blob: 3c82bc3e7553336baf7976ac1bf1ddd14c41d12a [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <memory>
#include <gtest/gtest.h> // for FRIEND_TEST
#include "gestures/include/filter_interpreter.h"
#include "gestures/include/finger_metrics.h"
#include "gestures/include/gestures.h"
#include "gestures/include/prop_registry.h"
#include "gestures/include/set.h"
#include "gestures/include/tracer.h"
namespace gestures {
// This interpreter generates the fling-stop messages when new fingers
// arrive on the pad.
class FlingStopFilterInterpreter : public FilterInterpreter {
FRIEND_TEST(FlingStopFilterInterpreterTest, SimpleTest);
// Takes ownership of |next|:
FlingStopFilterInterpreter(PropRegistry* prop_reg,
Interpreter* next,
Tracer* tracer,
GestureInterpreterDeviceClass devclass);
virtual ~FlingStopFilterInterpreter() {}
virtual void SyncInterpretImpl(HardwareState* hwstate, stime_t* timeout);
virtual void HandleTimerImpl(stime_t now, stime_t* timeout);
virtual void ConsumeGesture(const Gesture& gesture);
// May override an outgoing gesture with a fling stop gesture.
bool NeedsExtraTime(const HardwareState& hwstate) const;
bool FlingStopNeeded(const Gesture& gesture) const;
void UpdateFlingStopDeadline(const HardwareState& hwstate);
stime_t SetNextDeadlineAndReturnTimeoutVal(stime_t now, stime_t next_timeout);
// Has the deadline has already been extended once
bool already_extended_;
// Which tracking id's were on the pad at the last fling
set<short, kMaxFingers> fingers_present_for_last_fling_;
// tracking id's of the last hardware state
set<short, kMaxFingers> fingers_of_last_hwstate_;
// touch_cnt from previously input HardwareState.
short prev_touch_cnt_;
// timestamp from previous input HardwareState.
stime_t prev_timestamp_;
// Most recent gesture type consumed and produced.
GestureType prev_gesture_type_;
// Whether a fling stop has been sent since the last gesture.
bool fling_stop_already_sent_;
// When we should send fling-stop, or 0.0 if not set.
stime_t fling_stop_deadline_;
// When we need to call HandlerTimer on next_, or 0.0 if no outstanding timer.
stime_t next_timer_deadline_;
// Device class (e.g. touchpad, mouse).
GestureInterpreterDeviceClass devclass_;
// How long to wait when new fingers arrive (and possibly scroll), before
// halting fling
DoubleProperty fling_stop_timeout_;
// How much extra time to add if it looks likely to be the start of a scroll
DoubleProperty fling_stop_extra_delay_;
} // namespace gestures