blob: 954fd53c2deb73d96d773fa8ef97c9acaee8b8c3 [file] [log] [blame]
/* Copyright 2016 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file.
/* Session procedure
* This is TCP session main procedure.
#include "chameleon_driver.h"
#include "log.h"
#include "packet_format.h"
#include "session.h"
#include <errno.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <netinet/in.h>
#include <poll.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <strings.h>
#include <sys/mman.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <unistd.h>
/* Used to measure the duration of copying shared memory */
#include <sys/time.h>
* Use define here because of array declaration.
* Collect all sessions' log under sessions directory.
static const char *kSessionLogfilePattern_ = "session_%d.log";
static const int kRetOK_ = 0;
static const int kRetFail_ = -1;
static const int kHW_CountWrap_ = 0x10000;
static const int kBytePerPixel_ = 3;
static const int kAudioPageSize_ = 4096;
static const char *kErrorMessageMMap = "Memory map fail";
static const char *kErrorMessageMemoryAlloc = "Memory allocate fail";
static const char *kErrorMessageRealtimeMode = "Realtime mode is wrong";
static const char *kErrorMessageRealtimeStream =
"There is an existing realtime stream";
static const char *kErrorMessageRealtimeNonSame =
"Width or height or limit is not the same";
static const char *kErrorMessageFrameNumberZero = "Frame number is 0";
static const char *kErrorMessage2ndChannelNotRun = "2nd channel is not running";
static const char *kErrorMessageNotRun = "Capture HW is not running";
static const char *kErrorMessageDumpMemoryNotEnough =
"Dump memory is not enough";
static const char *kErrorMessageDropVideoFrame = "Drop realtime video frame %d";
static const char *kErrorMessageDropAudioPage = "Drop realtime audio page %d";
static const char *kErrorMessageMemoryOverflow =
"Stop dump realtime audio/video due to memory overflow";
* We only support one realtime dump per session.
* So some of the members will be shared between audio and video.
typedef struct {
* The socket descriptor of this session.
int socket;
* The buffer used to receive from or send to socket.
char socketbuffer[MAX_SOCKETBUFFER_SIZE];
LogHandle log;
int dev_mem_fd;
* The processing message type.
enum MessageType message_type;
* Temporary buffer for audio/video dumping.
* We will copy data from shared memory to this buffer first.
* If we deal with the shared memory directly, the performance will be very
* bad.
char *p_dump_buffer;
* The indicator to stop dumping realtime video/audio stream.
uint8_t stop_dump;
/* To indicate the current realtime stream is audio or video */
uint8_t is_dump_audio;
* Store the width and height pixels of the no-realtime video dump.
uint16_t screen_width;
uint16_t screen_height;
* To indicate if we need to shrink the video frame during the dumping.
* If we don't need to shrink the video frame, we can just copy the data from
* shared memory.
uint8_t is_shrink;
uint8_t shrink_width;
uint8_t shrink_height;
* For realtime video dump.
* We have 2 video dump controllers. And we may have data from any of them.
* We will auto detect the dump controller by the Run bit and store the info
* in realtime_check_channel.
uint8_t realtime_check_channel;
* The max video frames/audio pages in the dump area.
* The dump controller will reset dump pointer to Dump Start Address after
* dump_limit is reached.
* For video dump, we read from the Dump Limit register of video dump
* controller.
* For audio dump, we calculate it from Dump Start Address and
* Dump End Address of audio Dump Controller.
uint32_t dump_limit;
* Store the dump start addresses of audio/video.
* For audio dump, only the first element is used.
uint32_t dump_addresses[MAX_VIDEO_DUMP_CHANNEL];
* Paged size aligned of audio page size or video frame size.
* We can use it to calculate each audio/video start address.
int unit_aligned_size;
* Store the size of mmap. So we can do munmap later.
int mmap_size;
* The pointer of the shared memory by mmap.
char *p_mmap_sources[MAX_VIDEO_DUMP_CHANNEL];
RealtimeMode realtime_mode;
} Session;
typedef int (*MessageHandler)(Session *);
static int _ReadFromSocket(Session *p_session, int size);
static int _SendToSocket(Session *p_session, char *p_buffer, int size);
static int _SendWholePacketToSocket(Session *p_session);
static int _ProcessReset(Session *p_session);
static int _ProcessGetVersion(Session *p_session);
static int _ProcessConfigVideoStream(Session *p_session);
static int _ProcessConfigShrinkVideoStream(Session *p_session);
static int _ProcessDumpVideoFrame(Session *p_session);
static int _ProcessDumpRealtimeVideoFrame(Session *p_session);
static int _ProcessStopDump(Session *p_session);
static int _ProcessDumpRealtimeAudioPage(Session *p_session);
static int _ProcessMessage(Session *p_session);
* Message handler table for each message type.
* The position of the handler must be the same as the message type.
static const MessageHandler _g_handlers[] = {
static inline PacketHead *_get_packet_head(Session *p_session)
return (PacketHead *)p_session->socketbuffer;
static unsigned _calculate_page_aligned_size(int size)
int pagesize = getpagesize();
if (size % pagesize) {
size += pagesize;
size -= size % pagesize;
return size;
* @brief _CleanDumpVariable
* Clean the variables of the dump process.
* @param p_session Session instance.
static void _CleanDumpVariable(Session *p_session)
int i;
if (p_session->p_dump_buffer) {
p_session->p_dump_buffer = NULL;
for (i = 0; i < MAX_VIDEO_DUMP_CHANNEL; i++) {
if (!p_session->dump_addresses[i]) {
p_session->dump_addresses[i] = 0;
if (p_session->p_mmap_sources[i]) {
munmap(p_session->p_mmap_sources[i], p_session->mmap_size);
p_session->p_mmap_sources[i] = NULL;
p_session->mmap_size = 0;
p_session->realtime_mode = kNonRealtime;
p_session->is_dump_audio = 0;
* @brief _CleanSession
* Clean all the resources of the session.
* @param p_session Session instance
static void _CleanSession(Session *p_session)
LogPrint(&p_session->log, kInfo, "Cleaning Session...");
if (p_session->dev_mem_fd && p_session->dev_mem_fd != -1) {
p_session->dev_mem_fd = 0;
LogPrint(&p_session->log, kInfo, "Cleaned session.");
* @brief _ReadFromSocket
* Read size of data from socket. The data will be stored in the socketbuffer.
* @param p_session Session instance.
* @param size The size of the read data.
* @return kRetFail_, kRetOK_
static int _ReadFromSocket(Session *p_session, int size)
int read_bytes;
LogPrint(&p_session->log, kWarn, "Reading size %d > buffer size %d", size,
return kRetFail_;
read_bytes = read(p_session->socket, p_session->socketbuffer, size);
if (read_bytes < 0) {
LogPrint(&p_session->log, kWarn, "Error reading from socket");
return kRetFail_;
if (read_bytes == 0) {
LogPrint(&p_session->log, kInfo, "Client disconnected");
return kRetFail_;
if (read_bytes != size) {
LogPrint(&p_session->log, kWarn,
"Read error: read bytes %d, expected bytes %d", read_bytes, size);
return kRetFail_;
return kRetOK_;
* @brief _SendToSocket
* Send size of data to socket.
* @param p_session Session instance
* @param p_buffer The data to be sent.
* @param size bytes of the data.
* @return kRetFail_, kRetOK_
static int _SendToSocket(Session *p_session, char *p_buffer, int size)
int write_bytes;
write_bytes = write(p_session->socket, p_buffer, size);
if (write_bytes < 0) {
LogPrint(&p_session->log, kWarn, "Write error code %d", errno);
return kRetFail_;
if (write_bytes == 0) {
LogPrint(&p_session->log, kInfo, "Client disconnected");
return kRetFail_;
if (write_bytes != size) {
LogPrint(&p_session->log, kWarn, "Write bytes %d, expected bytes %d",
write_bytes, size);
return kRetFail_;
return kRetOK_;
* @brief _SendWholePacketToSocket
* It will read length from the packet head, and send whole packet to socket.
* The data is from the socketbuffer in the session.
* @param p_session Session instance.
* @return kRetFail_, kRetOK_
static int _SendWholePacketToSocket(Session *p_session)
PacketHead *p_head = _get_packet_head(p_session);
int length = htonl(p_head->length);
return _SendToSocket(p_session, (char *)p_head, sizeof(PacketHead) + length);
static void _InitResponseHead(Session *p_session, int error_code, int length,
char *p_message)
PacketHead *p_head = _get_packet_head(p_session);
p_head->type = htons(kResponse << 8 | p_session->message_type);
p_head->error_code = htons(error_code);
p_head->length = htonl(length);
if (p_message) {
memcpy(p_head->content, p_message, length);
static int _SendResponse(Session *p_session, int error_code, int length,
char *p_message) {
_InitResponseHead(p_session, error_code, length, p_message);
return _SendWholePacketToSocket(p_session);
* @brief _CheckRealtimeStream
* Check if we have realtime streaming in this session.
* If we have the streaming, also reply an error response.
* @param p_session Session instance.
* @return kRetFail_, kRetOK_
static int _CheckRealtimeStream(Session *p_session)
if (p_session->realtime_mode == kNonRealtime) {
return kRetOK_;
LogPrint(&p_session->log, kWarn, (char *)kErrorMessageRealtimeStream);
_SendResponse(p_session, kRealtimeStreamExists,
(char *)kErrorMessageRealtimeStream);
return kRetFail_;
* @brief _DumpVideoFrameToClient
* Dump video frame data to client without header.
* It will also do shrink process if user requires it.
* @param p_session Session instance.
* @param p_source The video frame start address of the shared memory.
* @return kRetFail_, kRetOK_
static int _DumpVideoFrameToClient(Session *p_session, char *p_source)
int width, height, pixel, size;
int shrink_width, shrink_height;
int screen_width, screen_height;
char *p_dump_buffer;
char *p_width;
struct timeval start, stop, diff;
gettimeofday(&start, NULL);
p_dump_buffer = p_session->p_dump_buffer;
screen_width = p_session->screen_width;
screen_height = p_session->screen_height;
if (p_session->is_shrink) {
shrink_width = p_session->shrink_width;
shrink_height = p_session->shrink_height;
* For 1920x1080 video frame. memcpy takes 152 ms.
* For loop without shirnk takes 3.06 seconds.
* For loop with shink width 4 and shrink height 4 takes 121 ms.
* This memcpy will copy the whole frame from shared memory to internal
* memory. And then we use the internal memory to do the shrink thing.
* If we use the shared memory to do the shrink thing, it will take a long
* time to do it if we only shrink a little pixels.
if (shrink_width < 4 || shrink_height < 4) {
size = screen_width * screen_height * kBytePerPixel_;
memcpy(p_dump_buffer, p_source, size);
p_source = p_dump_buffer;
* Process data pixel by pixel.
size = 0;
for (height = 0; height < screen_height; height++) {
* assign start width to p_width.
p_width = p_source + screen_width * kBytePerPixel_ * height;
for (width = 0; width < screen_width; width++) {
// Copy pixel
for (pixel = 0; pixel < kBytePerPixel_; pixel++) {
p_dump_buffer[size++] = *p_width++;
// skip shrinked width
p_width += shrink_width * kBytePerPixel_;
width += shrink_width;
// skip shrinked height.
height += shrink_height;
} else {
/* Non shrink case, only copy whole video frame.*/
size = screen_width * screen_height * kBytePerPixel_;
memcpy(p_dump_buffer, p_source, size);
gettimeofday(&stop, NULL);
timersub(&stop, &start, &diff);
LogPrint(&p_session->log, kInfo, "copy memory took %ld.%06ld",
(long int)diff.tv_sec, (long int)diff.tv_usec);
return _SendToSocket(p_session, p_dump_buffer, size);
* @brief _DoMMAP
* Do mmap by the address and size.
* @param p_session Session instance.
* @param address address of the mmap.
* @param size size of the mmap.
* @return NULL - mmap failed.
* Pointer to the mapped area.
static char *_DoMMAP(Session *p_session, uint32_t address, int size)
char *p_source;
p_source =
mmap(0, size, PROT_READ, MAP_SHARED, p_session->dev_mem_fd, address);
if (p_source != MAP_FAILED) {
LogPrint(&p_session->log, kInfo, "MMAP address 0x%x, size %d bytes",
address, size);
return p_source;
perror("cannot mmap source\n");
LogPrint(&p_session->log, kError, "Cannot mmap source 0x%x", address);
_SendResponse(p_session, kArgument, strlen(kErrorMessageMMap),
(char *)kErrorMessageMMap);
return NULL;
* @brief _PrepareMMAP
* Prepare mmap by the session's dump_addresses, dump_limit and
* unit_aligned_size state variables.
* The mapped pointer will be stored in p_mmap_sources.
* @param p_session Session instance.
* @return kRetFail_, kRetOK_
static int _PrepareMMAP(Session *p_session)
int i;
int mmap_size;
mmap_size = p_session->dump_limit * p_session->unit_aligned_size;
p_session->mmap_size = mmap_size;
for (i = 0; i < MAX_VIDEO_DUMP_CHANNEL; i++) {
if (!p_session->dump_addresses[i]) {
p_session->p_mmap_sources[i] =
_DoMMAP(p_session, p_session->dump_addresses[i], mmap_size);
if (p_session->p_mmap_sources[i] == NULL) {
return kRetFail_;
return kRetOK_;
* @brief _PrepareDumpBuffer
* Allocate memory to the p_dump_buffer.
* The size will be equal to the unit_aligned_size.
* @param p_session Session instance.
* @return kRetFail_, kRetOK_
int _PrepareDumpBuffer(Session *p_session)
p_session->p_dump_buffer = malloc(p_session->unit_aligned_size);
LogPrint(&p_session->log, kInfo, "Allocate frame buffer %d bytes",
if (!p_session->p_dump_buffer) {
_SendResponse(p_session, kMemoryAllocFail, strlen(kErrorMessageMemoryAlloc),
(char *)kErrorMessageMemoryAlloc);
return kRetFail_;
return kRetOK_;
* @brief _InitDumpVideoHead
* Init the video dump head and packet head's content.
* @param p_session Session instance.
* @param p_stream_head The video stream head to be inited.
static void _InitDumpVideoHead(Session *p_session,
VideoDataStreamHead *p_stream_head)
PacketHead *p_head = &p_stream_head->head;
VideoDataStream *p_data_head = &p_stream_head->data_head;
unsigned width, height;
int dump_frame_size;
p_head->type = htons(kData << 8 | p_session->message_type);
p_head->error_code = 0;
// Calculate length after shrinked frame
width = p_session->screen_width / (p_session->shrink_width + 1);
height = p_session->screen_height / (p_session->shrink_height + 1);
dump_frame_size = width * height * kBytePerPixel_;
p_head->length = htonl(sizeof(VideoDataStream) + dump_frame_size);
LogPrint(&p_session->log, kInfo,
"Start Dump, screen(%d, %d), dump(%d, %d), dump length %d",
p_session->screen_width, p_session->screen_height, width, height,
p_data_head->width = htons(width);
p_data_head->height = htons(height);
* @brief _InitDumpAudioHead
* Init the audio dump head's and packet head's content.
* @param p_session Session instance.
* @param p_stream_head The audio stream head to be inited.
static void _InitDumpAudioHead(Session *p_session,
AudioDataStreamHead *p_stream_head)
PacketHead *p_head = &p_stream_head->head;
p_head->type = htons(kData << 8 | p_session->message_type);
p_head->error_code = 0;
p_head->length = htonl(sizeof(AudioDataStream) + kAudioPageSize_);
* @brief _DumpAllChannelVideoFrame
* Used to dump video frame from both dump controllers.
* @param p_session Session instance.
* @param p_stream_head The pre-inited video stream header.
* @param offset memory offset of the video frame.
* @return kRetFail_, kRetOK_
static int _DumpAllChannelVideoFrame(Session *p_session,
VideoDataStreamHead *p_stream_head,
int offset)
int i;
char *p_source;
VideoDataStream *p_data_head = &p_stream_head->data_head;
for (i = 0; i < MAX_VIDEO_DUMP_CHANNEL; i++) {
p_source = p_session->p_mmap_sources[i];
// Check if we need to dump data from this channel.
if (!p_source) {
p_data_head->channel = i;
/* Send video data header first */
if (_SendToSocket(p_session, (char *)p_stream_head,
sizeof(VideoDataStreamHead))) {
return kRetFail_;
/* Send remain video frame data */
if (_DumpVideoFrameToClient(p_session, p_source + offset)) {
return kRetFail_;
return kRetOK_;
* @brief _DoDumpVideoFrame
* Dump non-realtime video frames. It only dump specified number of video
* frames to client.
* @param p_session Session instance
* @param number_of_frames Number of the video frames.
* @return kRetFail_, kRetOK_
static int _DoDumpVideoFrame(Session *p_session, int number_of_frames)
VideoDataStreamHead head;
VideoDataStream *p_data_head = &head.data_head;
unsigned long unit_aligned_size;
int i;
unit_aligned_size = p_session->unit_aligned_size;
_InitDumpVideoHead(p_session, &head);
LogPrint(&p_session->log, kDebug, "Dump number of frame %d",
for (i = 0; i < number_of_frames; i++) {
p_data_head->frame_number = htonl(i);
if (_DumpAllChannelVideoFrame(p_session, &head, i * unit_aligned_size)) {
return kRetFail_;
return kRetOK_;
* @brief _GetRealtimeVideoParameters
* Get the realtime video stream parameters from the chameleon and p_request.
* This function will also check the chameleon status.
* @param p_session Session instance.
* @param p_request DumpRealtimeVideoRequest
* @return kRetFail_, kRetOK_
static int _GetRealtimeVideoParameters(Session *p_session,
DumpRealtimeVideoRequest *p_request)
int positions[4];
int width, height;
uint32_t dump_end_address;
int check_channel;
/* Auto detect the video dump channel */
if (ChameleonVideoGetRun(0)) {
p_session->dump_addresses[0] = ChameleonVideoGetDumpStartAddress(0);
check_channel = 0;
} else if (ChameleonVideoGetRun(1)) {
p_session->dump_addresses[0] = ChameleonVideoGetDumpStartAddress(1);
check_channel = 1;
} else {
LogPrint(&p_session->log, kWarn, (char *)kErrorMessageNotRun);
_SendResponse(p_session, kArgument, strlen(kErrorMessageNotRun),
(char *)kErrorMessageNotRun);
return kRetFail_;
/* Get the width and height of the video frame */
if (ChameleonVideoGetCropEnable(check_channel)) {
ChameleonVideoGetCrop(check_channel, positions);
width = positions[kCropRightIndex] - positions[kCropLeftIndex];
height = positions[kCropBottomIndex] - positions[kCropTopIndex];
} else {
width = ChameleonVideoGetFrameWidth(check_channel);
height = ChameleonVideoGetFrameHeight(check_channel);
p_session->dump_limit = ChameleonVideoGetDumpLimit(check_channel);
p_session->screen_width = width;
p_session->screen_height = height;
p_session->realtime_check_channel = check_channel;
p_session->unit_aligned_size =
_calculate_page_aligned_size(width * height * kBytePerPixel_);
p_session->realtime_mode = p_request->mode;
* Check memory spaces first. to prevent memory overflow due to
* wrong chameleon config.
dump_end_address = ChameleonVideoGetDumpEndAddress(check_channel);
LogPrint(&p_session->log, kInfo,
"Realtime Video address[0] = 0x%x, end address = 0x%x, "
"minimum memory space %d bytes",
p_session->dump_addresses[0], dump_end_address,
p_session->unit_aligned_size * p_session->dump_limit);
if (dump_end_address - p_session->dump_addresses[0] <=
p_session->unit_aligned_size * p_session->dump_limit) {
LogPrint(&p_session->log, kWarn, (char *)kErrorMessageDumpMemoryNotEnough);
_SendResponse(p_session, kArgument,
(char *)kErrorMessageDumpMemoryNotEnough);
return kRetFail_;
if (!p_request->is_dual) {
// Setup 2nd channel address to 0 to indicate we only dump from one channel.
p_session->dump_addresses[1] = 0;
goto function_exit;
* Reply error if we want to dump from 2nd channel but the channel is
* not running.
if (!ChameleonVideoGetRun(!check_channel)) {
LogPrint(&p_session->log, kWarn, (char *)kErrorMessage2ndChannelNotRun);
_SendResponse(p_session, kArgument, strlen(kErrorMessage2ndChannelNotRun),
(char *)kErrorMessage2ndChannelNotRun);
return kRetFail_;
* For dual channel mode.
* We only support same parameters on both channels now.
* It doesn't make sense to use different parameters of 2 channels.
if (ChameleonVideoGetCropEnable(!check_channel)) {
ChameleonVideoGetCrop(!check_channel, positions);
width = positions[kCropRightIndex] - positions[kCropLeftIndex];
height = positions[kCropBottomIndex] - positions[kCropTopIndex];
} else {
width = ChameleonVideoGetFrameWidth(!check_channel);
height = ChameleonVideoGetFrameHeight(!check_channel);
if (p_session->screen_width != width || p_session->screen_height != height ||
p_session->dump_limit != ChameleonVideoGetDumpLimit(!check_channel)) {
LogPrint(&p_session->log, kWarn, (char *)kErrorMessageRealtimeNonSame);
_SendResponse(p_session, kArgument, strlen(kErrorMessageRealtimeNonSame),
(char *)kErrorMessageRealtimeNonSame);
return kRetFail_;
p_session->dump_addresses[1] =
dump_end_address = ChameleonVideoGetDumpEndAddress(!check_channel);
LogPrint(&p_session->log, kInfo,
"Realtime Video address[1] = 0x%x, end address = 0x%x, "
"minimum memory space %d bytes",
p_session->dump_addresses[1], dump_end_address,
p_session->unit_aligned_size * p_session->dump_limit);
if (dump_end_address - p_session->dump_addresses[1] <=
p_session->unit_aligned_size * p_session->dump_limit) {
LogPrint(&p_session->log, kWarn, (char *)kErrorMessageDumpMemoryNotEnough);
_SendResponse(p_session, kArgument,
(char *)kErrorMessageDumpMemoryNotEnough);
return kRetFail_;
LogPrint(&p_session->log, kInfo, "Screen width %d, height %d, dump limit %d",
p_session->screen_width, p_session->screen_height,
return kRetOK_;
* @brief _GetRealtimeAudioParameters
* Get the realtime audio stream parameters from the chameleon and p_request.
* This function will also check the chameleon status.
* @param p_session Session instance.
* @param p_request DumpRealtimeAudioRequest
* @return kRetFail_, kRetOK_
static int _GetRealtimeAudioParameters(Session *p_session,
DumpRealtimeAudioRequest *p_request)
uint32_t dump_end_address;
if (!ChameleonAudioGetRun()) {
LogPrint(&p_session->log, kWarn, (char *)kErrorMessageNotRun);
_SendResponse(p_session, kArgument, strlen(kErrorMessageNotRun),
(char *)kErrorMessageNotRun);
return kRetFail_;
p_session->dump_addresses[0] = ChameleonAudioGetDumpStartAddress();
dump_end_address = ChameleonAudioGetDumpEndAddress();
* There is no dump limit register of audio dump controller. We calculate it
* from the total memory spaces and audio page size.
p_session->dump_limit =
(dump_end_address - p_session->dump_addresses[0]) / kAudioPageSize_;
p_session->unit_aligned_size = kAudioPageSize_;
p_session->realtime_mode = p_request->mode;
LogPrint(&p_session->log, kInfo,
"Realtime audio start_address = 0x%x, stop_address = 0x%x, "
"limit %d",
p_session->dump_addresses[0], dump_end_address,
return kRetOK_;
* @brief _CheckRequestRealtimeMode
* Check if the requested realtime mode is acceptiable.
* @param p_session Session instance.
* @param mode The requested realtime mode.
* @return kRetFail_, kRetOK_
static int _CheckRequestRealtimeMode(Session *p_session, RealtimeMode mode)
if (kStopWhenOverflow <= mode && mode <= kBestEffort) {
return kRetOK_;
LogPrint(&p_session->log, kWarn, "Realtime mode %d is not acceptable", mode);
_SendResponse(p_session, kArgument, strlen(kErrorMessageRealtimeMode),
(char *)kErrorMessageRealtimeMode);
return kRetFail_;
* @brief _GetCountDifference
* This funciton calculate the difference between current count with the
* hardware count of chameleon.
* The hardware count always goes in advance.
* So we use hw_count to subtract count to get difference.
* @param hw_count The count from chameleon.
* @param count The count in this session.
* @return Difference between hardware count and software count.
static int _GetCountDifference(int hw_count, int count)
int difference;
difference = hw_count - (count % kHW_CountWrap_);
if (difference < 0) {
difference += kHW_CountWrap_;
return difference;
* @brief _GetNextDumpCount
* Get the next count of the next dump.
* This function will check if we can dump in time.
* If not, it will decide to drop data or stop dumping by the realtime_mode.
* @param p_session Session instance.
* @param current_count The session's current count.
* @param hw_count The count from chameleon.
* @return Next count, kRetFail_
* If next count is 0, means we will stop dumping process.
static uint32_t _GetNextDumpCount(Session *p_session, uint32_t current_count,
uint32_t hw_count)
int difference;
char buffer[128];
char *p_error;
difference = _GetCountDifference(hw_count, current_count);
if (difference == 0) {
return current_count;
// Overflow happens
if (difference > p_session->dump_limit) {
switch (p_session->realtime_mode) {
case kStopWhenOverflow:
LogPrint(&p_session->log, kWarn, (char *)kErrorMessageMemoryOverflow);
if (_SendResponse(p_session,
p_session->is_dump_audio ? kAudioMemoryOverflowStop
: kVideoMemoryOverflowStop,
(char *)kErrorMessageMemoryOverflow)) {
return kRetFail_;
return 0;
case kBestEffort:
p_error =
(char *)(p_session->is_dump_audio ? kErrorMessageDropAudioPage
: kErrorMessageDropVideoFrame);
sprintf(buffer, p_error, difference);
LogPrint(&p_session->log, kWarn, buffer);
if (_SendResponse(p_session,
p_session->is_dump_audio ? kAudioMemoryOverflowDrop
: kVideoMemoryOverflowDrop,
strlen(buffer), buffer)) {
return kRetFail_;
// Drop frames, jump to the latest one.
current_count += difference;
LogPrint(&p_session->log, kError, "Can't reach here");
return kRetFail_;
} else {
return current_count;
* @brief _DoDumpRealtimeVideoFrame
* Dump realtime video frame function.
* This function will also receive the request message from client.
* @param p_session Session instance.
* @return kRetFail_, kRetOK_
static int _DoDumpRealtimeVideoFrame(Session *p_session)
* Use dedicated stack memory for the head.
* So we can use socketbuffer to receive new messages.
VideoDataStreamHead head;
VideoDataStream *p_data_head = &head.data_head;
unsigned long unit_aligned_size;
uint32_t frame_number, next_frame_number, hw_frame_count;
int i;
int poll_ret;
struct pollfd ufds[1];
ufds[0].fd = p_session->socket;
ufds[0].events = POLLIN | POLLPRI;
unit_aligned_size = p_session->unit_aligned_size;
_InitDumpVideoHead(p_session, &head);
frame_number = 0;
while (1) {
poll_ret = poll(ufds, 1, 0);
if (poll_ret == -1) {
return kRetFail_;
} else if (poll_ret) {
if (_ProcessMessage(p_session)) {
LogPrint(&p_session->log, kError,
"Process message fail during dump realtime video");
return kRetFail_;
if (!p_session->stop_dump) {
* we may change the state variables during the _ProcessMessage,
* So we reinit the video head here.
_InitDumpVideoHead(p_session, &head);
if (p_session->stop_dump) {
p_session->stop_dump = 0;
return kRetOK_;
* We assume chameleon board can get new frame on both channels at the same
* time. So only check the frame count of one channel.
hw_frame_count =
next_frame_number =
_GetNextDumpCount(p_session, frame_number, hw_frame_count);
if (next_frame_number == frame_number) {
if (next_frame_number <= 0) {
return next_frame_number;
p_data_head->frame_number = htonl(frame_number);
i = frame_number % p_session->dump_limit;
if (_DumpAllChannelVideoFrame(p_session, &head, i * unit_aligned_size)) {
return kRetFail_;
frame_number = next_frame_number;
return kRetOK_;
* @brief _DoDumpRealtimeAudioPage
* Dump realtime audio page function.
* This function will also receive the request message from client.
* @param p_session Session instance.
* @return kRetFail_, kRetOK_
static int _DoDumpRealtimeAudioPage(Session *p_session)
* Use dedicated stack memory for the head.
* So we can use socketbuffer to receive new messages.
AudioDataStreamHead head;
AudioDataStream *p_data_head = &head.data_head;
uint32_t page_count, next_page_count, hw_page_count;
char *p_source, *p_dump_buffer;
int i;
int poll_ret;
struct pollfd ufds[1];
enum MessageType message_type;
ufds[0].fd = p_session->socket;
ufds[0].events = POLLIN | POLLPRI;
_InitDumpAudioHead(p_session, &head);
page_count = 0;
p_source = p_session->p_mmap_sources[0];
p_dump_buffer = p_session->p_dump_buffer;
while (1) {
poll_ret = poll(ufds, 1, 0);
if (poll_ret == -1) {
return kRetFail_;
} else if (poll_ret) {
/* backup message type */
message_type = p_session->message_type;
if (_ProcessMessage(p_session)) {
LogPrint(&p_session->log, kError,
"Process message fail during dump realtime audio");
return kRetFail_;
/* restore message type */
p_session->message_type = message_type;
if (p_session->stop_dump) {
p_session->stop_dump = 0;
return kRetOK_;
hw_page_count = ChameleonAudioGetPageCount();
next_page_count = _GetNextDumpCount(p_session, page_count, hw_page_count);
if (next_page_count == page_count) {
if (next_page_count <= 0) {
return next_page_count;
p_data_head->page_count = htonl(page_count);
i = page_count % p_session->dump_limit;
if (_SendToSocket(p_session, (char *)&head, sizeof(AudioDataStreamHead))) {
return kRetFail_;
memcpy(p_dump_buffer, p_source + i * kAudioPageSize_, kAudioPageSize_);
if (_SendToSocket(p_session, p_dump_buffer, kAudioPageSize_)) {
return kRetFail_;
page_count = next_page_count;
return kRetOK_;
static void _ResetSession(Session *p_session)
p_session->screen_width = 0;
p_session->screen_height = 0;
p_session->is_shrink = 0;
p_session->shrink_width = 0;
p_session->shrink_height = 0;
p_session->stop_dump = 0;
p_session->is_dump_audio = 0;
p_session->dump_limit = 0;
p_session->realtime_mode = kNonRealtime;
* @brief _ProcessReset
* Message handler of kReset.
* @param p_session Session instance.
* @return kRetFail_, kRetOK_
static int _ProcessReset(Session *p_session)
LogPrint(&p_session->log, kInfo, "Process Reset");
* If we have realtime stream, we can't do reset thing.
if (_CheckRealtimeStream(p_session)) {
return kRetFail_;
return _SendResponse(p_session, kOK, 0, NULL);
* @brief _ProcessGetVersion
* Message handler of kGetVersion.
* @param p_session Session instance.
* @return kRetFail_, kRetOK_
static int _ProcessGetVersion(Session *p_session)
GetVersionResponse response;
LogPrint(&p_session->log, kInfo, "GetVersion %d.%d", kMajor, kMinor);
// Send response back.
response.major = kMajor;
response.minor = kMinor;
_InitResponseHead(p_session, kOK, sizeof(GetVersionResponse),
(char *)&response);
return _SendWholePacketToSocket(p_session);
* @brief _ProcessConfigVideoStream
* Message handler of kConfigVideoStream.
* @param p_session Session instance.
* @return kRetFail_, kRetOK_
static int _ProcessConfigVideoStream(Session *p_session)
ConfigVideoStreamRequest *p_request =
(ConfigVideoStreamRequest *)p_session->socketbuffer;
p_session->screen_width = ntohs(p_request->screen_width);
p_session->screen_height = ntohs(p_request->screen_height);
LogPrint(&p_session->log, kInfo,
"ConfigVideoStreamRequest width %d, height %d",
p_session->screen_width, p_session->screen_height);
return _SendResponse(p_session, kOK, 0, NULL);
* @brief _ProcessConfigShrinkVideoStream
* Message handler of kConfigShrinkVideoStream.
* @param p_session Session instance.
* @return kRetFail_, kRetOK_
static int _ProcessConfigShrinkVideoStream(Session *p_session)
ConfigShrinkVideoStreamRequest *p_request =
(ConfigShrinkVideoStreamRequest *)p_session->socketbuffer;
p_session->shrink_width = p_request->shrink_width;
p_session->shrink_height = p_request->shrink_height;
p_session->is_shrink = p_session->shrink_width || p_session->shrink_height;
LogPrint(&p_session->log, kInfo,
"ConfigShrinkVideoStreamRequest shrink_width %u, shrink_height %u",
p_session->shrink_width, p_session->shrink_height);
return _SendResponse(p_session, kOK, 0, NULL);
* @brief _ProcessDumpVideoFrame
* Message handler of kDumpVideoFrame.
* @param p_session Session instance.
* @return kRetFail_, kRetOK_
static int _ProcessDumpVideoFrame(Session *p_session)
DumpVideoFrameRequest *p_request =
(DumpVideoFrameRequest *)p_session->socketbuffer;
uint16_t number_of_frames;
uint32_t memory_addresses[MAX_VIDEO_DUMP_CHANNEL];
unsigned long frame_size, screen_width, screen_height;
number_of_frames = ntohs(p_request->number_of_frames);
memory_addresses[0] = ntohl(p_request->memory_address1);
memory_addresses[1] = ntohl(p_request->memory_address2);
LogPrint(&p_session->log, kInfo,
"DumpVideoFrameRequest frames %d, memory1: 0x%x, memory2: 0x%x",
number_of_frames, memory_addresses[0], memory_addresses[1]);
screen_width = p_session->screen_width;
screen_height = p_session->screen_height;
frame_size = screen_width * screen_height * kBytePerPixel_;
p_session->unit_aligned_size = _calculate_page_aligned_size(frame_size);
p_session->dump_addresses[0] = memory_addresses[0];
p_session->dump_addresses[1] = memory_addresses[1];
if (number_of_frames == 0) {
_SendResponse(p_session, kArgument, strlen(kErrorMessageFrameNumberZero),
(char *)kErrorMessageFrameNumberZero);
return kRetFail_;
if (_PrepareDumpBuffer(p_session)) {
return kRetFail_;
p_session->dump_limit = number_of_frames;
if (_PrepareMMAP(p_session)) {
return kRetFail_;
if (_SendResponse(p_session, kOK, 0, NULL)) {
return kRetFail_;
if (_DoDumpVideoFrame(p_session, number_of_frames)) {
return kRetFail_;
return kRetOK_;
* @brief _ProcessDumpRealtimeVideoFrame
* Message handler of kDumpRealtimeVideoFrame.
* @param p_session Session instance.
* @return kRetFail_, kRetOK_
static int _ProcessDumpRealtimeVideoFrame(Session *p_session)
DumpRealtimeVideoRequest *p_request =
(DumpRealtimeVideoRequest *)p_session->socketbuffer;
LogPrint(&p_session->log, kInfo, "DumpRealtimeVideo is_dual %d, mode %d",
p_request->is_dual, p_request->mode);
if (_CheckRealtimeStream(p_session)) {
return kRetFail_;
if (_CheckRequestRealtimeMode(p_session, p_request->mode)) {
return kRetFail_;
if (_GetRealtimeVideoParameters(p_session, p_request)) {
return kRetFail_;
if (_PrepareDumpBuffer(p_session)) {
return kRetFail_;
if (_PrepareMMAP(p_session)) {
return kRetFail_;
if (_SendResponse(p_session, kOK, 0, NULL)) {
return kRetFail_;
if (_DoDumpRealtimeVideoFrame(p_session)) {
return kRetFail_;
return kRetOK_;
* @brief _ProcessStopDump
* Message handler of kStopDump.
* @param p_session Session instance.
* @return kRetFail_, kRetOK_
static int _ProcessStopDump(Session *p_session)
LogPrint(&p_session->log, kInfo, "Process stop dump, current mode %d",
if (p_session->realtime_mode != kNonRealtime) {
p_session->stop_dump = 1;
return _SendResponse(p_session, kOK, 0, NULL);
* @brief _ProcessDumpRealtimeAudioPage
* Message handler of kDumpRealtimeAudioPage
* @param p_session Session instance.
* @return kRetFail_, kRetOK_
static int _ProcessDumpRealtimeAudioPage(Session *p_session)
DumpRealtimeAudioRequest *p_request =
(DumpRealtimeAudioRequest *)p_session->socketbuffer;
LogPrint(&p_session->log, kInfo, "DumpRealtimeAudio");
p_session->is_dump_audio = 1;
if (_CheckRealtimeStream(p_session)) {
return kRetFail_;
if (_CheckRequestRealtimeMode(p_session, p_request->mode)) {
return kRetFail_;
if (_GetRealtimeAudioParameters(p_session, p_request)) {
return kRetFail_;
if (_PrepareDumpBuffer(p_session)) {
return kRetFail_;
if (_PrepareMMAP(p_session)) {
return kRetFail_;
if (_SendResponse(p_session, kOK, 0, NULL)) {
return kRetFail_;
if (_DoDumpRealtimeAudioPage(p_session)) {
return kRetFail_;
return kRetOK_;
* @brief _ProcessMessage
* Main message process handler. It will read whole packet and dispatch to
* related message handler by the message type.
* @param p_session Session instance
* @return kRetFail_, kRetOK_
static int _ProcessMessage(Session *p_session)
PacketHead *p_head = _get_packet_head(p_session);
int type;
int length;
// Read packet common header
if (_ReadFromSocket(p_session, sizeof(PacketHead))) {
return kRetFail_;
type = ntohs(p_head->type);
// Check main type, it only can has request type since it is a server.
if ((type >> 8) != kRequest) {
LogPrint(&p_session->log, kError, "Type Error 0x%x != 0x%x ", type >> 8,
return kRetFail_;
type = type & 0xFF;
if (type >= kMaxMessageType) {
LogPrint(&p_session->log, kError, "Type Error %d >= %d ", type,
return kRetFail_;
// read remain content.
length = ntohl(p_head->length);
if (length && _ReadFromSocket(p_session, length)) {
return kRetFail_;
p_session->message_type = type;
LogPrint(&p_session->log, kInfo, "Receive Type %d, length %d ", type, length);
return _g_handlers[type](p_session);
void SessionEntry(int socket)
Session *p_session = NULL;
char log_path[kPathBufferSize];
p_session = malloc(sizeof(Session));
if (p_session == NULL) {
perror("Can't allocate memory for session\n");
goto function_exit;
memset(p_session, 0, sizeof(Session));
p_session->socket = socket;
/* Prepare log of this session */
sprintf(log_path, kSessionLogfilePattern_, socket);
if (LogInit(&p_session->log, log_path)) {
goto function_exit;
/* Prepare /dev/mem */
p_session->dev_mem_fd = open("/dev/mem", O_RDWR | O_SYNC);
if (p_session->dev_mem_fd == -1) {
perror("can't open /dev/mem\n");
LogPrint(&p_session->log, kError, "Can't open /dev/mem");
goto function_exit;
LogPrint(&p_session->log, kDebug, "Session %d start", socket);
/* The main loop of the session. */
while (1) {
if (_ProcessMessage(p_session)) {
LogPrint(&p_session->log, kError, "Process message %d fail",
if (p_session) {