Add the mem_native library for native memory access

This library is used by the new FPGA-TIO driver. It uses C library
to direct access the memory, instead of using the memtool.

TEST=Pending test, to wait for all the stuffs ready for the FPGA-TIO driver.

Change-Id: Ibfbaad0cdc13c30c08ceead502b31cc6a91f1020
Reviewed-by: Dean Liao <>
Commit-Queue: Wai-Hong Tam <>
Tested-by: Wai-Hong Tam <>
diff --git a/chameleond/utils/ b/chameleond/utils/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6f07441
--- /dev/null
+++ b/chameleond/utils/
@@ -0,0 +1,117 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2014 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
+# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+# found in the LICENSE file.
+"""Memory module for accessing the memory for IO.
+This module uses C library to direct access the memory.
+  import mem_native
+  value = mem_native.Memory.Read(address)
+import ctypes
+import time
+class _Memory(object):
+  """A class to abstract the memory access for IO."""
+  # Address space for memory-mapped I/O.
+  _MMAP_START = 0xff210000
+  _MMAP_SIZE = 0x10000
+  # mmap end address (exclusive)
+  _REG_SET_DELAY = 0.001
+  def __init__(self):
+    """Constructs a _Memory object.
+    Raises:
+      IOError if failed to open /dev/mem.
+    """
+    libc = ctypes.cdll.LoadLibrary('')
+    O_RDWR = 00000002
+    O_SYNC = 04000000 | 00010000
+    fd ='/dev/mem', O_RDWR | O_SYNC)
+    if fd == -1:
+      raise IOError('Failed to open /dev/mem')
+    PROT_READ = 0x1
+    PROT_WRITE = 0x2
+    MAP_SHARED = 0x01
+    self._memory = libc.mmap(0, self._MMAP_SIZE, PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE,
+                             MAP_SHARED, fd, self._MMAP_START)
+    if self._memory == -1:
+      raise IOError('Failed to call mmap()')
+  def _GetLocalAddress(self, address):
+    """Gets the local mmapped address for a given memory address.
+    Args:
+      address: The memory address.
+    Returns:
+      A local mmapped address.
+    """
+    assert self._memory != -1
+    assert self._MMAP_START <= address < self._MMAP_END
+    return self._memory + (address & 0xffff)
+  def Read(self, address):
+    """Reads the 32-bit integer from the given memory address.
+    Args:
+      address: The memory address.
+    Returns:
+      An integer.
+    """
+    local_addr = self._GetLocalAddress(address)
+    return ctypes.c_uint.from_address(local_addr).value  # pylint: disable=E1101
+  def Write(self, address, data):
+    """Writes the given 32-bit integer to the given memory address.
+    Args:
+      address: The memory address.
+      data: The 32-bit integer to write.
+    """
+    local_addr = self._GetLocalAddress(address)
+    ctypes.c_uint.from_address(local_addr).value = data  # pylint: disable=E1101
+  def SetMask(self, address, mask):
+    """Sets the mask on the given memory address.
+    Args:
+      address: The memory address.
+      mask: The bitwise mask.
+    """
+    self.Write(address, self.Read(address) | mask)
+  def ClearMask(self, address, mask):
+    """Clears the mask on the given memory address.
+    Args:
+      address: The memory address.
+      mask: The bitwise mask.
+    """
+    self.Write(address, self.Read(address) & ~mask)
+  def SetAndClearMask(self, address, mask, delay_secs=_REG_SET_DELAY):
+    """Sets and then clears the mask on the given memory address.
+    It is a blocking call for at least delay_secs seconds.
+    Args:
+      address: The memory address.
+      mask: The bitwise mask.
+      delay_secs: The time between set and clear. Default: _REG_SET_DELAY
+    """
+    self.SetMask(address, mask)
+    time.sleep(delay_secs)
+    self.ClearMask(address, mask)
+# Singleton
+Memory = _Memory()