blob: 6da4a6ee435551dc708abcddcdf2691e1c2d5620 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2011 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "gestures/include/activity_replay.h"
#include <string>
#include <base/json/json_reader.h>
#include <base/json/json_writer.h>
#include "gestures/include/logging.h"
#include "gestures/include/prop_registry.h"
#include "gestures/include/util.h"
using std::set;
using std::string;
namespace gestures {
ActivityReplay::ActivityReplay(PropRegistry* prop_reg)
: log_(NULL), prop_reg_(prop_reg) {}
bool ActivityReplay::Parse(const string& data) {
int error_code;
string error_msg;
Value* root = base::JSONReader::ReadAndReturnError(data, true, &error_code,
if (!root) {
Err("Parse failed: %s", error_msg.c_str());
return false;
if (root->GetType() != Value::TYPE_DICTIONARY) {
Err("Root type is %d, but expected %d (dictionary)",
root->GetType(), Value::TYPE_DICTIONARY);
return false;
DictionaryValue* dict = static_cast<DictionaryValue*>(root);
// Get and apply user-configurable properties
DictionaryValue* props_dict = NULL;
if (dict->GetDictionary(ActivityLog::kKeyProperties, &props_dict) &&
!ParseProperties(props_dict)) {
Err("Unable to parse properties.");
return false;
// Get and apply hardware properties
DictionaryValue* hwprops_dict = NULL;
if (!dict->GetDictionary(ActivityLog::kKeyHardwarePropRoot, &hwprops_dict)) {
Err("Unable to get hwprops dict.");
return false;
if (!ParseHardwareProperties(hwprops_dict, &hwprops_))
return false;
ListValue* entries = NULL;
if (!dict->GetList(ActivityLog::kKeyRoot, &entries)) {
Err("Unable to get list of entries from root.");
return false;
for (size_t i = 0; i < entries->GetSize(); ++i) {
DictionaryValue* entry = NULL;
if (!entries->GetDictionary(i, &entry)) {
Err("Invalid entry at index %zu", i);
return false;
if (!ParseEntry(entry))
return false;
return true;
bool ActivityReplay::ParseProperties(DictionaryValue* dict) {
if (!prop_reg_)
return true;
set<Property*> props = prop_reg_->props();
for (set<Property*>::const_iterator it = props.begin(), e = props.end();
it != e; ++it) {
const char* key = (*it)->name();
Value* value = NULL;
if (!dict->Get(key, &value)) {
Err("Log doesn't have value for property %s", key);
return false;
if (!(*it)->SetValue(value)) {
Err("Unable to restore value for property %s", key);
return false;
return true;
#define PARSE_HP(obj, key, KeyType, KeyFn, var, VarType) \
do { \
KeyType temp; \
if (!obj->KeyFn(key, &temp)) { \
Err("Parse failed for key %s", key); \
return false; \
} \
var = static_cast<VarType>(temp); \
} while (0)
bool ActivityReplay::ParseHardwareProperties(DictionaryValue* obj,
HardwareProperties* out_props) {
HardwareProperties props;
PARSE_HP(obj, ActivityLog::kKeyHardwarePropLeft, double, GetDouble,
props.left, float);
PARSE_HP(obj, ActivityLog::kKeyHardwarePropTop, double, GetDouble,, float);
PARSE_HP(obj, ActivityLog::kKeyHardwarePropRight, double, GetDouble,
props.right, float);
PARSE_HP(obj, ActivityLog::kKeyHardwarePropBottom, double, GetDouble,
props.bottom, float);
PARSE_HP(obj, ActivityLog::kKeyHardwarePropXResolution, double, GetDouble,
props.res_x, float);
PARSE_HP(obj, ActivityLog::kKeyHardwarePropYResolution, double, GetDouble,
props.res_y, float);
PARSE_HP(obj, ActivityLog::kKeyHardwarePropXDpi, double, GetDouble,
props.screen_x_dpi, float);
PARSE_HP(obj, ActivityLog::kKeyHardwarePropYDpi, double, GetDouble,
props.screen_y_dpi, float);
PARSE_HP(obj, ActivityLog::kKeyHardwarePropMaxFingerCount, int, GetInteger,
props.max_finger_cnt, unsigned short);
PARSE_HP(obj, ActivityLog::kKeyHardwarePropMaxTouchCount, int, GetInteger,
props.max_touch_cnt, unsigned short);
PARSE_HP(obj, ActivityLog::kKeyHardwarePropSupportsT5R2, bool, GetBoolean,
props.supports_t5r2, bool);
PARSE_HP(obj, ActivityLog::kKeyHardwarePropSemiMt, bool, GetBoolean,
props.support_semi_mt, bool);
PARSE_HP(obj, ActivityLog::kKeyHardwarePropIsButtonPad, bool, GetBoolean,
props.is_button_pad, bool);
*out_props = props;
return true;
#undef PARSE_HP
bool ActivityReplay::ParseEntry(DictionaryValue* entry) {
string type;
if (!entry->GetString(ActivityLog::kKeyType, &type)) {
Err("Can't get entry type.");
return false;
if (type == ActivityLog::kKeyHardwareState)
return ParseHardwareState(entry);
if (type == ActivityLog::kKeyTimerCallback)
return ParseTimerCallback(entry);
if (type == ActivityLog::kKeyCallbackRequest)
return ParseCallbackRequest(entry);
if (type == ActivityLog::kKeyGesture)
return ParseGesture(entry);
Err("Unknown entry type");
return false;
bool ActivityReplay::ParseHardwareState(DictionaryValue* entry) {
HardwareState hs;
if (!entry->GetInteger(ActivityLog::kKeyHardwareStateButtonsDown,
&hs.buttons_down)) {
Err("Unable to parse hardware state buttons down");
return false;
int temp;
if (!entry->GetInteger(ActivityLog::kKeyHardwareStateTouchCnt,
&temp)) {
Err("Unable to parse hardware state touch count");
return false;
hs.touch_cnt = temp;
if (!entry->GetDouble(ActivityLog::kKeyHardwareStateTimestamp,
&hs.timestamp)) {
Err("Unable to parse hardware state timestamp");
return false;
ListValue* fingers = NULL;
if (!entry->GetList(ActivityLog::kKeyHardwareStateFingers, &fingers)) {
Err("Unable to parse hardware state fingers");
return false;
// Sanity check
if (fingers->GetSize() > 30) {
Err("Too many fingers in hardware state");
return false;
FingerState fs[fingers->GetSize()];
for (size_t i = 0; i < fingers->GetSize(); ++i) {
DictionaryValue* finger_state = NULL;
if (!fingers->GetDictionary(i, &finger_state)) {
Err("Invalid entry at index %zu", i);
return false;
if (!ParseFingerState(finger_state, &fs[i]))
return false;
hs.fingers = fs;
hs.finger_cnt = fingers->GetSize();
return true;
bool ActivityReplay::ParseFingerState(DictionaryValue* entry,
FingerState* out_fs) {
double dbl = 0.0;
if (!entry->GetDouble(ActivityLog::kKeyFingerStateTouchMajor, &dbl)) {
Err("can't parse finger's touch major");
return false;
out_fs->touch_major = dbl;
if (!entry->GetDouble(ActivityLog::kKeyFingerStateTouchMinor, &dbl)) {
Err("can't parse finger's touch minor");
return false;
out_fs->touch_minor = dbl;
if (!entry->GetDouble(ActivityLog::kKeyFingerStateWidthMajor, &dbl)) {
Err("can't parse finger's width major");
return false;
out_fs->width_major = dbl;
if (!entry->GetDouble(ActivityLog::kKeyFingerStateWidthMinor, &dbl)) {
Err("can't parse finger's width minor");
return false;
out_fs->width_minor = dbl;
if (!entry->GetDouble(ActivityLog::kKeyFingerStatePressure, &dbl)) {
Err("can't parse finger's pressure");
return false;
out_fs->pressure = dbl;
if (!entry->GetDouble(ActivityLog::kKeyFingerStateOrientation, &dbl)) {
Err("can't parse finger's orientation");
return false;
out_fs->orientation = dbl;
if (!entry->GetDouble(ActivityLog::kKeyFingerStatePositionX, &dbl)) {
Err("can't parse finger's position x");
return false;
out_fs->position_x = dbl;
if (!entry->GetDouble(ActivityLog::kKeyFingerStatePositionY, &dbl)) {
Err("can't parse finger's position y");
return false;
out_fs->position_y = dbl;
int tr_id;
if (!entry->GetInteger(ActivityLog::kKeyFingerStateTrackingId, &tr_id)) {
Err("can't parse finger's tracking id");
string json;
base::JSONWriter::Write(entry, true, &json);
Err("fs: %s", json.c_str());
return false;
out_fs->tracking_id = tr_id;
return true;
bool ActivityReplay::ParseTimerCallback(DictionaryValue* entry) {
stime_t now = 0.0;
if (!entry->GetDouble(ActivityLog::kKeyTimerCallbackNow, &now)) {
Err("can't parse timercallback");
return false;
return true;
bool ActivityReplay::ParseCallbackRequest(DictionaryValue* entry) {
stime_t when = 0.0;
if (!entry->GetDouble(ActivityLog::kKeyCallbackRequestWhen, &when)) {
Err("can't parse callback request");
return false;
return true;
bool ActivityReplay::ParseGesture(DictionaryValue* entry) {
string gesture_type;
if (!entry->GetString(ActivityLog::kKeyGestureType, &gesture_type)) {
Err("can't parse gesture type");
return false;
Gesture gs;
if (!entry->GetDouble(ActivityLog::kKeyGestureStartTime, &gs.start_time)) {
Err("Failed to parse gesture start time");
return false;
if (!entry->GetDouble(ActivityLog::kKeyGestureEndTime, &gs.end_time)) {
Err("Failed to parse gesture end time");
return false;
if (gesture_type == ActivityLog::kValueGestureTypeContactInitiated) {
gs.type = kGestureTypeContactInitiated;
} else if (gesture_type == ActivityLog::kValueGestureTypeMove) {
if (!ParseGestureMove(entry, &gs))
return false;
} else if (gesture_type == ActivityLog::kValueGestureTypeScroll) {
if (!ParseGestureScroll(entry, &gs))
return false;
} else if (gesture_type == ActivityLog::kValueGestureTypeButtonsChange) {
if (!ParseGestureButtonsChange(entry, &gs))
return false;
} else {
gs.type = kGestureTypeNull;
return true;
bool ActivityReplay::ParseGestureMove(DictionaryValue* entry, Gesture* out_gs) {
out_gs->type = kGestureTypeMove;
double dbl;
if (!entry->GetDouble(ActivityLog::kKeyGestureMoveDX, &dbl)) {
Err("can't parse move dx");
return false;
out_gs->details.move.dx = dbl;
if (!entry->GetDouble(ActivityLog::kKeyGestureMoveDY, &dbl)) {
Err("can't parse move dy");
return false;
out_gs->details.move.dy = dbl;
return true;
bool ActivityReplay::ParseGestureScroll(DictionaryValue* entry,
Gesture* out_gs) {
out_gs->type = kGestureTypeScroll;
double dbl;
if (!entry->GetDouble(ActivityLog::kKeyGestureScrollDX, &dbl)) {
Err("can't parse scroll dx");
return false;
out_gs->details.scroll.dx = dbl;
if (!entry->GetDouble(ActivityLog::kKeyGestureScrollDY, &dbl)) {
Err("can't parse scroll dy");
return false;
out_gs->details.scroll.dy = dbl;
return true;
bool ActivityReplay::ParseGestureButtonsChange(DictionaryValue* entry,
Gesture* out_gs) {
out_gs->type = kGestureTypeButtonsChange;
int temp;
if (!entry->GetInteger(ActivityLog::kKeyGestureButtonsChangeDown,
&temp)) {
Err("can't parse buttons down");
return false;
out_gs->details.buttons.down = temp;
if (!entry->GetInteger(ActivityLog::kKeyGestureButtonsChangeUp,
&temp)) {
Err("can't parse buttons up");
return false;
out_gs->details.buttons.up = temp;
return true;
bool ActivityReplay::Replay(Interpreter* interpreter) {
bool all_correct = true;
stime_t last_timeout_req = -1.0;
Gesture* last_gs = NULL;
for (size_t i = 0; i < log_.size(); ++i) {
ActivityLog::Entry* entry = log_.GetEntry(i);
switch (entry->type) {
case ActivityLog::kHardwareState: {
last_timeout_req = -1.0;
HardwareState hs = entry->details.hwstate;
last_gs = interpreter->SyncInterpret(&hs, &last_timeout_req);
case ActivityLog::kTimerCallback:
last_timeout_req = -1.0;
last_gs = interpreter->HandleTimer(entry->details.timestamp,
case ActivityLog::kCallbackRequest:
if (!DoubleEq(last_timeout_req, entry->details.timestamp)) {
Err("Expected timeout request of %f, but log has %f (entry idx %zu)",
last_timeout_req, entry->details.timestamp, i);
all_correct = false;
case ActivityLog::kGesture:
if (!last_gs || *last_gs != entry->details.gesture) {
Err("Incorrect gesture. Expected %s, but log has %s",
last_gs ? last_gs->String().c_str() : "(null)",
all_correct = false;
return all_correct;
} // namespace gestures