blob: c016a3da2138f145648f8169557ccd202207e8ea [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
package utils
import (
const (
// Useful VT100 escape sequences.
beginBold = "\033[1m"
resetCharAttr = "\033[0m"
redOnBlack = "\033[31;40m"
defaultColors = "\033[39;49m"
var (
// Where to find the GpuVis bash scripts within the GpuVis folder. There are
// two possibilities, depending on whether the locally built or pre-built version
// of GpuVis is used.
gpuVisScriptDirs = []string{"sample", "scripts"}
// The trace scripts that are used to collect traces on the host device.
gpuVisTraceScripts = []string{
"", "", "",
"", "", ""}
// GpuVisTool provides support for collecting GpuVis trace data on a target device,
// transfer the data back to the workstation and optionally run GpuVis on this data.
type GpuVisTool struct {
// Configuration parameters read from json config file.
gpuVisConfig *config.GpuVisConfig
targetDevice *config.TargetDevice
// The profiler is used to run the trace. These are the relevant profiler
// config parameters from harvest config.
profilerBinPath string
traceCacheDir string
keepTracesInCache bool
traceToRun string
// Errors are fed to this channel.
errorOut chan error
// GpuVisTool state and parameters.
targetDeviceSSH *remote.SSHTarget
targetWorkingDir string
firstFrame int
lastFrame int
frameCount int
verbose bool
// NewGpuVisTool create and returns a new GpuVisTool instance.
func NewGpuVisTool(verbose bool) *GpuVisTool {
return &GpuVisTool{verbose: verbose}
// Setup is called to setup the GpuVisTool instance prior to running the tool.
func (gv *GpuVisTool) Setup(
targetDevice *config.TargetDevice,
gpuVisConfig *config.GpuVisConfig,
profilerBinPath string,
traceCacheDir string,
traces []string,
keepTracesInCache bool) error {
if len(traces) == 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("GpuVisTool setup failed: no trace file provided")
} else if len(traces) > 1 {
fmt.Printf("Warning: more than one trace file specified. Will use %s\n",
gv.targetDevice = targetDevice
gv.gpuVisConfig = gpuVisConfig
gv.profilerBinPath = profilerBinPath
gv.keepTracesInCache = keepTracesInCache
gv.traceCacheDir = traceCacheDir
gv.traceToRun = traces[0]
if err := gv.setupSSHToHostDevice(); err != nil {
return err
return nil
// Run runs the GpuVisTool. Errors are fed to the channel errorOut.
func (gv *GpuVisTool) Run(errorOut chan error) {
gv.errorOut = errorOut
err := gv.verifyTargetDeviceCompatibility()
if err != nil {
gv.errorOut <- err
// We're about to run several scripts on the host device and need to maintain
// the shell's state between these scrips. To this end we start a shell session.
err = gv.targetDeviceSSH.OpenShellSession()
if err != nil {
gv.errorOut <- err
defer gv.targetDeviceSSH.CloseShellSession()
err = gv.createTargetWorkingDir()
if err != nil {
gv.errorOut <- err
defer gv.targetDeviceSSH.DelFile(gv.targetWorkingDir)
err = gv.installTraceTools()
if err != nil {
gv.errorOut <- err
// Always run terminateTracing to restore to device to its base state, even
// if initiateTracing partially fails.
defer gv.terminateTracing()
err = gv.initiateTracing()
if err != nil {
gv.errorOut <- err
// We're going to run the profiler asynchronously. Channel profilerExited is
// used to get notified in case the profiler fails or exists early.
profilerExited := make(chan bool)
err = gv.startProfiling(profilerExited)
if err != nil {
gv.errorOut <- err
// Tell the user what's happening and to hit enter at the right time. When
// that happens, capture the traces.
if gv.tellUserToHitEnterKeyAndWait(profilerExited) {
err = gv.captureTrace()
if err != nil {
gv.errorOut <- err
} else {
gv.errorOut <- fmt.Errorf("exited without capturing trace data")
// The terminal mode in the shell session interferes with downloading files
// through stdout. Since we no longer need to preserve shell state, we can close
// the session. (Yes, defer will close the shell session again and that's ok.)
files, err := gv.downloadTraceFiles()
if err != nil {
gv.errorOut <- err
// Optionally run GpuVis on the trace data.
if gv.gpuVisConfig.RunGpuVis != "" {
err = gv.runGpuVis(files)
if err != nil {
gv.errorOut <- err
// Setup a SSH session to the host OS on the target device. This session is
// used the run the trace-cmd scripts to gather CPU and GPU performance data. Thus
// it is always to the host device and never to any VM or container device.
func (gv *GpuVisTool) setupSSHToHostDevice() error {
ssh := gv.targetDevice.ProfilerConfig.SSHConfig
if gv.targetDevice.ProfilerConfig.TunnelConfig != nil {
ssh = &gv.targetDevice.ProfilerConfig.TunnelConfig.Server
if ssh == nil {
return fmt.Errorf("missing SSH info to reach host device")
var err error
gv.targetDeviceSSH, err = remote.CreateSSHTargetWithParams(ssh)
if err != nil {
return err
return gv.targetDeviceSSH.Connect()
// Verify that a device is compatible with GpuVis. The kernel must be configured
// to generate i915 trace points, ideally low-level i915 trace points. Returns
// an error if the device is not compatible. Prints a warning to stdout if
// low-level trace points are not generated.
func (gv *GpuVisTool) verifyTargetDeviceCompatibility() error {
gv.printIfVerbose("Checking target device.\n")
// List the i915 trace points.
traceDir := "/sys/kernel/debug/tracing/events/i915/"
files, err := gv.targetDeviceSSH.ListFiles(traceDir, "i915_request*")
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("could not check target device: err = %s", err.Error())
// Verify that at least some i915 trace points are available. Also check that
// low-level i915 trace points are available and print a warning if not.
lowLevelEventCount := 0
allEventCount := 0
for _, f := range files {
if strings.HasPrefix(f, "/sys/") {
// Look for low-level i915_request_[in, out, submit] trace point. They are
// directories and will have a ':' at the end in the listing.
fname := strings.TrimPrefix(filepath.Base(f), "i915_request_")
if fname == "in:" || fname == "out:" || fname == "submit:" {
if lowLevelEventCount == 0 && allEventCount == 0 {
fmt.Printf("Error: target device doesn't support i915 tracing events.\n")
return fmt.Errorf("wrong target device type")
if lowLevelEventCount < 3 {
fmt.Printf("Warning: target-device kernel isn't configure to generate low-level i915\n" +
"tracing events. (See\n")
return nil
// Create the working dir on the target device. Note that the working dir is a
// temporary dir inside the ChromeOSWorkingDir specified in the config. That makes
// easier to list the generated trace files and cleanup when done.
func (gv *GpuVisTool) createTargetWorkingDir() error {
gv.printIfVerbose("Creating temp dir in %s\n", gv.gpuVisConfig.ChromeOSWorkingDir)
if gv.gpuVisConfig.ChromeOSWorkingDir == "" {
return fmt.Errorf("no device working Dir specified in config")
err := gv.targetDeviceSSH.Mkdir(gv.gpuVisConfig.ChromeOSWorkingDir)
if err != nil {
return err
// Make sure there's enough space in working dir to receive trace-collection
// tools and collect traces. A single GPU trace is typically less than 40MB.
// CPU traces are even smaller and the scripts are just a few KB. 50MB should
// be more than enough space
kBytes, err := gv.targetDeviceSSH.GetRemoteFreeSpaceKb(gv.gpuVisConfig.ChromeOSWorkingDir)
if err != nil {
return err
if kBytes < 50*1024 {
return fmt.Errorf("not enough free space on %s to run GpuVis trace collection tools",
gv.targetWorkingDir, err = gv.targetDeviceSSH.MkTempDir(gv.gpuVisConfig.ChromeOSWorkingDir)
gv.printIfVerbose("Using temp dir %s\n", gv.targetWorkingDir)
return err
// Install the trace GpuVis script by copying them from the local GpuVis folder
// to the working dir on the target device.
func (gv *GpuVisTool) installTraceTools() error {
var err error
if _, err = os.Stat(gv.gpuVisConfig.LocalGpuVisDir); err != nil {
return err
// Find which subdir contains the trace scripts.
var localScriptDir string
for _, scriptDir := range gpuVisScriptDirs {
localScriptDir = filepath.Join(gv.gpuVisConfig.LocalGpuVisDir, scriptDir)
_, err := os.Stat(localScriptDir)
if err == nil || !os.IsNotExist(err) {
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("could not find GpuVis trace scripts within %s",
// Copy each script to the target device.
for _, script := range gpuVisTraceScripts {
src := filepath.Join(localScriptDir, script)
dst := filepath.Join(gv.targetWorkingDir, script)
if err := gv.targetDeviceSSH.SendFile(src, dst, "0755"); err != nil {
return err
return nil
// Initiating tracing on the target device. Note that this step only configures
// the target device so that it is ready to capture trace data. The actual data
// capture happens in function captureTrace.
func (gv *GpuVisTool) initiateTracing() error {
for _, env := range gv.gpuVisConfig.ChromeOSEnvVar {
cmd := "export " + env
_, err := gv.targetDeviceSSH.RunCmd(cmd)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed: %s, err = %s", cmd, err.Error())
cmd := "cd " + gv.targetWorkingDir
_, err := gv.targetDeviceSSH.RunCmd(cmd)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed: %s, err = %s", cmd, err.Error())
cmd = "./"
output, err := gv.targetDeviceSSH.RunCmd(cmd)
if err != nil {
return err
if strings.Index(output, "ERROR") != -1 {
return fmt.Errorf("GpuVis trace-cmd-setup failed: %s", output)
cmd = "./"
output, err = gv.targetDeviceSSH.RunCmd(cmd)
if err != nil {
return err
if strings.Index(output, "ERROR") != -1 {
return fmt.Errorf("GpuVis trace-cmd-start-tracing failed: %s", output)
return nil
// Restore the host device to its original non-tracing state.
func (gv *GpuVisTool) terminateTracing() {
cmd := "cd " + gv.targetWorkingDir
cmd = filepath.Join(gv.targetWorkingDir, "")
// A call to this function triggers capturing of traces on the target device.
// A set of cpu and gpu traces is captured and stored in the target working
// dir with extensions .dat and .i915-dat.
func (gv *GpuVisTool) captureTrace() error {
cmd := filepath.Join(gv.targetWorkingDir, "")
_, err := gv.targetDeviceSSH.RunCmd(cmd)
return err
// Download the captured trace files from the target device to the local machine.
// The trace files are stored in LocalGpuVisDir.
func (gv *GpuVisTool) downloadTraceFiles() ([]string, error) {
files := make([]string, 0, 2)
// Trace files have extensions .dat and .i915-dat.
srcFiles, err := gv.targetDeviceSSH.ListFiles(gv.targetWorkingDir, "*.*dat")
if err != nil {
return nil, err
for _, file := range srcFiles {
filename := filepath.Base(file)
dstFile := filepath.Join(gv.gpuVisConfig.LocalGpuVisDir, filename)
gv.printIfVerbose("Download target-device trace %s to %s\n", file, dstFile)
err = gv.getRemoteFile(file, dstFile)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
files = append(files, dstFile)
return files, nil
// Run GpuVis with the trace data file captured from the target device.
func (gv *GpuVisTool) runGpuVis(files []string) error {
if len(files) == 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("no performance data file to run GpuVis with")
// Path to GpuVis app.
gpuVis := filepath.Join(gv.gpuVisConfig.LocalGpuVisDir, gv.gpuVisConfig.RunGpuVis)
// CPU and GPU trace data files.
cpuData := ""
gpuData := ""
// If there's only one file, it'd better be CPU trace data.
if len(files) == 1 {
if !strings.HasSuffix(files[0], ".dat") {
return fmt.Errorf("only one trace file was captured and it is not CPU data: %s", files[0])
cpuData = files[0]
} else {
// We have at least two trace data files. Let's look for the CPU and GPU trace data.
for _, f := range files {
if strings.HasSuffix(f, ".dat") {
cpuData = f
} else if strings.HasSuffix(f, ".i915-dat") {
gpuData = f
if cpuData == "" {
return fmt.Errorf("missing CPU trace data: %s, %s", files[0], files[1])
if gpuData == "" {
return fmt.Errorf("missing GPU trace data: %s, %s", files[0], files[1])
// GpuVis is rather picky, the CPU data file must be given before the GPU data file.
cmd := exec.Command(gpuVis, cpuData, gpuData)
result, err := cmd.CombinedOutput()
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("exec failed: %s, err = %s", result, err)
return nil
// Download a file from the remote device to local storage.
func (gv *GpuVisTool) getRemoteFile(remoteFilePath, localFilePath string) error {
outFile, err := os.OpenFile(localFilePath, os.O_RDWR|os.O_CREATE, 0755)
if err != nil {
return err
defer outFile.Close()
cmd := fmt.Sprintf("dd if=%s status=none bs=512", remoteFilePath)
return gv.targetDeviceSSH.RunCmdWithWriter(cmd, outFile)
// Run the profiler on the trace asynchronously. The profiler command is modified
// to loop over the frame range given in the GpuVis configuration. The profiler is
// launched in a separate coroutine and this function returns immediately.
func (gv *GpuVisTool) startProfiling(profilerExited chan bool) error {
var err error
gv.firstFrame, gv.lastFrame, gv.frameCount, err = parseFrameLoop(gv.gpuVisConfig.FrameLoop)
if err != nil {
return err
cmdTokens := parseProfCmd(gv.targetDevice.ProfilerConfig.ProfileParams.ProfCommand)
if len(cmdTokens) < 2 {
return fmt.Errorf("invalid profile command: %s",
tmpDir, err := ioutil.TempDir(os.TempDir(), "gpuvis-profile-")
if err != nil {
return err
// We use the profiler configuration from the config file albeit with two
// modifications. (1) The profile command is altered to include the frame loop.
// (2) The profile generated by the profiler is downloaded to a temporary folder.
newCommand := genCustomProfileCmd(cmdTokens, gv.firstFrame, gv.lastFrame, gv.frameCount)
gv.targetDevice.ProfilerConfig.ProfileParams.ProfCommand = newCommand
gv.targetDevice.ProfilerConfig.ProfileParams.LocalProfileDir = tmpDir
profiler := NewTraceProfile(false /* not verbose */)
profiler.Setup(gv.targetDevice, nil, gv.errorOut, gv.profilerBinPath, gv.keepTracesInCache)
go func() {
traces := []string{gv.traceToRun}
profiler.RunTraces(traces, gv.traceCacheDir)
profilerExited <- true
return nil
// Print a helpful message asking the user to hit Enter at the right time, then wait
// until that happens. Channel profilerExited is used to get notified when the profiler
// exits, in case the user forgets to hit Enter or the profiler fails.
func (gv *GpuVisTool) tellUserToHitEnterKeyAndWait(profilerExited chan bool) bool {
"\nThe profiler has been launched to run the trace and will loop %d times on frames %d to %d.\n",
gv.frameCount, gv.firstFrame, gv.lastFrame)
fmt.Printf("When the profiler enters the frame loop, hit the " + redOnBlack +
"Enter" + defaultColors + " key to capture CPU/GPU trace data.\n" + resetCharAttr)
// Wait for user to hit Enter, but bail out if the profiler exits for any reason.
stdin := make(chan byte)
go getStdinInput(stdin)
select {
case <-profilerExited:
fmt.Printf("Profiler exited before capturing trace data: did you forget to hit Enter?\n")
return false
case <-stdin:
return true
// Get char input from stdin. This function will not return until the user hits
// Enter. The Enter key is forwarded to channel input.
func getStdinInput(input chan byte) {
r := bufio.NewReader(os.Stdin)
b, _ := r.ReadByte()
input <- b
// If verbose mode is enabled, print the formatted string.
func (gv *GpuVisTool) printIfVerbose(format string, a ...interface{}) {
if gv.verbose {
fmt.Printf(format, a...)
// Parse and return the frame-loop data from the given string. Frame loop data
// has the form <first-frame>-<last-frame>,loop-count and the three values are
// returned as f0, fN, count.
func parseFrameLoop(str string) (f0, fN, count int, err error) {
f0 = 0
fN = 0
count = 0
// Frame-loop definition should have the form f0-fN,count.
reFrameLoop := regexp.MustCompile(`^\s*([\d]+)\s*-\s*([\d]+),([\d]+)\s*$`)
match := reFrameLoop.FindSubmatch([]byte(str))
if len(match) < 4 {
err = fmt.Errorf("invalid FrameLoop specification: %s", str)
f0, err = strconv.Atoi(string(match[1]))
if err != nil {
fN, err = strconv.Atoi(string(match[2]))
if err != nil {
count, err = strconv.Atoi(string(match[3]))
if err != nil {
if f0 >= fN || count <= 0 {
err = fmt.Errorf("invalid FrameLoop specification: %s", str)
// Parse the profile-command definition, from the profiler config, of the form
// [env] bin-path [options] "[[trace-file]] > [[prof-file]]". Options have
// the form -c, --name or --name=val. The bin path and each option are returned
// as a separate token. The last component between quotes is returned as a
// single token.
func parseProfCmd(str string) (tokens []string) {
var withinString = false
var prevChar, c rune = 0, 0
var command bytes.Buffer
var i int
// Scan the cmd line up to the first - (option) or [ (file parameters).
// Beware of - and [ embedded in strings.
for i, c = range str {
if !withinString && (c == '-' || c == '[') {
if !withinString && c == '"' {
withinString = true
} else if withinString && c == '"' && prevChar != '\\' {
withinString = false
prevChar = c
// All the char accumulated so far form the first token.
tokens = append(tokens, command.String())
// Scan the options, each to one token. Each option starts with a '-' and options
// are separated by spaces. Again, beware of strings.
str = str[i:]
if c == '-' {
var option bytes.Buffer
for i, c = range str {
if option.Len() == 0 && c != '-' && c != ' ' {
if !withinString && c == ' ' {
if option.Len() > 0 {
tokens = append(tokens, option.String())
prevChar = c
if !withinString && c == '"' {
withinString = true
} else if withinString && c == '"' && prevChar != '\\' {
withinString = false
prevChar = c
// What's left of the cmd string forms the last token.
str = str[i:]
if len(str) > 0 {
tokens = append(tokens, str)
// Generate a new profiler command that includes the frame-loop options. If the
// existing profiler-cmd token already include frame-loop options, they are
// discarded. The tokens are those generated by function parseProfCmd above.
func genCustomProfileCmd(cmdTokens []string, startFrame, endFrame, loopCount int) string {
var newCmd bytes.Buffer
// Accumulate existing options, skipping frame-loop options.
for _, opt := range cmdTokens[1 : len(cmdTokens)-1] {
if !strings.HasPrefix("--loop", opt) {
newCmd.WriteString(" " + opt)
// Add our own frame-loop options.
newCmd.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf(" --loop-begin=%d", startFrame))
newCmd.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf(" --loop-end=%d", endFrame))
newCmd.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf(" --loop-repeat-cnt=%d", loopCount))
newCmd.WriteString(" " + cmdTokens[len(cmdTokens)-1])
return newCmd.String()