blob: e03e5b7b09e8c4146c65911d4d09b4b54ec6f8f8 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
#!/usr/bin/python -tt
# Copyright (c) 2011 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
"""A BmpBlock class"""
import os
import types
import yaml
class BmpBlock(object):
"""A wrapper for the config.yaml file.
It has a few special attributes to specify which part we're focusing on.
def __init__(self, libdir, filename=None):
self.yaml = None
self.filename = None
self.current_screen = None
self.libdir = libdir
self.filename = filename # always set, so we can reload
if filename:
def LoadFile(self, filename):
"""Load the specified yaml file and verify that it's a valid BmpBlock"""
print "Loading", filename
with open(filename, 'rb') as f:
stuff = yaml.safe_load(f)
# FIXME: This is pretty lame. We should be able to find images using a
# default directory path instead of using chdir.
if os.path.dirname(filename):
if self.IsValidSyntax(stuff):
self.yaml = stuff
self.current_screen = sorted(self.yaml["screens"].keys())[0]
def Reload(self):
tmp = self.current_screen
if tmp in self.yaml["screens"]:
self.current_screen = tmp
def IsValidSyntax(self, thing):
"""Raise an error if the specified dict is not a valid BmpBlock structure"""
assert isinstance(thing, dict)
seen_images = {"$HWID":1, "$HWID.rtol":2}
seen_screens = {}
images = thing["images"]
assert isinstance(images, dict)
assert len(images) > 0
# image values should all be filenames (ie, strings)
for val in images.values():
assert val and isinstance(val, types.StringTypes)
# don't worry about fonts. eventually we'll have graphical mocks on host.
if "$HWID" in images:
print "WARNING: ignoring $HWID font blob"
if "$HWID.rtol" in images:
print "WARNING: ignoring $HWID.rtol font blob"
# TODO(hungte) Replace this by rendering with font block.
images["$HWID"] = 'hwid_placeholder.bmp'
images["$HWID.rtol"] = 'hwid_placeholder.bmp'
screens = thing["screens"]
assert isinstance(screens, dict)
assert screens
# screen values should all be lists of 3-tuples
for scrname, imglist in screens.items():
assert len(imglist) <= 16
for img in imglist:
assert 3 == len(img)
# must have defined all referenced bitmaps
x,y,i = img
assert i in images
seen_images[i] = True
localizations = thing["localizations"]
assert hasattr(localizations, '__iter__')
assert localizations
# localizations should all be lists with the same number of screens
len0 = len(localizations[0])
assert len0
for elt in localizations:
assert len0 == len(elt)
# we must have defined all referenced screens
for scr in elt:
assert scr in screens
seen_screens[scr] = True
for unused_img in [x for x in images if x not in seen_images]:
print " Unused image:", unused_img
for unused_scr in [x for x in screens if x not in seen_screens]:
print " Unused screen:", unused_scr
return True
def RegisterScreenDisplayObject(self, displayer):
"""Register an object with a .Redisplay() function to display updates."""
self.displayer = displayer
def Redisplay(self):
"""Redisplay contents."""
if self.displayer:
if self.current_screen:
sc = self.yaml['screens'][self.current_screen]
slist = [(x,y,self.yaml['images'][z]) for x,y,z in sc]
self.displayer.DisplayScreen(self.current_screen, slist)
def Saveit(self):
"""Save current screen to file."""
if self.displayer:
if self.current_screen:
sc = self.yaml['screens'][self.current_screen]
slist = [(x,y,self.yaml['images'][z]) for x,y,z in sc]
self.displayer.SaveScreen(self.current_screen, slist)