blob: d173ea9285f1421378bb49ee3021d255ba182e7f [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The ChromiumOS Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
package wifi
import (
tdreq ""
type roamDiagnosticsTestcase struct {
apOpts1 []hostapd.Option
apOpts2 []hostapd.Option
secConfFac security.ConfigFactory
const (
roamDiagnosticsMaxAttenuation float64 = 96
roamDiagnosticsMinAttenuation float64 = 56
roamDiagnosticsAttenuationStep float64 = 4
roamDiagnosticsAttenuationRange float64 = 12
roamDiagnosticsRoamBuckets = 7
roamDiagnosticsRoundPassCount = 2
roamDiagnosticsScanCount = 2
roamDiagnosticsRoamTimeout = 5 * time.Second
roamDiagnosticsScansTimeout = 15 * time.Second
roamDiagnosticsLogFilePerm os.FileMode = 0644
roamDiagnosticsLogFileFlags = os.O_WRONLY | os.O_CREATE | os.O_TRUNC
type roamDiagnosticsFreqPair [2]int
type roamDiagnosticsStatsMap map[roamDiagnosticsFreqPair](*[roamDiagnosticsRoamBuckets]int)
var roamDiagnosticsSSID = hostapd.RandomSSID("TAST_ROAM_DIAG_")
var roamDiagnosticsAP1Opts = []hostapd.Option{
var roamDiagnosticsAP2Opts = []hostapd.Option{
var roamDiagnosticsAP36Opts = []hostapd.Option{
func init() {
Func: RoamDiagnostics,
Desc: "Bring up two APs and attenuate them around several values to observe and assess roam stickiness",
Contacts: []string{
"", // WiFi oncall rotation
BugComponent: "b:893827", // ChromeOS > Platform > Connectivity > WiFi
Attr: []string{"group:wificell_roam", "wificell_roam_perf"},
TestBedDeps: []string{tbdep.Wificell, tbdep.WifiStateNormal, tbdep.BluetoothStateNormal, tbdep.PeripheralWifiStateWorking},
ServiceDeps: []string{wificell.ShillServiceName},
Fixture: wificell.FixtureID(wificell.TFFeaturesRouters | wificell.TFFeaturesAttenuator),
Requirements: []string{tdreq.WiFiGenSupportWiFi, tdreq.WiFiProcPassFW, tdreq.WiFiProcPassAVL, tdreq.WiFiProcPassAVLBeforeUpdates},
Timeout: time.Minute * 90,
Params: []testing.Param{
Val: []roamDiagnosticsTestcase{
{apOpts1: roamDiagnosticsAP1Opts, apOpts2: roamDiagnosticsAP2Opts, secConfFac: nil},
{apOpts1: roamDiagnosticsAP1Opts, apOpts2: roamDiagnosticsAP36Opts, secConfFac: nil},
// requestScans requests network scan and waits for first scan event from wpa_supplicant.
// Tries roamDiagnosticsScanCount times. Calls s.Fatal if not successful.
func requestScans(ctx context.Context, s *testing.State, wpaMonitor *wpacli.WPAMonitor) {
tf := s.FixtValue().(*wificell.TestFixture)
scanSuccess := false
for scan := 0; scan < roamDiagnosticsScanCount; scan++ {
timeoutCtx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(ctx, roamDiagnosticsScansTimeout)
defer cancel()
req := &wifi.RequestScansRequest{Count: 1}
if _, err := tf.WifiClient().RequestScans(timeoutCtx, req); err != nil {
s.Fatal("Failed to request scan: ", err)
for {
event, err := wpaMonitor.WaitForEvent(timeoutCtx)
if err != nil {
s.Fatal("Failed to wait for scan event: ", err)
if event == nil { // timeout
_, scanSuccess = event.(*wpacli.ScanResultsEvent)
if scanSuccess {
break retryLoop
s.Logf("Scan failed %d time(s)", scan+1)
if !scanSuccess {
s.Fatal("Unable to get scan results")
// updateRoamStats checks if roaming happened in roamDiagnosticsRoamTimeout time
// and updades statistics accordingly.
func updateRoamStats(ctx context.Context, s *testing.State, wpaMonitor *wpacli.WPAMonitor, roamLog *os.File,
stats *roamDiagnosticsStatsMap) {
timeoutCtx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(ctx, roamDiagnosticsRoamTimeout)
defer cancel()
var roam *wpacli.RoamEvent
for {
var received bool
event, err := wpaMonitor.WaitForEvent(timeoutCtx)
if err != nil {
s.Fatal("Failed to wait for roam event: ", err)
if event == nil { // timeout
roam, received = event.(*wpacli.RoamEvent)
if received && !roam.Skip {
roam = nil
if roam != nil {
str := fmt.Sprintf("%+v\n", roam)
s.Log("Roam event: ", str)
freqPair := roamDiagnosticsFreqPair{int(roam.CurFreq / 1000), int(roam.SelFreq / 1000)}
bucketIdx := wifiutil.Clamp((roam.SelLevel-roam.CurLevel)/2, 0, roamDiagnosticsRoamBuckets-1)
freqStats := (*stats)[freqPair]
func resetAttenuation(ctx context.Context, s *testing.State, attenuator *attenuator.Attenuator) {
for i := 0; i < 4; i++ {
if err := attenuator.SetAttenuation(ctx, i, 0); err != nil {
s.Fatal("Failed to set attenutation: ", err)
func setTotalAttenuation(ctx context.Context, s *testing.State, attenuator *attenuator.Attenuator,
apIdx int, atten float64, freq int) {
if err := attenuator.SetTotalAttenuation(ctx, apIdx*2, atten, freq); err != nil {
s.Fatal("Failed to set attenutation: ", err)
if err := attenuator.SetTotalAttenuation(ctx, apIdx*2+1, atten, freq); err != nil {
s.Fatal("Failed to set attenutation: ", err)
s.Logf("Set attenuation ap%d, f=%d a=%f", apIdx, freq, atten)
// executeRoamDiagnosticsTest executes the test once with given parameters.
// Updates statistics.
func executeRoamDiagnosticsTest(ctx context.Context, s *testing.State, ap0Params, ap1Params []hostapd.Option, runIdx int,
secConfFac security.ConfigFactory, stats *roamDiagnosticsStatsMap) {
tf := s.FixtValue().(*wificell.TestFixture)
attenuator := tf.Attenuator()
resetAttenuation(ctx, s, attenuator)
ctx, restoreBgAndFg, err := tf.WifiClient().TurnOffBgAndFgscan(ctx)
if err != nil {
s.Fatal("Failed to turn off the background and/or foreground scan: ", err)
defer func() {
if err := restoreBgAndFg(); err != nil {
s.Error("Failed to restore the background and/or foreground scan config: ", err)
ap0, freq0, deconfig := wifiutil.ConfigureAP(ctx, s, ap0Params, 0, secConfFac)
defer deconfig(ctx, ap0)
ctx, cancel := tf.ReserveForDeconfigAP(ctx, ap0)
defer cancel()
disconnect := wifiutil.ConnectAP(ctx, s, ap0, 0)
defer disconnect(ctx)
ctx, cancel = tf.ReserveForDisconnect(ctx)
defer cancel()
if err := tf.VerifyConnection(ctx, ap0); err != nil {
s.Fatal("Failed to verify connection: ", err)
ap1, freq1, deconfig := wifiutil.ConfigureAP(ctx, s, ap1Params, 1, secConfFac)
defer deconfig(ctx, ap1)
ctx, cancel = tf.ReserveForDeconfigAP(ctx, ap1)
defer cancel()
wpaMonitor, stop, ctx, err := tf.StartWPAMonitor(ctx, wificell.DefaultDUT)
if err != nil {
s.Fatal("Failed to start wpa monitor")
defer stop()
roamLog, err := os.OpenFile(filepath.Join(s.OutDir(), fmt.Sprintf("%d_roam.txt", runIdx)),
roamDiagnosticsLogFileFlags, roamDiagnosticsLogFilePerm)
if err != nil {
s.Fatal("Failed to create roam log file: ", err)
defer roamLog.Close()
startAttenuation := roamDiagnosticsMinAttenuation
// Ensure that starting attenuation is not less than the minimum possible for any of the 4 attenuator ports.
for i := 0; i < 4; i++ {
minAtten, err := attenuator.MinTotalAttenuation(i)
if err != nil {
s.Fatalf("Failed to get min attenuation on port: %d: %v", i, err)
startAttenuation = math.Max(startAttenuation, minAtten)
// Snap the attenuation back to the original spacing so we don't clip at max.
// Ignore possible issues from roundoff since the result would just be that we skip an increment.
startAttenuation = math.Ceil(startAttenuation/roamDiagnosticsAttenuationStep) * roamDiagnosticsAttenuationStep
for atten0 := startAttenuation; atten0 <= roamDiagnosticsMaxAttenuation; atten0 += roamDiagnosticsAttenuationStep {
setTotalAttenuation(ctx, s, attenuator, 0, atten0, freq0)
// Vary the RSSI of the second AP around that of the first AP.
minAtten1 := math.Max(atten0-roamDiagnosticsAttenuationRange, startAttenuation)
maxAtten1 := atten0 + roamDiagnosticsAttenuationRange
for roundPass := 0; roundPass < roamDiagnosticsRoundPassCount; roundPass++ {
// for atten1 in (maxAtten1 ... minAtten1 ... maxAtten1)
step := -roamDiagnosticsAttenuationStep
for atten1 := maxAtten1; step < 0 || atten1 < maxAtten1; {
setTotalAttenuation(ctx, s, attenuator, 1, atten1, freq1)
// Explicitly ask shill to perform a scan. This
// should induce a roam if the RSSI difference is large enough.
requestScans(ctx, s, wpaMonitor)
// Check if roaming happened and update stats
updateRoamStats(ctx, s, wpaMonitor, roamLog, stats)
atten1 += step
if atten1 <= minAtten1 {
step = -step
atten1 = minAtten1
// dumpRoamDiagnosticsStats prints statistics to log and to performance metrics system.
func dumpRoamDiagnosticsStats(ctx context.Context, s *testing.State, stats *roamDiagnosticsStatsMap) {
pv := perf.NewValues()
for freqs, freqStats := range *stats {
s.Logf("Roams from %d GHz to %d GHz", freqs[0], freqs[1])
totalRoams := 0
for _, roams := range freqStats {
totalRoams += roams
metric := perf.Metric{
Name: fmt.Sprintf("roam_diagnostics_%d_%d", freqs[0], freqs[1]),
Unit: "roams",
Direction: perf.SmallerIsBetter,
Multiple: true,
totalRoams = wifiutil.Max(1, totalRoams)
for bucketIdx, roams := range freqStats {
s.Logf("%d roams %d%% with diff >= %d", roams, 100*roams/totalRoams, bucketIdx*2)
pv.Append(metric, float64(roams))
if err := pv.Save(s.OutDir()); err != nil {
s.Error("Failed saving perf data: ", err)
// RoamDiagnostics executes the test case
// Bring an AP up, connect to it, set the attenuation, and vary a second AP
// around the same RSSI as the first AP. Perform a scan after every change in
// attenuation and observe when the device roams between APs. Record all roam
// events in a file for analysis.
// The purpose of this diagnostic is to capture the stickiness of the device's
// roam algorithm. For example, the stickier the algorithm, the more skewed
// toward higher RSSI differentials (between current and target AP) the
// distribution of roams in the output files will be. This is not necessarily
// a good thing as it's important for a device to be able to move between APs
// when it needs to. Therefore, we use RoamNatural in conjunction
// with this test to ensure that normal roam behavior is not broken.
func RoamDiagnostics(ctx context.Context, s *testing.State) {
stats := roamDiagnosticsStatsMap{
{2, 2}: {0},
{2, 5}: {0},
{5, 2}: {0},
testCases := s.Param().([]roamDiagnosticsTestcase)
for i, tc := range testCases {
executeRoamDiagnosticsTest(ctx, s, tc.apOpts1, tc.apOpts2, i, tc.secConfFac, &stats)
dumpRoamDiagnosticsStats(ctx, s, &stats)