blob: 3879283be175f1a1329a480acac44549455a2a53 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
package ax
// secWPA provides Gen method to build a new Config.
type secWPA struct {
psk string
cipher CipherEnum
// Gen builds a ConfigParam list to allow the router to support a WPA network flow.
func (f *secWPA) Gen(axType DeviceType, band BandEnum) ([]ConfigParam, error) {
radio := BandToRadio(axType, band)
routerConfigParams := []ConfigParam{{radio, KeyAKM, "psk2"}, {radio, KeyAuthMode, "psk2"}, {radio, KeyWPAPSK, f.psk}}
if f.cipher == AES {
routerConfigParams = append(routerConfigParams, ConfigParam{radio, KeyCrypto, "aes"})
} else {
routerConfigParams = append(routerConfigParams, ConfigParam{radio, KeyCrypto, "tkip+aes"})
return routerConfigParams, nil
// NewSecWPAConfigParamFac builds a SecConfigParamFac for WPA network for the 802.11ax AP.
func NewSecWPAConfigParamFac(psk string, cipher CipherEnum) SecConfigParamFac {
return &secWPA{psk, cipher}