blob: 18a7ff9675821abe41dc2cb91d93e657fc67c861 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2023 The ChromiumOS Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
package gscdevboard
import (
func init() {
Func: GSCTPMI2CCorners,
Desc: "Test TPM I2C corner cases",
Timeout: 5 * time.Minute,
Contacts: []string{
"", // CrOS GSC Developers
BugComponent: "b:715469", // ChromeOS > Platform > System > Hardware Security > HwSec GSC > Ti50
Attr: []string{"group:gsc",
"gsc_h1_shield", "gsc_dt_ab", "gsc_dt_shield", "gsc_ot_shield",
Fixture: fixture.GSCOpenCCD,
func GSCTPMI2CCorners(ctx context.Context, s *testing.State) {
b := utils.NewDevboardHelper(s)
i := ti50.MustOpenCrOSImage(ctx, b, s)
defer i.Close(ctx)
// Record everything that goes on on SDA/SCL lines, for manual inspection later.
gpioMonitor := b.GpioMonitorStart(ctx, ti50.GpioTi50DeviceI2cSda, ti50.GpioTi50DeviceI2cScl)
tpmHandle := b.ResetAndTpmStartupForBus(ctx, i, ti50.TpmBusI2c, ti50.CcdDisconnected, ti50.FfClamshell)
// Below the low level OpenTitanToolCommand() is used to send I2C transactions in various
// ways, which do not form valid TPM commands. If we find that other tests need to
// perform similar actions, then we should consider how to create proper helper methods,
// to avoid having to explicitly mention I2C busses on each invocation.
// Perform irregular I2C transaction, ask for content of status register, but never read
// the bytes.
_, err := b.OpenTitanToolCommand(ctx, "i2c", "--bus", "0", "--addr", "80", "raw-write", "--hexdata", "01")
if err != nil {
s.Fatal("i2c error: ", err)
// Now read DIDVID register again. This should cause previously enqueued status register
// data to be discarded from the Dauntless I2C fifo.
didVid := tpmHandle.ReadRegister(ti50.TpmRegDidVid)
expectedDidVidValue := b.GscProperties().ExpectedDidVidValue()
if !bytes.Equal(didVid, expectedDidVidValue) {
s.Error("Unexpected TPM DID_VID after partial I2C transaction: ", didVid)
// Perform irregular I2C transaction, ask for other I2C addresses.
for addr := 0; addr <= 127; addr++ {
if addr == 0x50 {
_, err = b.OpenTitanToolCommand(ctx, "i2c", "--bus", "0", "--addr", strconv.Itoa(addr), "raw-write", "--hexdata", "01")
if err == nil {
// No error from opentitantool means that GSC ack'ed the address.
s.Error("GSC responded to other address: ", addr)
// Perform irregular I2C transaction, read more bytes than the size of the register.
_, err = b.OpenTitanToolCommand(ctx, "i2c", "--bus", "0", "--addr", "80", "raw-write-read", "--hexdata", "01", "--length", "16")
if err != nil {
s.Fatal("i2c error: ", err)
testWedgedAddrAck(ctx, b, tpmHandle, s)
testWedgedData(ctx, b, tpmHandle, s)
testWedgedDataAck(ctx, b, tpmHandle, s)
// Check one final time that that GSC still responds to DIDVID register, to make sure it
// has not crashed or got the I2C driver into a funny state.
didVid = tpmHandle.ReadRegister(ti50.TpmRegDidVid)
if !bytes.Equal(didVid, expectedDidVidValue) {
s.Error("Unexpected TPM DID_VID: ", didVid)
// Store transcript of SDA/SCL events in .vcd format, to be reviewed in e.g. Pulseview.
events := b.GpioMonitorFinish(ctx, gpioMonitor)
gpioMonitor.Save(ctx, events, "i2c.vcd")
// testWedgedAddrAck performs an irregular I2C transaction: Addressing the GSC, but then
// simulating that the AP resets and loses its state in the middle of clocking, while the GSC was
// acking the address (keeping the SDA line low, preventing the AP from issuing "start" condition,
// AKA a "wedged bus").
func testWedgedAddrAck(ctx context.Context, b utils.DevboardHelper, tpmHandle *utils.TpmHelper, s *testing.State) {
prepareBitbanging(ctx, b, tpmHandle, s)
defer doneBitbanging(ctx, b, s)
// Start condition
b.GpioSet(ctx, ti50.GpioTi50DeviceI2cSda, false)
b.GpioSet(ctx, ti50.GpioTi50DeviceI2cScl, false)
// 7 bits of address 0x50
sendI2cAddress(ctx, b, 0x50)
// Read mode
b.GpioSet(ctx, ti50.GpioTi50DeviceI2cSda, true)
b.GpioSet(ctx, ti50.GpioTi50DeviceI2cScl, true)
b.GpioSet(ctx, ti50.GpioTi50DeviceI2cScl, false)
// ACK
verifyUnwedge(ctx, b, s, "Address ack")
// testWedgedData performs an irregular I2C transaction: Asking for the content of the status
// register, but reading only some of the bits, then simulating that the AP resets and loses its
// state in the middle of clocking, while the GSC was outputting a zero data bit (keeping the SDA
// line low, preventing the AP from issuing "start" condition, AKA a "wedged bus").
func testWedgedData(ctx context.Context, b utils.DevboardHelper, tpmHandle *utils.TpmHelper, s *testing.State) {
prepareBitbanging(ctx, b, tpmHandle, s)
defer doneBitbanging(ctx, b, s)
// Start condition
b.GpioSet(ctx, ti50.GpioTi50DeviceI2cSda, false)
b.GpioSet(ctx, ti50.GpioTi50DeviceI2cScl, false)
// 7 bits of address 0x50
sendI2cAddress(ctx, b, 0x50)
// Read mode
b.GpioSet(ctx, ti50.GpioTi50DeviceI2cSda, true)
b.GpioSet(ctx, ti50.GpioTi50DeviceI2cScl, true)
b.GpioSet(ctx, ti50.GpioTi50DeviceI2cScl, false)
// ACK
b.GpioSet(ctx, ti50.GpioTi50DeviceI2cSda, true)
b.GpioSet(ctx, ti50.GpioTi50DeviceI2cScl, true)
if b.GpioGet(ctx, ti50.GpioTi50DeviceI2cSda) != false {
s.Error("No ack")
b.GpioSet(ctx, ti50.GpioTi50DeviceI2cScl, false)
// Now look for the first zero bit in the data from the GSC. (We are reading DID_VID
// register, and knows that the first byte will contain bits of value zero.)
b.GpioSet(ctx, ti50.GpioTi50DeviceI2cScl, true)
for b.GpioGet(ctx, ti50.GpioTi50DeviceI2cSda) {
b.GpioSet(ctx, ti50.GpioTi50DeviceI2cScl, false)
b.GpioSet(ctx, ti50.GpioTi50DeviceI2cScl, true)
verifyUnwedge(ctx, b, s, "Data read")
// testWedgedDataAck performs an irregular I2C transaction: Addressing the GSC, and beginning to
// write a byte (register address) then simulating that the AP resets and loses its state in the
// middle of clocking, while the GSC was acking the data byte (keeping the SDA line low,
// preventing the AP from issuing "start" condition, AKA a "wedged bus").
func testWedgedDataAck(ctx context.Context, b utils.DevboardHelper, tpmHandle *utils.TpmHelper, s *testing.State) {
prepareBitbanging(ctx, b, tpmHandle, s)
defer doneBitbanging(ctx, b, s)
// Start condition
b.GpioSet(ctx, ti50.GpioTi50DeviceI2cSda, false)
b.GpioSet(ctx, ti50.GpioTi50DeviceI2cScl, false)
// 7 bits of address 0x50
sendI2cAddress(ctx, b, 0x50)
// Write mode
b.GpioSet(ctx, ti50.GpioTi50DeviceI2cSda, false)
b.GpioSet(ctx, ti50.GpioTi50DeviceI2cScl, true)
b.GpioSet(ctx, ti50.GpioTi50DeviceI2cScl, false)
// Address ACK
b.GpioSet(ctx, ti50.GpioTi50DeviceI2cSda, true)
b.GpioSet(ctx, ti50.GpioTi50DeviceI2cScl, true)
if b.GpioGet(ctx, ti50.GpioTi50DeviceI2cSda) != false {
s.Error("No ack")
b.GpioSet(ctx, ti50.GpioTi50DeviceI2cScl, false)
for i := 0; i < 8; i++ {
b.GpioSet(ctx, ti50.GpioTi50DeviceI2cScl, true)
if b.GpioGet(ctx, ti50.GpioTi50DeviceI2cSda) != true {
s.Error("Unexpected driving of SDA by GSC")
b.GpioSet(ctx, ti50.GpioTi50DeviceI2cScl, false)
// Data byte ACK
verifyUnwedge(ctx, b, s, "Write data ack")
// prepareBitbanging will ask the GSC for the value of the DID_VID register, without reading the
// value, and then reconfigure the SDA and SCL pins for bit-banging. This means that any
// subsequent I2C read transaction should expect to receive the DID_VID value.
func prepareBitbanging(ctx context.Context, b utils.DevboardHelper, tpmHandle *utils.TpmHelper, s *testing.State) {
// Check that that GSC still responds to DIDVID register, to make sure it has not
// crashed or got the I2C driver into a funny state.
didVid := tpmHandle.ReadRegister(ti50.TpmRegDidVid)
expectedDidVidValue := b.GscProperties().ExpectedDidVidValue()
if !bytes.Equal(didVid, expectedDidVidValue) {
s.Error("Unexpected TPM DID_VID: ", didVid)
// Now again write the address of the DIDVID register. Do not yet attempt to read the
// value.
_, err := b.OpenTitanToolCommand(ctx, "i2c", "--bus", "0", "--addr", "80", "raw-write", "--hexdata", "06")
if err != nil {
s.Fatal("I2c error: ", err)
b.GpioMultiSet(ctx, ti50.GpioTi50DeviceI2cSda, true, utils.GpioModeOpenDrain, utils.GpioPullUp)
b.GpioMultiSet(ctx, ti50.GpioTi50DeviceI2cScl, true, utils.GpioModeOpenDrain, utils.GpioPullUp)
func doneBitbanging(ctx context.Context, b utils.DevboardHelper, s *testing.State) {
b.GpioMultiSet(ctx, ti50.GpioTi50DeviceI2cSda, true, utils.GpioModeAlternate, utils.GpioPullUp)
b.GpioMultiSet(ctx, ti50.GpioTi50DeviceI2cScl, true, utils.GpioModeAlternate, utils.GpioPullUp)
func sendI2cAddress(ctx context.Context, b utils.DevboardHelper, addr int) {
for i := 7; i > 0; {
b.GpioSet(ctx, ti50.GpioTi50DeviceI2cSda, (addr&(1<<i)) != 0)
b.GpioSet(ctx, ti50.GpioTi50DeviceI2cScl, true)
b.GpioSet(ctx, ti50.GpioTi50DeviceI2cScl, false)
func verifyUnwedge(ctx context.Context, b utils.DevboardHelper, s *testing.State, testcase string) {
b.GpioSet(ctx, ti50.GpioTi50DeviceI2cSda, true)
b.GpioSet(ctx, ti50.GpioTi50DeviceI2cScl, true)
testTime := time.Now()
if b.GpioGet(ctx, ti50.GpioTi50DeviceI2cSda) != false {
s.Errorf("%s: I2C device did not pull SDA low", testcase)
var elapsedTime time.Duration
for ; elapsedTime < 5*time.Second; elapsedTime = time.Since(testTime) {
if b.GpioGet(ctx, ti50.GpioTi50DeviceI2cSda) == true {
s.Logf("%s: Wedge ended after %d ms", testcase, int64(elapsedTime/time.Millisecond))
s.Error("I2C bus wedged")
b.GpioSet(ctx, ti50.GpioTi50DeviceI2cScl, false)
for !b.GpioGet(ctx, ti50.GpioTi50DeviceI2cSda) {
b.GpioSet(ctx, ti50.GpioTi50DeviceI2cScl, true)
b.GpioSet(ctx, ti50.GpioTi50DeviceI2cScl, false)
// Stop condition
b.GpioSet(ctx, ti50.GpioTi50DeviceI2cSda, false)
b.GpioSet(ctx, ti50.GpioTi50DeviceI2cScl, true)
b.GpioSet(ctx, ti50.GpioTi50DeviceI2cSda, true)
if !b.GpioGet(ctx, ti50.GpioTi50DeviceI2cSda) || !b.GpioGet(ctx, ti50.GpioTi50DeviceI2cScl) {
s.Fatalf("%s: Unable to get out of wedge", testcase)