blob: 395d79c72f2633ea1c3abb407516dfa23a42fc27 [file] [log] [blame]
# ChromeOS firmware bitmap block - board configuration.
# name1,name2,...:
# key1: value ...
# key2: value ...
# ...
# name: List of board names for this configuration, separated by comma.
# keys are as follows:
# screen: Resolution of the framebuffer where firmware plots pixels. If models
# of a board have different resolutions, pick the maximum one.
# sdcard: Presence of SD/MMC Card Reader that can boot in recovery mode
# dpi: The DPI used when generating PNG files. With higher DPI, the generated
# bitmaps will be larger and hence will take up more space in RO CBFS. When
# adding a new board, please try the default DPI (by not specifying DPI)
# first. If chromeos-bootimage fails to build because of bitmap size issue,
# binary-search for the best-fitting DPI value.
# locales: List of locales to include
# rtl: List of right-to-left locales
# rw_override: List of names of localized bitmaps to be stored in both RW
# and RO sections. This field is designed to allow late RW updates to change
# or add bitmaps of firmware screens in RW. Currently, there is no support
# for updating locale-independent bitmaps in vbgfx.bin and font.bin.
# split_ratio: This setting allows you to specify the ratio of bitmaps that can
# be stored in a separate read-write (RW) CBFS partition. By default
# (value 0), all bitmaps are placed in the read-only (RO) CBFS.
# There's currently only one supported override value: 100. This means all
# bitmaps listed in the rw_only list will be stored in the RW CBFS,
# minimizing the footprint on the write-protected (WP_RO) SPI flash.
# Note the locale should be supported (and named) by Chrome browser:
# In other words, iw should be 'he', and no should be 'nb'.
# Default configuration
# These are the values used unless set otherwise in the board specific config
screen: [1366, 768]
sdcard: True
dpi: 192
# The complete locales we have to support can be found by
# ../../platform2/regions/ --format=json | \
# jq -rS '[.[].locales[]]|unique[]'
# The order of locales determines the order in the language menu. Aside from
# 'en', which is placed at the beginning of the list, the remaining order is
# consistent with the Chromebook Help Center
# (
# Please modify this with care.
locales: [en, bn, ca, da, de, et, es, es-419, fil, fr, hr, id, it, lv, lt,
hu, ms, nl, nb, pl, pt-PT, pt-BR, ro, sk, sl, fi, sv, vi, tr,
cs, el, bg, ru, sr, uk, he, ar, fa, mr, hi, gu, ta, te, kn, ml,
th, zh-CN, zh-TW, ja, ko]
rtl: [he, ar, fa]
rw_override: []
split_ratio: 0
dpi: 72 # DO NOT COPY-PASTE -- follow instructions at top of file.
# 1920x1080, boots recovery image on USB ports or SD card.
screen: [1920, 1080]
dpi: 96 # DO NOT COPY-PASTE -- follow instructions at top of file.
# Using built-in graphics mode 1366x768.
# Boots recovery image on any SD card and USB ports.
# 1366x768, boots recovery image on any SD card or USB ports.
# Using old U-Boot firmware with smaller size so the locale list is limited.
# WARNING: VESA graphics mode is no longer supported for these boards.
# Bitmaps will be stretched at runtime.
# With card reader. USB3 ports will run in USB2 mode for recovery boot.
screen: [1366, 768]
# WARNING: VESA graphics mode is no longer supported for these boards.
# Bitmaps will be stretched at runtime.
# With card reader. All USB ports can boot in recovery mode.
screen: [1366, 768]
# WARNING: VESA graphics mode is no longer supported for these boards.
# Bitmaps will be stretched at runtime.
# With card reader. All USB ports can boot in recovery mode.
screen: [1366, 768]
# Elm and hana do not have enough space to support all the locales. Only build
# English language to ensure that ToT can build the bootimage for these boards.
screen: [1366, 768]
locales: [en]
rtl: []
# 1920x1080, boots recovery image on any SD card or USB ports.
screen: [1920, 1080]
dpi: 72 # DO NOT COPY-PASTE -- follow instructions at top of file.
# WARNING: VESA graphics mode is no longer supported for these boards.
# Bitmaps will be stretched at runtime.
# A chromebox without built-in panel/keyboard.
# Assume the display is a modern 16:9 (1920x1080) monitor.
# With card reader and physical recovery switch.
screen: [1920, 1080]
dpi: 72 # DO NOT COPY-PASTE -- follow instructions at top of file.
# WARNING: VESA graphics mode is no longer supported for these boards.
# Bitmaps will be stretched at runtime.
# A chromebox without built-in panel/keyboard.
# Assume the display is a modern 16:9 (1920x1080) monitor.
# With physical recovery switch, without card reader.
screen: [1920, 1080]
sdcard: False
dpi: 72 # DO NOT COPY-PASTE -- follow instructions at top of file.
# External monitor, boots recovery image on USB ports.
screen: [3840, 2400] # No built-in panel, specify 4K resolution.
dpi: 80 # DO NOT COPY-PASTE -- follow instructions at top of file.
# WARNING: VESA graphics mode is no longer supported for these boards.
# Bitmaps will be stretched at runtime.
# A chromestation with built-in panel, without built-in keyboard.
# Display is a modern 16:9 (1920x1080) monitor.
# With physical recovery switch, without card reader.
screen: [1920, 1080]
sdcard: False
# WARNING: VESA graphics mode is no longer supported for these boards.
# Bitmaps will be stretched at runtime.
# A chromestation with built-in panel, without built-in keyboard.
# Display is a modern 16:9 (1920x1080) monitor.
# With physical recovery switch, with card reader.
screen: [1920, 1080]
# WARNING: VESA graphics mode is no longer supported for these boards.
# Bitmaps will be stretched at runtime.
# Can only boot recovery by USB. (No card reader, or not able to recover
# from card reader.)
screen: [1366, 768]
sdcard: False
# WARNING: VESA graphics mode is no longer supported for these boards.
# Bitmaps will be stretched at runtime.
# With card reader. All USB ports can boot in recovery mode.
screen: [1366, 768]
# WARNING: VESA graphics mode is no longer supported for these boards.
# Bitmaps will be stretched at runtime.
# All USB ports and the SD card reader can be used for recovery.
screen: [1366, 768]
dpi: 72 # DO NOT COPY-PASTE -- follow instructions at top of file.
# Can boot recovery by USB and SD card readers.
# Note its firmware can not contain all default locales so the shipping locale
# list is specified.
screen: [2560, 1700]
dpi: 72 # DO NOT COPY-PASTE -- follow instructions at top of file.
# There's no standard panel size for Stumpy -- depends on the monitor user has
# attached. Let's assume it's a modern LCD panel with 1920x1080 dimension.
screen: [1920, 1080]
sdcard: False
# Lumpy was shipped with old firmware bitmaps and caused its resolution to be
# 800x600.
screen: [1366, 768]
# A chromebit with external display only, use low-res "safe" mode.
# With physical recovery switch, without card reader.
screen: [1920, 1080]
sdcard: False
# 2400x1600, boots recovery image on any SD card or USB ports.
screen: [2400, 1600]
# 1536x2048, "detachable", boots recovery image on any SD card or USB ports.
screen: [1536, 2048]
dpi: 72 # DO NOT COPY-PASTE -- follow instructions at top of file.
# 2400x1600, boots recovery image on USB ports.
screen: [2400, 1600]
sdcard: False
dpi: 72 # DO NOT COPY-PASTE -- follow instructions at top of file.
# 1280x850, boots recovery image on any SD card or USB ports.
screen: [1280, 850]
# 2400x1600, boots recovery image on any SD card or USB ports.
screen: [2400, 1600]
# 2400x1600, boots recovery image on any SD card or USB ports.
screen: [2400, 1600]
dpi: 72 # DO NOT COPY-PASTE -- follow instructions at top of file.
# 2400x1600, boots recovery image on any SD card or USB ports.
screen: [2400, 1600]
# 2400x1600, boots recovery image on any SD card or USB ports.
screen: [2400, 1600]
# 2400x1600, boots recovery image on any SD card or USB ports.
screen: [2400, 1600]
dpi: 72 # DO NOT COPY-PASTE -- follow instructions at top of file.
# 2400x1600, boots recovery image on any SD card or USB ports.
screen: [2400, 1600]
# 2400x1600, boots recovery image on any SD card or USB ports.
screen: [2400, 1600]
dpi: 72 # DO NOT COPY-PASTE -- follow instructions at top of file.
# 3840x2160, boots recovery image on USB ports.
screen: [3840, 2160]
sdcard: False
dpi: 72 # DO NOT COPY-PASTE -- follow instructions at top of file.
# 2400x1600, boots recovery image on any SD card or USB ports.
screen: [2400, 1600]
dpi: 72 # DO NOT COPY-PASTE -- follow instructions at top of file.
# 1920x1080, boots recovery image on any SD card or USB ports.
screen: [1920, 1080]
dpi: 72 # DO NOT COPY-PASTE -- follow instructions at top of file.
# 1920x1080, boots recovery image on USB ports.
screen: [1920, 1080]
sdcard: False
dpi: 72 # DO NOT COPY-PASTE -- follow instructions at top of file.
# 2400x1600, boots recovery image on any SD card or USB ports.
screen: [2400, 1600]
dpi: 80 # DO NOT COPY-PASTE -- follow instructions at top of file.
# External monitor, boots recovery image on USB ports.
screen: [3840, 2400] # No built-in panel, specify 4K resolution.
dpi: 80 # DO NOT COPY-PASTE -- follow instructions at top of file.
# 2400x1600, boots recovery image on any SD card or USB ports.
screen: [2400, 1600]
dpi: 72 # DO NOT COPY-PASTE -- follow instructions at top of file.
# 1920x1200, boots recovery image on USB ports.
screen: [1920, 1200]
sdcard: False
dpi: 72 # DO NOT COPY-PASTE -- follow instructions at top of file.
# 3840x2160, boots recovery image on USB ports.
screen: [3840, 2160]
sdcard: False
dpi: 80 # DO NOT COPY-PASTE -- follow instructions at top of file.
# 1920x1080, boots recovery image on any SD card or USB ports.
screen: [1920, 1080]
dpi: 96 # DO NOT COPY-PASTE -- follow instructions at top of file.
# 2400x1600, boots recovery image on USB ports.
screen: [2400, 1600]
dpi: 80 # DO NOT COPY-PASTE -- follow instructions at top of file.
# 2400x1600, boots recovery image on USB ports.
screen: [2400, 1600]
dpi: 80 # DO NOT COPY-PASTE -- follow instructions at top of file.
# 1366x768, boots recovery image on USB ports or SD card.
dpi: 72 # DO NOT COPY-PASTE -- follow instructions at top of file.
# 2400x1600, boots recovery image on any SD card or USB ports.
screen: [2400, 1600]
dpi: 80 # DO NOT COPY-PASTE -- follow instructions at top of file.
# 1920x1080, boots recovery image on any SD card or USB ports.
screen: [1920, 1080]
dpi: 96 # DO NOT COPY-PASTE -- follow instructions at top of file.
# 1920x1080, boots recovery image on any SD card or USB ports.
screen: [1920, 1080]
dpi: 96 # DO NOT COPY-PASTE -- follow instructions at top of file.
# 1920x1200, boots recovery image on any SD card or USB ports.
screen: [1920, 1200]
dpi: 96 # DO NOT COPY-PASTE -- follow instructions at top of file.
# 1920x1080, boots recovery image on any SD card or USB ports.
screen: [1920, 1080]
dpi: 96 # DO NOT COPY-PASTE -- follow instructions at top of file.
# 2160x1440, boots recovery image on any SD card or USB ports.
screen: [2160, 1440]
dpi: 96 # DO NOT COPY-PASTE -- follow instructions at top of file.
# External monitor, boots recovery image on USB ports.
screen: [3840, 2400] # No built-in panel, specify 4K resolution.
sdcard: False
dpi: 80 # DO NOT COPY-PASTE -- follow instructions at top of file.
# 3840x2160, boots recovery image on USB ports.
screen: [3840, 2160]
sdcard: False
dpi: 80 # DO NOT COPY-PASTE -- follow instructions at top of file.
screen: [2256, 1504]
dpi: 96 # DO NOT COPY-PASTE -- follow instructions at top of file.
# 1920x1080
screen: [1920, 1080]
dpi: 96 # DO NOT COPY-PASTE. follow instructions above.
# 1920x1080, boots recovery image on any USB ports.
screen: [1920, 1080]
sdcard: False
dpi: 72 # DO NOT COPY-PASTE -- follow instructions at top of file.
# 3840x2160, boots recovery image on USB ports.
screen: [3840, 2160]
sdcard: False
dpi: 72 # DO NOT COPY-PASTE -- follow instructions at top of file.
split_ratio: 100 # DO NOT COPY-PASTE -- follow instructions at top of file.
# External monitor, boots recovery image on USB ports.
screen: [3840, 2400] # No built-in panel, specify 4K resolution.
sdcard: False
dpi: 72 # DO NOT COPY-PASTE -- follow instructions at top of file.
split_ratio: 100 # DO NOT COPY-PASTE -- follow instructions at top of file.
# 1366x768, boots recovery image on any SD card or USB ports.
screen: [1366, 768]
# 1920x1080, boots recovery image on any SD card or USB ports.
screen: [1920, 1080]
# 1920x1200
screen: [1920, 1200]
dpi: 112 # DO NOT COPY-PASTE -- follow instructions at top of file.
screen: [1920, 1200]
sdcard: False
dpi: 110 # DO NOT COPY-PASTE -- follow instructions at top of file.
# 1920x1080, boots recovery image on any SD card or USB ports.
screen: [1920, 1080]
dpi: 72
split_ratio: 100 # DO NOT COPY-PASTE -- follow instructions at top of file.
# 1920x1200
screen: [1920, 1200]
# 1920x1080, boots recovery image on any USB ports.
screen: [1920, 1080]
sdcard: False
dpi: 72 # DO NOT COPY-PASTE -- follow instructions at top of file.