blob: 1e9e37a3d76fddfe0e8187b255761e3e5fe46520 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <gtest/gtest.h> // for FRIEND_TEST
#include "gestures/include/filter_interpreter.h"
#include "gestures/include/finger_metrics.h"
#include "gestures/include/gestures.h"
#include "gestures/include/macros.h"
#include "gestures/include/map.h"
#include "gestures/include/set.h"
#include "gestures/include/tracer.h"
namespace gestures {
// This interpreter looks at the location and pressure of contacts and may
// optionally classify each as a palm. Sometimes a contact is classified as
// a palm in some frames, and then in subsequent frames it is not.
// This interpreter is also used to suppress motion from thumbs in the
// bottom area of the pad.
class PalmClassifyingFilterInterpreter : public FilterInterpreter {
FRIEND_TEST(PalmClassifyingFilterInterpreterTest, PalmAtEdgeTest);
FRIEND_TEST(PalmClassifyingFilterInterpreterTest, PalmReevaluateTest);
FRIEND_TEST(PalmClassifyingFilterInterpreterTest, PalmTest);
FRIEND_TEST(PalmClassifyingFilterInterpreterTest, StationaryPalmTest);
// Takes ownership of |next|:
PalmClassifyingFilterInterpreter(PropRegistry* prop_reg, Interpreter* next,
Tracer* tracer);
virtual ~PalmClassifyingFilterInterpreter() {}
virtual void SyncInterpretImpl(HardwareState* hwstate, stime_t* timeout);
void FillOriginInfo(const HardwareState& hwstate);
void FillPrevInfo(const HardwareState& hwstate);
void FillMaxPressureWidthInfo(const HardwareState& hwstate);
// Part of palm detection. Returns true if the finger indicated by
// |finger_idx| is near another finger, which must not be a palm, in the
// hwstate.
bool FingerNearOtherFinger(const HardwareState& hwstate,
size_t finger_idx);
// Returns true iff fs represents a contact that may be a palm. It's a palm
// if it's in the side edge (or top edge if filter_top_edge_ is set) with
// sufficiently large pressure. The pressure required depends on exactly how
// close to the edge the contact is.
bool FingerInPalmEnvelope(const FingerState& fs);
// Returns true iff fs represents a contact that is in the bottom area.
bool FingerInBottomArea(const FingerState& fs);
// Updates *palm_, pointing_ below.
void UpdatePalmState(const HardwareState& hwstate);
// Updates the hwstate based on the local state.
void UpdatePalmFlags(HardwareState* hwstate);
// Updates the distance travelled for each finger along +- x/y direction.
void UpdateDistanceInfo(const HardwareState& hwstate);
// Returns the length of time the contact has been on the pad. Returns -1
// on error.
stime_t FingerAge(short finger_id, stime_t now) const;
// Time when a contact arrived. Persists even when fingers change.
map<short, stime_t, kMaxFingers> origin_timestamps_;
// FingerStates from when a contact first arrived. Persists even when fingers
// change.
map<short, FingerState, kMaxFingers> origin_fingerstates_;
// FingerStates from the previous HardwareState.
map<short, FingerState, kMaxFingers> prev_fingerstates_;
// Max reported pressure for present fingers.
map<short, float, kMaxFingers> max_pressure_;
// Max reported width for present fingers.
map<short, float, kMaxFingers> max_width_;
// Accumulated distance travelled by each finger.
// _positive[0] --> positive direction along x axis
// _positive[1] --> positive direction along y axis
// _negative[0] --> negative direction along x axis
// _negative[1] --> negative direction along y axis
map<short, float, kMaxFingers> distance_positive_[2];
map<short, float, kMaxFingers> distance_negative_[2];
// Same fingers state. This state is accumulated as fingers remain the same
// and it's reset when fingers change.
set<short, kMaxFingers> palm_; // tracking ids of known palms
// These contacts have moved significantly and shouldn't be considered
// stationary palms:
set<short, kMaxFingers> non_stationary_palm_;
static const unsigned kPointCloseToFinger = 1;
static const unsigned kPointNotInEdge = 2;
static const unsigned kPointMoving = 4;
// tracking ids of known fingers that are not palms, along with the reason(s)
map<short, unsigned, kMaxFingers> pointing_;
// tracking ids that were ever close to other fingers.
set<short, kMaxFingers> was_near_other_fingers_;
// tracking ids that have ever travelled out of the palm envelope or bottom
// area.
set<short, kMaxFingers> fingers_not_in_edge_;
// Previously input timestamp
stime_t prev_time_;
// Maximum pressure above which a finger is considered a palm
DoubleProperty palm_pressure_;
// Maximum width_major above which a finger is considered a palm
DoubleProperty palm_width_;
// Maximum width_major above which a finger is considered a palm if there are
// other contacts
DoubleProperty multi_palm_width_;
// If a finger was previously classified as palm, but its lifetime max
// pressure is less than palm_pressure_ * fat_finger_pressure_ratio_,
// lifetime max width is less than palm_width_ * fat_finger_width_ratio_,
// and has moved more than fat_finger_min_dist_, we consider it as a fat
// finger.
DoubleProperty fat_finger_pressure_ratio_;
DoubleProperty fat_finger_width_ratio_;
DoubleProperty fat_finger_min_dist_;
// The smaller of two widths around the edge for palm detection. Any contact
// in this edge zone may be a palm, regardless of pressure
DoubleProperty palm_edge_min_width_;
// The larger of the two widths. Palms between this and the previous are
// expected to have pressure linearly increase from 0 to palm_pressure_
// as they approach this border.
DoubleProperty palm_edge_width_;
// If filter_top_edge_ is set, any contact this close to the top edge may be
// a palm.
DoubleProperty palm_top_edge_min_width_;
// Palms in edge are allowed to point if they move fast enough
DoubleProperty palm_edge_point_speed_;
// A finger can be added to the palm envelope (and thus not point) after
// it touches down and until palm_eval_timeout_ [s] time.
DoubleProperty palm_eval_timeout_;
// A potential palm (ambiguous contact in the edge of the pad) will be marked
// a palm if it travels less than palm_stationary_distance_ mm after it's
// been on the pad for palm_stationary_time_ seconds.
DoubleProperty palm_stationary_time_;
DoubleProperty palm_stationary_distance_;
// For a finger in the palm envelope to be qualified as pointing, it has to
// move in one direction at least palm_pointing_min_dist_ and no more
// than palm_pointing_max_reverse_dist_ in the opposite direction.
DoubleProperty palm_pointing_min_dist_;
DoubleProperty palm_pointing_max_reverse_dist_;
// If a palm splits right on the edge, sometimes the pressure readings aren't
// high enough to identify the palm. If two fingers on the edge of the pad
// are closer together than this value, then they are likely a split palm.
DoubleProperty palm_split_max_distance_;
// Determines whether we look for palms at the top edge of the touchpad.
BoolProperty filter_top_edge_;
} // namespace gestures