tree: 81afdacbc173738c14fbaeb86ba265d4142ecee9 [path history] [tgz]
  1. cros_recovery.grd
  2. cros_recovery_am.xtb
  3. cros_recovery_ar.xtb
  4. cros_recovery_bg.xtb
  5. cros_recovery_bn.xtb
  6. cros_recovery_ca.xtb
  7. cros_recovery_cs.xtb
  8. cros_recovery_da.xtb
  9. cros_recovery_de.xtb
  10. cros_recovery_el.xtb
  11. cros_recovery_en-GB.xtb
  12. cros_recovery_es-419.xtb
  13. cros_recovery_es.xtb
  14. cros_recovery_et.xtb
  15. cros_recovery_fa.xtb
  16. cros_recovery_fi.xtb
  17. cros_recovery_fil.xtb
  18. cros_recovery_fr.xtb
  19. cros_recovery_gu.xtb
  20. cros_recovery_hi.xtb
  21. cros_recovery_hr.xtb
  22. cros_recovery_hu.xtb
  23. cros_recovery_id.xtb
  24. cros_recovery_it.xtb
  25. cros_recovery_iw.xtb
  26. cros_recovery_ja.xtb
  27. cros_recovery_kn.xtb
  28. cros_recovery_ko.xtb
  29. cros_recovery_lt.xtb
  30. cros_recovery_lv.xtb
  31. cros_recovery_ml.xtb
  32. cros_recovery_mr.xtb
  33. cros_recovery_ms.xtb
  34. cros_recovery_nl.xtb
  35. cros_recovery_no.xtb
  36. cros_recovery_pl.xtb
  37. cros_recovery_pt-BR.xtb
  38. cros_recovery_pt-PT.xtb
  39. cros_recovery_ro.xtb
  40. cros_recovery_ru.xtb
  41. cros_recovery_sk.xtb
  42. cros_recovery_sl.xtb
  43. cros_recovery_sr.xtb
  44. cros_recovery_sv.xtb
  45. cros_recovery_sw.xtb
  46. cros_recovery_ta.xtb
  47. cros_recovery_te.xtb
  48. cros_recovery_th.xtb
  49. cros_recovery_tr.xtb
  50. cros_recovery_uk.xtb
  51. cros_recovery_vi.xtb
  52. cros_recovery_zh-CN.xtb
  53. cros_recovery_zh-TW.xtb

Recovery Image Localized Texts

This directory contains translations for the message strings shown in the recovery installer UI.

Steps to Modify/Add Messages

The message translation process works as follows:

  1. If you make a code change that requires message changes, adjust the English strings in the cros_recovery.grd file.

  2. To trigger translation of updated messages, take the the current version of cros_recovery.grd and update the copy in Google's internal code repository

  3. Wait until the actual translation process finishes (It can take a few weeks though!)

  4. Build all_xtbs target in the Google's internal code repository:

# Make a g4 client if you haven't already.
$ cd google3/googleclient/chrome/transconsole_resources
$ blaze build all_xtbs
  1. Find out where the blaze dumps the resulting cros_recovery_LANG.xtb files. It will be visible by the blaze command log and possibly here: google3/blaze-genfiles/googleclient/chrome/transconsole_resources/strings/cros

  2. Copy the resulting cros_recovery_LANG.xtb files which contain the translated strings into your Chromium OS local branch. Make sure you get the versions that use the correct fingerprinting algorithm to generate message IDs.

  3. If you are adding any new languages, update the cros_recovery.grd file and update the permissions of new files to 640 using chmod.

  4. Create a code review that updates the corresponding files in this directory. Do a sanity check to verify that your review only contains string changes (i.e. no unexpected message ID changes).

  5. (Optional, but recommended) Check updated images. Run ./make_images inside of the sdk and look at the various images under screens/.

  6. (Optional, but recommended) Build a recovery image with your translation update change present and install the recovery image on a device to verify the translated strings show up as intended.

  7. Have your code change reviewed and submit it as usual.