blob: 802a943b0b27c54451b357328932cad96691051f [file] [log] [blame]
/* Copyright (c) 2014 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file.
#include "compile_time_macros.h"
#include "gpio.h"
#include "gpio_signal.h"
#define GPIO(name, pin, flags) {GPIO_NAME_BY_##pin, GPIO_##pin, flags},
#define GPIO(name, pin, flags) {#name, GPIO_##pin, flags},
#define GPIO_INT(name, pin, flags, signal) GPIO(name, pin, flags)
/* GPIO signal list. */
const struct gpio_info gpio_list[] = {
#include "gpio.wrap"
/* GPIO Interrupt Handlers */
#define GPIO_INT(name, pin, flags, signal) signal,
void (* const gpio_irq_handlers[])(enum gpio_signal signal) = {
#include "gpio.wrap"
const int gpio_ih_count = ARRAY_SIZE(gpio_irq_handlers);
* ALL GPIOs with interrupt handlers must be declared at the top of the
* file.
#define GPIO_INT(name, pin, flags, signal) \
BUILD_ASSERT(GPIO_##name < ARRAY_SIZE(gpio_irq_handlers));
#include "gpio.wrap"
* All PIN(...) assignments must be unique, since otherwise you're just
* creating duplicate names for the same thing, and may not always be
* initializing them the way you think.
#define GPIO(name, pin, flags) pin
#define GPIO_INT(name, pin, flags, signal) pin
* The compiler will complain if we use the same name twice. The linker ignores
* anything that gets by.
#define PIN(a, b...) static const int _pin_ ## a ## _ ## b \
__attribute__((unused, section(".unused"))) = __LINE__;
#include "gpio.wrap"