blob: 035571bac2c236dfe39671d5fc4c2c8730fce268 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright (c) 2013 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <gtest/gtest.h> // for FRIEND_TEST
#include "gestures/include/filter_interpreter.h"
#include "gestures/include/finger_metrics.h"
#include "gestures/include/gestures.h"
#include "gestures/include/map.h"
#include "gestures/include/memory_manager.h"
#include "gestures/include/list.h"
#include "gestures/include/prop_registry.h"
#include "gestures/include/set.h"
#include "gestures/include/tracer.h"
namespace gestures {
// This interpreter checks whether there is a statistically significant
// evidence showing that a finger is non-stationary (i.e. moving along a
// direction). We utilizes a variation of the Kendall's Tau test to
// achieve the purpose. For the interested, please may refer to the following
// links for more details:
// [1]
// [2]
// The Kendall's Tau test is a method to measure the degree of association
// between two random variables. Specifically, it tries to assess if one's
// value has a tendency to change when the other one changes. Given the
// trajectory on the (X, Y) plane of a finger over some period of time, one may
// view the problem of deciding stationary fingers as to assess whether there
// is any association between either X and time or Y and time. The advantage of
// Kendall's test is that it is non-parametric, i.e. it uses the ranking of
// data instead of the data values themselves. In this way, it enjoys better
// robustness to outliers, random noises as well as non-linear relationships.
// Given a time-series (t1, d1), (t2, d2) .... (tn, dn), the Kendall's Tau
// coefficient is defined as:
// (# of concordant pairs) - (# of discordant pairs)
// Tau = ----------------------------------------------------- (1)
// n * (n - 1) / 2
// , where n is the total number of samples and concordant/discordant pairs are
// [(ti, di), (tj, dj)] whose ti < tj and di < dj or di > dj. The above
// definition is only valid when there is no ties in the sample. In the case
// that ties are present, as in our case, various adjustments need to be made.
// The denominator part in the formula (1) is sometimes called the Kendall's
// score or simply the Kendall's S-statistic. Study has shown that its
// distribution approximately follows the normal distribution when n is large
// (e.g. > 6) no matter whether there are ties or not. The detailed proof could
// be found in [2]. Here, we simply give the expression for the variance of S in
// the case that there may only be ties in one variable (our application) as
// follows:
// n * (n - 1) * (2n + 5) 2
// Var(S) = ---------------------- - Σ (--- * C(ui, 3) + C(ui, 2)) (2)
// 18 i 3
// , where ui is the number of samples in the i-th ties group and C(x, y) is
// the binomial coefficient notation.
// For each finger, we maintain a buffer of past coordinates and compare the
// normalized Z-value S/sqrt(Var(S)) to a pre-set threshold Zα as in standard
// statistical hypothesis tests. If the Z-value is outside of the region
// [-Zα, Zα], we can conclude that the instance is too rare to happen simply by
// chance and we reject the null hypothesis that there is no association
// between two random variables. We use a two-tailed test here because the
// finger could move in either the positive or the negative direction. The
// interpreter then marks each identified finger with the flags
// would be further used in the ImmediateInterpreter to identify resting
// thumbs.
class TrendClassifyingFilterInterpreter: public FilterInterpreter {
TrendClassifyingFilterInterpreter(PropRegistry* prop_reg, Interpreter* next,
Tracer* tracer);
virtual ~TrendClassifyingFilterInterpreter() {}
virtual void SyncInterpretImpl(HardwareState* hwstate, stime_t* timeout);
struct KState {
KState() { Init(); }
KState(const FingerState& fs) { Init(fs); }
// Init functions called by ctors. We don't use constructors directly since
// we have to init classes by ourselves for MemoryManaged types.
void Init();
void Init(const FingerState& fs);
// Element struct for tracking one finger property (e.g. x, y, pressure).
struct KAxis {
KAxis(): val(0.0), sum(0), ties(0), score(0), var(0.0) {}
void Init() {
val = 0.0;
sum = 0, ties = 0;
score = 0;
var = 0.0;
// The data value to track of the finger at a given timestamp
float val;
// Temp values to speed up the S and Var(S) computation. For more detail,
// please look at the comment for UpdateKTValuePair.
int sum, ties;
// The S and Var(S) computed for this timestamp
int score;
double var;
static const size_t n_axes_ = 6;
KAxis axes_[n_axes_];
KAxis* XAxis() { return &axes_[0]; }
KAxis* DxAxis() { return &axes_[1]; }
KAxis* YAxis() { return &axes_[2]; }
KAxis* DyAxis() { return &axes_[3]; }
KAxis* PressureAxis() { return &axes_[4]; }
KAxis* TouchMajorAxis() { return &axes_[5]; }
static bool IsDelta(int idx) { return (idx == 1 || idx == 3); }
static unsigned IncFlag(int idx) {
static const unsigned flags[n_axes_] = {
return flags[idx];
static unsigned DecFlag(int idx) {
static const unsigned flags[n_axes_] = {
return flags[idx];
KState* next_;
KState* prev_;
typedef MemoryManagedList<KState> FingerHistory;
// Trend types for internal use
enum TrendType {
// Detect moving fingers and append the GESTURES_FINGER_TREND_* flags
void UpdateFingerState(const HardwareState& hwstate);
// Push new finger data into the buffer and update values
void AddNewStateToBuffer(FingerHistory* history, const FingerState& fs);
// Assess statistical significance with a classic two-tail hypothesis test
TrendType RunKTTest(const KState::KAxis* current, const size_t n_samples);
// Given a time-series (t1, d1), (t2, d2) .... (tn, dn), a naive
// implementation to compute the Kendall's S-statistic as in (1) would take
// O(n^2) time, which might be too much even for a moderate size of n. To
// speed it up, we save temp values sum_i and ties_i for each item and
// incrementally update them upon each new data point's arrival. For each
// item (ti, di), sum_i and ties_i stand for:
// sum_i = (# of concordant pairs w.r.t. (ti, di)) -
// (# of discordant pairs w.r.t. (ti, di))
// ties_i = (# of other equal value items where dj == di)
// within the range (ti, di) .... (tn, dn).
// The S-statistic, C(ui, 3) and C(ui, 2) in (2) can then be computed as
// S = Σsum_i , C(ui, 2) = Σ ties_j
// i j∈i-th ties group
// C(ui, 3) = Σ (ties_j * (ties_j - 1) / 2)
// j∈i-th ties group
// The sum_i and ties_i can be updated in O(1) time for each item, thus
// reducing the total time complexity to compute S and Var(S) from O(n^2) to
// O(n).
inline void UpdateKTValuePair(KState::KAxis* past, KState::KAxis* current,
int* t_n2_sum, int* t_n3_sum) {
if (past->val < current->val)
else if (past->val > current->val)
current->score += past->sum, (*t_n2_sum) += past->ties;
(*t_n3_sum) += ((past->ties * (past->ties - 1)) >> 1);
// Compute the variance of the Kendall's S-statistic according to (2)
double ComputeKTVariance(const int tie_n2, const int tie_n3,
const size_t n_samples);
// Append flag based on the test result
void InterpretTestResult(const TrendType trend_type,
const unsigned flag_increasing,
const unsigned flag_decreasing,
unsigned* flags);
// memory managers to prevent malloc during interrupt calls
MemoryManager<KState> kstate_mm_;
MemoryManager<FingerHistory> history_mm_;
// A map to store each finger's past coordinates and calculation
// intermediates
typedef map<short, FingerHistory*, kMaxFingers> FingerHistoryMap;
FingerHistoryMap histories_;
// Flag to turn on/off the trend classifying filter
BoolProperty trend_classifying_filter_enable_;
// Flag to turn on/off the support for second order movements. Our test can
// capture any kind of monotonically increasing/decreasing trends, but it
// may fail on functions that contain extrema (e.g. a parabolic curve where
// the finger first moves toward the -X direction and then goes toward the
// +X). We can run the same test on the 1-st order differences of data to
// handle second order functions. Higher order functions are not considered
// here.
BoolProperty second_order_enable_;
// Minimum number of samples required (must be >= 6 for a
// meaningful result)
IntProperty min_num_of_samples_;
// Number of samples desired
IntProperty num_of_samples_;
// The critical z-value for the hypothesis testing. For a test statistic that
// follows the normal distribution, we can compute the probability as the
// area under the probability density function. A two-sided test may be
// illustrated as follows:
// ..|..
// ..xx|xx.. Two-tailed test
// |xxxx|xxxx|
// .|xxxx|xxxx|.
// .. |xxxx|xxxx| ..
// .... |xxxx|xxxx| ....
// -------------------------------------------
// -∞ -Zα 0 +Zα +∞
// Given the desired false positive rate (α), the threshold Zα is computed
// so that the area in [-Zα, Zα] is 1-α and the areas in [-∞, -Zα] and
// [Zα, +∞] are α/2 respectively. If the z-value of test statistic locates
// outside of the region [-Zα, Zα], we may conclude that the instance is rare
// enough to demonstrate statistical significance.
// We provide a few sample Zα values for different α's here for reference.
// A custom Zα value can be readily computed by most math packages (e.g.
// the Python scipy). To compute Zα for a specific α (assume scipy was
// installed):
// $ python
// >>> from scipy.stats import norm
// >>> norm.interval(1 - 0.01) # This computes the interval for α = 0.01
// (-2.5758293035489004, 2.5758293035489004)
// >>> norm.interval(1 - 0.05) # This computes the interval for α = 0.05
// (-1.959963984540054, 1.959963984540054)
// The default value is chosen to correspond to the case where α = 0.01.
// α | two-sided test z-value
// ----------------------------------
// 0.001 | 3.2905267314919255
// 0.005 | 2.8070337683438109
// 0.01 | 2.5758293035489004
// 0.02 | 2.3263478740408408
// 0.05 | 1.959963984540054
// 0.10 | 1.6448536269514722
// 0.20 | 1.2815515655446004
DoubleProperty z_threshold_;