blob: 062161dc8b32736fbd5d8fd266480742854f0ca5 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "gestures/include/accel_filter_interpreter.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include <math.h>
#include "gestures/include/gestures.h"
#include "gestures/include/interpreter.h"
#include "gestures/include/logging.h"
#include "gestures/include/macros.h"
#include "gestures/include/tracer.h"
namespace gestures {
// Takes ownership of |next|:
AccelFilterInterpreter::AccelFilterInterpreter(PropRegistry* prop_reg,
Interpreter* next,
Tracer* tracer)
: FilterInterpreter(NULL, next, tracer, false),
// Hack: cast tp_custom_point_/mouse_custom_point_/tp_custom_scroll_
// to float arrays.
tp_custom_point_prop_(prop_reg, "Pointer Accel Curve",
sizeof(tp_custom_point_) / sizeof(double)),
tp_custom_scroll_prop_(prop_reg, "Scroll Accel Curve",
sizeof(tp_custom_scroll_) / sizeof(double)),
mouse_custom_point_prop_(prop_reg, "Mouse Pointer Accel Curve",
sizeof(mouse_custom_point_) / sizeof(double)),
prop_reg, "Use Custom Touchpad Pointer Accel Curve", 0),
prop_reg, "Use Custom Touchpad Scroll Accel Curve", 0),
prop_reg, "Use Custom Mouse Pointer Accel Curve", 0),
pointer_sensitivity_(prop_reg, "Pointer Sensitivity", 3),
scroll_sensitivity_(prop_reg, "Scroll Sensitivity", 3),
point_x_out_scale_(prop_reg, "Point X Out Scale", 1.0),
point_y_out_scale_(prop_reg, "Point Y Out Scale", 1.0),
scroll_x_out_scale_(prop_reg, "Scroll X Out Scale", 2.5),
scroll_y_out_scale_(prop_reg, "Scroll Y Out Scale", 2.5),
use_mouse_point_curves_(prop_reg, "Mouse Accel Curves", 0),
use_mouse_scroll_curves_(prop_reg, "Mouse Scroll Curves", 0),
use_old_mouse_point_curves_(prop_reg, "Old Mouse Accel Curves", 0),
min_reasonable_dt_(prop_reg, "Accel Min dt", 0.003),
max_reasonable_dt_(prop_reg, "Accel Max dt", 0.050),
smooth_accel_(prop_reg, "Smooth Accel", 0),
last_mags_size_(0) {
// Set up default curves.
// Our pointing curves are the following.
// x = input speed of movement (mm/s, always >= 0), y = output speed (mm/s)
// 1: y = x (No acceleration)
// 2: y = 32x/60 (x < 32), x^2/60 (x < 150), linear with same slope after
// 3: y = 32x/37.5 (x < 32), x^2/37.5 (x < 150), linear with same slope after
// 4: y = 32x/30 (x < 32), x^2/30 (x < 150), linear with same slope after
// 5: y = 32x/25 (x < 32), x^2/25 (x < 150), linear with same slope after
const float point_divisors[] = { 0.0, // unused
60.0, 37.5, 30.0, 25.0 }; // used
// i starts as 1 b/c we skip the first slot, since the default is fine for it.
for (size_t i = 1; i < kMaxAccelCurves; ++i) {
const float divisor = point_divisors[i];
const float linear_until_x = 32.0;
const float init_slope = linear_until_x / divisor;
point_curves_[i][0] = CurveSegment(linear_until_x, 0, init_slope, 0);
const float x_border = 150;
point_curves_[i][1] = CurveSegment(x_border, 1 / divisor, 0, 0);
const float slope = x_border * 2 / divisor;
const float y_at_border = x_border * x_border / divisor;
const float icept = y_at_border - slope * x_border;
point_curves_[i][2] = CurveSegment(INFINITY, 0, slope, icept);
const float old_mouse_speed_straight_cutoff[] = { 5.0, 5.0, 5.0, 8.0, 8.0 };
const float old_mouse_speed_accel[] = { 1.0, 1.4, 1.8, 2.0, 2.2 };
for (size_t i = 0; i < kMaxAccelCurves; ++i) {
const float kParabolaA = 1.3;
const float kParabolaB = 0.2;
const float cutoff_x = old_mouse_speed_straight_cutoff[i];
const float cutoff_y =
kParabolaA * cutoff_x * cutoff_x + kParabolaB * cutoff_x;
const float line_m = 2.0 * kParabolaA * cutoff_x + kParabolaB;
const float line_b = cutoff_y - cutoff_x * line_m;
const float kOutMult = old_mouse_speed_accel[i];
old_mouse_point_curves_[i][0] =
CurveSegment(cutoff_x * 25.4, kParabolaA * kOutMult / 25.4,
kParabolaB * kOutMult, 0.0);
old_mouse_point_curves_[i][1] = CurveSegment(INFINITY, 0.0, line_m * kOutMult,
line_b * kOutMult * 25.4);
// These values were determined empirically through user studies:
const float kMouseMultiplierA = 0.0311;
const float kMouseMultiplierB = 3.26;
const float kMouseCutoff = 195.0;
const float kMultipliers[] = { 1.2, 1.4, 1.6, 1.8, 2.0 };
for (size_t i = 0; i < kMaxAccelCurves; ++i) {
float mouse_a = kMouseMultiplierA * kMultipliers[i] * kMultipliers[i];
float mouse_b = kMouseMultiplierB * kMultipliers[i];
float cutoff = kMouseCutoff / kMultipliers[i];
float second_slope =
(2.0 * kMouseMultiplierA * kMouseCutoff + kMouseMultiplierB) *
mouse_point_curves_[i][0] = CurveSegment(cutoff, mouse_a, mouse_b, 0.0);
mouse_point_curves_[i][1] = CurveSegment(INFINITY, 0.0, second_slope, -1182);
const float scroll_divisors[] = { 0.0, // unused
150, 75.0, 70.0, 65.0 }; // used
// Our scrolling curves are the following.
// x = input speed of movement (mm/s, always >= 0), y = output speed (mm/s)
// 1: y = x (No acceleration)
// 2: y = 75x/150 (x < 75), x^2/150 (x < 600), linear (initial slope).
// 3: y = 75x/75 (x < 75), x^2/75 (x < 600), linear (initial slope).
// 4: y = 75x/70 (x < 75), x^2/70 (x < 600), linear (initial slope).
// 5: y = 75x/65 (x < 75), x^2/65 (x < 600), linear (initial slope).
// i starts as 1 b/c we skip the first slot, since the default is fine for it.
for (size_t i = 1; i < kMaxAccelCurves; ++i) {
const float divisor = scroll_divisors[i];
const float linear_until_x = 75.0;
const float init_slope = linear_until_x / divisor;
scroll_curves_[i][0] = CurveSegment(linear_until_x, 0, init_slope, 0);
const float x_border = 600;
scroll_curves_[i][1] = CurveSegment(x_border, 1 / divisor, 0, 0);
// For scrolling / flinging we level off the speed.
const float slope = init_slope;
const float y_at_border = x_border * x_border / divisor;
const float icept = y_at_border - slope * x_border;
scroll_curves_[i][2] = CurveSegment(INFINITY, 0, slope, icept);
void AccelFilterInterpreter::ConsumeGesture(const Gesture& gs) {
Gesture copy = gs;
CurveSegment* segs = NULL;
float* dx = NULL;
float* dy = NULL;
// Check if clock changed backwards
if (last_end_time_ > gs.start_time)
last_end_time_ = -1.0;
// Calculate dt and see if it's reasonable
float dt = copy.end_time - copy.start_time;
if (dt < min_reasonable_dt_.val_ || dt > max_reasonable_dt_.val_)
dt = last_reasonable_dt_;
last_reasonable_dt_ = dt;
size_t max_segs = kMaxCurveSegs;
float x_scale = 1.0;
float y_scale = 1.0;
float mag = 0.0;
// The quantities to scale:
float* scale_out_x = NULL;
float* scale_out_y = NULL;
// We scale ordinal values of scroll/fling gestures as well because we use
// them in Chrome for history navigation (back/forward page gesture) and
// we will easily run out of the touchpad space if we just use raw values
// as they are. To estimate the length one needs to scroll on the touchpad
// to trigger the history navigation:
// Pixel:
// 1280 (screen width in DIPs) * 0.25 (overscroll threshold) /
// (133 / 25.4) (conversion factor from DIP to mm) = 61.1 mm
// Most other low-res devices:
// 1366 * 0.25 / (133 / 25.4) = 65.2 mm
// With current scroll output scaling factor (2.5), we can reduce the length
// required to about one inch on all devices.
float* scale_out_x_ordinal = NULL;
float* scale_out_y_ordinal = NULL;
switch (copy.type) {
case kGestureTypeMove:
case kGestureTypeSwipe:
case kGestureTypeFourFingerSwipe:
if (copy.type == kGestureTypeMove) {
scale_out_x = dx = &copy.details.move.dx;
scale_out_y = dy = &copy.details.move.dy;
} else if (copy.type == kGestureTypeSwipe) {
scale_out_x = dx = &copy.details.swipe.dx;
scale_out_y = dy = &copy.details.swipe.dy;
} else {
scale_out_x = dx = &copy.details.four_finger_swipe.dx;
scale_out_y = dy = &copy.details.four_finger_swipe.dy;
if (use_mouse_point_curves_.val_ && use_custom_mouse_curve_.val_) {
segs = mouse_custom_point_;
max_segs = kMaxCustomCurveSegs;
} else if (!use_mouse_point_curves_.val_ &&
use_custom_tp_point_curve_.val_) {
segs = tp_custom_point_;
max_segs = kMaxCustomCurveSegs;
} else {
if (use_mouse_point_curves_.val_) {
if (use_old_mouse_point_curves_.val_)
segs = old_mouse_point_curves_[pointer_sensitivity_.val_ - 1];
segs = mouse_point_curves_[pointer_sensitivity_.val_ - 1];
} else {
segs = point_curves_[pointer_sensitivity_.val_ - 1];
x_scale = point_x_out_scale_.val_;
y_scale = point_y_out_scale_.val_;
case kGestureTypeFling: // fall through
case kGestureTypeScroll:
if (copy.type == kGestureTypeFling) {
float vx = copy.details.fling.vx;
float vy = copy.details.fling.vy;
mag = sqrtf(vx * vx + vy * vy);
scale_out_x = &copy.details.fling.vx;
scale_out_y = &copy.details.fling.vy;
scale_out_x_ordinal = &copy.details.fling.ordinal_vx;
scale_out_y_ordinal = &copy.details.fling.ordinal_vy;
} else {
scale_out_x = dx = &copy.details.scroll.dx;
scale_out_y = dy = &copy.details.scroll.dy;
scale_out_x_ordinal = &copy.details.scroll.ordinal_dx;
scale_out_y_ordinal = &copy.details.scroll.ordinal_dy;
// We bypass mouse scroll events as they have a separate acceleration
// algorithm implemented in mouse_interpreter.
if (use_mouse_scroll_curves_.val_) {
if (!use_custom_tp_scroll_curve_.val_) {
segs = scroll_curves_[scroll_sensitivity_.val_ - 1];
} else {
segs = tp_custom_scroll_;
max_segs = kMaxCustomCurveSegs;
x_scale = scroll_x_out_scale_.val_;
y_scale = scroll_y_out_scale_.val_;
default: // Nothing to accelerate
if (dx != NULL && dy != NULL) {
if (dt < 0.00001) {
return; // Avoid division by 0
mag = sqrtf(*dx * *dx + *dy * *dy) / dt;
if (smooth_accel_.val_) {
if (last_end_time_ == gs.start_time) {
float new_mag = mag;
if (last_mags_size_ < arraysize(last_mags_))
last_mags_[last_mags_size_] = last_mags_[last_mags_size_ - 1];
for (size_t i = last_mags_size_ - 1; i > 0; i--) {
new_mag += last_mags_[i];
last_mags_[i] = last_mags_[i - 1];
new_mag += last_mags_[0];
new_mag /= last_mags_size_ + 1;
last_mags_[0] = mag;
last_mags_size_ = std::min(arraysize(last_mags_), last_mags_size_ + 1);
mag = new_mag;
} else {
last_mags_size_ = 1;
last_mags_[0] = mag;
last_end_time_ = gs.end_time;
if (mag < 0.00001) {
if (gs.type == kGestureTypeFling)
ProduceGesture(gs); // Filter out zero length gestures
return; // Avoid division by 0
for (size_t i = 0; i < max_segs; ++i) {
if (mag > segs[i].x_)
float ratio = segs[i].sqr_ * mag + segs[i].mul_ + segs[i].int_ / mag;
*scale_out_x *= ratio * x_scale;
*scale_out_y *= ratio * y_scale;
if (copy.type == kGestureTypeFling ||
copy.type == kGestureTypeScroll) {
// We don't accelerate the ordinal values as we do for normal ones
// because this is how the Chrome needs it.
*scale_out_x_ordinal *= x_scale;
*scale_out_y_ordinal *= y_scale;
Err("Overflowed acceleration curve!");
} // namespace gestures