blob: 2e1758398471cce3d474581a39896e45ff2fe28f [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2023 The ChromiumOS Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
package gscdevboard
import (
func init() {
Func: Ti50TCG,
Desc: "Run TCG Compliance tests against a remote Ti50",
Timeout: 60 * time.Minute,
Contacts: []string{
"", // CrOS GSC Developers
"", // Test Author
BugComponent: "b:715469", // ChromeOS > Platform > System > Hardware Security > HwSec GSC > Ti50
Attr: []string{"group:gsc", "gsc_dt_ab", "gsc_dt_shield", "gsc_image_ti50"},
Fixture: fixture.GSCOpenCCD,
Params: []testing.Param{{
Name: "se__test_simulated_smart_card",
Val: "SE_TestSimulatedSmartCard",
}, {
Name: "test_activate",
Val: "TestActivate",
}, {
Name: "test_activate_ecdh",
Val: "TestActivateEcdh",
}, {
Name: "test_activate_hmac",
Val: "TestActivateHmac",
}, {
Name: "test_auth_dec_session",
Val: "TestAuthDecSession",
}, {
Name: "test_auth_enc_dec_session",
Val: "TestAuthEncDecSession",
}, {
Name: "test_bad_handles",
Val: "TestBadHandles",
}, {
Name: "test_bad_sessions",
Val: "TestBadSessions",
}, {
Name: "test_bogus_hash_ticket",
Val: "TestBogusHashTicket",
}, {
Name: "test_bound_audit_session",
Val: "TestBoundAuditSession",
}, {
Name: "test_bound_auth_enc_dec_session",
Val: "TestBoundAuthEncDecSession",
}, {
Name: "test_cancel",
Val: "TestCancel",
}, {
Name: "test_certify_creation",
Val: "TestCertifyCreation",
}, {
Name: "test_certify_creation_primary",
Val: "TestCertifyCreationPrimary",
}, {
Name: "test_certify_key",
Val: "TestCertifyKey",
}, {
Name: "test_certify_key_without_nv__certify",
Val: "TestCertifyKeyWithoutNv_Certify",
}, {
Name: "test_continue_session_attr",
Val: "TestContinueSessionAttr",
}, {
Name: "test_create_ecc_primary",
Val: "TestCreateEccPrimary",
}, {
Name: "test_create_errors",
Val: "TestCreateErrors",
}, {
Name: "test_create_primary_faults",
Val: "TestCreatePrimaryFaults",
}, {
Name: "test_create_sign_ecdsa",
Val: "TestCreateSignEcdsa",
}, {
Name: "test_create_sign_quote",
Val: "TestCreateSignQuote",
}, {
Name: "test_da_exemption",
Val: "TestDAExemption",
}, {
Name: "test_duplicate_errors",
Val: "TestDuplicateErrors",
}, {
Name: "test_duplicate_import",
Val: "TestDuplicateImport",
}, {
Name: "test_duplicate_import__all_non_rsa_objects",
Val: "TestDuplicateImport_AllNonRsaObjects",
}, {
Name: "test_duplicate_import__all_objects",
Val: "TestDuplicateImport_AllObjects",
}, {
Name: "test_duplicate_import__basic",
Val: "TestDuplicateImport_Basic",
}, {
Name: "test_ecc",
Val: "TestEcc",
}, {
Name: "test_ecc_sig",
Val: "TestEccSig",
}, {
Name: "test_ecc_sig2",
Val: "TestEccSig2",
}, {
Name: "test_ec_schnorr_coverage",
Val: "TestEcSchnorrCoverage",
}, {
Name: "test_empty_sensitive",
Val: "TestEmptySensitive",
}, {
Name: "test_evict_control",
Val: "TestEvictControl",
}, {
Name: "test_evict_control_transient",
Val: "TestEvictControlTransient",
}, {
Name: "test_export_attribs",
Val: "TestExportAttribs",
}, {
Name: "test_external_key_import",
Val: "TestExternalKeyImport",
}, {
Name: "test_firmware_read",
Val: "TestFirmwareRead",
}, {
Name: "test_gen_new_symm",
Val: "TestGenNewSymm",
}, {
Name: "test_get_capability_context",
Val: "TestGetCapabilityContext",
}, {
Name: "test_get_capability_pcr",
Val: "TestGetCapabilityPCR",
}, {
Name: "test_get_cap_commands",
Val: "TestGetCapCommands",
}, {
Name: "test_get_cap_coverage",
Val: "TestGetCapCoverage",
}, {
Name: "test_get_random",
Val: "TestGetRandom",
}, {
Name: "test_get_test_results",
Val: "TestGetTestResults",
}, {
Name: "test_gratuitous_auth",
Val: "TestGratuitousAuth",
}, {
Name: "test_hash",
Val: "TestHash",
}, {
Name: "test_hierarchy_control_owner_access",
Val: "TestHierarchyControlOwnerAccess",
}, {
Name: "test_hmac2",
Val: "TestHmac2",
}, {
Name: "test_hmac_errors",
Val: "TestHmacErrors",
}, {
Name: "test_hmac_pub_priv_mismatch",
Val: "TestHmacPubPrivMismatch",
}, {
Name: "test_hmac_quote",
Val: "TestHmacQuote",
}, {
Name: "test_hmac_session",
Val: "TestHmacSession",
}, {
Name: "test_hmac_signing",
Val: "TestHmacSigning",
}, {
Name: "test_import",
Val: "TestImport",
}, {
Name: "test_import_data_object",
Val: "TestImportDataObject",
}, {
Name: "test_import_ecdh",
Val: "TestImportEcdh",
}, {
Name: "test_import_export",
Val: "TestImportExport",
}, {
Name: "test_inner_wrapper_dup",
Val: "TestInnerWrapperDup",
}, {
Name: "test_key_creation",
Val: "TestKeyCreation",
}, {
Name: "test_key_gen",
Val: "TestKeyGen",
}, {
Name: "test_load_errors",
Val: "TestLoadErrors",
}, {
Name: "test_normalized_policies",
Val: "TestNormalizedPolicies",
}, {
Name: "test_nv",
Val: "TestNv",
}, {
Name: "test_nv2",
Val: "TestNv2",
}, {
Name: "test_nv3",
Val: "TestNv3",
}, {
Name: "test_nv_counter",
Val: "TestNvCounter",
}, {
Name: "test_nv_counter2",
Val: "TestNvCounter2",
}, {
Name: "test_nv_define_space",
Val: "TestNvDefineSpace",
}, {
Name: "test_nv_extend",
Val: "TestNvExtend",
}, {
Name: "test_nv_owner_clear",
Val: "TestNvOwnerClear",
}, {
Name: "test_nv_partial_write",
Val: "TestNvPartialWrite",
}, {
Name: "test_nv_set_bits",
Val: "TestNvSetBits",
}, {
Name: "test_nv_stress",
Val: "TestNvStress",
}, {
Name: "test_nv_with_policy",
Val: "TestNvWithPolicy",
}, {
Name: "test_patch_410162",
Val: "TestPatch_410162",
}, {
Name: "test_patch_411165",
Val: "TestPatch_411165",
}, {
Name: "test_patch__r88_336067",
Val: "TestPatch_R88_336067",
}, {
Name: "test_patch__r88_374194",
Val: "TestPatch_R88_374194",
}, {
Name: "test_patch__r88_391785",
Val: "TestPatch_R88_391785",
}, {
Name: "test_patch__r88_392304",
Val: "TestPatch_R88_392304",
}, {
Name: "test_patch__r88_398735",
Val: "TestPatch_R88_398735",
}, {
Name: "test_patch__r88_405740",
Val: "TestPatch_R88_405740",
}, {
Name: "test_patch__r88_898154",
Val: "TestPatch_R88_898154",
}, {
Name: "test_persistent_transient_object",
Val: "TestPersistentTransientObject",
}, {
Name: "test_pin",
Val: "TestPin",
}, {
Name: "test_plaintext_import_export",
Val: "TestPlaintextImportExport",
}, {
Name: "test_policy_auth",
Val: "TestPolicyAuth",
}, {
Name: "test_policy_auth_bound",
Val: "TestPolicyAuthBound",
}, {
Name: "test_policy_auth_bound_da",
Val: "TestPolicyAuthBoundDA",
}, {
Name: "test_policy_pcr_raw_commands",
Val: "TestPolicyPCRRawCommands",
}, {
Name: "test_policy_secret",
Val: "TestPolicySecret",
}, {
Name: "test_policy_secret_bad_auth",
Val: "TestPolicySecretBadAuth",
}, {
Name: "test_policy_signed",
Val: "TestPolicySigned",
}, {
Name: "test_public_private_mismatch_ecc",
Val: "TestPublicPrivateMismatchEcc",
}, {
Name: "test_public_private_mismatch_rsa",
Val: "TestPublicPrivateMismatchRsa",
}, {
Name: "test_public_private_mismatch_sym",
Val: "TestPublicPrivateMismatchSym",
}, {
Name: "test_pub_only_bind_object",
Val: "TestPubOnlyBindObject",
}, {
Name: "test_random",
Val: "TestRandom",
}, {
Name: "test_raw_certify_creation",
Val: "TestRawCertifyCreation",
}, {
Name: "test_raw_nv_define_space",
Val: "TestRawNVDefineSpace",
}, {
Name: "test_raw_nv_increment",
Val: "TestRawNVIncrement",
}, {
Name: "test_raw_nv_read",
Val: "TestRawNVRead",
}, {
Name: "test_raw_nv_read_lock",
Val: "TestRawNVReadLock",
}, {
Name: "test_raw_nv_read_public",
Val: "TestRawNVReadPublic",
}, {
Name: "test_raw_nv_undefine_space",
Val: "TestRawNVUndefineSpace",
}, {
Name: "test_raw_nv_write",
Val: "TestRawNVWrite",
}, {
Name: "test_raw_nv_write_lock",
Val: "TestRawNVWriteLock",
}, {
Name: "test_raw_sign",
Val: "TestRawSign",
}, {
Name: "test_reserved_bits",
Val: "TestReservedBits",
}, {
Name: "test_rsa_crypto",
Val: "TestRsaCrypto",
}, {
Name: "test_rsa_dp_ep",
Val: "TestRsaDpEp",
}, {
Name: "test_rsa_dp_ep2",
Val: "TestRsaDpEp2",
}, {
Name: "test_rsaes",
Val: "TestRsaes",
}, {
Name: "test_rsa_exponents",
Val: "TestRsaExponents",
}, {
Name: "test_rsa_extrema",
Val: "TestRsaExtrema",
}, {
Name: "test_rsa_sign_pss",
Val: "TestRsaSignPss",
}, {
Name: "test_salted_auth_session_errors",
Val: "TestSaltedAuthSessionErrors",
}, {
Name: "test_salted_auth_session_sym",
Val: "TestSaltedAuthSessionSym",
}, {
Name: "test_salted_auth_session_xor",
Val: "TestSaltedAuthSessionXor",
}, {
Name: "test_salted_bound_auth_session",
Val: "TestSaltedBoundAuthSession",
}, {
Name: "test_seal_unseal",
Val: "TestSealUnseal",
}, {
Name: "test_seal_unseal_persisted_object",
Val: "TestSealUnsealPersistedObject",
}, {
Name: "test_self_test",
Val: "TestSelfTest",
}, {
Name: "test_serialization",
Val: "TestSerialization",
}, {
Name: "test_session_encryption",
Val: "TestSessionEncryption",
}, {
Name: "test_session_encryption_other_algs",
Val: "TestSessionEncryptionOtherAlgs",
}, {
Name: "test_sign",
Val: "TestSign",
}, {
Name: "test_sign_object_attributes",
Val: "TestSignObjectAttributes",
}, {
Name: "test_sign_restricted",
Val: "TestSignRestricted",
}, {
Name: "test_sign_verify",
Val: "TestSignVerify",
}, {
Name: "test_simple_duplicate_import",
Val: "TestSimpleDuplicateImport",
}, {
Name: "test_simple_duplicate_import_rsa",
Val: "TestSimpleDuplicateImportRsa",
}, {
Name: "test_simple_sign",
Val: "TestSimpleSign",
}, {
Name: "test_start_auth_session_bound",
Val: "TestStartAuthSessionBound",
}, {
Name: "test_start_auth_session_hmac",
Val: "TestStartAuthSessionHMAC",
}, {
Name: "test_start_auth_session_max_session",
Val: "TestStartAuthSessionMaxSession",
}, {
Name: "test_start_auth_session_policy",
Val: "TestStartAuthSessionPolicy",
}, {
Name: "test_start_auth_session_seed",
Val: "TestStartAuthSessionSeed",
}, {
Name: "test_stir_random",
Val: "TestStirRandom",
}, {
Name: "test_sw_signing",
Val: "TestSWSigning",
}, {
Name: "test_sym_parent",
Val: "TestSymParent",
}, {
Name: "test_sym_primary",
Val: "TestSymPrimary",
}, {
Name: "test_temporary_object",
Val: "TestTemporaryObject",
}, {
Name: "test_test_parms",
Val: "TestTestParms",
}, {
Name: "test_tpm_state_portability_phase1",
Val: "TestTpmStatePortabilityPhase1",
}, {
Name: "test_tpm_state_portability_phase2",
Val: "TestTpmStatePortabilityPhase2",
}, {
Name: "test_vendor_specific",
Val: "TestVendorSpecific",
func Ti50TCG(ctx context.Context, s *testing.State) {
b := utils.NewDevboardHelper(s)
i := ti50.MustOpenCrOSImage(ctx, b, s)
defer i.Close(ctx)
th := utils.FirmwareTestingHelper{FirmwareTestingHelperDelegate: s}
s.Log("Restarting ti50 with SPI straps")
b.ResetAndTpmStartupForBus(ctx, i, ti50.TpmBusSpi, ti50.CcdDisconnected, ti50.FfClamshell)
s.Log("Starting TCG tests")
testSuite := s.Param().(string)
th.MustSucceed(b.RunTcgTests(ctx, s.OutDir(), testSuite), "Tests failed.")