blob: fe0f23d45b2c9c7b4703c65b8bc242ab43858649 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2024 The ChromiumOS Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
package gscdevboard
import (
type gSCCCDStrapsParam struct {
strap ti50.GpioStrap
expectedState ti50.UsbDeviceLinkState
func init() {
Func: GSCCCDStraps,
Desc: "Test that the GSC identifies all valid CCD strap configurations",
Timeout: 10 * time.Second,
Contacts: []string{
"", // CrOS GSC Developers
BugComponent: "b:715469", // ChromeOS > Platform > System > Hardware Security > HwSec GSC > Ti50
Attr: []string{"group:gsc", "gsc_dt_ab", "gsc_dt_shield", "gsc_ot_shield", "gsc_image_ti50", "gsc_nightly"},
Fixture: fixture.GSCOpenCCD,
Params: []testing.Param{{
Name: "suzyq",
Val: gSCCCDStrapsParam{
strap: ti50.CcdSuzyQ,
expectedState: ti50.SuzyQConnected,
}, {
Name: "suzyq_flipped",
Val: gSCCCDStrapsParam{
strap: ti50.CcdSuzyQFlipped,
expectedState: ti50.UsbDisconnected,
}, {
Name: "servo",
Val: gSCCCDStrapsParam{
strap: ti50.CcdServo,
expectedState: ti50.ServoConnected,
}, {
Name: "servo_flipped",
Val: gSCCCDStrapsParam{
strap: ti50.CcdServoFlipped,
expectedState: ti50.ServoFlippedConnected,
}, {
Name: "servo_sink1",
Val: gSCCCDStrapsParam{
strap: ti50.CcdServoSnk1,
expectedState: ti50.ServoSink1Connected,
}, {
Name: "servo_sink2",
Val: gSCCCDStrapsParam{
strap: ti50.CcdServoSnk2,
expectedState: ti50.ServoSink2Connected,
}, {
Name: "servo_sink3",
Val: gSCCCDStrapsParam{
strap: ti50.CcdServoSnk3,
expectedState: ti50.ServoSink3Connected,
func GSCCCDStraps(ctx context.Context, s *testing.State) {
userParams := s.Param().(gSCCCDStrapsParam)
b := utils.NewDevboardHelper(s)
i := ti50.MustOpenCrOSImage(ctx, b, s)
defer i.Close(ctx)
th := utils.FirmwareTestingHelper{FirmwareTestingHelperDelegate: s}
s.Log("Restarting GSC")
b.GpioApplyStrap(ctx, ti50.CcdDisconnected)
th.MustSucceed(i.WaitUntilBooted(ctx), "GSC revives after reboot")
// Make sure that we report that we're disconnected first
usbAdcInfo, err := i.USBADCInfo(ctx)
th.MustSucceed(err, "Error communicating with GSC")
if usbAdcInfo.State != ti50.UsbDisconnected {
s.Error("Expected GSC to report CCD disconnect, but was: ", usbAdcInfo.State)
// Set the strap to test
b.GpioApplyStrap(ctx, userParams.strap)
th.MustSucceed(testing.Sleep(ctx, 2*time.Second), "Context expired while waiting for GSC to process the strap change") // GoBigSleepLint: Wait for GSC to process the strap change
// Check the we report the new USB ADC link state
usbAdcInfo, err = i.USBADCInfo(ctx)
th.MustSucceed(err, "Error communicating with GSC")
if usbAdcInfo.State != userParams.expectedState {
s.Errorf("Expected GSC to report %v state with no reboot, but was %v", userParams.expectedState, usbAdcInfo.State)
// Reboot the device again without changing the strap
s.Log("Restarting GSC without changing CCD strap")
th.MustSucceed(i.WaitUntilBooted(ctx), "GSC revives after reboot")
// Check that we read the correct strapping
usbAdcInfo, err = i.USBADCInfo(ctx)
th.MustSucceed(err, "Error communicating with GSC")
if usbAdcInfo.State != userParams.expectedState {
s.Errorf("Expected GSC to report %v state after reboot, but was %v", userParams.expectedState, usbAdcInfo.State)