blob: 01c564882136adc5b841ea9004ea0a6b006f9465 [file] [log] [blame]
* Chromium OS EC driver
* Copyright 2012 Google Inc.
* See file CREDITS for list of people who contributed to this
* project.
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
* published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
* the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
#ifndef __DRIVERS_EC_CROS_EC_H__
#define __DRIVERS_EC_CROS_EC_H__
#include <stdint.h>
#include "drivers/ec/vboot_ec.h"
#include "drivers/ec/cros/commands.h"
#include "drivers/gpio/gpio.h"
typedef struct CrosEcBusOps
int (*init)(struct CrosEcBusOps *me);
* Send a proto3 packet to a ChromeOS EC device and return the reply.
* @param bus ChromeOS EC bus ops
* @param dout Output data (including command)
* @param dout_len Size of output data in bytes
* @param din Buffer that input data will be returned in
* @param din_len Maximum size off input buffer in bytes
* @return 0 on success or negative EC_RES_XXX code on error
int (*send_packet)(struct CrosEcBusOps *me,
const void *dout, uint32_t dout_len,
void *din, uint32_t din_len);
* Byte I/O functions.
* Read or write a sequence a bytes over the desired protocol.
* Used to support protocol variants - currently only implemented
* for LPC.
* @param data Read / write data buffer
* @param port I/O port
* @size Number of bytes to read / write
void (*read)(uint8_t *data, uint16_t port, int size);
void (*write)(const uint8_t *data, uint16_t port, int size);
} CrosEcBusOps;
typedef struct CrosEc
VbootEcOps vboot;
CrosEcBusOps *bus;
int devidx;
GpioOps *interrupt_gpio;
int initialized;
int max_param_size;
struct ec_host_request *proto3_request;
int proto3_request_size;
struct ec_host_response *proto3_response;
int proto3_response_size;
} CrosEc;
* Send an arbitrary EC command.
* @param ec EC device
* @param cmd Command to send (EC_CMD_...)
* @param cmd_version Command version number (often 0)
* @param dout Outgoing data to EC
* @param dout_len Outgoing length in bytes
* @param din Where to put the incoming data from EC
* @param din_len Max number of bytes to accept from EC
* @return negative EC_RES_xxx error code, or positive num bytes received.
int ec_command(CrosEc *ec, int cmd, int cmd_version,
const void *dout, int dout_len,
void *din, int din_len);
* Get the handle to main/primary EC
* @return pointer to primary EC structure.
CrosEc *cros_ec_get_main(void);
* Hard-code the number of columns we happen to know we have right now. It
* would be more correct to call cros_ec_mkbp_info() at startup and determine
* the actual number of keyboard cols from there.
/* Information returned by a key scan */
struct cros_ec_keyscan {
uint8_t data[CROS_EC_KEYSCAN_COLS];
uint32_t buttons;
* Gets the SKU id from the EC
* @param id The returned SKU id
* @return 0 if ok, -1 on error
int cros_ec_cbi_get_sku_id(uint32_t *id);
* Gets the OEM id from the EC
* @param id The returned OEM id
* @return 0 if ok, -1 on error
int cros_ec_cbi_get_oem_id(uint32_t *id);
* Sends the specified PD control command on the specified PD port
* @param pd_port The PD port id
* @param cmd The PD control command to send
* @return 0 if ok, negative (EC return code) on error
int cros_ec_pd_control(uint8_t pd_port, enum ec_pd_control_cmd cmd);
* Read a keyboard scan from the ChromeOS EC device
* @param scan Place to put the scan results
* @return 0 if ok, -1 on error
int cros_ec_scan_keyboard(struct cros_ec_keyscan *scan);
* Get the next pending MKBP event from the ChromeOS EC device.
* Send a message requesting the next event and return the result.
* @param event Place to put the event.
* @return number of bytes received if ok, else EC error response code.
int cros_ec_get_next_event(struct ec_response_get_next_event *event);
* Check if the ChromeOS EC device has an interrupt pending.
* Read the status of the external interrupt connected to the ChromeOS EC
* device. If no external interrupt is configured, this always returns 1.
* @return 0 if no interrupt is pending
int cros_ec_interrupt_pending(void);
* Read information about the keyboard matrix
* @param info Place to put the info structure
int cros_ec_mkbp_info(struct ec_response_mkbp_info *info);
* Get the specified event mask
* @param type Host event type from commands.h
* @param mask Mask for this host event
* @return 0 if ok, <0 on error
int cros_ec_get_event_mask(u8 type, uint32_t *mask);
* Set the specified event mask
* @param type Host event type from commands.h
* @param mask Mask to set for this host event type
* @return 0 if ok, <0 on error
int cros_ec_set_event_mask(u8 type, uint32_t mask);
* Read the host event flags
* @param events_ptr Destination for event flags. Not changed on error.
* @return 0 if ok, <0 on error
int cros_ec_get_host_events(uint32_t *events_ptr);
* Clear the specified host event flags
* @param events Event flags to clear
* @return 0 if ok, <0 on error
int cros_ec_clear_host_events(uint32_t events);
/* Internal interfaces */
* Dump a block of data for a command.
* @param name Name for data (e.g. 'in', 'out')
* @param cmd Command number associated with data, or -1 for none
* @param data Data block to dump
* @param len Length of data block to dump
void cros_ec_dump_data(const char *name, int cmd, const void *data, int len);
* Calculate a simple 8-bit checksum of a data block
* @param data Data block to checksum
* @param size Size of data block in bytes
* @return checksum value (0 to 255)
uint8_t cros_ec_calc_checksum(const void *data, int size);
* Read/write VbNvContext from/to a ChromeOS EC device.
* @param block Buffer of VbNvContext to be read/write
* @return 0 if ok, -1 on error
int cros_ec_read_vbnvcontext(uint8_t *block);
int cros_ec_write_vbnvcontext(const uint8_t *block);
* Enable / disable motion sense activity.
* @param activity indicating the activity to set.
* @param value indicating enable/disable activity.
* @return 0 if ok, -1 on error
int cros_ec_set_motion_sense_activity(uint32_t activity, uint32_t value);
* Cut-off battery on ChromeOS EC device.
* @param flags Flag to indicate cut-off options.
* @return 0 if ok, -1 on error
int cros_ec_battery_cutoff(uint8_t flags);
* Read the value of present battery voltage.
* @param volt Buffer to read present battery voltage.
* @return 0 if ok, -1 on error
int cros_ec_read_batt_volt(uint32_t *volt);
* Read the value of battery state-of-charge.
* @param: state Buffer to read battery state-of-charge.
* @return 0 if ok, -1 on error
int cros_ec_read_batt_state_of_charge(uint32_t *state);
* Read limit power request from the EC
* @param limit_power Pointer to result destination
* @return 0 if ok, -1 on error
int cros_ec_read_limit_power_request(int *limit_power);
* Set duty cycle of the display panel.
* @param percent Desired duty cycle, in 0..99 range.
* @return 0 if ok, -1 on error
int cros_ec_set_bl_pwm_duty(uint32_t percent);
* Read the value of the 'lid open' switch.
* @param lid Buffer to read lid open flag (returns 0 or 1)
* @return 0 if ok, -1 on error
int cros_ec_read_lid_switch(uint32_t *lid);
* Return GpioOps that will read the 'lid open' switch.
GpioOps *cros_ec_lid_switch_flag(void);
* Read the value of power button.
* @param pwr_btn Buffer to read lid open flag (returns 0 or 1)
* @return 0 if ok, -1 on error
int cros_ec_read_power_btn(uint32_t *pwr_btn);
* Return GpioOps that will read the power button.
GpioOps *cros_ec_power_btn_flag(void);
* Enable/Disable execution of SMI pulse on x86 systems
* @param flag bitmask of power button configs
* bit 0: enable smi pulse
* @return 0 if ok, -1 on error
int cros_ec_config_powerbtn(uint32_t enable);
* Reboots main EC
* @param flags
* @return 0 if ok, -1 on error
int cros_ec_reboot(uint8_t flags);
* Read the value of lid shutdown mask on x86 systems
* @return 1 if enabled, 0 if disabled, -1 on error
int cros_ec_get_lid_shutdown_mask(void);
* Set the value of lid shutdown mask on x86 systems
* @param enable Set to enable lid shutdown
* @return 0 if ok, -1 on error
int cros_ec_set_lid_shutdown_mask(int enable);
/* -----------------------------------------------------------------------
* Locate TCPC chip on EC and retrieve its remote bus information
* port: TCPC port index whose information is being retrieved
* r: Response structure where the information is stored
* Returns: 0 on success, < 0 on error.
int cros_ec_locate_tcpc_chip(uint8_t port, struct ec_response_locate_chip *r);
CrosEc *new_cros_ec(CrosEcBusOps *bus, int devidx, GpioOps *interrupt_gpio);