blob: 4b3be34b4557a11f7b78c6f53fb2ddad48690684 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <glib.h>
#include <libmtp.h>
#include <map>
#include <string>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include <base/basictypes.h>
#include <base/memory/linked_ptr.h>
#include <base/memory/weak_ptr.h>
#include <base/synchronization/lock.h>
#include <base/threading/simple_thread.h>
#include "file_entry.h"
#include "storage_info.h"
extern "C" {
struct udev;
struct udev_device;
struct udev_monitor;
namespace mtpd {
class DeviceEventDelegate;
class DeviceManager {
// Function to process path components. Exposed for testing.
typedef bool (*ProcessPathComponentFunc)(const LIBMTP_file_t*, size_t, size_t,
explicit DeviceManager(DeviceEventDelegate* delegate);
// Returns a file descriptor for monitoring device events.
int GetDeviceEventDescriptor() const;
// Processes the available device events.
void ProcessDeviceEvents();
// Returns a vector of attached MTP storages.
std::vector<std::string> EnumerateStorages();
// Returns true if |storage_name| is attached.
bool HasStorage(const std::string& storage_name);
// Returns storage metadata for |storage_name|.
const StorageInfo* GetStorageInfo(const std::string& storage_name);
// Exposed for testing.
// |storage_name| should be in the form of "usb:bus_location:storage_id".
// Returns true and fills |usb_bus_str| and |storage_id| on success.
static bool ParseStorageName(const std::string& storage_name,
std::string* usb_bus_str,
uint32_t* storage_id);
// Exposed for testing.
// Returns true if |path_component| is a folder and writes |path_component|'s
// id to |file_id|.
static bool IsFolder(const LIBMTP_file_t* path_component,
size_t component_idx,
size_t num_path_components,
uint32_t* file_id);
// Exposed for testing.
// Given |path_component|, which is the (0-based) |component_idx| out of
// |num_path_components|, returns true and writes |path_component|'s id to
// |file_id| under the following conditions:
// |path_component| is a folder and not the last component.
// |path_component| is a file and the last component.
static bool IsValidComponentInFilePath(const LIBMTP_file_t* path_component,
size_t component_idx,
size_t num_path_components,
uint32_t* file_id);
// Exposed for testing.
// Given |path_component|, which is the (0-based) |component_idx| out of
// |num_path_components|, returns true and writes |path_component|'s id to
// |file_id| under the following conditions:
// |path_component| is a folder or
// |path_component| is a file and the last component.
static bool IsValidComponentInFileOrFolderPath(
const LIBMTP_file_t* path_component,
size_t component_idx,
size_t num_path_components,
uint32_t* file_id);
// Reads entries from |file_path| on |storage_name|.
// On success, returns true and writes the file entries of |file_path| into
// |out|. Otherwise returns false.
bool ReadDirectoryByPath(const std::string& storage_name,
const std::string& file_path,
std::vector<FileEntry>* out);
// Reads entries from |file_id| on |storage_name|.
// |file_id| is the unique identifier for a directory on |storage_name|.
// For the root node, pass in |kRootFileId|.
// On success, returns true and writes the file entries of |file_id| into
// |out|. Otherwise returns false.
bool ReadDirectoryById(const std::string& storage_name,
uint32_t file_id,
std::vector<FileEntry>* out);
// Reads the contents of |file_path| on |storage_name|.
// Reads |count| bytes starting at |offset|.
// On success, returns true and writes the file contents of |file_path| into
// |out|. Otherwise returns false.
bool ReadFileChunkByPath(const std::string& storage_name,
const std::string& file_path,
uint32_t offset,
uint32_t count,
std::vector<uint8_t>* out);
// Reads the contents of |file_id| on |storage_name|.
// Reads |count| bytes starting at |offset|.
// |file_id| is the unique identifier for a directory on |storage_name|.
// |file_id| should never refer to the root node.
// On success, returns true and writes the file contents of |file_id| into
// |out|. Otherwise returns false.
bool ReadFileChunkById(const std::string& storage_name,
uint32_t file_id,
uint32_t offset,
uint32_t count,
std::vector<uint8_t>* out);
// Reads the metafile for |file_path| on |storage_name|.
// On success, returns true and writes the metadata of |file_path| into
// |out|. Otherwise returns false.
bool GetFileInfoByPath(const std::string& storage_name,
const std::string& file_path,
FileEntry* out);
// Reads the metadata for |file_id| on |storage_name|.
// |file_id| is the unique identifier for a directory on |storage_name|.
// For the root node, pass in |kRootFileId|.
// On success, returns true and writes the metadata of |file_id| into
// |out|. Otherwise returns false.
bool GetFileInfoById(const std::string& storage_name,
uint32_t file_id,
FileEntry* out);
// Used in testing to add dummy storages.
// Returns whether the test storage has been successfully added.
// The dummy storage has no physical device backing it, so this should only
// be used when testing functionality that does not require communicating
// with a real device.
bool AddStorageForTest(const std::string& storage_name,
const StorageInfo& storage_info);
// Key: MTP storage id, Value: metadata for the given storage.
typedef std::map<uint32_t, StorageInfo> MtpStorageMap;
// (device handle, map of storages on the device, device polling thread)
struct MtpDevice {
LIBMTP_mtpdevice_t* first;
MtpStorageMap second;
linked_ptr<base::SimpleThread> third;
MtpDevice() : first(NULL) {}
MtpDevice(LIBMTP_mtpdevice_t* d, const MtpStorageMap& m,
base::SimpleThread* t)
: first(d), second(m), third(t) {}
MtpDevice(const MtpDevice& rhs)
: first(rhs.first), second(rhs.second), third(rhs.third) {}
// Key: device bus location, Value: MtpDevice.
typedef std::map<std::string, MtpDevice> MtpDeviceMap;
// On storage with |storage_id| on |device|, looks up the file id for
// |file_path| using |process_func| to determine if the components in
// |file_path| are valid.
// On success, returns true, and write the file id to |file_id|.
// Otherwise returns false.
// For the root node, |file_id| is set to |kPtpGohRootParent|, which may or
// may not be appropriate for a given context.
bool PathToFileId(LIBMTP_mtpdevice_t* device,
uint32_t storage_id,
const std::string& file_path,
ProcessPathComponentFunc process_func,
uint32_t* file_id);
// Reads entries from |device|'s storage with |storage_id|.
// |file_id| is the unique identifier for a directory on the given storage.
// For the root node, pass in |kPtpGohRootParent|.
// On success, returns true and writes the file entries of |file_id| into
// |out|. Otherwise returns false.
bool ReadDirectory(LIBMTP_mtpdevice_t* device,
uint32_t storage_id,
uint32_t file_id,
std::vector<FileEntry>* out);
// Reads the contents of |file_id| from |device|.
// Reads |count| bytes starting at |offset|.
// |file_id| is the unique identifier for a file on the given storage.
// |file_id| should never refer to the root node.
// On success, returns true and writes the file contents of |file_id| into
// |out|. Otherwise returns false.
bool ReadFileChunk(LIBMTP_mtpdevice_t* device,
uint32_t file_id,
uint32_t offset,
uint32_t count,
std::vector<uint8_t>* out);
// Reads the metadata of |file_id| from a storage on |device| with
// |storage_id|.
// |file_id| is the unique identifier for a file on the given device.
// For the root node, pass in |kRootFileId|.
// On success, returns true and writes the metadata of |file_id| into |out|.
// Otherwise returns false.
bool GetFileInfo(LIBMTP_mtpdevice_t* device,
uint32_t storage_id,
uint32_t file_id,
FileEntry* out);
// Helper function that returns the libmtp device handle and storage id for a
// given |storage_name|.
bool GetDeviceAndStorageId(const std::string& storage_name,
LIBMTP_mtpdevice_t** mtp_device,
uint32_t* storage_id);
// Callback for udev when something changes for |device|.
void HandleDeviceNotification(udev_device* device);
// This is called by a separate thread which blocks in it
// polling the device specified by |mtp_device| and |usb_name|.
void PollDevice(LIBMTP_mtpdevice_t* mtp_device,
const std::string& usb_bus_name);
// Iterates through attached devices and find ones that are newly attached.
// Then populates |device_map_| for the newly attached devices.
// If this is called as a result of a callback, it came from |source|,
// which needs to be properly destructed.
void AddDevices(GSource* source);
// Re-reads the storage advertised by an already known device
// on the USB bus. Returns the new device structure used by libmtp.
LIBMTP_mtpdevice_t* UpdateDevice(const std::string& usb_bus_name);
// Shared code for both AddDevices and UpdateDevice.
// |add_update| is set true for add. |usb_bus_name| is only used
// for update which returns the new libmtp device structure,
// otherwise NULL.
LIBMTP_mtpdevice_t* AddOrUpdateDevices(bool add_update,
const std::string& usb_bus_name);
// Iterates through attached devices and find ones that have been detached.
// Then removes the detached devices from |device_map_|.
// If |remove_all| is true, then assumes all devices have been detached.
void RemoveDevices(bool remove_all);
// libudev-related items: the main context, the monitoring context to be
// notified about changes to device states, and the monitoring context's
// file descriptor.
udev* udev_;
udev_monitor* udev_monitor_;
int udev_monitor_fd_;
DeviceEventDelegate* delegate_;
// Map of devices and storages. Requires |device_map_lock_| to access.
MtpDeviceMap device_map_;
base::Lock device_map_lock_;
base::WeakPtrFactory<DeviceManager> weak_ptr_factory_;
} // namespace mtpd