blob: 7f75c4b86da19b18659480267acd962a6a7a814c [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/env python
# Copyright (c) 2013 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
"""The application periodically archives shopfloor reports."""
import logging
import optparse
import os
import shutil
import signal
from twisted.internet import reactor
import factory_common # pylint: disable=W0611
from cros.factory.shopfloor import INCREMENTAL_EVENTS_DIR
from cros.factory.shopfloor import REPORTS_DIR
from cros.factory.test.shopfloor import get_instance
from cros.factory.shopfloor.launcher import constants
from cros.factory.shopfloor.launcher import env
from cros.factory.test.utils import FormatExceptionOnly, TryMakeDirs
from cros.factory.utils.process_utils import Spawn
ARCHIVE_DIR = 'archive'
RECYCLE_DIR = 'recycle_bin'
LOGS_PREFIX = 'logs.'
ARCHIVE_SUFFIX = '.tar.bz2'
# Check report folder every _DEFAULT_PERIOD_MINUTES
# Default URL for the XMLRPC server
_DEFAULT_RPC_URL = 'http://localhost:8082/'
def ArchiveLogs(options):
"""Archives logs.
This archiver searches reports and incremental events directories
periodically and archives log folders to destination folder.
options.period: checking period in minutes.
options.recycle: move archived logs into recycle dir.
options.rpc_url: the URL to the RPC server.
shopfloor_data = os.path.join(env.runtime_dir, constants.SHOPFLOOR_DATA)
archive_dir = os.path.join(shopfloor_data, ARCHIVE_DIR)
recycle_dir = None
map(TryMakeDirs, [archive_dir, recycle_dir] +
[os.path.join(shopfloor_data, folder) for folder in options.dirs] +
[os.path.join(archive_dir, folder) for folder in options.dirs])
if options.recycle:
recycle_dir = os.path.join(shopfloor_data, RECYCLE_DIR)
map(TryMakeDirs, [os.path.join(recycle_dir, folder)
for folder in options.dirs])
# Trigger to generate all log dirs. Empty directory will be recycled later.
if REPORTS_DIR in options.dirs:
get_instance(url=options.rpc_url, timeout=5).GetReportsDir()
if INCREMENTAL_EVENTS_DIR in options.dirs:
get_instance(url=options.rpc_url, timeout=5).GetIncrementalEventsDir()
except: #pylint: disable=W0702
exception_string = FormatExceptionOnly()
# Continue to archive if the backend even if the backend is down.
'Failed to make RPC call - %s, ignore and continue.',
for folder in options.dirs:
ArchiveFolder(os.path.join(shopfloor_data, folder),
os.path.join(archive_dir, folder),
# Restart timer
reactor.callLater(int(options.period) * 60, # pylint: disable=E1101
ArchiveLogs, options)
def ArchiveFolder(folder, dest_folder, log_prefix=LOGS_PREFIX,
suffix='', skip=-2, recycle_dir=None):
"""Archives the dirs with prefix inside a folder.
folder: The parent folder contains log dirs.
dest_folder: The folder to store archived files.
log_prefix: Log dir name prefix.
suffix: Generated archive filename suffix.
skip: Number of log dirs to skip. Skipping last 2 log dirs by default.
# Get an accending order list of incremental events dirs.
dirs = filter((lambda path: os.path.isdir(os.path.join(folder, path)) and
path.startswith(log_prefix)), os.listdir(folder))
if len(dirs) == 0:
logging.debug('watching dir = %s', folder)
logging.debug('os.listdir() = %s', os.listdir(folder))
dirs = dirs[:skip] if skip < 0 else dirs[skip:]
for log_name in dirs:
logging.debug('Archiving %s', log_name)
log_fullpath = os.path.join(folder, log_name)
archive_name = log_name + suffix + ARCHIVE_SUFFIX
archived_log = os.path.join(dest_folder, archive_name)
in_progress_name = archived_log + IN_PROGRESS_SUFFIX
# Ignore archived reports
if os.path.isfile(archived_log):
if recycle_dir:
logging.debug('Recycling archived log: %s', log_name)
shutil.move(log_fullpath, os.path.join(recycle_dir, log_name + suffix))
logging.debug('Removing archived log: %s', log_name)
# Remove empty report folder
if len(os.listdir(log_fullpath)) == 0:
logging.debug('Removing emtpy log folder: %s', log_name)
# Delete interrupted temp file
if os.path.isfile(in_progress_name):
logging.debug('Removing previous in-progress file.')
have_pbzip2 = Spawn(
['which', 'pbzip2'],
ignore_stdout=True, ignore_stderr=True, call=True).returncode == 0
Spawn(['tar', '-I', 'pbzip2' if have_pbzip2 else 'bzip2',
'-cf', in_progress_name, '-C', folder,
check_call=True, log=True, log_stderr_on_error=True)
shutil.move(in_progress_name, archived_log)
if recycle_dir:
shutil.move(log_fullpath, recycle_dir)
shutil.rmtree(log_fullpath)'Finished archive %s to %s',
log_name, archive_name)
def SignalHandler(dummy_signal, dummy_frame):
# Call reactor.stop() from reactor instance to make sure no spawned process
# is running parallely.'Stopping...')
reactor.callLater(1, reactor.stop) # pylint: disable=E1101
def main():
logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO, format='%(message)s')
parser = optparse.OptionParser()
parser.add_option('-p', '--period', dest='period', metavar='PERIOD_MINITES',
default=_DEFAULT_PERIOD_MINUTES, type='int',
help='run every N minutes (default: %default)')
parser.add_option('-d', '--dir', dest='dirs', metavar='DIR',
action='append', default=['reports'],
help='the folder(s) to watch (default: %default)')
parser.add_option('-r', '--recycle', dest='recycle', action='store_true',
help='move archived logs to recycle bin')
parser.add_option('-u', '--rpc_url', dest='rpc_url', metavar='RPC_URL',
default=_DEFAULT_RPC_URL, type='str',
help="RPC server's URL (default: %default)")
(options, args) = parser.parse_args()
if args:
parser.error('Invalid args: %s' % ' '.join(args))
# Start the first cycle, give the httpd (RPC Server) 30 seconds to be up
# before making the first RPC call.
reactor.callLater(30, ArchiveLogs, options) # pylint: disable=E1101
signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, SignalHandler)
signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, SignalHandler) # pylint: disable=E1101
if __name__ == '__main__':