result with dummy record at exact
'after' time, if 'path' existed at that time.
padding_end: If True, pads returned result with dummy record at exact
'before' time, if 'path' existed at that time.
with_subject: If True, return commit subject together.
all_branch: If True, returns git log regardless the branch name.
List of (timestamp, git hash, subject); or (timestamp, git hash) depends
on with_subject flag. They are all events when `path` was added, removed,
modified, and start and end time if `padding` is true. If `padding` and
`with_subject` are both true, 'dummy subject' will be returned as padding
history's subject.
For each pair, at `timestamp`, the repo state is `git hash`. In other
words, `timestamp` is not necessary the commit time of `git hash` for the
padded entries.
assert not (all_branch and branch)
log_format = '%ct %H' if not with_subject else '%ct %H %s'
cmd = [
'--format=' + log_format,
if after:
cmd += ['--after', str(after)]
if before:
cmd += ['--before', str(before)]
if grep:
cmd += ['--grep', grep]
if branch:
assert not is_git_rev(branch)
cmd += [branch]
if all_branch:
cmd += ['--all']
if path:
# '--' is necessary otherwise if `path` is removed in current revision, git
# will complain it's an ambiguous argument which may be path or something
# else (like git branch name, tag name, etc.)
cmd += ['--', path]
lines = git_output(cmd, cwd=git_repo).splitlines()
result = [Commit.from_rev_line(line) for line in lines]
if padding_end:
assert before, 'padding_end=True make no sense if before=None'
if get_rev_by_time(git_repo, before, branch, path=path):
before = int(before)
if not result or result[-1].timestamp != before:
git_rev = get_rev_by_time(git_repo, before, branch)
assert git_rev
result.append(Commit(before, git_rev))
if padding_begin:
assert after, 'padding_begin=True make no sense if after=None'
if get_rev_by_time(git_repo, after, branch, path=path):
after = int(after)
if not result or result[0].timestamp != after:
git_rev = get_rev_by_time(git_repo, after, branch)
assert git_rev
result.insert(0, Commit(after, git_rev))
return result
def get_history_recursively(
git_repo: str,
path: str,
after: int,
before: int,
parser_callback: typing.Callable[[str, str], list[str] | None],
padding_end: bool = True,
branch: str | None = None,
) -> list[Commit]:
"""Get commit history of given path and its dependencies.
In comparison to get_history(), get_history_recursively also takes
dependencies into consideration. For example, if file A referenced file B,
get_history_recursively(A) will return commits of B in addition to A. This
applies recursively, so commits of C will be included if file B referenced
file C, and so on.
This function is file type neutral. `parser_callback(filename, content)` will
be invoked to parse file content and should return list of filename of
dependencies. If `parser_callback` returns None (usually syntax error), the
commit is omitted.
git_repo: path of git repo
path: path to query, relative to git_repo
after: limit history after given time (inclusive)
before: limit history before given time (inclusive)
parser_callback: callback to parse file content. See above comment.
padding_end: If True, pads returned result with dummy record at exact
'after' time, if 'path' existed at that time.
branch: branch name or ref name
list of (commit timestamp, git hash)
history = get_history(
# Collect include information of each commit.
includes: dict[str, set[str]] = {}
for commit in history:
content = get_file_from_revision(git_repo, commit.rev, path)
parse_result = parser_callback(path, content)
if parse_result is None:
for include_name in parse_result:
if include_name not in includes:
includes[include_name] = set()
# Analyze the start time and end time of each include.
dependencies = []
for include_name, rev_set in includes.items():
appeared = None
for commit in history:
if commit.rev in rev_set:
if not appeared:
appeared = commit.timestamp
if appeared:
# dependency file exists in time range [appeared, commit.timestamp)
(include_name, appeared, commit.timestamp - 1)
appeared = None
if appeared is not None:
dependencies.append((include_name, appeared, before))
# Recursion and merge.
result = list(history)
for include, appeared, disappeared in dependencies:
result += get_history_recursively(
# Sort and padding.
result.sort(key=lambda x: x.timestamp)
if padding_end:
result.append(Commit(before, result[-1].rev, result[-1].subject))
# Dedup.
result2: list[Commit] = []
for x in result:
if result2 and result2[-1] == x:
return result2
def get_branches(
git_repo: str,
all_branches: bool = True,
commit: str | None = None,
remote: bool = False,
) -> list[str]:
"""Get branches of a repository.
git_repo: path of git repo
all_branches: return remote branches if is set to True
commit: return branches containing this commit if is not None
remote: only remote tracking branches
list of branch names
cmd = ['branch', '--format=%(refname)']
if all_branches:
cmd += ['-a']
if commit:
cmd += ['--contains', commit]
if remote:
result = []
for line in git_output(cmd, cwd=git_repo).splitlines():
return result
def get_tags(git_repo):
cmd = ['tag', '--list']
result = []
for line in git_output(cmd, cwd=git_repo, log_stdout=False).splitlines():
return result
def get_remotes(git_repo):
"""Gets lists of git remote."""
return git_output(['remote'], cwd=git_repo).splitlines()
def get_remote_url(git_repo, remote_name):
"""Gets url of given remote."""
return git_output(['remote', 'get-url', remote_name], cwd=git_repo).strip()
def set_remote_url(git_repo, remote_name, url):
"""Sets url of given remote."""
git(['remote', 'set-url', remote_name, url], cwd=git_repo)
def list_commits_between_commits(git_repo, old, new):
"""Get all commits between (old, new].
git_repo: path of git repo.
old: old commit hash (exclusive)
new: new commit hash (inclusive)
list of (timestamp, rev)
assert old and new
if old == new:
return []
assert is_ancestor_commit(git_repo, old, new)
# --first-parent is necessary for Android, see following link for more
# discussion.
lines = git_output(
'%s..%s' % (old, new),
commits = [Commit.from_rev_line(line) for line in lines]
# bisect-kit has a fundamental assumption that commit timestamps are
# increasing because we sort and bisect the commits by timestamp across git
# repos. If not increasing, we have to adjust the timestamp as workaround.
# This might lead to bad bisect result, however the bad probability is low in
# practice since most machines' clocks are good enough.
commits = _adjust_timestamp_increasingly(commits, show_warning=True)
return commits