blob: 26caa0c339a7dbd12dac63dbb13bb536d36f7b25 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The ChromiumOS Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
package wifi
import (
tdreq ""
const rnDebugEnabled = false
type roamNaturalTestcase struct {
apOpts1 []hostapd.Option
apOpts2 []hostapd.Option
secConfFac security.ConfigFactory
const (
roamNaturalMaxCenter = 100
roamNaturalMinCenter = 84
roamNaturalMaxAtten = 106
roamNaturalAttenStep = 2
roamNaturalRoundPassCount = 2
roamNaturalRoamTimeout = 5 * time.Second
roamNaturalLogFilePerm os.FileMode = 0644
roamNaturalLogFileFlags = os.O_WRONLY | os.O_CREATE | os.O_TRUNC
type roamNaturalStatsMap map[[2]int]int
type rangeDef struct {
start int // inclusive
end int // exclusive
step int
var roamNaturalSSID = hostapd.RandomSSID("TAST_ROAM_NAT_")
var roamNaturalAP1Opts = []hostapd.Option{
var roamNaturalAP2Opts = []hostapd.Option{
var roamNaturalAP36Opts = []hostapd.Option{
func init() {
Func: RoamNatural,
Desc: "This test is used to validity check that 'normal' roaming behavior is not broken by any roaming algorithm changes",
Contacts: []string{
"", // WiFi oncall rotation
BugComponent: "b:893827", // ChromeOS > Platform > Connectivity > WiFi
Attr: []string{"group:wificell_roam", "wificell_roam_perf"},
TestBedDeps: []string{tbdep.Wificell, tbdep.WifiStateNormal, tbdep.BluetoothStateNormal, tbdep.PeripheralWifiStateWorking},
ServiceDeps: []string{wificell.ShillServiceName},
Fixture: wificell.FixtureID(wificell.TFFeaturesRouters | wificell.TFFeaturesAttenuator),
Requirements: []string{tdreq.WiFiGenSupportWiFi, tdreq.WiFiProcPassFW, tdreq.WiFiProcPassAVL, tdreq.WiFiProcPassAVLBeforeUpdates},
Timeout: time.Minute * 60,
Params: []testing.Param{
Val: []roamNaturalTestcase{
{apOpts1: roamNaturalAP1Opts, apOpts2: roamNaturalAP2Opts, secConfFac: nil},
{apOpts1: roamNaturalAP1Opts, apOpts2: roamNaturalAP36Opts, secConfFac: nil},
func rnDebug(s *testing.State, args ...interface{}) {
if rnDebugEnabled {
// simulateDUTMove modifies attenuation of both APs to simulate DUT moving between them.
// The simulation start closer to AP0, moves so that it is closer to AP1 and then moves back toward AP0.
// offsetRange defines range and stepping of attenuation changes - how "close" to APs DUT gets.
func simulateDUTMove(ctx context.Context, s *testing.State, offsetRange rangeDef, center int,
attenuator *attenuator.Attenuator, freq0, freq1 int) {
offset := offsetRange.start
step := offsetRange.step
setAttenuation := func(channel int, atten float64, freq int) {
minAtten, err := attenuator.MinTotalAttenuation(channel)
if err != nil {
s.Fatal("Failed to get minimal attenuation")
if err := attenuator.SetTotalAttenuation(ctx, channel, math.Max(atten, minAtten), freq); err != nil {
s.Fatal("Failed to set attenuation: ", err)
for {
if (step > 0 && offset >= offsetRange.end) || (step < 0 && offset <= offsetRange.end) {
atten0 := float64(center + offset)
atten1 := float64(center - offset)
setAttenuation(0, atten0, freq0)
setAttenuation(1, atten0, freq0)
setAttenuation(2, atten1, freq1)
setAttenuation(3, atten1, freq1)
// GoBigSleepLint this just dictates rhythm for power changes.
if err := testing.Sleep(ctx, 2*time.Second); err != nil {
s.Fatal("Failed to sleep: ", err)
offset += step
// collectWPAEvents collects all Roam and Disconnected events from wpa_supplicant since last call to this
// or to wpaMonitor.ClearEvents.
func collectWPAEvents(ctx context.Context, s *testing.State, wpaMonitor *wpacli.WPAMonitor) (
skipRoamEvents []*wpacli.RoamEvent, disconnectedEvents []*wpacli.DisconnectedEvent) {
timeoutCtx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(ctx, roamNaturalRoamTimeout)
defer cancel()
skipRoamEvents = []*wpacli.RoamEvent{}
disconnectedEvents = []*wpacli.DisconnectedEvent{}
for {
event, err := wpaMonitor.WaitForEvent(timeoutCtx)
if err != nil {
s.Fatal("Failed to wait for roam event: ", err)
if event == nil { // timeout
rnDebug(s, event)
switch e := event.(type) {
case *wpacli.RoamEvent:
if e.Skip {
skipRoamEvents = append(skipRoamEvents, e)
case *wpacli.DisconnectedEvent:
disconnectedEvents = append(disconnectedEvents, e)
return skipRoamEvents, disconnectedEvents
func executeRoamNaturalTest(ctx context.Context, s *testing.State, apAllParams [][]hostapd.Option, runIdx int,
secConfFac security.ConfigFactory, roamStats *roamNaturalStatsMap, failureStats *int) {
tf := s.FixtValue().(*wificell.TestFixture)
attenuator := tf.Attenuator()
for i := 0; i < 4; i++ {
if err := attenuator.SetAttenuation(ctx, i, 0); err != nil {
s.Fatal("Failed to set attenutation: ", err)
iface, err := tf.ClientInterface(ctx)
if err != nil {
s.Fatal("Failed to get client interface: ", err)
ap0, freq0, deconfig0 := wifiutil.ConfigureAP(ctx, s, apAllParams[0], 0, secConfFac)
defer func(ctx context.Context) {
if ap0 != nil { // ap0 evaluated during execution of the func, so it's last AP created
deconfig0(ctx, ap0)
ap0 = nil
ctx, cancel := tf.ReserveForDeconfigAP(ctx, ap0)
defer cancel()
disconnect := wifiutil.ConnectAP(ctx, s, ap0, 0)
defer disconnect(ctx)
ctx, cancel = tf.ReserveForDisconnect(ctx)
defer cancel()
if err := tf.VerifyConnection(ctx, ap0); err != nil {
s.Fatal("Failed to verify connection: ", err)
ap1, freq1, deconfig1 := wifiutil.ConfigureAP(ctx, s, apAllParams[1], 1, secConfFac)
defer func(ctx context.Context) {
if ap1 != nil {
deconfig1(ctx, ap1)
ap1 = nil
ctx, cancel = tf.ReserveForDeconfigAP(ctx, ap1)
defer cancel()
wpaMonitor, stop, ctx, err := tf.StartWPAMonitor(ctx, wificell.DefaultDUT)
if err != nil {
s.Fatal("Faled to start wpa monitor")
defer stop()
skipRoamLog, err := os.OpenFile(filepath.Join(s.OutDir(), strconv.Itoa(runIdx)+"_skip_roam.txt"),
roamNaturalLogFileFlags, roamNaturalLogFilePerm)
if err != nil {
s.Fatal("Failed to create skipped roams log file: ", err)
defer skipRoamLog.Close()
assocFailLog, err := os.OpenFile(filepath.Join(s.OutDir(), strconv.Itoa(runIdx)+"_failure.txt"),
roamNaturalLogFileFlags, roamNaturalLogFilePerm)
if err != nil {
s.Fatal("Failed to create association failures log file: ", err)
defer assocFailLog.Close()
for center := roamNaturalMinCenter; center < roamNaturalMaxCenter; center += 2 * roamNaturalAttenStep {
// The attenuation should [con,di]verge around center. We move
// the attenuation out 2dBm at a time until roamNaturalMaxAtten is hit
// on one AP, at which point we tear that AP down to simulate it
// disappearing from the DUT's view. This should trigger a deauth
// if the DUT is still associated.
maxOffset := roamNaturalMaxAtten - center
for roundPass := 0; roundPass < roamNaturalRoundPassCount; roundPass++ {
offsetRanges := []rangeDef{
{0, maxOffset, roamNaturalAttenStep},
{maxOffset, 0, -roamNaturalAttenStep},
{0, -maxOffset, -roamNaturalAttenStep},
{-maxOffset, 0, roamNaturalAttenStep},
for offsetRangeIdx, offsetRange := range offsetRanges {
err = tf.ClearBSSIDIgnoreDUT(ctx, wificell.DefaultDUT)
if err != nil {
s.Fatal("Failed to clear wpa BSSID_IGNORE: ", err)
rnDebug(s, "Cleared wpa BSSID_IGNORE")
rnDebug(s, "Varying attenuation in range: ", offsetRange)
simulateDUTMove(ctx, s, offsetRange, center, attenuator, freq0, freq1)
if offsetRangeIdx%2 == 1 {
// The APs' RSSIs should have converged. No reason to
// check for disconnects/roams here.
if offsetRangeIdx == 0 {
// First AP is no longer in view
rnDebug(s, "deconfig ap0")
if err := deconfig0(ctx, ap0); err != nil {
s.Fatal("Failed to deconfig ap: ", err)
ap0 = nil
} else if offsetRangeIdx == 2 {
// Second AP is no longer in view
rnDebug(s, "deconfig ap1")
if err := deconfig1(ctx, ap1); err != nil {
s.Fatal("Failed to deconfig ap: ", err)
ap1 = nil
rnDebug(s, "checking skipped roams and disconnects")
skipRoamEvents, disconnectedEvents := collectWPAEvents(ctx, s, wpaMonitor)
if len(disconnectedEvents) > 0 {
// Association failure happened, check if this
// was because a roam was skipped.
if len(skipRoamEvents) > 0 {
// Skipped roam caused association failure, log this
// so we can re-examine the roam decision.
for _, roam := range skipRoamEvents {
str := roam.ToLogString()
freqPair := [2]int{int(roam.CurFreq / 1000), int(roam.SelFreq / 1000)}
(*roamStats)[freqPair] = (*roamStats)[freqPair] + 1
} else {
// Association failure happened for some other reason
// (likely because AP disappeared before scan
// results returned). Log the failure for the
// timestamp in case we'd like to take a closer look.
for _, disconnect := range disconnectedEvents {
str := disconnect.ToLogString()
// Reset the attenuation here. In some groamer cells, the
// attenuation for 5GHz channels is miscalibrated such that
// the RSSI is lower than expected. If we bring the AP back
// up while it's still maximally attenuated, it may not be
// visible to the DUT (the test was written deliberately so
// that it wouldn't happen even at full attenuation for
// properly calibrated cells, but this is apparently not
// always a good assumption).
if err := attenuator.SetAttenuation(ctx, 0, 0); err != nil {
s.Fatal("Failed to set attenutation: ", err)
// bring back the AP that was stopped earlier
var ap *wificell.APIface
if offsetRangeIdx == 0 {
rnDebug(s, "bringing back AP 0")
ap0, freq0, deconfig0 = wifiutil.ConfigureAP(ctx, s, apAllParams[0], 0, secConfFac)
ap = ap0
} else if offsetRangeIdx == 2 {
rnDebug(s, "bringing back AP 1")
ap1, freq1, deconfig1 = wifiutil.ConfigureAP(ctx, s, apAllParams[1], 1, secConfFac)
ap = ap1
rnDebug(s, "discovering AP")
if err := tf.WifiClient().DiscoverBSSID(ctx, ap.Config().BSSID, iface, []byte(ap.Config().SSID)); err != nil {
s.Fatal("Failed to discover AP: ", err)
func dumpRoamNaturalStats(ctx context.Context, s *testing.State, roamStats *roamNaturalStatsMap, failureStats int) {
pv := perf.NewValues()
for freqs, skips := range *roamStats {
s.Logf("%d association failures caused by skipped roams from %d GHz to %d GHz",
skips, freqs[0], freqs[1])
metric := perf.Metric{
Name: fmt.Sprintf("roam_natural_%d_%d", freqs[0], freqs[1]),
Unit: "roams_skipped",
Direction: perf.SmallerIsBetter,
Multiple: false,
pv.Set(metric, float64(skips))
metric := perf.Metric{
Name: "roam_natural_assoc_failures",
Unit: "assocation_failures",
Direction: perf.SmallerIsBetter,
Multiple: false,
pv.Set(metric, float64(failureStats))
if err := pv.Save(s.OutDir()); err != nil {
s.Error("Failed saving perf data: ", err)
// RoamNatural executes the test case
// Bring up two APs, connect, vary attenuation as if the device is moving
// between the two APs (i.e. the signal gets weaker on one and stronger on the
// other until the first one cannot be seen anymore). At some point before the
// first AP is torn down, the device should have roamed to the second AP. If it
// doesn't there will be an association failure, which we can then log and
// write to a file. Ideally, there would be no association failures and a roam
// every time we expected one. Realistically, RSSI can vary quite widely, and
// we can't expect to see a good roam signal on every scan even where there
// should be one.
// This test is used to validity check that "normal" roaming behavior is not
// broken by any roaming algorithm changes. A couple failed associations is
// acceptable, but any more than that is a good indication that roaming has
// become too sticky.
func RoamNatural(ctx context.Context, s *testing.State) {
roamStats := roamNaturalStatsMap{
{2, 2}: 0,
{2, 5}: 0,
{5, 2}: 0,
failureStats := 0
testCases := s.Param().([]roamNaturalTestcase)
for i, tc := range testCases {
executeRoamNaturalTest(ctx, s, [][]hostapd.Option{tc.apOpts1, tc.apOpts2}, i, tc.secConfFac, &roamStats, &failureStats)
dumpRoamNaturalStats(ctx, s, &roamStats, failureStats)