blob: 60d0f519c644a19f32114a6ee642f8caa1a9e55c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The ChromiumOS Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
package gscdevboard
import (
const timeLimit = 2 * time.Minute
func init() {
Func: Ti50SystemTestImage,
Desc: "Ti50 system test",
Timeout: 20 * time.Minute,
Contacts: []string{
"", // CrOS GSC Developers
BugComponent: "b:715469", // ChromeOS > Platform > System > Hardware Security > HwSec GSC > Ti50
Attr: []string{"group:gsc", "gsc_dt_ab", "gsc_dt_shield", "gsc_nightly"},
Params: []testing.Param{{
Name: "sta",
Val: true, // hasKernelTests
Fixture: fixture.SystemTestAutoDevboard,
ExtraAttr: []string{"gsc_image_sta", "gsc_he"},
}, {
Name: "sta2",
Val: false, // hasKernelTests
Fixture: fixture.SystemTestAuto2Devboard,
ExtraAttr: []string{"gsc_image_sta2", "gsc_he"},
func Ti50SystemTestImage(ctx context.Context, s *testing.State) {
th := utils.FirmwareTestingHelper{FirmwareTestingHelperDelegate: s}
b := utils.NewDevboardHelper(s)
th.MustSucceed(b.Open(ctx), "Open gsc UART")
defer b.Close(ctx)
// Deassert PLT_RST_L to prevent deep sleep while tests are running.
b.GpioSet(ctx, ti50.GpioTi50PltRstL, true)
hasKernelTests := s.Param().(bool)
if hasKernelTests {
s.Log("Kernel tests:")
checkTestResults(ctx, s, b, "KERNEL")
s.Log("App tests:")
checkTestResults(ctx, s, b, "APP")
func checkTestResults(ctx context.Context, s *testing.State, b utils.DevboardHelper, sectionName string) {
// Reporting fatal console output such as "Kernel panic" is a feature of
// CommandImage::WaitUntilMatch(). We cannot use that here, because system_test_auto does
// not support a command prompt. Eventually, we want to either "upgrade" system_test_auto
// to have a prompt (something that has been proposed before for other reasons), or we
// could create a SerialOutputImage base class, move WaitUntilMatch() down into that one,
// and make CommandImage derive from it.
idx, m, err := b.ReadSerialSubmatch(ctx, ti50.FatalMsg, regexp.MustCompile("##"+regexp.QuoteMeta(sectionName)+" TESTS START"))
if err != nil {
s.Fatal("Failed to read section start: ", err)
if idx == 0 {
s.Fatal("Fatal output: ", strings.TrimRight(string(m[0]), "\r\n"))
endMarker := "##" + regexp.QuoteMeta(sectionName) + " TESTS END"
re := regexp.MustCompile("(" + endMarker + `|##TEST (SKIP|START) (\S+)\s)`)
for {
idx, m, err := b.ReadSerialSubmatch(ctx, ti50.FatalMsg, re)
if err != nil {
s.Fatal("Failed to read next test: ", err)
if idx == 0 {
s.Fatal("Fatal output: ", strings.TrimRight(string(m[0]), "\r\n"))
match := string(m[0])
if match == endMarker {
start := string(m[2])
testName := string(m[3])
result := "Skip"
if start != "SKIP" {
result = waitForTest(ctx, s, b, testName)
if result == "Fail" {
s.Errorf("%s test failed", testName)
func waitForTest(ctx context.Context, s *testing.State, b utils.DevboardHelper, testName string) string {
lineRe := regexp.MustCompile(`.*[\r\n]+`)
slowCryptoRe := regexp.MustCompile("Long running SW crypto operation")
resultRe := regexp.MustCompile("##TEST RESULT " + regexp.QuoteMeta(testName) + `: (\S+)`)
testTime := time.Now()
var line string
lineTime := time.Now()
timeLimit := timeLimit
var elapsedTime time.Duration
for ; elapsedTime < timeLimit; elapsedTime = time.Since(testTime) {
idx, m, err := b.ReadSerialSubmatch(ctx, ti50.FatalMsg, lineRe)
if err != nil {
// Tests might be silent for several seconds, so just
// try the read again.
if idx == 0 {
s.Fatal("Fatal output: ", strings.TrimRight(string(m[0]), "\r\n"))
delay := time.Since(lineTime)
if delay > 10*time.Second {
s.Logf("(%q took %v)", line, delay.Round(time.Second))
lineTime = time.Now()
line = strings.TrimSpace(string(m[0]))
if m := resultRe.FindStringSubmatch(line); m != nil {
result := m[1]
s.Logf("%s: %s (%v)", testName, result, elapsedTime.Round(time.Second))
return result
if slowCryptoRe.MatchString(line) {
timeLimit += 10 * time.Minute
s.Log("(Waiting for slow crypto.)")
s.Logf("Still waiting for test %s after %v, giving up", testName, elapsedTime.Round(time.Second))
delay := time.Since(lineTime)
s.Logf("Waited %v at %q", delay.Round(time.Second), line)
s.Fatalf("%s test failed to finish in time", testName)
return ""