blob: b3325ddf7caa5a045c557c2e7ff9e037a99e2211 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (c) 2014 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
"""Field manager module which manages the field dump and monitor logic."""
import logging
import os
import tempfile
from multiprocessing import Process, Value, Array
import chameleon_common # pylint: disable=W0611
from chameleond.utils import caching_server
from chameleond.utils import common
from chameleond.utils import fpga
from chameleond.utils import system_tools
class FieldManagerError(Exception):
"""Exception raised when any error on FieldManager."""
class FieldManager(object):
"""An abstraction of the field management.
It acts as an intermediate layer between an InputFlow and VideoDumpers.
It simplifies the logic of handling dual-pixel-mode and single-pixel-mode.
# TODO: Make the grid and sample numbers user-configurable.
_HISTOGRAM_SIZE = _GRID_NUM * _GRID_NUM * 3 * 4 # RGB * 4 buckets
# Delay in second to check the field count, using 120-fps.
def __init__(self, input_id, vdumps):
"""Constructs a FieldManager object.
input_id: The ID of the input connector. Check the value in
vdumps: A list of VideoDumper objects to manage, e.g., a single
VideoDumper on single-pixel-mode and 2 VideoDumpers on
self._input_id = input_id
self._vdumps = vdumps
self._is_dual = len(vdumps) == 2
self._saved_hashes = None
self._saved_histograms = None
self._last_field = Value('i', -1)
self._timeout_in_field = None
self._process = None
self._dimension = (0, 0)
def ComputeResolution(self):
"""Computes the resolution from FPGA."""
if self._is_dual:
resolutions = [(vdump.GetWidth(), vdump.GetHeight())
for vdump in self._vdumps]
if resolutions[0] != resolutions[1]:
logging.warn('Different resolutions between paths: %dx%d != %dx%d',
*(resolutions[0] + resolutions[1]))
return (resolutions[0][0] + resolutions[1][0], resolutions[0][1])
return (self._vdumps[0].GetWidth(), self._vdumps[0].GetHeight())
def GetDumpedDimension(self):
"""Gets the dimension of the dumped fields."""
return self._dimension
def GetMaxFieldLimit(self, width, height):
"""Returns of the maximal number of fields which can be dumped."""
if self._is_dual:
width = width / 2
return fpga.VideoDumper.GetMaxFieldLimit(width, height)
def _StopFieldDump(self):
"""Stops field dump."""
for vdump in self._vdumps:
# We can't just stop the video dumpers as some functions, like detecting
# resolution, need the video dumpers continue to run. So select them again
# to re-initialize the default setting, i.e. single field non-loop dumping.
# TODO(waihong): Simplify the above logic.
for vdump in self._vdumps:
vdump.Select(self._input_id, self._is_dual)
def _StartFieldDump(self):
"""Starts field dump."""
for vdump in self._vdumps:
# TODO(waihong): Wipe off the _input_id argument.
vdump.Start(self._input_id, self._is_dual)
def _SetupFieldDump(self, field_limit, x, y, width, height, loop):
"""Restarts field dump.
field_limit: The limitation of field to dump.
x: The X position of the top-left corner of crop; None for a full-screen.
y: The Y position of the top-left corner of crop; None for a full-screen.
width: The width of the area of crop.
height: The height of the area of crop.
loop: True to loop-back and continue dump.
# Check the alignment for a cropped dimension.
if self._is_dual:
alignment = 16
alignment = 8
if x is not None and x % alignment:
raise FieldManagerError('Arguments x not aligned to %d-byte.' % alignment)
if width % alignment:
raise FieldManagerError('Arguments width not aligned to %d-byte.' %
# Save the dimension of fields.
self._dimension = (width, height)
for vdump in self._vdumps:
vdump.SetFieldLimit(field_limit, loop)
if None in (x, y):
if self._is_dual:
vdump.EnableCrop(x / 2, y, width / 2, height)
vdump.EnableCrop(x, y, width, height)
def _ComputeFieldHash(self, index):
"""Computes the field hash of the given field index, from FPGA.
A list of hash16 values, i.e. a single field hash.
hashes = [vdump.GetFieldHash(index, self._is_dual)
for vdump in self._vdumps]
if self._is_dual:
# [Odd MSB, Even MSB, Odd LSB, Odd LSB]
return [hashes[1][0], hashes[0][0], hashes[1][1], hashes[0][1]]
return hashes[0]
def GetFieldHashes(self, start, stop):
"""Returns the saved list of the field hashes.
start: The index of the start field.
stop: The index of the stop field (excluded).
A list of field hashes.
# Convert to a list, in which each element is a field hash.
return [self._saved_hashes[i : i + self._HASH_SIZE]
for i in xrange(start * self._HASH_SIZE,
stop * self._HASH_SIZE,
def GetFieldCount(self):
"""Returns the saved number of field dumped."""
return self._last_field.value
def _ComputeFieldCount(self):
"""Returns the current number of field dumped."""
return min(vdump.GetFieldCount() for vdump in self._vdumps)
def _ComputeHistograms(self, start, stop):
"""Computes the histograms of the dumped fields from the buffer.
start: The index of the start field.
stop: The index of the stop field (excluded).
A list of normalized histograms.
if stop <= start:
return []
(width, height) = self._dimension
if self._is_dual:
width = width / 2
# Modify the memory offset to match the field.
PAGE_SIZE = 4096
field_size = width * height * PIXEL_LEN
field_size = ((field_size - 1) / PAGE_SIZE + 1) * PAGE_SIZE
offset_args = ['-g', self._GRID_NUM, '-s', self._GRID_SAMPLE_NUM]
# The histogram is computed by sampled pixels. Getting one band is enough
# even if it is in dual pixel mode.
offset_addr = fpga.VideoDumper.GetPixelDumpArgs(self._input_id, False)[1]
max_limit = fpga.VideoDumper.GetMaxFieldLimit(width, height)
for i in xrange(start, stop):
offset_args += ['-a', offset_addr + field_size * (i % max_limit)]
result = system_tools.SystemTools.Output(
'histogram', width, height, *offset_args)
# Normalize the histogram by dividing the maximum.
return [[float(v) / self._GRID_SAMPLE_NUM / self._GRID_SAMPLE_NUM
for v in l.split()]
for l in result.splitlines()]
def GetHistograms(self, start, stop):
"""Returns the saved list of the histograms.
start: The index of the start field.
stop: The index of the stop field (excluded).
A list of histograms.
return [self._saved_histograms[i : i + self._HISTOGRAM_SIZE]
for i in xrange(start * self._HISTOGRAM_SIZE,
stop * self._HISTOGRAM_SIZE,
def ReadDumpedField(self, field_index):
"""Reads the content of the dumped field from the buffer."""
(width, height) = self._dimension
if self._is_dual:
width = width / 2
# Modify the memory offset to match the field.
PAGE_SIZE = 4096
field_size = width * height * PIXEL_LEN
field_size = ((field_size - 1) / PAGE_SIZE + 1) * PAGE_SIZE
offset = field_size * field_index
offset_args = []
for arg in fpga.VideoDumper.GetPixelDumpArgs(self._input_id, self._is_dual):
if isinstance(arg, (int, long)):
offset_args.append(arg + offset)
offset_args.append(arg)'pixeldump args %r', offset_args)
with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile() as f:
'pixeldump',, width, height, PIXEL_LEN, *offset_args)
def CacheFieldThumbnail(self, field_index, ratio):
"""Caches the thumbnail of the dumped field to a temp file.
field_index: The index of the field to cache.
ratio: The ratio to scale down the image (the width/height is resized
to 1/ratio of the original width/height).
An ID to identify the cached thumbnail.
if self._is_dual and not ratio >= 2:
raise FieldManagerError('Thumbnail ratio should be >= 2.')
if self._is_dual and ratio & 1:
raise FieldManagerError('Thumbnail ratio should be a multiple of 2.')
(original_width, original_height) = self._dimension
# Raise error
if self._is_dual:
single_band_width = original_width / 2
single_band_width = original_width
# Modify the memory offset to match the field.
PAGE_SIZE = 4096
field_size = single_band_width * original_height * PIXEL_LEN
field_size = ((field_size - 1) / PAGE_SIZE + 1) * PAGE_SIZE
max_limit = fpga.VideoDumper.GetMaxFieldLimit(single_band_width,
offset_addr = fpga.VideoDumper.GetPixelDumpArgs(self._input_id, False)[1]
offset_addr += field_size * (field_index % max_limit)
file_name = 'tn_%05d' % field_index
file_path = os.path.join(caching_server.CACHED_DIR, file_name)
if self._is_dual:
# Divide 2 because it is in double pixel mode.
skip_pixel_num = (ratio / 2) - 1
# Read 1 pixel and skip the rest.
skip_pixel_num = ratio - 1
# Read 1 line and skip the rest.
skip_line_num = ratio - 1
'pixeldump', file_path, single_band_width, original_height,
PIXEL_LEN, 0, 0, single_band_width, original_height,
skip_pixel_num, skip_line_num, '-a', offset_addr)
# Use the file name as an ID as a temporary solution.
return file_name
def _HasFieldsDumpedAtLeast(self, field_count):
"""Returns true if FPGA dumps at least the given field count.
The function assumes that the field count starts at zero.
current_field = self._ComputeFieldCount()
if current_field > self._last_field.value:
start = self._last_field.value
stop = current_field
for i in xrange(start, stop):
hash64 = self._ComputeFieldHash(i)
for j in xrange(self._HASH_SIZE):
self._saved_hashes[i * self._HASH_SIZE + j] = hash64[j]
'Saved field hash #%d: %r', i,
self._saved_hashes[i * self._HASH_SIZE : (i + 1) * self._HASH_SIZE])
histograms = self._ComputeHistograms(start, stop)
for i, h in enumerate(histograms):
(start + i) * self._HISTOGRAM_SIZE :
(start + i + 1) * self._HISTOGRAM_SIZE] = h
logging.debug('Saved histogram #%d: %s', start + i,
', '.join(['%.02f' % v for v in h]))
self._last_field.value = current_field
return current_field >= field_count
def _WaitForFieldCount(self, field_count, timeout):
"""Waits until the given field_count reached or timeout.
field_count: A number of fields to wait.
timeout: Time in second of timeout.
self._last_field.value = 0
# Give the lambda method a better name, for debugging.
func = lambda: self._HasFieldsDumpedAtLeast(field_count)
func.__name__ = 'HasFieldsDumpedAtLeast%d' % field_count
common.WaitForCondition(func, True, self._DELAY_VIDEO_DUMP_PROBE, timeout)
def _CreateSavedHashes(self, field_count):
"""Creates the saved hashes, a sharable object of multiple processes."""
# Store the hashes in a flat array, limitation of the shared variable.
if self._saved_hashes:
del self._saved_hashes
del self._saved_histograms
array_size = field_count * self._HASH_SIZE
self._saved_hashes = Array('H', array_size)
array_size = field_count * self._HISTOGRAM_SIZE
self._saved_histograms = Array('f', array_size)
def _StartMonitoringFields(self, hash_buffer_limit):
"""Starts a process to monitor fields."""
# Keep 5 seconds margin for timeout.
timeout_in_second = hash_buffer_limit / 60 + 5
self._timeout_in_field = hash_buffer_limit
self._process = Process(target=self._WaitForFieldCount,
def _StopMonitoringFields(self):
"""Stops the previous process which monitors fields."""
if self._process and self._process.is_alive():
def DumpFieldsToLimit(self, field_buffer_limit, x, y, width, height, timeout):
"""Dumps fields and waits for the given limit being reached or timeout.
field_buffer_limit: The limitation of field to dump.
x: The X position of the top-left corner of crop; None for a full-screen.
y: The Y position of the top-left corner of crop; None for a full-screen.
width: The width of the area of crop.
height: The height of the area of crop.
timeout: Time in second of timeout.
self._SetupFieldDump(field_buffer_limit, x, y, width, height, loop=False)
self._WaitForFieldCount(field_buffer_limit, timeout)
def StartDumpingFields(self, field_buffer_limit, x, y, width, height,
"""Starts dumping fields continuously.
field_buffer_limit: The size of the buffer which stores the field.
Fields will be dumped to the beginning when full.
x: The X position of the top-left corner of crop; None for a full-screen.
y: The Y position of the top-left corner of crop; None for a full-screen.
width: The width of the area of crop.
height: The height of the area of crop.
hash_buffer_limit: The maximum number of hashes to monitor. Stop
capturing when this limitation is reached.
self._SetupFieldDump(field_buffer_limit, x, y, width, height, loop=True)
def StopDumpingFields(self):
"""Stops dumping fields."""
if self._last_field.value == -1:
raise FieldManagerError('Not started capuring video yet.')