blob: 1297b3a46a28616e384e2cdaaa88376da7ee660c [file] [log] [blame]
/* Copyright 2019 The ChromiumOS Authors
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file.
* TODO(b/272518464): Work around coreboot GCC preprocessor bug.
* #line marks the *next* line, so it is off by one.
#line 11
#include "common.h"
#include "console.h"
#include "stdbool.h"
#include "task.h"
#include "usb_pd.h"
#include "usb_sm.h"
#include "util.h"
#define CPRINTF(format, args...) cprintf(CC_USB, format, ##args)
#define CPRINTS(format, args...) cprints(CC_USB, format, ##args)
#define CPRINTF(format, args...)
#define CPRINTS(format, args...)
/* Private structure (to this file) used to track state machine context */
struct internal_ctx {
usb_state_ptr last_entered;
uint32_t running : 1;
uint32_t enter : 1;
uint32_t exit : 1;
BUILD_ASSERT(sizeof(struct internal_ctx) ==
member_size(struct sm_ctx, internal));
/* Gets the first shared parent state between a and b (inclusive) */
static usb_state_ptr shared_parent_state(usb_state_ptr a, usb_state_ptr b)
const usb_state_ptr orig_b = b;
/* There are no common ancestors */
if (b == NULL)
return NULL;
/* This assumes that both A and B are NULL terminated without cycles */
while (a != NULL) {
/* We found a match return */
if (a == b)
return a;
* Otherwise, increment b down the list for comparison until we
* run out, then increment a and start over on b for comparison
if (b->parent == NULL) {
a = a->parent;
b = orig_b;
} else {
b = b->parent;
return NULL;
* Call all entry functions of parents before children. If set_state is called
* during one of the entry functions, then do not call any remaining entry
* functions.
static void call_entry_functions(const int port,
struct internal_ctx *const internal,
const usb_state_ptr stop,
const usb_state_ptr current)
if (current == stop)
call_entry_functions(port, internal, stop, current->parent);
* If the previous entry function called set_state, then don't enter
* remaining states.
if (!internal->enter)
/* Track the latest state that was entered, so we can exit properly. */
internal->last_entered = current;
if (current->entry)
* Call all exit functions of children before parents. Note set_state is ignored
* during an exit function.
static void call_exit_functions(const int port, const usb_state_ptr stop,
const usb_state_ptr current)
if (current == stop)
if (current->exit)
call_exit_functions(port, stop, current->parent);
void set_state(const int port, struct sm_ctx *const ctx,
const usb_state_ptr new_state)
struct internal_ctx *const internal = (void *)ctx->internal;
usb_state_ptr last_state;
usb_state_ptr shared_parent;
* It does not make sense to call set_state in an exit phase of a state
* since we are already in a transition; we would always ignore the
* intended state to transition into.
if (internal->exit) {
CPRINTF("C%d: Ignoring set state to 0x%p within 0x%p", port,
new_state, ctx->current);
* Determine the last state that was entered. Normally it is current,
* but we could have called set_state within an entry phase, so we
* shouldn't exit any states that weren't fully entered.
last_state = internal->enter ? internal->last_entered : ctx->current;
/* We don't exit and re-enter shared parent states */
shared_parent = shared_parent_state(last_state, new_state);
* Exit all of the non-common states from the last state.
internal->exit = true;
call_exit_functions(port, shared_parent, last_state);
internal->exit = false;
ctx->previous = ctx->current;
ctx->current = new_state;
* Enter all new non-common states. last_entered will contain the last
* state that successfully entered before another set_state was called.
internal->last_entered = NULL;
internal->enter = true;
call_entry_functions(port, internal, shared_parent, ctx->current);
* Setting enter to false ensures that all pending entry calls will be
* skipped (in the case of a parent state calling set_state, which means
* we should not enter any child states)
internal->enter = false;
* If we set_state while we are running a child state, then stop running
* any remaining parent states.
internal->running = false;
* Since we are changing states, we want to ensure that we process the
* next state's run method as soon as we can to ensure that we don't
* delay important processing until the next task interval.
* Call all run functions of children before parents. If set_state is called
* during one of the entry functions, then do not call any remaining entry
* functions.
static void call_run_functions(const int port,
const struct internal_ctx *const internal,
const usb_state_ptr current)
if (!current)
/* If set_state is called during run, don't call remain functions. */
if (!internal->running)
if (current->run)
call_run_functions(port, internal, current->parent);
void run_state(const int port, struct sm_ctx *const ctx)
struct internal_ctx *const internal = (void *)ctx->internal;
internal->running = true;
call_run_functions(port, internal, ctx->current);
internal->running = false;