blob: 80df4986ba7186fd75dea448e13a203293ee20a2 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
extern crate getopts;
extern crate lazy_static;
mod bindings;
mod logging;
use std::error::Error;
use std::ffi::{CStr, CString, NulError};
use std::fmt::{Display, Formatter};
use std::io;
use std::ptr::null;
use std::str::Utf8Error;
use std::sync::Mutex;
use bindings::*;
use getopts::Options;
use logging::{Log, LogError};
const PROG_NAME: &'static str = "mosys";
const VERSION: &'static str = env!("CARGO_PKG_VERSION");
const LOCK_TIMEOUT_SECS: i32 = 180;
lazy_static! {
pub static ref INSTANCES: Mutex<u8> = Mutex::new(0);
pub struct Mosys<'a> {
program: &'a str,
args: Vec<&'a str>,
style: kv_pair_style,
single_key: CString,
platform_override: CString,
impl<'a> Mosys<'a> {
pub fn new(args: &'a [impl AsRef<str>]) -> Result<Mosys<'a>> {
let mut m = INSTANCES.lock().unwrap();
*m += 1;
if *m == 1 {
// Safe because function only mutates state owned by C components.
unsafe {
Log::init(&PROG_NAME, Log::Warning)?;
let mut vec = Vec::new();
let program = args[0].as_ref();
vec.extend(args[1..].iter().map(|v| v.as_ref()));
Ok(Mosys {
program: program,
args: vec,
style: kv_pair_style_KV_STYLE_VALUE,
single_key: CString::default(),
platform_override: CString::default(),
fn print_usage(&self, opts: &Options) {
let brief = format!("Usage: {} [options] {{commands}}", &self.program);
print!("{}", opts.usage(&brief));
pub fn run(&mut self) -> Result<()> {
let mut opts = Options::new();
opts.optflag("k", "keyvalue", "print data in key=value format");
opts.optflag("l", "long", "print data in long format");
opts.optopt("s", "singlekey", "print value for single key", "[key]");
opts.optflagmulti("v", "verbose", "verbose (can be used multiple times)");
"force (ignore mosys lock, sanity checks, etc)",
opts.optflag("t", "tree", "display command tree for detected platform");
opts.optflag("S", "supported", "print supported platform ID's");
"specify platform id (bypass auto-detection)",
opts.optflag("h", "help", "print this help");
opts.optflag("V", "version", "print version");
let matches = opts.parse(&self.args)?;
if matches.opt_present("h") {
return Err(MosysError::Help);
if matches.opt_present("V") {
Log::Warning.logln(&format!("{} version {}", &self.program, VERSION))?;
return Ok(());
for _ in 0..matches.opt_count("v") {
if let Some(s) = matches.opt_str("s") { = kv_pair_style_KV_STYLE_SINGLE;
self.single_key = CString::new(s)?;
// Safe because kv_set_single_key stores a const pointer to this string and this
// CString will live for the duration of the program.
unsafe {
} else if matches.opt_present("k") { = kv_pair_style_KV_STYLE_PAIR;
} else if matches.opt_present("l") { = kv_pair_style_KV_STYLE_LONG;
// Safe because the parameter is an enum constant
unsafe {
if matches.opt_present("S") {
// Safe because all resources in print_platforms are under C control
unsafe {
return match print_platforms() {
0 => Ok(()),
_ => Err(MosysError::NonzeroPlatformListRet),
if !matches.opt_present("f") {
// Safe because argument and return are primitives. Note: this requires root perms
let rc = unsafe { mosys_acquire_big_lock(LOCK_TIMEOUT_SECS) };
if rc < 0 {
Log::Err.logln("Acquiring lock failed")?;
return Err(MosysError::AcqLockFail);
let platform_interface = match matches.opt_str("p") {
Some(p) => {
self.platform_override = CString::new(p)?;
// Safe because mosys_platform_setup only examines the string pointer during init
// and the pointer lives for the duration of the program.
unsafe { mosys_platform_setup(self.platform_override.as_ptr()) }
None => {
// Safe because mosys_platform_setup uses null to skip override
unsafe { mosys_platform_setup(null()) }
if platform_interface.is_null() {
Log::Err.logln("Platform not supported")?;
return Err(MosysError::PlatformNotSupported);
// This is valid so convert it to a regular, mutable reference
let platform_interface = unsafe { &mut *platform_interface };
// Safe because the strings stored on the platform_intf struct are static
let platform_name = unsafe { CStr::from_ptr( };
Log::Debug.logln(&format!("Platform: {}", platform_name))?;
if matches.opt_present("t") {
// Safe because the pointer is guaranteed to be valid at this point
unsafe { print_tree(platform_interface) };
return Ok(());
// Safe because we are testing for null before dereferencing
unsafe {
if platform_interface.sub.is_null() || (*platform_interface.sub).is_null() {
return Err(MosysError::NoCommandsDefined);
let commands = &[..];
self.command_dispatch(platform_interface, &commands, &opts)?;
Log::Debug.logln("Completed successfully")?;
fn command_dispatch(
platform_intf: &mut bindings::platform_intf,
commands: &[String],
opts: &Options,
) -> Result<()> {
let command = if commands.len() == 0 {
} else {
let mut do_list = false;
if command == "help" {
do_list = true;
println!(" Commands:");
let mut subcommand_ptr = platform_intf.sub;
// Safe because subcommand_ptr is checked before dereferencing
while !subcommand_ptr.is_null() && unsafe { !(*subcommand_ptr).is_null() } {
// Safe because *subcommand_ptr is checked before dereferencing
let mut subcommand = unsafe { &mut **subcommand_ptr };
// Safe because subcommand_ptr isn't null
subcommand_ptr = unsafe { subcommand_ptr.offset(1) };
// Safe because is checked before dereferencing
let name = unsafe { CStr::from_ptr( };
if do_list {
// Safe because sub.desc is checked before dereferencing
let desc = unsafe { CStr::from_ptr(subcommand.desc).to_str()? };
println!(" {0: <12} {1}", name, desc);
Log::Debug.logln(&format!("Command: {} ({})", name, command))?;
if name == command {
// Safe because sub.desc is checked before dereferencing
let desc = unsafe { CStr::from_ptr(subcommand.desc).to_str()? };
Log::Debug.logln(&format!("Found command {} ({})", name, desc))?;
return self.subcommand_dispatch(platform_intf, &mut subcommand, &commands[1..]);
if commands.len() == 0 {
return Err(MosysError::NoCommands);
if command == "help" {
return Err(MosysError::Help);
Log::Warning.logln("Command not found\n")?;
// trigger a help listing.
let _res = self.command_dispatch(platform_intf, &[String::from("help")], opts);
return Err(MosysError::CommandNotSupported);
fn subcommand_dispatch(
platform_intf: &mut bindings::platform_intf,
platform_cmd: &mut bindings::platform_cmd,
commands: &[String],
) -> Result<()> {
match platform_cmd.type_ {
bindings::arg_type_ARG_TYPE_GETTER | bindings::arg_type_ARG_TYPE_SETTER => {
// Leaf subcommands should have an associated function
// Safe because func should always be defined
let command_func = match unsafe { platform_cmd.arg.func } {
Some(x) => x,
None => return Err(MosysError::SubcommandFunctionUndefined),
if commands.len() > 0 && commands[0].to_lowercase() == "help" {
// Safe because function only modifies state owned by C components
unsafe { bindings::platform_cmd_usage(platform_cmd) };
return Err(MosysError::Help);
// Format commands to C array of C char*
// CStrings will corrupt if this is done in one step
let mut str_args: Vec<_> = commands
.map(|arg| CString::new(arg.as_str()).unwrap())
let mut args: Vec<_> = str_args
.map(|arg| arg.as_ptr() as *mut std::os::raw::c_char)
let argv: *mut *mut std::os::raw::c_char = args.as_mut_ptr();
// Safe because function only modifies state owned by C components
let res = unsafe {
command_func(platform_intf, platform_cmd, commands.len() as i32, argv)
if res == 0 {
return Ok(());
} else {
return Err(MosysError::SubcommandFunctionError(res));
bindings::arg_type_ARG_TYPE_SUB => {
match commands.first() {
None => {
return Err(MosysError::NotEnoughSubcommands);
Some(x) if x == "help" => {
return Err(MosysError::Help);
_ => (),
let command = &commands[0].to_lowercase();
// Safe because sub union field should exist
let mut subcommand_ptr = unsafe { platform_cmd.arg.sub };
// Safe because cmd is checked before dereferencing
while !subcommand_ptr.is_null() && unsafe { !(*subcommand_ptr).name.is_null() } {
// Safe because cmd is checked before dereferencing
let mut subcommand = unsafe { &mut *subcommand_ptr };
let name = unsafe { CStr::from_ptr( };
if name == command {
let desc = unsafe { CStr::from_ptr(subcommand.desc).to_str()? };
Log::Debug.logln(&format!("Subcommand {} ({})", name, desc))?;
return self.subcommand_dispatch(
&mut subcommand,
// Safe because cmd isn't null
subcommand_ptr = unsafe { subcommand_ptr.offset(1) };
_ => {
Log::Err.logln("Unknown subcommand type")?;
return Err(MosysError::CommandNotSupported);
Log::Warning.logln("Command not found")?;
return Err(MosysError::CommandNotSupported);
fn list_subcommands(&self, platform_cmd: &bindings::platform_cmd) -> Result<()> {
println!(" Commands:");
// Safe because sub union field should exist
let mut subcommand = unsafe { platform_cmd.arg.sub };
// Safe because subcommand is checked before derefencing
while !subcommand.is_null() && unsafe { !(*subcommand).name.is_null() } {
// subcommand isn't null so save *sub as a mutable refence
let subcommand_struct = unsafe { &mut *subcommand };
// Safe because subcommand isn't null
subcommand = unsafe { subcommand.offset(1) };
let name = unsafe { CStr::from_ptr( };
let desc = unsafe { CStr::from_ptr(subcommand_struct.desc).to_str()? };
println!(" {0: <12} {1}", name, desc);
impl<'a> Drop for Mosys<'a> {
fn drop(&mut self) {
let mut m = INSTANCES.lock().unwrap();
*m -= 1;
pub enum MosysError {
impl Display for MosysError {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter) -> std::fmt::Result {
match *self {
MosysError::Flag(ref err) => write!(f, "Flag error: {}", err),
MosysError::Io(ref err) => write!(f, "IO error: {}", err),
MosysError::Log(ref err) => write!(f, "Logging error: {}", err),
MosysError::NullString(ref err) => write!(f, "String with null byte passed: {}", err),
MosysError::InvalidUtf8(ref err) => {
write!(f, "C string with invalid UTF-8 passed: {}", err)
MosysError::Help => write!(f, "Requested help"),
MosysError::NoCommands => write!(f, "No commands given"),
MosysError::NoCommandsDefined => write!(f, "No commands defined for platform"),
MosysError::NonzeroPlatformListRet => write!(f, "Platform list failed"),
MosysError::AcqLockFail => write!(f, "Aquiring global, system lock failed"),
MosysError::PlatformNotSupported => write!(f, "Platform not supported"),
MosysError::CommandNotSupported => write!(f, "Command not supported on this platform"),
MosysError::NotEnoughSubcommands => write!(f, "Not enough subcommands were given"),
MosysError::SubcommandFunctionError(ref err) => {
write!(f, "Subcommand execution finished with error {}", err)
MosysError::SubcommandFunctionUndefined => {
write!(f, "Subcommand dosen't have a defined function")
impl Error for MosysError {
// Remove this when lands
fn description(&self) -> &str {
match *self {
MosysError::Flag(ref err) => err.description(),
MosysError::Io(ref err) => err.description(),
MosysError::Log(ref err) => err.description(),
MosysError::NullString(ref err) => err.description(),
MosysError::InvalidUtf8(ref err) => err.description(),
MosysError::Help => "Requested help",
MosysError::NoCommands => "No commands given",
MosysError::NoCommandsDefined => "No commands defined for platform",
MosysError::NonzeroPlatformListRet => "Platform list failure",
MosysError::AcqLockFail => "Aquiring global, system lock failed",
MosysError::PlatformNotSupported => "Platform not supported",
MosysError::CommandNotSupported => "Command not supported on this platform",
MosysError::NotEnoughSubcommands => "Not enough subcommands were given",
MosysError::SubcommandFunctionError(ref _err) => {
"Subcommand execution finished with an error"
MosysError::SubcommandFunctionUndefined => "Subcommand doesn't have a defined function",
fn cause(&self) -> Option<&Error> {
match *self {
MosysError::Flag(ref err) => Some(err),
MosysError::Io(ref err) => Some(err),
MosysError::Log(ref err) => Some(err),
MosysError::NullString(ref err) => Some(err),
MosysError::InvalidUtf8(ref err) => Some(err),
_ => None,
impl From<getopts::Fail> for MosysError {
fn from(err: getopts::Fail) -> MosysError {
impl From<io::Error> for MosysError {
fn from(err: io::Error) -> MosysError {
impl From<LogError> for MosysError {
fn from(err: LogError) -> MosysError {
impl From<NulError> for MosysError {
fn from(err: NulError) -> MosysError {
impl From<Utf8Error> for MosysError {
fn from(err: Utf8Error) -> MosysError {
type Result<T> = std::result::Result<T, MosysError>;
mod tests {
use super::*;
use logging::LAST_LOG;
// Verbosity and kv_pair_style are global so this lock allows us to run tests at the same time
// that won't stomp on each other.
lazy_static! {
static ref LOCK: Mutex<u8> = Mutex::new(0);
fn test_new() {
let _test_lock = LOCK.lock().unwrap();
let args = ["someprogname", "-f", "-p", "Link", "command"];
Mosys::new(&args).expect("Instantiation failed");
fn test_help() {
let _test_lock = LOCK.lock().unwrap();
let args = ["someprogname", "-h", "command"];
let mut mosys = Mosys::new(&args).unwrap();
match {
Err(MosysError::Help) => (),
_ => panic!("Should have returned help error code"),
/// This test will always fail as expected when not run as root (as tests should never be).
fn test_lock_fail() {
let _test_lock = LOCK.lock().unwrap();
let args = ["someprogname", "command"];
let mut mosys = Mosys::new(&args).unwrap();
match {
Err(MosysError::AcqLockFail) => (),
_ => panic!("Should have failed to acquire lock when not running as root"),
fn test_platform_not_supported() {
let _test_lock = LOCK.lock().unwrap();
let args = [
let mut mosys = Mosys::new(&args).unwrap();
match {
Err(MosysError::PlatformNotSupported) => (),
_ => panic!("Should have failed to find a platform"),
fn test_version() {
let _test_lock = LOCK.lock().unwrap();
let args = ["someprogname", "-V"];
let mut mosys = Mosys::new(&args).unwrap();"Should have exited Ok(())");
&format!("someprogname version {}\n", env!("CARGO_PKG_VERSION"))
fn test_verbosity() {
let _test_lock = LOCK.lock().unwrap();
let args = [
let mut mosys = Mosys::new(&args).unwrap();
match {
Err(MosysError::CommandNotSupported) => (),
_ => panic!("Should have succeeded with getopts arguments"),
let t = Log::get_threshold();
assert_eq!(t, Log::Spew, "Should have incremented verbosity to max");
fn test_platform_list() {
let _test_lock = LOCK.lock().unwrap();
let args = ["someprogname", "-S", "-v"];
let mut mosys = Mosys::new(&args).unwrap();"Should have exited Ok(())");
fn test_misc_args() {
let _test_lock = LOCK.lock().unwrap();
let args = [
let mut mosys = Mosys::new(&args).unwrap();
.expect("Should have succeeded with getopts arguments");
let t = Log::get_threshold();
assert_eq!(t, Log::Warning, "Should not have incremented verbosity");
fn test_single_kv_pair() {
let _test_lock = LOCK.lock().unwrap();
let args = [
let mut mosys = Mosys::new(&args).unwrap();
match {
Err(MosysError::CommandNotSupported) => (),
_ => panic!("Should have succeeded with getopts arguments"),
let r;
unsafe {
r = mosys_get_kv_pair_style();
r, kv_pair_style_KV_STYLE_SINGLE,
"Should have change kv_pair_style"
fn test_long_kv_pair() {
let _test_lock = LOCK.lock().unwrap();
let args = ["someprogname", "-f", "-p", "Link", "-l", "command"];
let mut mosys = Mosys::new(&args).unwrap();
match {
Err(MosysError::CommandNotSupported) => (),
_ => panic!("Should have succeeded with getopts arguments"),
let r;
unsafe {
r = mosys_get_kv_pair_style();
r, kv_pair_style_KV_STYLE_LONG,
"Should have change kv_pair_style"
fn test_pair_kv_pair() {
let _test_lock = LOCK.lock().unwrap();
let args = ["someprogname", "-f", "-p", "Link", "-k", "command"];
let mut mosys = Mosys::new(&args).unwrap();
match {
Err(MosysError::CommandNotSupported) => (),
_ => panic!("Should have succeeded with getopts arguments"),
let r;
unsafe {
r = mosys_get_kv_pair_style();
r, kv_pair_style_KV_STYLE_PAIR,
"Should have change kv_pair_style"
fn test_no_commands_defined() {
let _test_lock = LOCK.lock().unwrap();
let args = ["someprogname", "-f", "-p", "Dummy", "-k", "command"];
let mut mosys = Mosys::new(&args).unwrap();
match {
Err(MosysError::NoCommandsDefined) => (),
_ => panic!("Should have returned error that platform has no commands"),
fn test_ffi() {
// Safe because functions only mutate state owned by C components.
unsafe {
let ret = mosys_get_kv_pair_style();
assert_eq!(ret, kv_pair_style_KV_STYLE_PAIR);;
fn test_sub_help() {
let _test_lock = LOCK.lock().unwrap();
let args = ["someprogname", "-f", "-p", "Link", "ec", "help"];
let mut mosys = Mosys::new(&args).unwrap();
match {
Err(MosysError::Help) => (),
_ => panic!("Should have returned help error code"),
fn test_subcommand() {
let _test_lock = LOCK.lock().unwrap();
let args = ["someprogname", "-f", "-p", "Link", "ec", "info"];
let mut mosys = Mosys::new(&args).unwrap();"Complete command should return Ok(())");
fn test_full_subcommand_help() {
let _test_lock = LOCK.lock().unwrap();
let args = ["someprogname", "-f", "-p", "Link", "ec", "info", "help"];
let mut mosys = Mosys::new(&args).unwrap();
match {
Err(MosysError::Help) => (),
_ => panic!("Should have returned help error code"),
fn test_no_subcommand() {
let _test_lock = LOCK.lock().unwrap();
let args = ["someprogname", "-f", "-p", "Link", "ec"];
let mut mosys = Mosys::new(&args).unwrap();
match {
Err(MosysError::NotEnoughSubcommands) => (),
_ => panic!("Should have returned no subcommands error code"),
fn test_subcommand_not_supported() {
let _test_lock = LOCK.lock().unwrap();
let args = ["someprogname", "-f", "-p", "Link", "ec", "fake"];
let mut mosys = Mosys::new(&args).unwrap();
match {
Err(MosysError::CommandNotSupported) => (),
_ => panic!("Should have returned command not supported error code"),