blob: ba7a10e26aa195ebe607fe6e551ea72d7da2893c [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (c) 2014 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
"""I2C module for controlling I2C buses and I2C slaves.
It is customized for the FPGA board with the TIO (Three-In-One) daughter
card. It drives the I2C controllers emulated in the FPGA.
import logging
import struct
import time
import chameleon_common # pylint: disable=W0611
from chameleond.utils import mem_native as mem
class I2cBusError(Exception):
"""Exception raise when any unexpected behavior happened on I2C access."""
class I2cBus(object):
"""A Class to abstract the behavior of I2C bus."""
# Register base addresses for the I2C bus 0, 1, and 2.
_BASE_ADDRESSES = (0xff21b000, 0xff21c000, 0xff218000)
def __init__(self, bus):
"""Constructs a I2cBus object.
bus: The bus number.
self.base_addr = self._BASE_ADDRESSES[bus]
self._slaves = {}
def _CreateSlave(self, slave, base_class=None):
"""Creates the I2C slave object of the given slave address.
This method recursively finds the most matched subclass. A subclass
should define its SLAVE_ADDRESSES class attribute, which is a tuple of
the supported slave addresses. The class method IsSlaveSupported checks
if the given slave is in the SLAVE_ADDRESSES.
slave: The number of slave address.
base_class: The base class to find, default: I2cSlave.
An I2cSlave or its subclass object.
if base_class is None:
base_class = I2cSlave
for cls in base_class.__subclasses__():
if hasattr(cls, 'IsSlaveSupported') and cls.IsSlaveSupported(slave):
return self._CreateSlave(slave, cls)'Create a %s object for slave %#x.',
base_class.__name__, slave)
return base_class(self, slave)
def GetSlave(self, slave):
"""Gets the I2C slave object of the given slave address.
It returns the cached the I2cSlave objects if they are already created.
slave: The number of slave address.
An I2cSlave or its subclass object.
if slave not in self._slaves:
self._slaves[slave] = self._CreateSlave(slave)
return self._slaves[slave]
class I2cSlave(object):
"""A Class to abstract the behavior of I2C slave."""
# A subclass of I2cSlave should modify it to the supported slave addresses.
SLAVE_ADDRESSES = tuple(range(127))
_REG_TRIGGER = 5 * 4
_REG_STATUS = 6 * 4
_REG_LENGTH = 7 * 4
_REG_TX_BUFFER_0 = 8 * 4
_REG_TX_BUFFER_1 = 9 * 4
_REG_RX_BUFFER_0 = 10 * 4
_REG_RX_BUFFER_1 = 11 * 4
_I2C_WAIT_RETRIES = 3 # The number of retries.
_I2C_WAIT_DELAY_SECS = 0.001 # 1ms = 100 bits
_REG_SET_DELAY = 0.001
def __init__(self, i2c_bus, slave):
"""Constructs a I2cSlave object.
i2c_bus: The I2cBus object.
slave: The number of slave address.
self._i2c_bus = i2c_bus
self._memory = mem.Memory
self._base_addr = self._i2c_bus.base_addr
self._slave = slave
def IsSlaveSupported(cls, slave):
"""Determines if this class supports the given slave number.
slave: The number of slave address.
return slave in cls.SLAVE_ADDRESSES
def _WaitForReady(self):
"""Waits for the I2C ready by polling the status register.
I2cBusError if I2C timeout or error.
tries = 0
while (self._memory.Read(self._base_addr + self._REG_STATUS) &
tries += 1
if tries > self._I2C_WAIT_RETRIES:
raise I2cBusError('I2C busy timeout')
if (self._memory.Read(self._base_addr + self._REG_STATUS) &
raise I2cBusError('I2C access error')
def Get(self, offset, size=1):
"""Gets the byte value of the given offset address.
offset: The offset address to read.
size: The total size in byte to get.
A string of data or an integer value if size=1.
# Set LSB for read.
self._memory.Write(self._base_addr + self._REG_SLAVE_ADDR_DIR,
self._slave * 2 + 1)
data = []
for i in range(0, size, 8):
size_to_read = min(8, size - i)
self._memory.Write(self._base_addr + self._REG_SLAVE_OFFSET, offset + i)
self._memory.Write(self._base_addr + self._REG_LENGTH, size_to_read)
self._memory.Write(self._base_addr + self._REG_TRIGGER, 1)
word0 = self._memory.Read(self._base_addr + self._REG_RX_BUFFER_0)
word1 = self._memory.Read(self._base_addr + self._REG_RX_BUFFER_1)
data.append(struct.pack('>2I', word0, word1)[:size_to_read])
if size == 1:
return ord(data[0][0])
return ''.join(data)
def Set(self, data, offset=0):
"""Sets the given I2C content to the given offset address.
data: A byte or a byte-array of content to set.
offset: The offset which the data starts from this address.
if not isinstance(data, str):
data = chr(data)
# Clear LSB for write.
self._memory.Write(self._base_addr + self._REG_SLAVE_ADDR_DIR,
self._slave * 2)
self._memory.Write(self._base_addr + self._REG_SLAVE_OFFSET, offset)
size = len(data)
for i in range(0, size, 8):
size_to_write = min(8, size - i)
data_to_write = data[i:i + size_to_write]
# Padding
if size_to_write < 8:
data_to_write += '\0' * (8 - size_to_write)
(word0, word1) = struct.unpack('>2I', data_to_write)
self._memory.Write(self._base_addr + self._REG_TX_BUFFER_0, word0)
self._memory.Write(self._base_addr + self._REG_TX_BUFFER_1, word1)
self._memory.Write(self._base_addr + self._REG_LENGTH, size_to_write)
self._memory.Write(self._base_addr + self._REG_TRIGGER, 1)
def SetMask(self, offset, mask):
"""Sets the mask on the given register offset.
offset: The offset of the register.
mask: The bitwise mask.
self.Set(self.Get(offset) | mask, offset)
def ClearMask(self, offset, mask):
"""Clears the mask on the given register offset.
offset: The offset of the register.
mask: The bitwise mask.
self.Set(self.Get(offset) & ~mask, offset)
def SetAndClear(self, offset, bitmask, delay_secs=None):
"""Sets I2C registers with the bitmask and then clears it.
offset: The offset of the register.
bitmask: The bitmask to set and clear.
delay_secs: The time between set and clear. Default: self._REG_SET_DELAY
byte = self.Get(offset)
self.Set(byte | bitmask, offset)
if delay_secs is None:
delay_secs = self._REG_SET_DELAY
self.Set(byte & ~bitmask, offset)