blob: e3aa1d8c27320a324917ee0d0535a08a8a919cab [file] [log] [blame]
/* Copyright (c) 2013 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file.
/* Various utility for unit testing */
#include "common.h"
#include "console.h"
#include "stack_trace.h"
#define RUN_TEST(n) \
do { \
ccprintf("Running %s...", #n); \
cflush(); \
if (n() == EC_SUCCESS) { \
ccputs("OK\n"); \
} else { \
ccputs("Fail\n"); \
__test_error_count++; \
} \
} while (0)
#define TEST_ASSERT(n) \
do { \
if (!(n)) { \
ccprintf("%d: ASSERTION failed: %s\n", __LINE__, #n); \
task_dump_trace(); \
} \
} while (0)
#define __ABS(n) ((n) > 0 ? (n) : -(n))
#define TEST_ASSERT_ABS_LESS(n, t) \
do { \
if (__ABS(n) >= t) { \
ccprintf("%d: ASSERT_ABS_LESS failed: abs(%d) is " \
"not less than %d\n", __LINE__, n, t); \
task_dump_trace(); \
} \
} while (0)
#define TEST_ASSERT_ARRAY_EQ(s, d, n) \
do { \
int __i; \
for (__i = 0; __i < n; ++__i) \
if ((s)[__i] != (d)[__i]) { \
ccprintf("%d: ASSERT_ARRAY_EQ failed at " \
"index=%d: %d != %d\n", __LINE__, \
__i, (int)(s)[__i], (int)(d)[__i]); \
task_dump_trace(); \
} \
} while (0)
#define TEST_ASSERT_MEMSET(d, c, n) \
do { \
int __i; \
for (__i = 0; __i < n; ++__i) \
if ((d)[__i] != (c)) { \
ccprintf("%d: ASSERT_MEMSET failed at " \
"index=%d: %d != %d\n", __LINE__, \
__i, (int)(d)[__i], (c)); \
task_dump_trace(); \
} \
} while (0)
#define TEST_CHECK(n) \
do { \
if (n) \
return EC_SUCCESS; \
else \
} while (0)
/* Mutlistep test states */
enum test_state_t {
#define TEST_STATE_MASK(x) (1 << (x))
/* Hooks gcov_flush() for test coverage report generation */
void register_test_end_hook(void);
* Test initialization. This is called after all _pre_init() calls and before
* all _init() calls.
void test_init(void);
/* Test entry point */
void run_test(void);
/* Resets test error count */
void test_reset(void);
/* Reports test pass */
void test_pass(void);
/* Reports test failure */
void test_fail(void);
/* Prints test result, including number of failed tests */
void test_print_result(void);
/* Returns the number of failed tests */
int test_get_error_count(void);
/* Simulates host command sent from the host */
int test_send_host_command(int command, int version, const void *params,
int params_size, void *resp, int resp_size);
/* Optionally defined interrupt generator entry point */
void interrupt_generator(void);
* Trigger an interrupt. This function must only be called by interrupt
* generator.
void task_trigger_test_interrupt(void (*isr)(void));
* Special implementation of udelay() for interrupt generator. Calls
* to udelay() from interrupt generator are delegated to this function
* automatically.
void interrupt_generator_udelay(unsigned us);
#ifdef EMU_BUILD
void wait_for_task_started(void);
static inline void wait_for_task_started(void) { }
uint32_t prng(uint32_t seed);
uint32_t prng_no_seed(void);
/* Number of failed tests */
extern int __test_error_count;
/* Simulates UART input */
void uart_inject_char(char *s, int sz);
#define UART_INJECT(s) uart_inject_char(s, strlen(s));
/* Simulates chipset power on */
void test_chipset_on(void);
/* Simulates chipset power off */
void test_chipset_off(void);
/* Start/stop capturing console output */
void test_capture_console(int enabled);
/* Get captured console output */
const char *test_get_captured_console(void);
* Flush emulator status. Must be called before emulator reboots or
* exits.
void emulator_flush(void);
* Entry point of multi-step test.
* Depending on current test state, this function runs the corresponding
* test step. This function should be called in a dedicated task on every
* reboot. Also, run_test() is responsible for starting the test by kicking
* that task.
void test_run_multistep(void);
* A function that runs the test step specified in 'state'. This function
* should be defined by all multi-step tests.
* @param state TEST_STATE_MASK(x) indicating the step to run.
void test_run_step(uint32_t state);
/* Get the current test state */
uint32_t test_get_state(void);
* Multistep test clean up. If a multi-step test has this function defined,
* it will be called on test end. (i.e. when test passes or fails.)
void test_clean_up(void);
/* Set the next step and reboot */
void test_reboot_to_next_step(enum test_state_t step);
struct test_i2c_read_string_dev {
/* I2C string read handler */
int (*routine)(int port, int slave_addr, int offset, uint8_t *data,
int len);
struct test_i2c_xfer {
/* I2C xfer handler */
int (*routine)(int port, int slave_addr,
const uint8_t *out, int out_size,
uint8_t *in, int in_size, int flags);
struct test_i2c_write_dev {
/* I2C write handler */
int (*routine)(int port, int slave_addr, int offset, int data);
* Register an I2C 8-bit read function.
* When this function is called, it should either perform the desired
* mock functionality, or return EC_ERROR_INVAL to indicate it does
* not respond to the specified port and slave address.
* @param routine Function pointer, with the same prototype as i2c_xfer()
#define DECLARE_TEST_I2C_XFER(routine) \
const struct test_i2c_xfer __test_i2c_xfer_##routine \
__attribute__((section(".rodata.test_i2c.xfer"))) \
= {routine}
* Detach an I2C device. Once detached, any read/write command regarding the
* specified port and slave address returns error.
* @param port The port that the detached device is connected to
* @param slave_addr The address of the detached device
* @return EC_SUCCESS if detached; EC_ERROR_OVERFLOW if too many devices are
* detached.
int test_detach_i2c(int port, int slave_addr);
* Re-attach an I2C device.
* @param port The port that the detached device is connected to
* @param slave_addr The address of the detached device
* @return EC_SUCCESS if re-attached; EC_ERROR_INVAL if the specified device
* is not a detached device.
int test_attach_i2c(int port, int slave_addr);
#endif /* __CROS_EC_TEST_UTIL_H */